The Fairy: From the Traveling Merchant

Chapter 639 "Fate"

Chapter 639 "Fate"

Wait a minute… What does “Mingxue Ling” mean? Is this the key that Duan Mingxue is looking for?

What you mean is that, in the fate arranged by the "Star God", Duan Mingxue's surprise attack on Gu Changhe was doomed to fail, and the subsequent "Mingxue Ling" finding me was the beginning of the "story"?
Well, it seems to be correct to think this way... Based on my understanding of Ming Xueling, she will confront Gu Changhe sooner or later... When that time comes, if I have the ability, will I just stand by and watch?
Obviously not...

But if this is the case, doesn’t it mean that when “Star God” “surrendered the sky” for Duan Mingxue ten years ago, he knew that I would come?

Is the "Star God" really one of the masterminds behind me? Is He not dead yet, or... He had already "arranged" everything before He disappeared or fell? !

By the way... my master also used the "Star God Submitting Heaven" ritual, and the words of the prophetic poem he obtained not only involved me, but also included the content of Fei Meng.

Could it be that the fate of all those who have used the "Star God Submission" ritual will eventually converge on Fei Meng and me?
Probably not...

As thoughts ran through his mind one after another, Zhao Chen swallowed hard, and cold sweat broke out on his palms.

If his guess came true, how much causal entanglement would there be between him and Fei Meng? !

On the other side, Ming Xueling saw that "Master Tianding" mentioned himself, and said in confusion: "I am the key?
"But I still want to collect materials and hold another 'Star God Surrendering Heaven' ceremony to ask for subsequent prophecies..."

The elegant middle-aged Taoist priest laughed and shook his head, saying, "The 'Star God Surrendering Heaven' ritual is always either successful or failed. There is no such thing as halfway done.

"Mingxue was probably deceived by the people from the 'Star Club'.

"As for the second half of the 'prophecy', it will appear directly in her mind when the time is right... I guess she already knows it now, but she just can't contact you anymore."

The "Star God Surrenders the Sky" ceremony was actually successful. Mingxue should also know the content of the second half of the "prophecy poem"... Mingxue Ling repeated the words of Tianding Zhenren in her heart and felt confused, because it meant that what she had done during this period of time was meaningless.

Seeing Ming Xueling's pitiful and confused look, Zhao Chen, who had come to his senses, patted her shoulder.

Ming Xueling turned her head subconsciously, and Zhao Chen's handsome and resolute face was immediately reflected in her slightly empty eyes, which made her heart calm down at once.

At this time, Zhao Chen's solemn words also reached her ears: "Have you forgotten? You are living for yourself now, not for others.

"It's a favor to help her, but it's also my duty not to help her."

Zhao Chen's words struck Ming Xueling's mind like a bolt of lightning, causing her to ponder:
Yes... Mingxue also said in her message that I am already a "free" "person". Although I also long to find Mingxue and avenge her, I cannot completely deny myself during this period of time just because I failed to help her!
I am already a living person with a "soul", no longer a cold puppet.

My life has its own meaning!

I would also be sad if number one or number two was damaged, I would envy others’ good luck, and when my desires were aroused, I would have...feelings from the depths of my soul.

Recalling everything he had experienced with Zhao Chen, Ming Xueling finally found his "self" again. The confusion in his eyes was no longer there, and even his temperament had changed a little, becoming more like a "human".

"Thank you..." Ming Xueling said sincerely, and there seemed to be something more in her eyes when she looked at Zhao Chen. "Just figure it out yourself." Zhao Chen didn't care much about it. He wanted to know more about "Star God Jiaotian", so he asked Tian Ding Zhenren curiously: "I heard that the 'Star God' has disappeared... Of course, some people also say that He 'Hua Ri' may have fallen...

"Even if his power still exists in this world, he can't arbitrarily order Xuantian to decide fate, right?"

Tian Ding Zhenren had been watching the interaction between the two people opposite quietly without interfering. When he was asked this question, he answered patiently:

"The 'Star God Surrendering Heaven' ritual is very difficult to successfully perform. Even if you find the 'Star God Relic' or a replica of the 'Star God Relic' as a medium, the probability of failure is as high as 90%.

"Even if they succeed, there are still a large number of people who cannot even interpret the first part of the 'prophecy poem', or by the time the event in the first part of the poem occurs, they are already dead... Even if what they want is achieved, what's the point?

"That's why I said that the 'Star God Surrendering Heaven' ritual may have a deeper 'meaning'. Helping the person who performs the ritual to arrange their fate is probably just a side effect.

"Of course, I don't know what the specific meaning is... After all, I'm not even a True Lord of 'Shengxuan', how can I possibly understand the secrets of the Dao Lord level?
"Even what I'm saying now, a large part of it was told to me by a senior."

He seemed to see that Zhao Chen was interested in this matter, so he said a lot in one breath, and at the end he said meaningfully: "'Star God comes to the world, fate is uncertain'... This sentence is right. Since the Star God came to the world, Xuantian's fate has been messed up, and there are many possibilities in the future.

“But the fate set by the ‘Star God’ is difficult to change... just like the ‘mist of history’!
"So, we should try to use the 'Star God Submission of Heaven' ritual as little as possible."

I see… It seems that the “Star God Submits the Sky” ritual cannot be used casually. The Star God must have set conditions when he designed this secret method. It is essentially to fulfill His hidden purpose, right?
The Star God foresaw the result of his own demise, so he left a backup plan in advance to continue to control Xuantian's development in order to create conditions for his own resurrection?
In addition, isn’t it true that the “fate” set by the Star God is just difficult to change, not impossible to change?

Just like the "fog of history"...

Only the Five Innates and the Star Gods can create the "Historical Mist"...

In other words, if one wants to change the predetermined fate of "Star God Jiaotian", a being at the level of "Innate Five Tai" must take action?

Zhao Chen's thoughts drifted further and further away, but he soon realized a new problem and asked again with hesitation, "I heard from Xiao Ling that when Ming Xue asked you for help for her mother, your answer seemed to be 'it's fate'?"

Hearing this, the elegant middle-aged Taoist priest lowered his eyes, and after a long time he sighed: "That is another predetermined fate... There is no way for me to change it.

"Who would have thought that Mingxue would also take this path...

"Fortunately, with you two here, Mingxue still has a chance of survival."

From the tone of your voice, could it be that you, an old man, have used "Star God Jiao Tian" before? Your wife's death was the content of the prophecy poem you received, so you couldn't stop it?

No wonder you are so familiar with this secret method!

(End of this chapter)

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