Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 71, Life is the Emperor's Coin

Chapter 71, Life is the Emperor's Coin

If Gu Hang knew what Mondock was thinking, he would definitely laugh: I'm going to kill a few people, why should I bombard a city?
Will he really order Yelicia to bomb Fuxing City?
Yes and no.

Yes, it refers to small-scale and relatively precise military strikes; no, it means that Fuxing City will not be destroyed until the last moment.

Fuxing city's inner city and outer city impoverished people have a total population of nearly one million.

And what is the population of the entire Fury Star?

Six years ago, in the last years of the second governor, when the imperial tax was paid for the last time, the number was 4000 million and more than two million.

A planet with a population of 4000 and 0.5 million, which is [-]% of the heyday of the pre-war era of Star Fury.

99.5% of the population was lost in that war and the darkness and chaos of the century after the war.

And after the reign of the second-generation governor ended, the governor will be replaced every two years. Has the situation of Fu Xiaoxing improved in the past six years?

Obviously not.

As far as the situation here is concerned, the population is likely to continue to decline.

Compared with the population, the loss of productivity may be more serious.This has also led to the fact that the population is very small compared to a planet, but people are still worthless.Because even with such a small number of people, Nu Xiaoxing's current output is still very reluctant to support.

So, now the answer to this question is very clear: Why is Gu Hang absolutely unwilling to order the starship to bomb Fuxing City easily?
Because this is one of the few densely populated places on Star Fury.Based on a population of 100 million, it is already 2.3% of the total population of the entire planet six years ago.In reality, the proportion will only be higher than this figure.According to Gu Hang's estimation, the current total population of Star Fury may be less than 4000 million, or even less.

Moreover, regardless of the poor people outside Fuxing City, the poverty is clanging, but this city is still a bright pearl on the Star of Fuxing.In this city, which gathers a total of one million people in the inner and outer cities, the increase in productivity brought about by the scale effect is incomparable to the sum of small gathering places with a size of one million people.

Bombing Fuxing City, losing 2.3% or even more of the world's population, and losing more than 5% of global productivity, these are things that Gu Hang is unwilling to accept.Not to mention, without the original population gathering place of Fuxing City, the huge development potential would be lost.

If the city can be captured and controlled peacefully, with a population of one million combined with Gu Hang's technological system, it will be able to explode a huge production capacity.Without Fuxing City, Gu Hang would have to fill up the wasteland with thousands and hundreds of people, and find hidden and guarded small places like countless waste cave clubs to gather the population.

Peaceful control of Fuxing City is equivalent to Gu Hang recovering a thousand abandoned cave clubs.

This is the biggest reason why Gu Hang will not order the destruction of Fuxing City unless it is absolutely necessary.

Life is the Emperor's coin, this sentence is appropriate, but there is a half sentence behind: 'Use it well. '

Even if the emperor is like this, Gu Hang, a governor whose entire family property may theoretically be less than 4000 million, has no reason to be so extravagant that he can waste 100 million 'coins' at will.


Say six hours, that's six hours.

A transport ship disembarked from the Quintet, bringing with it a squad of Battle Sisters.

Eleven nuns, led by the elder sister Gerrit, came to the surface.

The crowd is 1.8 meters tall, and wearing armor makes them look taller and thicker.The milky white battle armor is dotted with green patterns, which looks holy and elegant, making them really like a living lily lady.

When they came out of the hatch, Gu Hang thought he saw another battle group coming out.

Of course, it's just a sense of sight.The difference between the two is still quite large.

The red armor of the phoenix looks like a veteran of hundreds of battles who has killed a river of blood; the green and milky white armor of the holy lily looks like an elegant lady who spreads the gospel.

The biggest difference is their size.The 1.8-meter-high battle nuns are already tall and strong among women, let alone wearing power armor, which is much larger than the body of ordinary troops.

However, it is still incomparable to the interstellar warriors who are [-] to [-] meters tall and have a huge body when they are horizontal.

Gu Hang collected his thoughts and went up to meet him.

"Ms. Gerrit, welcome to your arrival. With your help, the traitors and cult heretics of Star Fury will be unable to hide."

Unlike the interstellar warriors who always put on a dead face, the attitude of the leader of the Battle Sisters is gentle and kind - at least Gritter is like this.

With short white hair, she stretched out her hand with a smile on her face, and shook hands with Gu Hang.

Her voice was deep, gentle, and very healing: "I am also very glad to meet you, Mr. Governor. I hope we can have good cooperation in the future."

After saying that, she turned her gaze to Martins, the leader of the Space Marine Chapter, who was standing not far behind Gu Hang.

Smiling and nodding.

Martins also nodded in response.

Gu Hang observed this.

These two have a story.

He asked curiously: "You two...know each other?"

Gerrit smiled and said, "If you want to know, Mister Governor, you might as well ask Martins Chapter Commander. If he doesn't want to tell you, I can't say much."

Gu Hang turned his gaze to Martins again.

Martins didn't speak for a while, he thought he would not get an answer, but in the end, this serious space warrior still spoke: "We fought side by side in the organ sector."

Gerrit said: "I want to thank you. Without you, the Holy Mercy Lily might not exist anymore."

"No, I want to thank you. You could have evacuated, but you insisted on fighting with us."

Gerrit smiled brightly: "That's not what you said at the time."

Martins was rarely ashamed: "I..."

"Hahaha!" Gerrit laughed and walked forward. Although she was much shorter than Martins and both of them were wearing power armor, this did not prevent the head nun from giving the chapter leader a big Embrace.

"Anyway, it's a pleasure to see you again, my comrades in arms. Congratulations on atoning for your sins, and may the God-Emperor bless your future."


It's quite miraculous that two long-lost comrades-in-arms can meet again in such a small place as Nu Xiao Xing, and have the opportunity to fight side by side again.The so-called 'organ star area' that the two of them mentioned is far away from the Tianma star area.

But they don't have much time to catch up.

It's time to go.

The reason why it has been delayed until now is because Gu Hang is waiting for the arrival of the Battle Sisters.Although there are only 11 of them, they are still an excellent eleven fighters.As long as two or three nuns cooperate, there is a considerable chance of defeating an ordinary space soldier.

What's more, there is also Gerrit, the head nun.Gu Hang could vaguely perceive through spiritual energy that the strength of this head nun might not be much weaker than Martins.

Of course, there is no more news from Fuxing City. Old Hodgson seems to have disappeared from the world, and his life and death are unknown.

But Gu Hang didn't intend to wait any longer.

The Servant Battalion is the housekeeper, the 2nd-6th Battalion has a total of more than 500 fighters, the Marine Corps, the Phoenix Space Warrior, the Holy Lily Battle Sister... a whole team escorted the Governor from the camp to Fuxing City .

(End of this chapter)

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