Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 545: Whose side is time on?

Chapter 545: Whose side is time on?

Of course Gu Hang was not talking nonsense.

If the Alliance really did as he said and took down the Proud Claw Star Domain, or even went a step further and pushed its troops to the Jingjie Star Domain, then let's not talk about the results of the battle, after all, reports can be deceiving.

But the battle lines don’t lie.

They are the force that has pushed the front line closest to the Princess Star Region.

On the northern battlefield, there are the Black Crusaders, the Infinite Warriors, and the Bats, all of which are famous warbands, or even just founding warbands. In addition, there is also the newly joined Inquisition, and a special warband called the Silver Watch.

On the Western Front, there is the Phoenix, the elite of the Inquisition and a large number of Sisters of Battle, and the famous Astra Militarum - the Death Legion.

There were countless famous generals and legions on these two fronts. What was the final outcome?

They were still trapped in several star fields on the edge of the Spider Web Universe, and no one had broken in. In fact, the Western Front was now being pushed back, and could no longer stand in the Spider Web Universe, and was pushed to the western Magre Universe.

Regardless of whether the southern front is the main battlefield, the question is whether the front is closest to the enemy’s core area?
As long as it reaches this level, the alliance can stand up straight and deal with all political attacks on itself.

Talk about me?

Let’s first take a look at how the other big guys perform!

As for conquering the three key worlds, does it count as conquering the Proud Claw Star Region?

Even if they conquered the Proud Claw Star Region, would the Alliance still have the energy to fight further...

Let’s talk about it then.

We can't really expect that our alliance alone can resolve the issue, right?
If there is no major change in the battle situation on the northern and western fronts, Gu Hang will not advance further after taking over the three key worlds and declaring the conquest of Proud Claw.

He was also afraid of irritating Tie Nu Shi too much.

By then, if I really provoke them, they will ignore the opponents on the western and northern fronts and concentrate their forces south to deal with me. Then I will be finished.

In fact, that is also the reason why Gu Hang must take at least one of the two planets, Shangdong and Guangfeng.

If that situation really came to pass, Gu Hang would have no choice but to give up all his victories and retreat to Shangdong with his main fleet.

With the help of Shangdong's complete orbital defense system - the Alliance has been dragging new star fortresses to replace the destroyed ones - plus the Alliance has eight main battleships of its own, so as long as Iron Fury Stone really comes out in full force to attack him, he will still be able to hold on.


The second phase of the alliance's war lasted for several more months.

This stage will be considered over only after the twenty important worlds selected from the four star sectors in the occupied area have been made impregnable.

During this period, the Fury Fleet still attempted to harass several times.

But when the alliance has shrunk to this extent, they can no longer gain any advantage.

Recently, they have also quieted down.

The Fury Legion has ceased operations, but the Alliance does not intend to do so.

The third phase of the war planned by Gu Hang has officially begun.

The main fleet of the alliance's attack is a combination of 1+1+3.

One battleship, one aircraft carrier, and three battlecruisers.

There are also three battlecruisers to guard the rear. If the Fury makes a desperate attack on the Alliance-controlled area, with the three battlecruisers cooperating to build a space defense line, it will be no problem to protect themselves, and they can even use their mobility to pull them back.

The main force that attacks has the power to crush Fury head-on.

They rushed directly to the key hub world of Mentus II.

As a core hub world, Mentus II has excellent defense conditions.

It is not as good as Guangfeng Star, after all, there is no void shield covering the entire planet; but it is not much worse than Shangdong Star. It has a complete defense system combining ground artillery and orbital star fortresses. It is simple, but solid and useful.

Logically speaking, the Fury Fleet could use the complete defense conditions of Mentus II to engage in a strong confrontation with the main fleet of the Alliance.

However, they still abandoned Mentus II, firmly implementing the strategy of not engaging in a head-on battle with the Alliance. They even abandoned Guangfeng, a planet with more complete defenses, not to mention Mentus II, which was actually a little worse. Paulitus was still not forced to fight.

In fact, in the current high-level military discussions of the Alliance, it has gradually become clear that, let alone the gains and losses of a city or a place, even if the entire Proud Claw Star Region was lost, it would probably not be able to provoke the Fury of Flame to confront them.

Adler Paulitos was a coward, and his spine was broken after the bloody fight. However, we have to admit that his clumsy and sticky pulling style of play was really annoying.

The more realistic threat is that Gu Hang feels that time is on his side. After the battleship technology is extracted, coupled with the existing Holy Grail-class and Zhuge-class production capacity gradually expanding, plus the purchase of Dragon Snake-class battlecruisers from the Mingyang Sect... the alliance will become stronger and stronger.

After all, although the war had begun, the Alliance's homeland had never stopped developing. The war outside might have a certain inhibitory effect on the local economic development, especially on the people's living standards, which would inevitably decline due to the war and material rationing.

However, if military production capacity is also taken into account, then there is no doubt that war can strongly stimulate production in this area.

The alliance is working hard to expand its military production capacity and will become stronger and stronger.

But the key point is that Paulitos didn't know, or didn't know it very clearly.

Just as many of the alliance's senior generals believe that time is on the alliance's side, Paulitos may also think so.

He was trading space for time, preferring to lose more territory in exchange for greater risks when the alliance advanced, while also buying himself time to wait for Humphrey Paul to assign him more warships.

Regardless of whether this warship was allocated from the battlefields on the western or northern fronts, or a new ship produced by the shipbuilding industry in the core area of ​​Iron Fury Stone, his fleet will become stronger anyway.

In comparison, it is hard to say whose understanding is correct, and it is also difficult to be sure on whose side time is on.

Maybe, stand on both sides.

After all, the Alliance's next batch of battlecruisers, aircraft carriers, and battleships generally take six to eight years to build. By that time, the number of the Alliance's main battleships can almost double.

But can the war last until then?

The possibility is still quite high. After all, it is not uncommon for such a war involving multiple universes and multiple major forces to last for more than ten years or even decades.

However, no one can predict what the war situation will be like in six to eight years.

Perhaps the alliance would have suffered a major defeat by then? Or perhaps the war situation was so smooth that there was no need to increase the number of ships?
As for Paulitos, maybe in a few months? A year or two? His fleet might be strengthened.

At that time, Paulitos might consider finding a favorable location to have a good fight with the league.

But obviously now, he would never do that.

For the Alliance Fleet, Mentus II is a world that will no longer be skipped.

The Alliance did not leave this world aside and ignore it like it did with Guangfeng and Shangdong, but instead launched a strong attack on Mentus II.

As the main force, the 'Nova' launched a very tough attack on the star fortresses surrounding Mentus II. Under the cover of the frigates, with its own strong defense performance, it withstood the orbital firepower and ground firepower attacks, and also fiercely poured its own firepower on those star fortresses. At the same time, it also provided solid cover for the three battle cruisers behind it and the 'Hippogriff'.

The important role of battleships is undoubtedly revealed at this moment: they are the hardest and most reliable space fortresses and the core of offense and defense.

In the first battle, the Alliance destroyed four space stations and caused some damage to the star fortress.

The price they paid was that they lost a small boat, but at the same time, the shields of several frigates turned red, so they had to hide behind. The most important thing was that the shield on the Nova also turned red and was on the verge of being overloaded.

At this point, the Alliance fleet withdrew.

The Alliance will certainly not exchange cheap space stations and star fortresses with the other party at the cost of losses.

That's not worth it.

The hardness and firepower of a star fortress are similar to those of a battleship, only slightly inferior; but the cost may be less than one twentieth of that of a battleship.

Anyone who makes this exchange is an idiot.

The battleship's ability to move means it holds the initiative in deciding whether to engage in combat.

I will retreat when my shield turns red.

You are blocked, and the damage cannot be made up by the planet's production capacity alone.

And once my shield is ready, recharged, and the overload status is restored, I will continue fighting!

(End of this chapter)

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