Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 73 Why Nobody Hit Him?

Chapter 73 Why Nobody Hit Him?

On the second day, early in the morning, the sun was about to rise, and the sky was just getting brighter.

In the outer city of Fuxing City, many soldiers were on duty all night.

At the forefront, the person in charge of setting up the card is two major officers.

One of them said, "Last night, Randolph didn't come back. I don't know if he died or was detained by the Governor."

Another asked, "Is the general angry?"

"No." The major replied at the beginning, "The general is quite happy to see that the governor's team has really stopped outside."

"Very happy? Randolph is his own nephew."

The previous person just shrugged and said that was the way it was.

"Cold-blooded, poor Randolph."

While chatting, suddenly one of them stretched out his hand and pointed to the dim morning mist outside: "What is that?"

The other person followed his fingers and looked over.

It's not yet fully dawn, the light is not enough, and there is still morning fog this morning, the visibility is not good.But he could still see, vaguely, a few giant-like figures slowly approaching.

The two looked at each other, one stepped back and blew the whistle to alert the soldiers guarding Luka, while the other raised his gun and asked into the dense fog, "Who is it?"

However, Mist gave no response.The figure walking in the thick fog did not say a word.Just after getting a little closer, there was the sound of heavy footsteps.

The footsteps came a bit abruptly, there was no sound at all before, like ghosts; now that they saw them, the footsteps were so obvious and heavy, as if a drum of war was beating in their hearts.

He has realized who is coming, but he doesn't know what to do.

open fire?Don't dare!

First of all, he did not dare to take responsibility for the first shot;

Secondly, and more importantly, as he is standing in front of Luka blocking the way without even a bunker, if he dares to fire the first shot, he will die immediately in the next second.

But no matter?

During the struggle, he found that the soldiers stationed behind were all ready after being reminded by the fellow officer who had just talked with him.There were dozens of guns aimed at this place, which made him feel relieved.

He looked forward again and asked again.

"Who is it? Please call back!"

This time, there was still no response.

However, as the footsteps approached, he could already faintly see the person coming.

The fiery red power armor and the iconic huge body undoubtedly represent their identities.The man surrounded by them, although he had never seen him before, should be the governor.

As they got closer and closer, the blocking officer became more and more nervous, and his hands were sweating on his weapons.

He couldn't help but issued a third warning.

"Please stop, you are not allowed to pass!"

There was still no response, as if what was approaching was not a living person, but a group of ghosts.

After the third warning, the comer was very close.

He couldn't help turning his head back and looking at his companion, as if he wanted to know from his companion what to do next.In the end, he found that his companion was also looking at him with the same question in his eyes.

According to the rules of the wasteland, if you encounter such a situation, you must not say anything, just take a shuttle first.When a person is dead, there is no threat.

But here right now, regardless of political rules, would it be useful for the soldiers to shoot at this group of steel bodies with their rifles?

How to do?
Nobody knew what to do.

Under the hesitation, entanglement, overwhelm, and great pressure and tension, the soldiers and officers who set up the card just let the space fighters and battle nuns escort the governor to them.

It's time for the final decision.

The officer who could call the shots still did not dare to give the order to fire.But he couldn't just let people go.

In the end, he gritted his teeth, bravely stood in front of the crowd who were advancing step by step, stretched out his palm to the leading space soldier, made a gesture of refusal, and said in his mouth at the same time:
"Stop advancing! Forbidden ahead..."

There was a muffled sound of 'dong'.

His head was deflated.

The red-armored warrior walking at the forefront didn't mean to stop at all.Facing the obstruction, he just stretched out his hand, as if fending off a fly, and slapped the officer's face with the back of his hand.

The movement was so fast that the officer didn't react at all, let alone dodge. His head collapsed as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer.

The splashed blood stained the bright red armor, which was not eye-catching at all.

His body fell sideways crookedly, his legs and feet were still twitching.Blood flowed out of the shapeless head, and soon formed a big puddle.

No one cares, no one bothers.

The Angel of Death didn't even have a slight change in pace.And the people who followed behind didn't even look to the side.Even the battle nun of Holy Lily didn't respond to this.

The lead officer was dead, but the soldiers still dared not shoot, not even when the Space Marine kicked Luca over.

No one dared to stand in front of them.

And so they let the Governor's team pass.

As for the road behind, Gu Hang and his party walked unimpeded.

Although people died at the first road card, there was actually not much movement.There was no gunfire, let alone cannon fire. Many soldiers in the back had no idea what happened, and even quite a few of them were still asleep.

Under such circumstances, Gu Hang and his party consisted of 19 people, walking swaggeringly on the street from the outer city to the gate of the inner city.

The environment in the outer city is not good, with disorderly construction and no planning, and many alleys are very narrowly spaced, which looks like a typical high-density slum.However, the avenues extending outside the several gates leading to the inner city remained spacious.

The heaviness deliberately stepped on when the power leg armor hits the ground can float very far.Many soldiers who were on duty and woke up, and those who probed their heads, all saw them.

The majestic and mighty interstellar warriors and the heroic battle nuns are dazzling, and they also bring out the dignity of the governor under their protection.

Such a person, is it that these little soldiers can deal with them?

No one dared to think.

But at the same time, they felt relieved a lot.

Before that, General Mundoc was determined not to allow the governor to enter the city, and even put on a strong confrontation.Now, thank goodness General Mundoc has changed his mind.

——Most of the soldiers in the rear didn't know what happened to Luca.Seeing the governor and his party walking on the road swaggeringly, they thought it was normal and the general allowed them to pass.

Otherwise why no one hit them?

(End of this chapter)

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