What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

Chapter 118 The person Li Qingxuan likes.

Chapter 118 The person Li Qingxuan likes.

Apology for suicide?

Someone Su naturally refused to drop it!
"It's not good to commit suicide, otherwise... I will find a way to compensate you in the future?"

"How about this, if you want, we reconcile, you become sisters together, how about we really become a family?" Su Ming asked.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Su Ming like an idiot.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Do you really want to include us all in the harem group, and then you will be the emperor?"

"I can't wait to let you die immediately."

"What a beautiful thing to think about!"

"If it wasn't for letting you die so easily, you would have ceased to exist long ago." This woman is so cold.

So unkind.

A picture of bitterness and hatred.

Like killing a father and an enemy.

If he hadn't looked for Su Ming alone before, Su Ming would have doubted whether they really hated him as much as they appeared on the surface.

"That's right, you bastard only thinks about good things, even if we die, it is absolutely impossible to become your harem group!"

"You just die with this heart."

It seems that there is no room for negotiation at all.

Su Ming weakly turned his attention to Yaoyue.

Yaoyue squinted at Shui Ling's big eyes: "Why are you looking at me? Look at me and dig out your eyes!"

"Actually, gouging out your eyes...that's pretty good, because you have these eyes, you're going to attract bees and butterflies."


Didn't you let me have sex with you before, why did you turn around and refuse to admit it.

Alas... a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart.

These women's attitude towards themselves today is really extremely cold.

I thought that after looking for myself in private, it would prove that these women had feelings for me, and I might have a chance to resolve the conflict. Who knew it would be even more difficult now.

This is true.

Because they all went to Su Ming alone in private, in order not to be discovered, and to prove that they had no intention of betraying the Avengers, they deliberately acted very targeted.

Not a good look at all.

Su Ming smiled wryly.

It really is one thing in front of the face and another behind the back!

"My life is sad..." Su Ming sighed.

"No, master...you have so many beautiful wives, all of whom are beautiful, and you are so infatuated with you, how can you be sad?"

"You should be the happiest person in the world, shouldn't you?"

After dinner, Su Ming sneaked out, wanting to hide for a while.

Then he found the place where the apprentice practiced, and couldn't help expressing emotion.


"The happiest man in the world..."

"Yes, Master, although they look fierce, this apprentice can feel that they really love you. Look... After someone assassinated you, they cleaned up many quacks nearby in a fit of anger. Many assassins' lairs have been taken away." Li Qingxuan said.

"Yes..." Su Ming nodded.

But is it possible that being good to oneself is part of it, and part of it is because those assassins don't open their eyes?

They are all big devil kings, if they dare to break ground on their heads, no matter what the reason is, it is disrespect to them, and this kind of disrespect will make them kill them?
"So...Master, how can you still feel unhappy?"

Probably because they all love themselves too much, and...they are too possessive.

This kind of possessiveness is impossible to accommodate others.

Again, if you can have one of them alone, it must be a very good thing, but having both... is very bad.

How could Li Qingxuan understand his difficulties?
He only saw that I have many wives, all of whom are as beautiful as angels...

Hearing what Li Qingxuan said, a teardrop of happiness dripped from the corner of someone's eyes.

"That's not right... How do I see you recently... You have become handsome, what's the matter with you?" Su Ming noticed at this time that Li Qingxuan originally had an image of a bitter swordsman.

The hair is fluffy and not serious, the beard is unshaven, the face is covered with wind and frost, and the clothes are more casual, long linen clothes, an iron sword...

Now he actually changed his image.

Hair was neatly brushed and oiled.

Those scars and sword marks on his face, those wind and frost... unexpectedly also faded a lot.

It can be seen that some medicines for removing scars were applied.

Good guy, not only did he take medicine, but he even sculpted his eyebrows.

Can you believe this?

Su Ming looked at Li Qingxuan who had changed his image strangely.


"Are you really Li Qingxuan?"

It doesn't look like a wandering bitter swordsman at all, but it's a bit...similar to Yijian Guanghan's...cool and unrestrained image.

Similar to Sword Fairy Li Bai.

Since when did this guy pay attention to his image.

"Hehe... I have nothing to do, so I need to fix my image. A man... You need to learn how to dress up. Besides, I am a direct disciple of the master of Mingzhuang. If my image is too bad, it will have a bad influence on our Mingzhuang." Li Qingxuan He touched his head, a little embarrassed to find an excuse.

Su Ming didn't believe it at all.


"When will my image of Mingzhuang need you to maintain it?" Su Ming knew that this guy was talking nonsense.

"When a man starts to pay attention to his own image, he often meets a woman he really likes."

"You're in love!"

Su Ming looked at his apprentice thoughtfully.

Li Qingxuan panicked for a while.

His eyes kept dodging.

"Master, how is it possible... how can I have any girl I like?"

"I just want to tidy myself up!"

I believe in you.

Su Ming looked Li Qingxuan up and down.

Think for a moment: "Which girls have you met recently..."

"Except for the female relatives of Mingzhuang, you don't have much contact with outsiders..."

"let me see!"

"Sky Frost City... Dongfang Yue?"

"Dongfang Ao asked her to come to Mingzhuang often to learn about martial arts. Recently, the two of you have been walking around frequently...it's possible!"

"And there is Mi Yuan...she also often comes to Mingzhuang."

"The two of them are indeed as beautiful as a fairy, as graceful as a frightened bird!"

"It seems...you have taken a fancy to one of them."

"Is it Mi Yuan or Dongfang Yue?" Su Ming asked.

Li Qingxuan looked at Su Ming in surprise, master, how could he be sure that he has someone he likes?
However, it is true.

"Master...not them..." Li Qingxuan timidly said.

"Besides, they are so young, how can I be cruel..."

"Tch, you are talented yourself, yet you despise people of your age." Su Ming said.

"Besides, you actually don't like the young ones. Could it be that you still like the old ones?"

"That's not true!"

"Young ones don't like it, old ones don't like it... Could it be that you, like Boss Cao Cao, like married women? Like married women?" Su Ming said.

The expression on Li Qingxuan's face became even more flustered, as if he had guessed something on his mind!
"How is it possible? Impossible..." Li Qingxuan quickly denied it.

But Su, who is an old Jianghu, can see through his appearance immediately.

"You really like this kind of people?"

"But we don't have any amazing second-married women near Mingzhuang."

Su Ming thought for a while:
"Damn it...you won't fall in love with your teacher's wife, you won't have thoughts about my daughter-in-law!"


Hearing this, Li Qingxuan was frightened and knelt on the ground.

"Master, how is this possible... a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life. You are the father, and the teacher's wife is the mother. How could I have such thoughts."

"Furthermore..." Li Qingxuan hesitated for a while.

Muttering to himself: "Master, they are so fierce, and only you, Master, can bear it. Other men, who dare to be around... They are all female devils!"

"Not to be eliminated in minutes."

Su Ming nodded.

"It's the same... You really didn't dare, besides, when you met my daughter-in-law, you also looked sloppy."

"Master, don't make wild guesses. The person I like is not from Tianshuang City, nor from Mingzhuang." Li Qingxuan said.

Who would that be?

Li Qingxuan shy away from talking about it...



(End of this chapter)

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