Why is this 143
"You've just been pregnant, your body is weak, um... Sometimes you are too weak or you suddenly take supplements, which will affect the stability of your qi and blood." Su Ming explained.

"Thanks to my medical skills, I suppressed it for you." Someone Su said happily.

Jiang Yuyan: Then I really thank you...

"Be careful, no matter how your qi and blood change with me in the future, I can mediate for you." A certain person promised, patted his chest.

This made Jiang Yuyan even more speechless.

"If I said... it's not just a question of blood, but I thought about it too!" Jiang Yuyan said indifferently.

"It's absolutely impossible..."

"Actually, some women don't know when they are pregnant at the beginning, they are not..." Jiang Yuyan said.

"I don't know if I don't know, but I can't do it if I know..." Su Ming said.

In short, it was impossible for him to do anything with Jiang Yuyan at this time.


Jiang Yuyan knew that she couldn't resist Qun Su Ming's temperament, but she also appreciated Su Ming's choice.

It shows that this man is not an animal that only thinks from the lower body.

not bad.

Jiang Yuyan felt a sense of security for no reason.

That's great... Even though this doggy man has many women, she still miraculously feels safe.

Take Jiang Yuyan's pulse and check that there is nothing unusual.

"It's okay, then I'll go out first." Su Ming took the food box and left here.

After doing this, Su Ming asked the housekeeper to find seven or eight maids for Jiang Yuyan to take care of her, to ensure that she doesn't have to worry about any trivial matters in life, and there are a lot of people here.

There are those who are skilled in taking care of people's diet and daily life, there are nutrition masters, and there are also talkative and funny people.

It is possible enough to make Jiang Yuyan's life worry-free, and at the same time, her mood can be happy and stable.

In order to prevent other women from seeing Su Ming's special care for Jiang Yuyan, in fact, other wives Su Ming also hired servants to serve them, and the number was only a lot more than Jiang Yuyan's.

The only difference is that Jiang Yuyan is not as proficient in life skills.

It's no small matter.

This made Jiang Yuyan's favorability towards Su continue to rise.

"What else is there?"

Su Ming was thinking.

"Eating and drinking can't be hasty. If I find out, I will ask people to find the best water source and the best food, so that she can eat healthier things."

"The bed and bedding can't be settled..."

Su Ming listed them one by one in his heart.

He was going to replace all the furniture in Jiang Yuyan's room.

He doesn't know what to do as a husband or a father, so he can do whatever comes to his mind.


"Hmph... You really took great pains to make us forgive you and accept you!" Yaoyue Lianxing and the others saw the sudden increase in their quality of life, and thought it was Su Ming doing it deliberately in order to capture them.

"But you think you want us to accept you just by relying on some food and drink, and a few servants... You are too naive, no matter what you do, we don't want us to have you together!" Yaoyue said.

Jiang Yuyan didn't speak, she knew that Su Ming did it deliberately for her and the child in her belly.

There was one, to hug you... I hugged the whole class.

Very bloody.

"Jiang Yuyan, why don't you speak...and enjoy it with ease? Have you been attacked? What about your past hatred?" Yaoyue was very puzzled, and she felt Jiang Yuyan's expression changed.

You can't hide the look in your eyes when you love someone.

So is the expression of hating a person.

She found out that Jiang Yuyan didn't hate Su Ming, and didn't run on Su Ming...

Is this still Jiang Yuyan?
Facing everyone's suspicious gazes, Jiang Yuyan immediately understood.

In these days, I really rarely run on Su Ming unconsciously.

Instead, she secretly looked at him with special eyes from time to time.

No no no...I can't do this.

I can't let my sisters find out that I'm a traitor.

She frowned, and her eyes shot out a murderous cold light: "How could I be successfully attacked by him? I am Jiang Yuyan!"

Jiang Yuyan's aura is very strong, she has been in a high position for many years, every look, every movement... can make people feel the feeling of a storm.

With a little effort, the atmosphere on the scene has dropped a lot.

"I was just thinking about something."

"Su Ming... Let me tell you, you should give up your heart. No matter what you do... it will not be able to eliminate the hatred that we want you to be a scholar and not be able to die!"

"Don't do it in vain, you're doomed!" Jiang Yuyan's ruthless words were a must.

Seeing the familiar Jiang Yuyan come back, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Still the same as before.

This is right, the feeling is right, and the atmosphere is right.

And Su Ming's very cooperative performance: Helpless... mixed with a trace of fear...

Perfectly clothed.

However, under the tense eye contact, it did not affect the peaceful communication between the two.

Everyone at the dinner table felt the same as before.

But it seems to be a little different.

This atmosphere is unpredictable.

Six people... maybe only Li Mochou can figure it out.

He took a deep look at Su Ming and then at Jiang Yuyan.


He pinched someone Su's thigh fiercely.


The rolled up flesh rolled, bringing a tearing pain.

It's not the pain of tearing apart, it's the kind of pain like tearing apart and choking.

Su Ming was suddenly pinched, and couldn't help screaming.


Everyone looked at Su Ming, who had a painful expression, and almost lay down on the table in pain.

They all looked at him strangely.

Someone Su found himself in a gaffe...

Hastily put away the distorted face in pain.

Tried to pretend to be innocent and chuckled: "Hey...hey..."

"I think the atmosphere is too dignified and dull, so enliven the atmosphere."

Crowd: ...



"Gossip all day..."

Everyone obviously believed his words.

Then eat your own food.

After everyone returned to normal, Su Ming gave Li Mochou a complaining look.

Li Mochou's acting skills are really good.

I sneaked a sneak attack at myself, but I didn't expect to quickly withdraw my hand, and looked at him suspiciously like other women.

An innocent expression of "what happened", "I don't know", "I don't know", "Don't ask me".

Li Mochou directly ignored someone's complaint.

"Come, have a dish..." Li Mochou thoughtfully brought him some food.

At the same time the hand wanted to touch someone's thigh.

With the lessons learned, Su subconsciously wanted to hide.

With Li Mochou's threatening eyes, a certain person can only do something wrong...at Li Mochou's mercy.

But Su didn't enjoy it at all.

There is only one emotion where ants and poisonous snakes are crawling all over your body.

Remind you to hang your nerves all day long.

"This bitch... will she do it again suddenly?"

"Why is she so nervous?"

"Did you find something?"

"No way...if she finds out that Jiang Yuyan is pregnant with my child...will I...will be beaten to death?"


Su Ming was restless.

Been thinking about it all day.

Hey... Sure enough, the female devil is the female devil.

A group of female devils wandered around, no matter whether they were really conquered by him or not, they would always punish him from time to time.

too frightening.

And Mei Chaofeng at the side had a panoramic view of all this.

She was wondering, Li Mochou...why?


(End of this chapter)

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