What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

Chapter 110 The Darkness Under the Lights

Chapter 110 The Darkness Under the Lights

He never thought that his master would actually see Dugu Qiubai.

That was a martial arts legend. Since he became a legend, he has never appeared in public, but occasionally some legends and deeds are circulated.

"Master, what kind of person is Dugu Qiubai? How's his demeanor? Is it the kind of person who overwhelms the world, one man with one sword, and the kind who looks down on the eternity..."

Su Ming shrugged: "He... is just an ordinary person."

After a while, he added: "The reason why people are so unattainable is because you haven't got in touch with him, so you feel mysterious."

"You know him very well?" Li Qingxuan asked.

"Not very familiar..."


"Then you know his whereabouts?"


"Huh? Then where is he?"

"do not know!"


"Master, you just said you know his whereabouts."

"Yeah, I know."

"Then you don't know where he is?"

"Yeah, I don't know, what's the problem?"

"There is a big problem, okay, master, your logic is not smooth, you know where he is, but you don't know where he is, it makes sense..."

"It makes sense." Su Ming said seriously.

"Uh..." Li Qingxuan was speechless.

"Master, you are kidding me!"

"No kidding."


It seems that it is impossible to know the whereabouts of Dugu Qiubai from the master.

It is even possible that the master said that he knew about Dugu Qiubai, but he was bragging.

Forget it, don't talk about it.

Li Qingxuan no longer entangled in the matter of Dugu seeking defeat, and asked Su Ming for advice on cultivation techniques, and went back to practice cross-legged on the roof of his carriage by himself.

"Dugu Qiubai... I don't know when I was playing the game, I tricked you into doing dungeons in the forbidden world. Once I entered it, there has been no news for so many years. I don't know if you are dead, or... dead?"

"If you don't die, now... you should almost die, right?"

After Li Qingxuan left, Su Ming muttered to himself.

"Ahem, buddy...I'm sorry, I didn't want to cheat you. God knows this is a real world. I thought it was a virtual game. It's no problem to coax a few npcs to die..." Speaking of Dugu Qiubai, someone still Very guilty.

"Uh... I'll go and see if I have time, can I rescue you, or collect your body?" Su Ming felt a headache when he thought of the experience dungeon...Because when he was playing the game, even he himself didn't pass the level. In the restricted area there, Dugu Qiuqiu enters, and there are many dangers...

Most likely, it's cold.


Don't think about it any more.

Su Ming lay leisurely on the roof of the carriage, with his hands on his pillow, looking at the sky.

God, it's really blue.

There is no trace of pollution at all.


The convoy stops and cooks.

Those women woke up leisurely.

Palace Master Yaoyue, Palace Master Lianxing, Jiang Yuyan, and Zhou Zhiruo all looked much better.

It seems that another big drug war can be carried out.

Mei Chaofeng has the best energy and blood, and is in excellent condition. Except for his strange walking, he is very good in every aspect.

Li Mochou looked rather lazy.

Seems to be fine too.

Several people were not at all tense.

It doesn't look like I want to kill you and play tricks on you.

Gathering together is like girlfriends, chatting enthusiastically.


Su Ming couldn't get in.

Mei Chaofeng and Li Mochou's attitude towards Su Ming changed, but they didn't show it.

Still hostile.

I don't know if it's because of Mei Chaofeng's influence, Li Mochou is acting weird today.

It's suspicious.

During the meal, she chatted indifferently with her sisters while actually harassing herself.

That hand kept sliding on his leg.

Sometimes she would take off her shoes and lift up her pants with her feet, and those tender white legs scratched her skin, making someone very uncomfortable...

The body is trembling.

But it can't happen again.

Her movements are stealthy.

Actually harassing someone under the noses of Palace Mistress Yaoyue, Jiang Yuyan and other female devils without being noticed.

Too bold.

Su Ming was a little afraid of being discovered.

This is playing dark under the lights, right?

"What's wrong with you? You are absent-minded, moving around? You don't want to eat with us. If you don't want to eat with us, go to the dog's table!" Yaoyue found that Su Ming was very uncomfortable, and said coldly.

"Uh...no...no...how is it possible?" Su Ming smiled awkwardly.

The key is at this moment, Li Mochou may have done it on purpose, the tender skin on the soles of her feet was walking back and forth close to her thighs, but she pretended to be nonchalant: "Yeah, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? If you are unwell, you can Say it earlier... don't hold back!"

Look at her innocent face.

Su Ming's face almost turned into a bitter melon.

Hello, Li Mochou, you know how to play.

Yaoyue, Jiang Yuyan and the others didn't notice the contact between Su Ming and Li Mochou under the tablecloth at all.

"How could I be uncomfortable? Who am I? Su Ming..." Su Ming said.

"That's good..." Li Mochou said meaningfully.

Then, more daring.

It's true to hate yourself and harass yourself at the same time.

This guy, double-dealing can be regarded as playing for her.

The point is, she not only harassed herself, she could only warn Li Mochou with protesting eyes: don't...

He grabbed Li Mochou's hand several times to keep her still.

Of course, Li Mochou must be too lazy to talk to Su Ming and Mei Chaofeng.

What to do, or how to do.

Non-stop teasing.

"Mochou, eat the vegetables." She could only escape Li Mochou's clutches by picking up the vegetables.

Let her go to eat, and don't touch her anymore.

Of course, this is only a moment of tranquility.

After that, he was still tricked.

Mei Chaofeng almost cried.

"Sister Mei, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Yuyan found that Mei Chaofeng's breath was wrong, and sometimes she would breathe heavily.


"Yeah, your breath isn't right." Yaoyue also asked.

"It's nothing, it must be too spicy." Mei Chaofeng said.


"It's really a bit spicy..."

The two didn't pay much attention to this small problem.

After the meal, both Mei Chaofeng and Su Ming were messed up by Li Mochou.

The guy was still looking happy.

I love seeing the distressed faces of the two of them.

Su Ning is speechless, am I a man or are you a man?
Shouldn't I be doing things like harassment, right?
How did you handle it...


have dinner.

Everyone went back to rest, and Su Ming also wanted to go back.

But was stopped by Li Mochou.

"Why, where do you want to go?"

"Of course go back to sleep!"

"Have you forgotten, where should you appear tonight?"

"Don't make trouble, there are too many people...it's not good to be discovered!" Su Ming said.

"Hehe... I don't care if the melon is good or not, I just care... unscrew him." Li Mochou said.

"But...they will hear it."

"Don't worry, it's Mei Chaofeng's turn to guard us tonight." Li Mochou said.

Su Ming: "..."

"Don't even think about it, Mei Chaofeng won't do things for you and me."

Su Ming tonight is more rational than last night, because the effect of the medicine is almost released.

He knew that things like being dark under the lights were easy to spot.

"She will..." Li Mochou said confidently.



(End of this chapter)

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