The Fairy: From the Traveling Merchant

Chapter 632: 6th-Rank Rank "Star Cabin Master"

Chapter 632: Sixth-Rank Position "Star Cabin Master"

Compared with the seventh-rank rank, the sixth-rank "Star Cabin Master" ceremony requirements are much higher.

Not only are the materials for setting up the altar quite expensive, but a magical instrument, or a supernatural item of equal value to the magical instrument, is also required as the main offering.

Fortunately, Zhao Chen had collected a lot of such things from the "Wuyou Cave Heaven" and did not sell them all to the "Dari Star Chariot". He still had quite a few in stock, which he could use as gifts or as "consumables" for secret techniques.

For example, every time you summon the "Spirit of the Tianhe Blessed Land", if it is not in the "Star Chariot", you will need a magic weapon to carry it.

After building the altar and placing the sacrificial instrument "White Bone Boat" on it, Zhao Chen then separated his mind and entered the "Great Sun Star Raft", opening the latest page of the "Jade Book", revealing the imprint of the "Star Cabin Manager" that was revealed due to the return of the two accessories "Key to the Morning Light" and "Golden Box Five Keys".

At the same time, Zhao Chen in reality also adjusted himself to the best state, then stepped onto the altar, and like the previous times he received the position, he began to recite a "spell" involuntarily:

"The great sun and stars are the treasures of the Taoist Lord.


"Benefiting the city and heavenly officials, attracting wealth and immortal envoys.


“The world of goods trade, the boat travels for nine days.


"May your blessings and longevity be increased, and may your sins be forgiven.


"Jiu Yao Golden Medal, grant me the Dharma Ribbon."

Just like before, during the "receiving the ordination" process this time, Zhao Chen's ears were still filled with mumblings. All kinds of terrible yet completely incomprehensible "knowledge" impacted his mind, almost driving him crazy.

Fortunately, Zhao Chen's soul had long been strengthened as his magic power grew, so he could withstand this level of "pollution" for a short period of time. He even understood one more sentence of the "spell" he recited than last time.

However, before he could think about the meaning of this, as the offerings on the altar disappeared, the shadow of the "Nine-Star Golden Seal" appeared above his head, shedding bits of golden light.

Seeing this, Zhao Chen, who had had several experiences, immediately began to practice his skills and digest the various benefits brought by the position of the talisman.

First of all, the "true meaning" of the "Star Cabin Master" is connected with the prototype of the spell that has been condensed in the "acupoint vortex" of the inner world, forming a "spell template", which is the "natal spell".

From now on, as long as the spiritual consciousness moves, one can use one's own magic power to imprint the corresponding runes from the template, and it can be cast out to form a spell. It is extremely convenient and fast... This is how the cultivators in the Gangsha realm can become a spell with just one thought!
The first innate magic spells to take shape are naturally the "Great Sun Record" and the "Star Chariot Jade Book" which serve as the real foundation.

It seemed that Zhao Chen had never used this pair of evil spells before, but in fact he used them quite frequently.

Because the special abilities brought by the "箓位" are all included in these two Gangsha spells.

Those abilities were previously considered "quasi-spells", although somewhat mysterious, but without the support of the "Great Sun Star Raft", the actual effect was very mediocre. For example, the "defense technique" that has undergone a qualitative change in the realm of mana, behind the amazing defensive effect, it requires "star coins" to recharge!

The same goes for "Caifeng" and "Dongxuyan". Without the support of "Xingcha" and its accessories, Zhao Chen would not dare to spy on those secrets at will.

However, when "The True Record of the Great Sun" and "The Jade Book of the Star Chariot" truly became his innate magic spells and were initially connected with Zhao Chen's inner world, the effects of these abilities would naturally increase as his energy and spirit improved.

Although Zhao Chen was not quite sure how much the effects had been improved, he could vaguely feel that they were beginning to truly become his own "abilities", rather than using "game skills" by pressing buttons like before.

After the "spell templates" of "Great Sun Record" and "Star Chariot Jade Book" were integrated into the acupoints that had long been refined by magic power, Zhao Chen then successively practiced the three magical powers of "Five Emperors Paying Homage to the Truth", "Demon King Binding His Body" and "Stars Stopping the Gate" corresponding to the Gangsha stage exercises, allowing the six Gangsha spell embryos of "Five Directions Demon-Extinguishing Spell", "Five Emperors' Demon-Controlling Spiritual Sound", "Demon-Suppressing Golden Seal", "Demon-Controlling Silver Armor", "Red Moon Fire Lotus" and "Cold Light of the Blue Sun" to become his own innate spells.

At the same time, the golden light sprinkled by the "Nine-Star Golden Seal" was constantly integrated into the "Gaoxian Dongji True Qi" and "Gaozhen Chongrong True Qi", which were still relatively weak due to their short cultivation time, allowing them to instantly grow to the level of nine turns, reaching a balance with the "Five Immortals Zhongling True Qi", and gradually merging into one.

At this point, the ordination ceremony came to an end. With the destruction of the altar, the shadow of the "Nine-Star Golden Seal" also completely disappeared.

Zhao Chen rubbed his forehead to relieve the severe pain caused by the mumbling just now, and thought:
"This time, the process of receiving the talisman doesn't seem to have transformed my body as much as before... Last time, it directly raised my cultivation to the seventh level of magic power before it ended.

"Well, as far as I know, in the 'Gangsha' stage, in addition to collecting various Gangsha energies and filling the nine acupoints with eighteen Gangsha spells, the main practice is actually to find the three souls, capture the seven spirits, and connect them to each other in the spirit platform to achieve the spirit.

“And the ‘spirit’ is the foundation for carrying the ‘divine power’.

"But this time the title of 'Star Cabin Master' is of no help in this regard...

"Is it because all the power was used to transform my 'inner world'?

"Or is it because I didn't play the role of 'Star Cabin Master' in advance?

"But how to 'act'..."

As his thoughts turned, the pain in his head gradually dissipated. Zhao Chen then called the waiters from Haifeng Tower and asked them to clean out the "ritual garbage" left in the room.

At this time, Zheng Qingyan, who was wearing a green warrior uniform, no extra jewelry, and only a golden hairpin, came to his guest room after hearing the news.

"Have you achieved the 'Gangsha' realm?" Zheng Qingyan asked knowingly after sitting down.

"Yes..." Zhao Chen glanced at the outstanding dragon girl, and his "identification" ability was activated naturally. Then he said in surprise, "It seems that your cultivation has improved a lot."

In her "profile", the value increased by nearly a thousand.

This was the core ability of the "Collector". Zhao Chen had experienced it before. Now that it had become the innate magic spell contained in the "Great Sun Record", its effect became even more mysterious. He could even "browse" Qing Yan's experience a few minutes ago - in text, of course.

"I am one step closer to the perfection of my 'Soul'." Zheng Qingyan replied calmly, and then said casually, "Your cultivation speed is very good, but it is still one step slower than my original body."

"Fei Meng has also entered the 'Gangsha' realm?" Zhao Chen was not too surprised by this. After all, the other person's life was much more exciting than his own, and her starting point was higher than his, so it was normal for her to be one step ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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