The Fairy: From the Traveling Merchant

Chapter 678: Sun and Moon Harmony to Welcome the Empress

Chapter 678: Sun and Moon Harmony to Welcome the Empress

It turns out that the so-called "Three Lives Three Worlds Seizing Foundation Method" is derived from the secret technique of "Yaomu Academy"...

That's right. "Yaomu Academy" is best at leaving its mark in history, which is the "three immortals" they advocate, namely "establishing virtue", "establishing words" and "establishing merit". My step-grandfather is a "historical body".

But to me, this is more like a pollution of "history"...

Then again, "establishing virtue", "establishing words" and "establishing merit" were supposed to be the Confucian concepts, so how did they degenerate into evil practices?

However, the Meng family, which inherited the orthodox Confucianism of the time, placed more emphasis on "Xinxue".

As Zhao Chen's thoughts turned, he heard Meng Chanjuan continue to say:
“This method has many flaws, and the possibility of actually seizing the foundation of a True Lord is extremely low.

"However, 'Mother' deduced this method and secretly spread the experiment, not because she wanted to usurp the foundation of a certain 'Shengxuan' Zhenjun, but to take back what originally belonged to her."

Things that originally belonged to her... Zhao Chen frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know the details... but 'mother' once said that this time she wants to be the master of 'Eastern Azure Dragon'." Meng Chanjuan said in a "dreamlike" tone.

If she had not been attracted by Zhao Chen's "Five Immortals' Spiritual Qi", induced by his "eloquent" ability, and controlled by his "Foolish Mind Control Method", she would never have revealed information of this level.

The most likely thing that the Queen of Xiliang practiced more than 8,000 years ago was the "Eastern Azure Dragon Chapter" of the "Five Stars and Constellations, Sun and Moon" Sutra.

The Lord of Riquan and the Lord of Yuequan both gave birth to new personalities when they practiced the "Two Chapters of Sun and Moon" which were derived from this technique. This is probably a manifestation of the special nature of this technique.

The words "Xinyue Fox", "Fangri Rabbit" and "Five Stars" have become "taboos".

The "Fairy Fox" told her daughter that the purpose of spreading the "Three Lives Three Worlds Seizing Foundation Method" was to get back what belonged to her...

Combining these, a reasonable inference is that although the real body of the Queen of Xiliang died, the "personality" she separated out through her practice of "The Eastern Azure Dragon" survived, or in other words, revived in the past hundred years.

"Fairy Sky Fox" Meng Yuehua should be the "Heart Moon Fox" in the "Seven Stars of the Eastern Azure Dragon".

The "Fang Ritu" has probably also revived, so it is listed separately among the taboo words.

As for the "Jiao Mu Jiao", "Kang Jin Long", "Di Tu He", "Huo Wei Hu" and "Ji Shui Bao" corresponding to the "Five Stars", they have either disappeared long ago or have been eliminated from the competition by "Sky Fox Fairy" through means, so they are only given the collective title of "Five Stars".

I heard from Wu Xian that many rulers of the "Xingquan Kingdom" had died inexplicably... Perhaps the personalities corresponding to the "Seven Stars of the East" are more likely to appear near the corresponding treasure springs?
No wonder among the seven kingdoms of Dongtian, only the three kingdoms of Sun, Moon and Star were so deeply infiltrated.

Well, Meng Yuehua secretly passed on the corresponding skills in "The Eastern Azure Dragon Chapter". In addition to cultivating the container, it should also be for the purpose of identification.

What a grand gesture!

In addition, although the Sima family's inheritance is more derived from the so-called "Spring God", both the clan's treasure and the initial cultivation resources are inherited from the Xiliang Women's Kingdom. I am afraid that they owe a huge cause and effect.

So the empress wanted to use the Sima family to experience the disaster. The ancestor of the Sima family could only turn a blind eye after finding out that it was irreversible. At most, he left some backup plans and used the treasures in the cave to attract many like-minded people to share the disaster, so as not to destroy the family foundation.

Zhao Chen summarized the information he had obtained from his subordinates since entering the cave, and combined it with the information he had "investigated" himself, and finally managed to see the full picture of this "cave" incident. He also finally realized that Meng Yuehua failed to return to the "Tianhu Palace" on time last night and missed the best time for the ceremony. It was probably not a conspiracy, but she was probably tripped.

And the person who tripped her up was most likely "Fang Ritu"!
After pondering for a moment, Zhao Chen looked at Meng Chanjuan, whose eyes were still hazy, and asked the last question: "Do you have the authority to enter and exit the main hall of the 'Tianhu Palace'?"

He had not originally intended to get involved in the conspiracy of the Seven Springs Cave Heaven, but his previous actions not only destroyed Meng Yuehua's arrangements in the Sun Spring Country, but this time he also kidnapped her daughter who was used as a backup container, and even learned so much fatal information...

If the "Fox Fairy" really inherits everything from the Queen of Xiliang, then how can I suffer the consequences in the future?
His disguise might be able to fool the "Dongxuan" Zhenren, but it would never be possible to fool a Zhenjun.

Therefore, Zhao Chen planned to take advantage of the opportunity when "Xinyue Fox" was entangled by "Fang Ri Rabbit" to destroy the ceremony in "Tianhu Palace".

On the other side, after hearing Zhao Chen's question, Meng Chanjuan hesitated a little, but finally nodded and said: "I have the authority to enter the main hall... but 'Mother' will know."

It didn't matter. Her ritual would be destroyed in the end anyway. She would be able to sense it. It wouldn't make much difference if it happened earlier or later. There would always be people who didn't want her to succeed and would stop her.

Come to think of it, I am actually one of the human calamities of "Fairy Fox".

Thinking of this, Zhao Chen glanced at Meng Chanjuan who was trapped tightly in his "Demon-Proof Silver Armor" and thought to himself: I just don't know which force is behind this "daughter" of Meng Yuehua. Anyway, I don't believe that the "Sky Fox Fairy" would leave such a big flaw in the palace of Yuequan Kingdom.

But no matter who arranged it, as long as the goal is to destroy the ceremony and prevent Meng Yuehua from succeeding, they can cooperate temporarily.


On an unnamed hill in Ganquan Kingdom, Ma Guangliang landed on a big tree holding the "Crescent Sword" he had captured, and watched the "Dongxuan" battle in the sky from afar.

The Buddha's light collided with the cold light of ice and snow, and the giant fox and the jade rabbit bit each other...

Shi Tianzong immediately closed his eyes. This kind of scene was not something a powerful cultivator like him was qualified to watch.

Ma Guangliang, however, watched with great interest and made comments from time to time:
"Princess Liang is very favored by the King of Liang. He even gave her the 'Guanghan Fairy Mirror', a magical weapon that is almost a 'magic weapon', for self-defense.

"But even so, she shouldn't have the upper hand when fighting one against two...

"Tsk, that Jin Chanzi seems to be the helper of 'Fairy Sky Fox', but he's actually just slacking off the whole time, right?

"Has Meng Yuehua been fooled by the 'Mountain and River Demon Vine', or has her planning been too smooth over the years, causing her to lose her vigilance and fail to see such a simple thing?

"Forget it... Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, the 'Xiliang Empress' will return today, it's just a matter of who takes the lead...

"Only when the Empress is revived will there be a chance to glimpse the secret of the 'Spring God'.

"Yin and Yang are in harmony to welcome the Empress, and the Sun and Moon are in harmony to worship the Spring God...

"'Star God Jiao Tian', it really gives people hope, but also makes people despair!"

(End of this chapter)

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