Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 660: Big Trend Linkage

Chapter 660: Big Trend Linkage

The battle of Wanzhou Star has begun.

This battle is considered the most important battle on the Western Front.

The three parties involved in the war deployed a total of more than 10,000 interstellar warriors. On the surface of Wanzhou Star, they were fighting fiercely with hundreds of millions of elite troops.

Within the galaxy, both sides had more than twenty giant ships combined, with thousands of warships, attacking each other.

The battle has been going on for two months.

And this is actually the seventh month since Martins led his army to the heart of the White Curtain Star Region to support Salilius.

Solving the initial problem was only the first step. After the military meeting, Martins and Salisbury decided on the main strategy of stabilizing the east and attacking the west.

The Eastern Front is mainly defensive in the face of the Zerg swarming out from the Princess Star Region.

The basic strategy is to keep the current force configuration unchanged, with approximately 1,500 Space Marines and a fleet guarding here.

Of course, we will do our best to allocate all the war resources.

The core element of this strategy is to judge that a swarm of enemies of a higher order of magnitude will not emerge from the eastern front, the Princess Star Region.

The reason why such a judgment can be made is that Governor Gu also took action.

On the east side of the Princess Star Region, the main force of the alliance led by Gu Hang entered the shadow of the subspace that shrouded the entire Princess Star Region from the Alfonzo Star Region.

Of course, after entering the shadow of the subspace, Gu Hang’s large army was still able to maintain contact with Martins and Salilius.

It’s not that Gu Hang has come up with some communication methods that can penetrate the shadow of the subspace. On the contrary, he just used some crude methods.

Gu Hang would regularly dispatch some ships to leave the Princess Star Region and return to the Alfonzo Star Region. If there was any news, he would use the Star Language Tower built in the Alfonzo Star Region to communicate with the Western Front across two star regions.

After entering the Princess Star Region, Gu Hang's actions were steady and cautious.

Moreover, his methods changed from being gentle in the past to becoming fierce and cold.

In the galaxy, the battle between the human fleet and the hive fleet was basically a steady one.

The Hive Fleet has no resistance? No one dares to make such a judgment, and Gu Hang himself will not speak nonsense. But at present, at least the Hive Fleet has not yet shown the intention of gathering all its ships and forces to fight a decisive battle in the starry sea with Gu Hang.

This also caused the Zerg to give up control of the sea in many worlds.

When facing these worlds, Gu Hang has three options: full-scale attack, extermination order, and abandonment.

The number of the three situations decreases in sequence.

The number of planets that will be fully conquered is the smallest, even only in single digits.

They were shot down and used as important bases.

The way to fight is definitely not to send troops down and fight bit by bit.

A garrison is definitely necessary, but Gu Hang has asked the Alfonzo sect to expand the production capacity of virus bombs at full speed regardless of cost during this period of time. After several months of stockpiling, there are already quite a few of them.

It is a bit difficult to use it comprehensively, but at the necessary moment, on a few planets, and in key breakthrough battles, being willing to spend more and bombarding more can not only greatly reduce casualties on our side, but more importantly, it can save fighting time.

The most accurate means of delivery on a starship is responsible for delivery: missiles.

A lot of money was definitely spent, but the effect was obvious.

After the bombing, it’s time to build.

The Alliance will mobilize its own construction capabilities, as well as those of the Aramita sect (a considerable portion of which is the remnant of the Alfonzo sect), to quickly deploy rail guns, star forts, and the like. The former is easy to say, but the latter is definitely not manufactured on site, but rather dragging out star forts that have already been built, or even existing on other planets, and then placing them in new locations.

After the defense forces are built up, large amounts of supplies and reserve troops will be transported and stored on these planets to provide strong support for subsequent operations.

As for the second category, the ones ordered to be exterminated, their number is very large.

They generally have two characteristics: they are on the Alliance's path, and there are huge numbers of Zerg or Infected inside the planet.

This kind of planet must be destroyed.

Even though there is nothing nearby that can break through the atmosphere and enter space, threatening Gu Hang's power. However, after experiencing the previous riots, Gu Hang realized that when the swarm gathers to a certain extent, they will self-digest and reorganize biomass to evolve into biological starships.

This must be cleared.

One of the reasons why the Northern Front Legion was destroyed was that they did not anticipate this. There had never been a similar report in the Empire's previous war reports on the Zerg. The Zerg built their hive fleets, often in the rear, which was stable for them, or simply on the hive mothership after absorbing enough biomass.

The Zerg that "cooperated" with the Ironclad and the Alfonzo Cult demonstrated a new ability. At present, it is still unknown whether this ability was originally possessed by the Zerg and was not used or observed in previous wars, or whether it was a new means of evolution.

But since Gu Hang already knows it, it is impossible for him to leave such a big hidden danger on his marching route.

Extermination orders are used at times like these.

As for whether there are still loyalists left on the is not within the scope of consideration.

But such action would be a huge challenge to the Alliance's inventory of extinction-order weapons.

Gu Hangxin only has one 'Earth-blasting Star Destroyer' so far, and it has not been used yet.

This one was pulled out from a black box.

All of them used "Burning Sky Torpedoes".

The production line for this thing has never been fully operational. After Gu Hang got this technology, he felt that its use was relatively narrow, so he did not vigorously produce it.

In most cases, of course, that is true.

But isn’t this just a minority case?

The places where extermination orders are needed are so dense.

Back then, when Gu Hang broke into the heartland of the Iron-Tooth Orc Empire and wiped out those greenskins, he didn't use so many.

Of course, each situation is different and cannot be generalized.

But then again, even so, Gu Hang did not regret not mass-producing the Burning Sky Torpedoes. He only built a production line and used the mother machine black box to slowly produce it.

That is correct.

The cost of building a Burning Sky Torpedo is nearly 2 billion tax coins - not counting the cost pulled out from the black box, that cost is very low.

Expanding its production line is very expensive, and the cost of manufacturing it is also very high. The price of making a Burning Sky Torpedo is enough to make a Moon-class cruiser with five of them.

The Burning Sky Torpedo can only destroy, not occupy. Moreover, it is easy to be intercepted. There is no use in making too many of these things.

So far, the Alliance still has less than 20 Burning Sky Torpedoes on hand. But if used well, this is a weapon that can completely destroy two star regions!

Of course, this number is still very different from the overall scale of the hundreds of worlds in the Princess Star Region.

But Gu Hang had never thought of using the Extinction Order weapon to plant mushrooms on every planet in the Royal Star Domain.

That's too expensive and unrealistic.

What's more, the conditions on many planets make it impossible to use the Burning Sky Torpedo.

This is Gu Hang’s third idea for dealing with the situation: there are some planets that are not on his route, that do not block his way, and that have a small number of Zerg swarms or infected people after a rough calculation, so he can just ignore them.

It's not that we can completely ignore it, we can just arrange an observation post to watch over it.

Just look at one point: don't let a huge Zerg fleet suddenly fly out on this planet.

This probability is actually not high. For the Zerg to evolve a large-scale biological ship, the biomass required is huge. On planets with a relatively small number of infected people and Zerg swarms, the natural environment is often quite harsh. It is unrealistic for the Zerg to accumulate so much biomass. At best, some small ships can fly out, but the threat level is very low.

If all dangers can be eliminated, that would be the best. However, the time and manpower costs are huge. If we really want to clear out planets one by one, no matter how strong the alliance is, it will not be able to support such a large investment.

Comparing consumption with the Zerg is a decision that only the stupidest commander can make.

From this point of view, we also need to have a certain degree of understanding of Marshal Leroy, the commander-in-chief of the northern front. When he was thinking about ending the war as soon as possible, he had no way to manage the rotten worlds in the rear like the Alliance did.

The situation in Jingjie and Alfonzo star regions was much better than that in Lefo and Jianmen star regions in the north. It took Gu Hang more than two years to slowly clean up the situation.
How long will it take for Le Luwa to clean up Le Fo and Jianmen?
Four years? Six years?
He can't wait.

Then he was finished.

But Gu Hang actually didn't quite believe it. How could the Northern Legion, which had a huge fleet, more than four thousand Space Marines, and strong support from the Inquisition, be completely wiped out?

There were hundreds of millions of troops, many of them elite. As long as the ship was destroyed while everyone was still on board, and all the members were buried in space, it was normal that a considerable number of them could hold on until now.

It’s not easy to kill hundreds of millions of pigs.

Go and grab some and see how many troops are left in the northern front army. This is one of Gu Hang’s secondary goals of this advance.

His main goal must be to find the main force of the Zerg, especially the Void Queen that was once sent to the Alfonzo Sect, bred, and then released back.

Only after the insects are eliminated can the harm be put to an end.

Of course, this did not prevent the complete destruction of the Princess Star Domain.

This is an established fact.

Judging from the dozens of worlds Gu Hang had passed by, there might still be living, uninfected humans on the planet, struggling to survive. But the number was extremely small, probably less than one percent of the total population.

The entire Princess Star Region is probably like this.

Even if Gu Hang finally won the war and destroyed the Queen, these planets would eventually be eaten up by the Zerg. However, without the Queen, a large number of "hub organisms" would lose command or even die directly; without the Queen's biotin stimulation, the hatching pools would stop evolving and would only operate mechanically according to the current mechanism until all biomass was consumed and then collapsed.

By then, the remaining cleanup work will still be very heavy, but it will be just cleanup work after all.

The war is already won.

However, this main goal is not easy to achieve.

Therefore, the primary goal is to find the possible remaining northern legion in order to strengthen their own strength.

Another secondary goal also serves this purpose: to attract as much attention as possible from the Void Zerg in the Princess Star Region and create conditions for a counterattack on the Western Front.

The general trend was thus linked.

With Gu Hang's direct attack into the heart of the Queen Star Region, although a large-scale war has not yet broken out, a large number of Zerg forces will be attracted, and a fight is a matter of time. Otherwise, the planets that have not been eaten will be burned one by one by the Alliance, which will also be a huge loss for the Void Zerg.

This ensures that on the Western Front, there will not be an order of magnitude more Zerg swarms pouring out from the Princess Star Region and attacking the defense line set up by Salilius.

It was precisely because of Gu Hang's containment in the enemy's core area that Martins and Salisbury were finally able to retain only the relatively small defensive forces in the east, gather heavy troops, and counterattack to the west.

On the one hand, it is necessary to completely defeat and eliminate the infected main force of the Iron Armor Regiment and open up the logistics supply channel of the Western Front Legion. On the other hand, it is also possible to liberate the combat effectiveness of the Western Front Legion while completely solving the worries, allowing them to enter the Princess Star Domain from the west relatively smoothly, cooperate with Gu Hang's actions, and work together to find the core force of the Zerg and eliminate the Queen Zerg.

The Queen is not a unit that stays in one place obediently and has no ability to fight back. When threatened, the largest number of Zerg forces will gather around it.

A decisive battle is inevitable.

At that time, the stronger our strength is, the better.

Martins and Salisbury fully understood Gu Hang's thoughts.

They were also determined in their counterattack against the Iron Armor in the west.

After several months of war, considerable results have been achieved.

The number of the Iron Armored Regiment was indeed huge, even if we still considered them to be on the scale of 10,000 people. However, the forces in the hands of Martins and Salilius were definitely not small either.

The main force brought by Martins from the Nepeta Sector alone already had more than 3,000 Space Marines. Salilius himself had more than 4,000 people. In addition to his own Ortopis Chapter, there were another 3,000 Space Marine Chapters that came from all sides when the expeditionary force was formed in the Solar Sector, as well as reinforcements that were received one after another during the war.

A total of 7,000 Space Marines is not much less than the Ironclad.

Even if they left fifteen hundred to block the Zerg swarm pouring out of the Princess Star Region in the east, they still had at least five thousand Space Marines.

Moreover, in terms of eliteness, it must be superior to Iron Armor.

Martins has confidence in his own regiment; the Blood Sharks are also a powerful regiment; only the Spear of the Dragon King is quite ordinary.

On the other hand, the Ortopis Regiment is the apple of the eye of the high lords and is extremely elite, and is definitely the front line among all the regiments.

Quality is enough to make up for the gap in quantity.

The Battle of Wanzhou Star was the most important battle in this great counterattack.


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Yes...I still remember that I owed money...

But I doubt I can finish this book. The later I write, the harder it is to write. I can’t write fast enough. I stayed up till dawn today…

I will try to write more, but if I haven’t finished it by the time the book is finished, I will move it to the next book... I hope that the big guys who have given rewards, and all of you who have read all the way here, will like my next book!

Of course, the primary goal now is to write this book as well as possible and pay off the debt as much as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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