The Fairy: From the Traveling Merchant

Chapter 682: The Tightening Curse and Jin Chanzi's Stun

Chapter 682: The Tightening Curse and Jin Chanzi's Stun
Tianhu Palace, inside the main hall.

After Zhao Chen burned the body of the Lord of Yuequan Kingdom with the "True Fire of the Sun", he was about to open the "Black Domain Passage" to leave, so as not to be blocked by the "Sky Fox Fairy".

He didn't want to bear the wrath of a "Dongxuan" master.

But just before he turned the phantom of the "Key of Morning Light", he suddenly received a reminder from the "Star Chariot" that the cost of opening the channel had increased three times!
This means that the environment here has changed, and the difficulty of connecting to the "black area" has increased sharply.

And the person who can do this... Zhao Chen turned his head and looked at Meng Chanjuan who had also entered the main hall.

Although Meng Chanjuan's eyes were still confused at this time, she had quickly restored the ban at the door, blocking the female officials who had rushed to the Tianhu Palace to check the situation outside the door.

Although he could afford three times the normal price, Zhao Chen did not act rashly. After all, the "Black Domain" was actually quite dangerous. Since this person could control the formation to increase the difficulty of opening the "channel", he might be able to interfere with the already formed "channel".

His "Dongxu Eye" was fully powered, scanning Meng Chanjuan's graceful body several times, and then he said calmly: "Come out...'Blind Mind Technique' has no effect on me."

Meng Chanjuan is just a spare "container". The problem is not her, but the mastermind who manipulates her.

Before entering the main hall, Zhao Chen checked Meng Chanjuan's body and soul inside and out to make sure that there was no problem at that time. He didn't know when the other party appeared.

"The Buddha of Infinite Light of Mind..."

Along with the sound of Gao Xuan's Buddhist chanting, a thumb-sized transparent figure walked out of Meng Chanjuan's ear. The figure was made up of "golden light of merit" and was so dazzling that people could not see his appearance clearly.

“He” stood on Meng Chanjuan’s smooth and white shoulders, put his hands together and said, “I am Jin Chan, the humble monk, and I am honored to meet you, the benefactor.”

Kinchan... Kinchanko from Shinkoji Temple? I didn't expect she's an old acquaintance!

I still remember that at the Yumen Stone Buddha Temple, this "Buddha of Merit" was summoned by the daughter of the Chai family and had a fight with the original Qingyan.

At that time, "he" had the strength of top-grade magical powers, so even the "dharma domain" he opened was just an "empty shell" that could only scare people.

And now... although he is very small, he feels more dangerous than "him" at the Stone Buddha Temple.

Oh, the evil spirit from "Xinguang Temple" left a trick on Meng Yuehua's child... It seems that the cooperation between them is not very close.

Zhao Chen's thoughts raced, but he didn't rush to act. He just frowned and asked, "When did Master Jinchan arrive? Why did he reinforce the space to stop me from leaving?"

When he asked this, he was actually deliberately trying to cause the other party to misjudge and think that he could no longer open the "black domain" channel.

Hearing this question, the little golden man did not get angry, but responded slowly: "I have been meditating and dormant in your 'blood chamber' in my dream. You are a kind-hearted gentleman. I think you did not check carefully before, so you failed to find me."

No, I checked very carefully, but still didn't find it... Well, I remember Fei Meng said that Jin Chanzi possessed the magical power of time. He must have wrapped himself in "time" and used something similar to "blind mind" to deceive my "Dongxu Eyes".

Alas, the "Dongxu Eye" is not a magical power after all, it is not omnipotent...

The good news is that "he" should not be able to sense the outside world at that time, otherwise the "Golden Seal to Suppress Demons" and "Silver Armor to Defend Demons" would not have failed to detect it.

While Zhao Chen was thinking, the "Golden Cicada" continued, "I shouldn't have woken up from meditation so early, but since you brought me to the main hall of the Heavenly Fox Palace, I have no choice but to come out."

He paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "As for why I asked you to stay here for a while, it's because I want to ask you for a favor."

"What help?" Zhao Chen asked cautiously, secretly separating his mind from the "Great Sun Star Raft". "The Buddha of Infinite Light of Heart..." Jin Chanzi chanted the Buddha's name again, and then said seriously, "I would like to invite you to stay in this palace. When the sky is about to brighten tomorrow, I will discuss the way of happiness with you in the 'harmony of yin and yang'."

It sounds good, but I refuse! It's obvious that they want to use me as a "sacrifice" in the ceremony!

Zhao Chen's eyes turned cold, and he was determined to test the quality of the evil clone in front of him first, and then decide whether to kill it directly or risk escaping.

On the other side, the little man who felt a little danger also looked solemn, and the golden light around him gradually changed, becoming stained with an ominous purple-black color.

Although "he" was not aware of Zhao Chen's other methods, the "True Fire of the Sun" that had just burned the body of the Lord of Yuequan Kingdom was enough for "him" to take it seriously.

Of course, as the incarnation of an evil spirit, although “he” was serious, he did not think that he would lose. After all, the person in front of him was just a person in a special “Gangsha” realm.

However, just as the atmosphere in the main hall was becoming increasingly solemn, the sky suddenly darkened, and the sun was shrouded in a thick "darkness".

"Darkness covers the sun... The time for the alternation of yin and yang has been advanced!" Jin Chanzi immediately received the calculation results from his main body. Then his face turned cold, no longer gentle and compassionate as before. He then opened his mouth and recited a passage of scripture:
"When contemplating the Supreme Heart Buddha and practicing the profound Prajnaparamita..."

As the melodious chanting sounded, Zhao Chen, who was about to take out the magic weapon "Invisible Magic Soldier" from the "Fengyun Harmony Ring", suddenly screamed and covered his head with his hands.

It seemed as if there were invisible shackles that were constantly tightening, causing his head to split with pain. He wished he could roll on the ground... and the spiritual consciousness that extended into the "Fengyun Heming Ring" was suddenly interrupted, causing the space inside the ring to vibrate.

Is this... Jin Chanzi's "Tightening Curse"? Damn, this magical power doesn't seem to be an attack. It only makes me feel pain but doesn't cause any harm, so my "defense technique" didn't activate.

Also, it's not's more like a spontaneous psychological effect...

This is completely different from Fei Meng’s “golden hoop curse”!

Unlike Zhao Chen who was swearing in pain in reality, the spirit separated in the Star Chariot was still able to think calmly, and quickly saw through the details of the opponent's magical power:

"This is a 'tightening curse' that is combined with the second-grade magical power 'evil fixed five poisonous hearts'. The 'evil fixed five poisonous hearts' is the highest achievement of the 'Twelve Light of Heart', which is made up of 'five methods'. It can silently influence the mind of others and destroy their spiritual conduct and magical powers...

"So that's how it is. When 'he' was talking to me just now, he had already used the 'Evil Five Poison Hearts' in secret, giving me some 'hints'. Coupled with the effect of the 'Tightening Curse', I felt the pain without any warning.

“It’s actually very easy to resolve that hint. All I have to do is defeat myself... but ‘he’ won’t give me a chance!
"So, I have to use another method... Since I've been tricked by him, I can just find someone who is not afraid of pain. As long as I can attack him and distract him, I will have a chance to break free from the restrictions of the Tightening Curse."

It seemed like he had been thinking for a long time, but in fact, Zhao Chen had made up his mind in just a moment. He quickly opened the "Jade Book" and exchanged it for the "Sun Sword" Ma Guangming.

The next moment, a figure appeared behind Meng Chanjuan, and the "Great Sun Sword Energy for Killing Evil" poured out like water, falling on every vital point of Meng Chanjuan like heavy rain.

But Jin Chanzi was not moved at all, as if he was sure that the sword energy could not harm Meng Chanjuan, and he just continued to recite the spell.

puff! puff! puff! puff……

The sound of continuous collision between sword energy and flesh was heard, and Meng Chanjuan was pierced by the "Great Sun Sword of Evil" hundreds of times in an instant. Her whole body became a sieve, and streams of blood mist spurted out from her body.

It was not until then that Jin Chanzi looked back in shock, his eyes full of disbelief, as if he had seen something incredible.

"This is impossible! How can the fate set by the Star God be changed?!"

(End of this chapter)

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