Chapter 627 Oolong
The reason why Yan Hongxia took the initiative to stand up was not because she was chivalrous, nor because she had a good relationship with Ning Meng - although the two knew each other, their friendship was just that.

The main reason was that she didn't want to embarrass Zhao Chen.

Moreover, Yan Hongxia felt that with the "master" behind her, these "Xuandu Laws" should not be able to really hurt her.

Since it was a free thing, why would she lose points in front of Xiaochen? Especially when Zheng Qingyan was watching.

Zhao Chen thought about it for a moment and then agreed. After all, the "ownership" of Sister Hongxia was in his own hands, so he could still protect her safety.

Although the "Xuandu Law Scripture" around Ning Meng is overbearing, it is ultimately a tree without roots and cannot truly compete with the "Xingcha".

Seeing Zhao Chen nod, Yan Hongxia took a deep breath and took out her sixth-grade "Deputy Envoy for Examination and Recruitment" token.

Then, she carefully approached the bed with her own token, and finally stuck the token on the surface of the "iron ball".

The next moment, a spike on the surface of the "iron ball" suddenly grew longer and extended into the inside of the "token".

"It works!" Seeing this, everyone around was cheered up and held their breath to observe the interaction between Yan Hongxia and the "iron ball".

Yan Hongxia seemed to be in a trance for a moment, but she soon recovered, bowed to the void, and said loudly: "I will obey the order of Lord Pingzhang."

As she finished speaking, the "metal" condensed from the "law" instantly dissipated, revealing a silver-white sphere inside...

"It's still the 'ball'!" Zhao Chen complained in his heart. In fact, he already had an idea in his mind. Then he stepped forward again, took Yan Hongxia's hand and checked it carefully to make sure there were no hidden dangers left.

Having her hand held in front of so many people, even though she and Xiao Chen had done the most intimate things, Yan Hongxia couldn't help but feel a little shy and whispered, "I'm fine..."

However, Zhao Chen did not listen to her. He used his "investigation" and "identification" abilities to check repeatedly, and only let go of Yan Hongxia after making sure there was nothing abnormal.

However, he had decided in his heart that before Sister Hongxia left, he had to find an opportunity to go in-depth to "collect folk songs" to ensure that everything was foolproof.

Yan Hongxia didn't know what Zhao Chen was thinking. Facing everyone's curious gazes, she organized her sentences and briefly recounted what had just happened:
"When my token touched the surface of the 'Law Text', I heard the order from the 'Pingzhang' of the Daoguan Office.

"He asked me to secretly escort Ning Meng to Beijing..."

Escorting to the capital... and still "secret"? Zheng Qingyan frowned and asked, "Are you sure that's the real Lord Pingzhang?"

"Confirmed... Every Daoist official who is promoted to the sixth rank and exchanges for the corresponding token must hold a ceremony to swear not to betray the Daoist official office. At that time, they will sense the presence of Lord Pingzhang...

"The being that gave me the order just now is exactly the same as the one I sensed when I took the oath."

At this point, Yan Hongxia suddenly thought of something, looked down at the token in her hand, and said in a daze: "So that's it... The token replacement ceremony is actually the process of letting the 'Xuan Du Law Text' add 'Precepts' to me, right?
"In this case, one must be at least a sixth-rank Taoist official to be subject to the initial 'control' of the Taoist Office.

"No wonder only those who have reached the sixth rank are qualified to preside over the affairs of a place...

"Xiao Chen, if you had approached Ning Meng with the token just now, it would have been useless."

Actually, Zhao Chen had already deduced this without Yan Hongxia's explanation, and he had an even bolder guess: being able to call upon the power of "Xuan Du Law Script" at will... Ning Meng, could she be the illegitimate daughter of some big shot in the Beijing royal family?
The so-called husband of Ning Meng's mother was actually a guard sent to protect her?

They lived in seclusion in the countryside, not to avoid the "Moon Worship Cult", but to avoid someone else? As his thoughts turned, Zhao Chen cast his gaze towards Zheng Qingyan, who also narrowed her eyes at this time, as if she had also thought of something.

But neither of them said anything.

As for Ming Xueling, although she is "well-informed", her thoughts are not so "complicated", and she cannot keep up with the "rhythm" of Zhao Chen and the others in a short period of time.

On the contrary, Yan Hongxia, after calming down, also showed a thoughtful expression.

They were playing charades, but it made the vampires very anxious.

After all, we have finally unlocked the protection of the "iron ball", so why are they all talking about the token instead of checking on the "Son of Prophecy"?

So, Ms. Luo Feiya, who had half of her face covered, couldn't help but ask first: "Sir, can you... confirm Miss Ning Meng's condition first?"

Hearing this, Zhao Chen smiled and said, "No need... Without the obstruction of the 'Xuan Du Law Text', we already know what's going on with Ning Meng."

As he spoke, he pointed at the silver-white sphere and injected the "Black Emperor's Blood-Circulating Magic Power" transformed from the "Spiritual Qi of the Five Immortals" into it.

In an instant, the sphere expanded and transformed into a girl with silver hair and red eyes, and fell back onto the bed.

"This...what on earth is going on?" Luo Feiya was stunned. She hurried forward to check Ning Meng's body and found that she was in good spirits, but was sleeping soundly and making "humming" sounds.

Zheng Qingyan had a speechless expression on her face. After a while, she asked back, "She drank a lot of 'Dongxi Xianniang' yesterday, right?"

Luo Feiya was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "I did drink a lot... Could it be caused by the wine? But we all drank, and nothing happened..."

"You are fine because you are not practicing the "Chang'e Immortal Magic Collection"!
"Among the ingredients of 'Dongxi Xianjiu' is the blood of the ferocious beast 'Moonlight Beast' from the Collapse Continent... This thing is only added to improve the taste. The content is actually very small, and generally there will be no side effects.

"But this little girl has an amazing understanding of the 'moon'. She actually entered a state of enlightenment with the help of the 'moonlight beast' blood. In the absence of the corresponding evil spirit, she relied on the relevant understanding to condense her own life spell 'Guanghan Moon'.

"That silver-white ball is the external manifestation of 'Guanghan Yue'. It's hard for her to maintain it for so long that even her magic power is almost exhausted...

"The magic power from Chen Lang just now really replenished her body, and she fell asleep now to digest it.

"After all, Chen Lang's magic power is a rare treasure for vampires."

Having said this, Zheng Qingyan frowned again, looking puzzled:
"I just don't know why the 'Xuan Du Law' would be activated from her on its own.

"Is it so that she won't be disturbed during her epiphany?"

The vampires looked at each other in silence for a long while. No one had expected that after all the worrying for so long, this would be the result...

At this moment, Ning Meng's clear voice came faintly from the bed:
"'Levi' was activated because my mother met me in 'Moonlight'..."

(End of this chapter)

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