What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

Chapter 122 What is there to show off?

Chapter 122 What is there to show off?

in some dark corner.

A jade plaque with [Heixuanzi Sword Immortal] exploded without warning.

"Hmm! What's going on?"

"Why did Heixuanzi's natal jade tablet break?"

"This kind of situation will only happen when he falls...Could it be...Hei Xuanzi has fallen?"

"How is this possible... He was still in high spirits two days ago?"

"Why did it suddenly fall!"

In the main hall, a group of people who refused to show their faces were surprised.

"It did explode..."

"Hei Xuanzi has fallen!"

"Impossible, there are still people in the world of low martial arts who can kill him? How is it possible... Even if people from all corners of the world encircle and suppress him, they may not be able to keep him..."

"Unless the original legend makes a move, even if it is a legend, it may not necessarily be a sure victory..."

"Could it be that this jade token is broken?"

"Actually, Heixuanzi Sword Immortal is not dead!"

"He... is a sword fairy. If he died here, wouldn't it be as outrageous as falling into the latrine and drowning?"

"It's really outrageous. It must be that his natal jade card is broken?"

Everyone would rather believe that Hei Xuanzi's jade tablet was broken than that he was beaten to death.

Because this is really outrageous.

It's as outrageous as saying that a tiger entered a herd of rabbits and was killed by rabbits.

"No... Hei Xuanzi... is dead!" At this moment, someone said.

"I can feel that his natal jade card is dead..."

"The natal jade card will implicate the owner's vitality, and the death card will be broken. This is a very normal thing!"

Hearing this, the people present were all surprised.



"Really dead?"

"But... how could he die..."

"Don't talk about being killed, even if he stands there and someone beats him, he won't die!"

"how can that be?"

"In this kind of garbage world, can anyone still kill Hei Xuanzi?"

Everyone couldn't believe it, but the one who said he was dead was dead.

"Perhaps... this world is much more dangerous than we imagined!" That person said calmly.

"My lord... We have been to this kind of world many times, and every time we didn't push eight hundred opponents... They are all like ants..."

"Could it be...there is something wrong with this world?"

"But it's not right, I clearly feel that the spiritual energy in this world is thin, and the cultivation rules are extremely low-level... there can be no masters!"

"Could it be... the original legend shot?"

"Maybe..." The adult thought to himself.

"However... I have more reason to believe that there is... someone behind Ming Zhuang!"


"That's right... a person from our world, he... secretly protects Ming Zhuang, perhaps his purpose is also the Ice Soul Sacred Vein!"


"Has the Ice Soul Sacred Vein been leaked? But... this matter is extremely secretive, and our actions are also very cautious. The outside world doesn't know what we are doing or where we are going. How could it be leaked?" Some people wondered.

"We can get the news, maybe... others can get it too... You know, there are so many wonders in the world, capable people and strange people emerge in endlessly, what's so strange about knowing this?" the adult said indifferently.

"Then what do we do?"

"What to do...Follow the rules of the rivers and lakes!"

"Competition... is everywhere. If we win, it's ours... If they win, it's theirs!" the adult said.

"Hmph, if our guess is correct...the people behind Ming Zhuang must want to use Ming Zhuang's line to directly seize the Ice Soul Sacred Vein... He wants Ming Zhuang to use it as a medium to control Tianshuang City, and our only way is One, destroying Mingzhuang, destroying Tianshuang City... To occupy Tianshuang City, I think it will be useful for him to beat around the bush, or for me to be simple and straightforward!" The man said coldly.

"Hmph, there aren't so many rules, and there aren't so many conspiracies in competing in low martial arts... It's enough to drop ten times with one force, and that one... is still too bad!"

"My lord is still wise!" Someone praised his stinky feet.

"Hmph... is wise or not...you have to get results, what's the use of complimenting me now?" The lord didn't appreciate it.

"Pass down the order... Ming Zhuang and Tianshuang City will definitely be destroyed without triggering the mortal robbery!"

"My lord, I think we can make good use of the tool people in this world."

"Yes, that... the garbage that surrendered to us and wanted to go to the upper realm with us."

"Yes, yes, that guy is really delusional. We are just using him. He still thinks how important he is, and he even wants to go to the upper realm with us. What do we think? How could we bring a piece of garbage back? Why don't we take a piece of trash back with us? It’s useful for a pig to go back!”

"He really thinks how important he is to us... What a joke!" A group of people didn't pay attention to people in this world at all.

"The gathering of so many of us practitioners is enough to fight against the entire rivers and lakes, and he is still needed?"

"Now we really need him to deal with trivial matters for us. When the teleportation array is stable and our people keep coming, he will be useless!"


These arrogant people from the upper realm look down on the quacks from the lower martial arts world from the bottom of their hearts.

In their eyes, low-martial quacks are nothing more than a group of slightly stronger barbarians.

It's the kind of person who can make his body stronger... he can cultivate a little bit of internal strength, and he can be called a legend if he can crack a monument.

And this kind of existence, in the upper realm... a three-year-old child can do it.

Compared to moving mountains to fill seas, reaching for stars and grasping for moons...opening monuments and cracking stones is indeed too low-level.

And they don't even know that in their eyes, they are trash... a quack who doesn't look down on them at all... In fact, they have changed.

Comprehensive martial arts fusion.

Su Ming plays games... I don't know how much martial arts has been upgraded, plus a little bit of butterfly effect on the world.

This garbage world of low martial arts will definitely give them a big surprise.

Su Ming and the others didn't know at all that a passer-by that Li Qingxuan casually killed was actually at the level of a sword fairy... he was actually an important person behind the scenes.

If they knew, they would definitely say: Sword Immortal?That's it!So fucking weak!

In fact, Li Qingxuan really thought that the person he was fighting with was a piece of trash, possibly the most trashy existence among the successors of Dugu Qiubai, not one of them... Dugu Qiubai is such an awesome character, your successor is such a piece of trash, who are you kidding?

It doesn't fit the legendary style at all, okay?

Besides, I'm in Mingzhuang!At present, it is still at the bottom of the list. If Ming Zhuangli randomly pulls out one, won't they all beat me up?
And you can't even beat me who is such a rubbish, you must be the rubbish of the rubbish, and you are talking about the successor of Dugu Qiubai, what a bragging.

This point, the mastermind behind the scenes does not know.

If they knew the truth, their expressions would definitely be wonderful.

Li Qingxuan didn't think it was a great achievement to kill such a passerby, and he didn't even admit that he was the successor of Dugu Qiubai.

Maybe it's the kind of person who accidentally fell into the cliff, saw Dugu Qiubai's swordsmanship comprehension in a few words, and then practiced it casually... When he came out of the mountain, he pretended to be the heir of Dugu Qiubai.

From the mouth of the man in black, he could also hear his disdain for Dugu seeking defeat.

There is a high probability that it cannot be the descendant of Dugu Qiubai.

And this kind of little rubbish, if you beat him and show it off, isn't it sick...

I'm too embarrassed to say it.

Well, if he knew Li Qingxuan's thoughts, Hei Xuanzi would be so angry that he couldn't hold down the coffin boards, and he had to come up with a theory.

I can lose, you can't call me trash.



(End of this chapter)

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