Chapter 660: Spring God
Ganquan Country, an inconspicuous hill.

Shi Tianzong was fleeing quickly with his mother Sima Jinghui, as if something terrible was chasing them.

He didn't even dare to use the flying spell, otherwise he would be more easily found.

Speaking of which, after Sima Jinghui was suddenly sucked into the cave, she was chased by many enemies under the pull of "fate". If her son Shi Tianzong had not ended up in the same place with her, she would probably have been killed long ago.

This may be her last chance of survival in this desperate situation.

"Dad, me..." Sima Jinghui was in a trance as she was being dragged to run. She didn't understand why she suddenly fell into such a difficult situation, and she couldn't help but mutter to herself.

Seeing this, Shi Tianzong took a deep breath and said, "Mom, we have to leave quickly. Those people will catch up with us soon. We can only wait for grandpa and grandma to rescue us if we try our best to save ourselves."

Sima Jinghui finally regained some spirit after hearing this, but her face was still sad, and she even said in despair: "But there are enemies everywhere, where can we escape to?"

She felt a little regretful. Of course, she didn't regret offending so many people in the first place, but she regretted not being able to cut the root of the problem.

“This is the Sima family’s cave world. Except for a few people, the other enemies are not familiar with the surrounding terrain. No matter how tightly they are surrounded, there will always be loopholes.

"I plan to make a feint to the east and then break out from the Sanquan Forest in the north and head straight for the capital of Ganquan Nation." Shi Tianzong analyzed calmly, and finally said, "Mom, we are all cultivators at the 'Gangsha' realm, which is actually comparable to those who are chasing us. If we encounter one or two people blocking the way, I hope you can help me fight the enemy together, so that we can escape the encirclement before other enemies gather around us."

In fact, in terms of cultivation alone, Sima Jinghui is even superior to his son, and her skills are more outstanding as well, but it is a pity that this eldest daughter of the Sima family has never really fought with anyone since she was born, so her fighting ability is very weak.

But no matter how poor its combat power is, it is still very valuable to Shi Tianzong now.

He had fought with his mother's enemies before and knew that a large number of them would risk their own lives to kill his mother.

At that time, Shi Tianzong was in a terrible state because of the opponent's fighting style of exchanging life for injury. If he had not carried the Sima family's "Ganlu Baoquan" water with him, he would have been seriously injured and unable to move.

But even with Baoquan's help in healing his injuries, the accumulated mental fatigue was almost pushing Shi Tianzong to his limit... He really needed someone to lend a hand.

Sima Jinghui was silent for a while, and finally nodded, and took out the flying sword magic weapon that she had not used for twenty years.

After that, according to Shi Tianzong's strategy, the two of them broke through a group of enemies' blockade head-on. When they were about to escape the encirclement, a long laugh suddenly rang out: "I didn't expect that after all the twists and turns, Sima Jinghui, you finally fell into my hands!"

Before he finished speaking, a middle-aged monk with luxurious robes but a shiny head without a single hair descended from the sky and stood in front of the two men. At the same time, a powerful aura emanated from his body, locking Shi Tianzong and Sima Jinghui and making their invisibility ineffective.

That is the power of "divine consciousness"!

In other words, the person who came was a monk with supernatural powers!
"It's you, Ma Guangliang! You actually achieved supernatural powers?" Sima Jinghui recognized the person who was blocking the road and said with gritted teeth, "Where's your elder brother? I should have killed you two bastards right away."

The visitor was none other than Ma Guangliang, who was known as “a bright moon shining on Dunhuang”, and he was also the reincarnation of Sima Zhao Zhenren from the Wuyou Cave Heaven.

He chuckled and said, "To be honest, Sima Jinghui, I have never taken you seriously. The persecution I suffered when I was young seems to be nothing more than children's play now... But I have entered the devil's way, and since some karma can be ended, it is better to end it, otherwise it will be detrimental to my practice."

Shi Tianzong's face was solemn, and he said to Sima Jinghui with his spiritual consciousness: "Mother, I will use my magical powers to entangle him later. You go first and we will meet in Sanquanlin." The escape route he chose was very particular. Not far from the valley here was a large forest at the junction of the three kingdoms. Due to the special terrain, there was evil spirit produced in it, so there were always monks from the Sima family stationed there all year round.

As long as we get there and find the guarding monk and reveal our identity, we will be safe for the time being.

Sima Jinghui knew that her actual combat power was too poor. Not only could she not help her son, but she would also become a burden. So she gritted her teeth and said, "Then mother will wait for you there."

Shi Tianzong unleashed his innate magic spell, "Crescent Sword", and at the same time, he recklessly activated the magical instruments he carried with him, forcibly increasing the power of a crescent-shaped sword to a level close to that of a magical power, and slashed towards Ma Guangliang.

Seeing this powerful attack, Ma Guangliang smiled slightly, and calmly sent out a black magic flame, which easily annihilated Shi Tianzong's sword energy.

Sima Jinghui took advantage of this opportunity to use the earth escape technique and head towards the dense forest at the back of the valley.

Ma Guangliang glanced at him casually, but did not chase after him. Instead, he waved his hand and sent out a large net made of rosy clouds, which caught Shi Tianzong in it.

No matter how many sword skills or magic spells he used, he could not escape.

As for magical instruments? That's even more of a joke. If any random mana cultivator with magical instruments could compete with a real magical cultivator, then the magical master wouldn't have such a high status.

Not everyone is Zhao Chen!
After struggling to no avail, Shi Tianzong came to his senses and said dejectedly, "Senior, you are not here to kill my mother, but for me?"

If the other party attacked seriously, there would be no chance for his mother to escape.

Ma Guangliang nodded with a smile and said, "It is not my destiny to kill her. If I force my way in and destroy the ritual, I will become an enemy of the person behind the scenes.

"On the surface, I entered the cave this time because I was attracted by the news that Sima Yu 'accidentally' leaked, and I saw it as a chance for revenge, but in fact, I wanted to take the opportunity to see with my own eyes what the Sima family's 'Spring God' is, and why it attracts the covetousness of the evil spirits of 'Xinguang Temple'."

"The God of Spring? Isn't the God of Spring the Sima family's first-class supernatural power, 'The True Body of the God of Spring'? Could it be that it is not referring to the True Lord of 'Xianquan'?" Shi Tianzong looked at Ma Guangliang in doubt, "And what does this have to do with me?"

"I used to think so too...but the actions of 'Xinguang Temple' tell me that 'Spring God' may be an ancient god who really existed, just like 'Star God' and 'Flower God'.

"As for you... I actually don't quite understand your role, but the hexagram shows that only with you can I get what I want." Ma Guangliang said with a smile, his shiny bald head looking extremely dazzling in the moonlight.


In the Kingdom of Riquan, as soon as Zhao Chen passed through the vermilion gate of the royal palace, he felt a sense of spatial transformation. After his "spiritual consciousness" was restored and he could see normally, he found that he had arrived in front of an extremely luxurious palace.

On the plaque above the main entrance of the palace were written five large characters: "Sun and Moon Harmony Palace".

One of the three taboos that cannot be “approached” is the “Sun and Moon Harmony Palace”?
Zhao Chen's lips curled slightly, he pushed open the door of the palace nonchalantly and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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