The Fairy: From the Traveling Merchant

Chapter 695 Ming Xue0's Confusion

Chapter 695 Ming Xueling's Confusion
The new "Dragon Gun" is dark gold all over, as if it was condensed from the brightest stars in the night sky, or like dragon scales shining in the sun, revealing an indescribable majesty and mystery.

The entire gun body is more than three feet long, and the handle is carved with a lifelike blue dragon pattern. The dragon's head is held high, the dragon's eyes are like torches, and the dragon's body winds down to form a unique hand guard, as if it can break through the air at any time and fight alongside its master.

This design perfectly meets Zhao Chen's aesthetic requirements. It is both simple and elegant, yet delicate and exquisite, making him fall in love with it at first sight.

However, after playing with the Dragon Gun for a while, he couldn't help but ponder:
"Why did 'Tian Ding Zhenren' carve a blue dragon pattern? Is he trying to 'cricket' me? Before the 'Qiquan Dongtian' incident, that old fellow knew that I would be involved with 'Dongfang Qinglong'?

"Or is it just a coincidence?

"Perhaps, the 'Great Sun Star Chariot' and the so-called 'candidate' have never been a secret in the eyes of the Holy Land... The real secret is, what kind of role do I, who was disguised as a candidate by the mastermind, really play..."

Just as his thoughts were drifting further and further away, Ming Xueling introduced the function of this "Dragon Gun":
"In addition to retaining its ability to fire live ammunition and infuse mana to produce corresponding spells and magical bullets, 'Father' also developed the potential of 'Dragon Flame Refined Gold', a rare treasure in the material of this gun that had not been used before.

"When it is activated, it can add the effect of 'Dragon Flame' to live ammunition or magic bullets.

"This 'Dragon Flame' is about the strength of a fourth or fifth grade magical power, and can only be activated four to five times a day."

At this point, she paused, a hint of curiosity flashed in her eyes, and continued, "Also, 'Father' said that the blue dragon on the gun handle is not just for decoration, it has unexpected effects. You will know it after you get it."

Of course Zhao Chen knew this, because this was exactly why he suspected that "Master Tianding" had already anticipated what happened in the Qiquan Cave!

"'Azure Dragon Totem', by injecting the vitality of the Eastern Azure Dragon into it, can temporarily draw forth the power of the Azure Dragon, comparable to a full-strength attack from the second realm of 'Dongxuan'." This is what the "introduction" given by his "Identification" ability reads.

Is this to show me the strength of the "Dan Ding Xianzong"? Or is it to use me to talk to the person behind Fei Meng and me?

Forget it... No matter what, I now have an extra "Dongxuan" level trump card temporarily... and it doesn't require any "star coins"!

Even if the Empress' vitality is abundant, it will completely dissipate in half a year or a year...

Zhao Chen sighed secretly and stopped thinking about those things that were still far away from him. He put away the "Dragon Gun" and then smiled at Ming Xueling and said, "During this trip to the Cave Heaven, I collected the souls of several Gangsha and magical cultivators. Do you want more?"

Seeing that Zhao Chen did not mention the hidden effect of the "Blue Dragon Pattern", Ming Xueling pursed her lips, but she quickly put aside her somewhat lost mood and thought about the soul problem mentioned by the other party.

After a moment, she shook her head and said, "Forget it... After learning the truth about 'Star God Jiaotian' from 'Father', I don't plan to pursue it anymore... And I probably won't succeed.

"Our previous 'contract' is voided as I have breached the contract.

"But 'Father' also said that the opportunity for Xue's revenge may lie with you, so I still want to stay by your side...

"Well, you can use my power as you please. Consider it as compensation for the 'breach of contract'."

Zhao Chen had long anticipated Ming Xueling's choice, and the moment the other party admitted to the "breach of contract", he automatically obtained most of the other party's "ownership".

This is a "contract" notarized with the "Sixteen Venus Libra Sword". It is very overbearing. How could there be no punishment for breach of contract?

The so-called "most of it" means that for two-thirds of Ming Xueling's remaining life, she will be "owned" by Zhao Chen. Looking at Ming Xueling who knew nothing about this, Zhao Chen's expression was a little subtle, but he did not tell her the truth. After all, as long as Xiao Ling did not do anything that was detrimental to him, he did not intend to exercise this "ownership".

Just like Feng Wan.

"You are my strength..." Zhao Chen replied meaningfully, then took the initiative to change the subject and asked, "What are your plans for revenge on Duan Mingxue?"

Ming Xueling thought for a moment and answered uncertainly, "Two aspects... First, we need to find out what the second half of the prophecy verse that Ming Xue obtained after performing the 'Star God Surrendering the Heaven' ceremony is.

"According to what my father said, at this moment, the second half should appear directly in the mind of the person holding the ceremony...

"Except for Ming Xue, the person involved, it's not that other people can't get the content of the 'prophetic verses', they just can't get the complete version.

"Well, the most direct way is to use the real top three-grade 'calculation' and 'prophecy' magical powers to get relevant revelations... and it is best to use the first-grade, because the second and third-grade can't even calculate a complete poem, and can only get a few unconnected words."

First-class calculation-type magical power... This coincides with my next stage goal, what a coincidence! Zhao Chen asked calmly: "Is this what 'Tian Ding Zhenren' just told you?"

"Yes... but I also sought confirmation from another familiar 'Dongxuan' Zhenren and got a similar answer." Ming Xueling nodded slightly and continued, "Secondly, we need to figure out who that 'Gu Changhe' is in essence."

Hearing this, Zhao Chen's heart moved, and he smiled and said: "It seems that you also know "Three Lives Three Worlds Seizing the Foundation Method", I was thinking of telling you about it later."

“Although only the aristocratic families and the descendants of the upper clan know the reason for the Sima family’s ‘calamity’, it is no longer a secret that needs to be hidden.

"At least Aunt Shi has learned the 'truth' through the channels of the provincial government.

"Comparing Sima Yu and Meng Yuehua's laissez-faire attitude towards Sima Jinghui, it is not difficult to associate it with the wandering cultivator and his playboy son 'Gu Changhe'.

“It’s exactly the same.”

A trace of confusion flashed across Ming Xueling's beautiful eyes. She felt that even if she became a "human", she might not be "autonomous". There were too many things that made people helpless.

That "Gu Changhe" was probably a "Shengxuan" being in the past, but now he is like a clown, having to follow the wishes of others and be a measured and irritable playboy...

As Ming Xueling's "owner", Zhao Chen easily knew what she was thinking, so he took her hand and patted it as before, comforting her: "Don't dwell on it. After all, we all have subjective initiative, and we can still control our own destiny to a certain extent.

"Even if it's the 'Star God', there's still room for maneuver, otherwise Meng Yuehua would have successfully seized the power of the 'Eastern Azure Dragon' by now."

Ming Xue Ling said "hmm" and obediently stopped thinking about it... And what the young master said was also right. The living beings in this world, even the Taoist monarchs, may not have complete freedom.

While thinking this, she suddenly felt that Zhao Chen was particularly "kind" today, so she leaned on him...

(End of this chapter)

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