Chapter 706 Attack
However, the golden "Aho Hair" hidden in Zhao Chen's hair suddenly stood up at this time, attracting the attention of the four female warriors around him.

Seeing this, Zhao Chen's heart was filled with alarm, because the golden "Ahoge" was essentially the little monkey he brought out from the "Seven Springs Cave Heaven", and it possessed the passive ability of "prophecy".

Now that the golden hair is standing up in warning, something big must be happening.

As soon as Zhao Chen had this thought, he heard a buzzing sound coming from the sky and couldn't help but look up.

I saw a propeller plane flying over my head, and two burly men were standing on the wings of the plane.

Each of them held a solid, heavy iron-black barrel, which was engraved with dense forbidden runes;
One of them was holding an intricate and exquisitely designed strange gun with a light golden bullet belt inserted into it.

The next moment, the black barrel began to shine, outlining noisy and fiery marks and patterns.

A red fireball like a miniature sun flew out of the "barrel" and fell straight to the square in front of the city.


The earth trembled slightly. The fierce light even temporarily overwhelmed the afterglow of the setting sun, and then a violent explosion was heard.

Zhao Chen saw that the man holding the "gun barrel" sank noticeably. If he had not used magic to stabilize himself in advance, he would have been thrown out of the plane by now.

"Are these the military spells 'Flying Tiger Divine Eagle' and 'Red Eagle Divine Rocket'? The other one that hasn't fired yet is the 'Osprey Divine Cannon', right?
"But don't the cities in Jiuzhou have forbidden air formations?" Zhao Chen was a little confused at first, but he had learned these spells from the military after all, so he quickly figured out the key:
"Yes, although 'Flying Tiger Eagle' is considered a flying spell, its essence is actually 'constructing objects'.

“The constructed objects themselves can fly and are not ‘banned’, just like the birds and insects in Kyushu can fly normally.

"But is it okay to attack from the wings of a plane? In fact, they shouldn't use the 'Flying Tiger Condor'. The 'Storm Condor', which is similar to a helicopter structure, is more suitable."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as Zhao Chen was thinking and complaining, the man on the wing of the plane who was using the "Red Eagle Rocket" was letting the red "shells" extend one after another along the street towards the restaurant where Zhao Chen and his group were. The nearby buildings were shaken, but none of them actually collapsed.

Zhao Chen, Ming Xueling and Yan Hongxia exchanged glances, then stood up at the same time, taking Ning Meng and Mo Qiu with them, and retreated to the "safe area" in the store along with other panicked guests.

——High-end stores will have "safe areas" guarded by magic arrays or magic tools, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the store. Even the exterior walls of every building on this street have a certain ability to weaken attacks, otherwise they would have collapsed under the heavy bombardment just now.

"The two men on the 'Flying Tiger Condor' seem to be trying to drive someone over here... Is there another ambush here?" Yan Hongxia, who is experienced in handling cases, figured out the plan of the two men in the sky at a glance.

Zhao Chen nodded in agreement with this guess, but he felt a little strange because this trap was obviously not aimed at him and others, so why would the little monkey give a warning?
Even if I might be affected by their fight, their attacks at the mere magical level wouldn't be able to do anything to me.

"Isn't it said that the rules in the Central Plains are strict and that fighting in the streets is not allowed?" Ning Meng asked doubtfully. When she heard Zheng Qingyan talk about the situation in Jiuzhou before, she thought it would be very safe here... Yan Hongxia glanced at her and responded patiently: "The rules have always constrained those who are willing to abide by the rules, or those who are worried about being severely punished for breaking the rules. Desperadoes who are not afraid of bearing the consequences are naturally not included.

“In fact, according to the information I have, Jiuzhou is safe most of the time...but in a safe environment, people tend to relax, which means sneak attacks are easier to succeed.

"That's probably what the two people in the sky are thinking... But they've made such a big scene, the people from the Six Gates should be arriving soon. If we don't use our trump card, our chances of success will be slim."

As Mo Qiu and Ning Meng listened thoughtfully, a hateful voice came from the "Flying Tiger Eagle" in the sky:

"You old thief Yu Zhenzi, return my sister's life to me!"

Before he finished speaking, a series of "da da da" sounds rang in the ears of everyone in the shops on both sides of the street.

That was the sound of the "Fish Dragon God Cannon" firing!
Zhao Chen's spiritual consciousness extended outward, and he saw one light golden bullet after another forming a tongue of fire, which hit a man holding up a light blue shield on the street and made him run away in panic.

The man tried to hide in a shop on the street, but unfortunately, all the shops on this high-end commercial street had activated the highest level of restrictions under the baptism of the "Red Eagle Rocket" just now, and kept him out.

"Yu Zhenzi... is he the 'Yu Zhen Taoist' in Wuguan Pass? He turned out to be just a Gangsha cultivator...

"This is a private kidnapping of a female cultivator, and the family found out and came to seek revenge?
“Haha, the man on the Flying Tiger Eagle is quite smart. After he shouted this out, the chivalrous men who originally wanted to do good deeds would probably hesitate.

"However, the timing is still too coincidental..." Zhao Chen frowned, but did not relax his vigilance. While quietly holding the "Dragon Gun" in his hand, he separated his mind and entered the "Star Chariot", bought a "Spirit God Body Protection Spell" from the "Golden Box Five Keys" and blessed himself with it.

This magical power comes from the heroine Tang Miao. Although it is only of the fourth level, it is hidden and difficult to detect without repeated observation with spiritual sense.

As for the defensive effect, Zhao Chen, who possessed the "defensive technique", was not worried at all. After all, for him, the star coins were endless, and the "defensive" type of magical powers were difficult to break through.

At this moment, the battle on the street changed again. As the ammunition chain of the "Fish Dragon God Cannon" was unable to break through the light blue light shield around Taoist Yu Zhen, the latter gradually calmed down and was no longer so panicked.

Then, Taoist Yuzhen gritted his teeth, took out a yellow talisman with ancient writing on it and flashes of lightning, threw it into the air, and began to speak with great confidence.

But before his counterattack could take shape, the ground began to shake violently, and dense cracks suddenly appeared like a spider web and extended in all directions.

With a loud bang, smoke and dust poured down like a waterfall, and amidst the flying earth and rocks, a steel monster about five or six meters long, with a "big mouth" that seemed able to swallow rocks and gravel, emerged from the ground, and swallowed Taoist Yuzhen, who was preparing a talisman, into its "belly" in one gulp.

This is the "Tianyin Divine Eagle" from the military's "Six Techniques of the Divine Eagle"!
Almost at the same time, while Ming Xueling, Yan Hongxia and the others were distracted by the sudden appearance of the steel monster, several black rays of light shot out from Zhao Chen's shadow without warning, heading straight for all the vital parts of his body...

(End of this chapter)

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