What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

Chapter 146 Mei Chaofeng: Eat?Ok very welcome!

Chapter 146 Mei Chaofeng: Eat?Ok... very welcome!
The woman pouted her chin, her eyes flickering with charm.

He stared straight at Su Ming.

Take this to test the cadres?

Which cadre who can stand this kind of test?

"Follow her...follow her..." Some animals nearby murmured, almost bringing themselves into someone's perspective.

I can't get it, so it's okay to imagine the pictures that others got.

Su Ming: ...

These animals are really animals.

Never seen a woman like.

Why did I come from... The women in the family can't handle it, you want me to hook up with other women?
Doesn't this kill me...

How can I have so much energy?


But just when Su Ming and the woman were chatting passionately, Su Ming didn't know what to say.

He felt a slap on the back of his head.

"Ouch..." Su Ming covered his head and looked up.

A cold, familiar, and beautiful face came into view.

good guy...

"Old... Wife..."

"You... why are you here..."

"Have you finished teaching martial arts?"

Mei Chaofeng's angry face made the proud capital under the black veil fluctuate and surge.

"Okay... You bastard, my old lady hooked up with another woman just after leaving for a while?"

"You are really a dog man!"

"Isn't there enough women in the family? How many more do you want to marry?" Mei Chaofeng growled.

Su Ming looked innocent: "My wife...I don't...I really don't!"

"I saw it with my own eyes, and said you didn't!"

"I didn't hook up. She took the initiative to talk to me. Everyone here can testify for me."

"Su Ming, if you let me know today that you want to touch other women, then you will die!" Mei Chaofeng seemed to be eating people.

Simply a beast.

Hedong lion.

"No... This little lady just wants to have a meal at our house... I really didn't take the initiative..." Su Ming explained: "I am wronged."

"If you don't believe me, ask them!"

Su Ming pointed to the tea drinkers in the teahouse.

But when they heard Mei Chaofeng's words and looked at Li Mochou again, those tea drinkers were all horrified.

"Su...Su Ming..."

"He is actually Su Ming..."

"Then this beautiful woman...is his wife of the devil..." After saying this, the man regretted it.

Quickly shrank his neck.

Calling her a devil in front of the devil... Is it tired of life.

"so beautiful…"

Fortunately, Mei Chaofeng doesn't seem to care about this.

It also made that person feel lucky to have escaped.

They recognized Su Ming's identity and were horrified.

This is Su Ming?
The owner of Mingzhuang?

The masters of the two major families in Tianshuang City...

No wonder... No wonder it looks extraordinary.

No wonder there are women who automatically post it.

Many people don't know what Su Ming looks like.

Although Su Ming is famous, he seldom shows up in the arena, so not many people can remember Su Ming's face.

After confirming that this person was Su Ming, his expression became confused.

If it was Su Ming, everything would make sense.

No wonder he would say that his wife is fiercer and disagree with him marrying a second wife. No wonder he would say that his wife is prettier than the woman in white. At first everyone thought he was bragging, but now they understand that this person is the famous Su Ming, and they understand After seeing who his wife is, she understood that he was not lying, nor was he bragging, nor was he deliberately not getting close to women just to pretend to be coquettish.

With those wives in Mingzhuang around, he, Su Ming, really looked down on her.

Hmm... I guess I don't dare to think about it.

Looked at Mei Chaofeng.

Mei Chaofeng was dressed in black, not as good-looking as the white-clothed woman, Bai Yishengxue, but even more beautiful than the white-clothed woman.

What kind of shit luck did this Su Ming step on?


They all envied someone Su.

Mei Chaofeng glanced suspiciously at the tea customers around him.

From the eyes of many tea guests, she guessed that this incident might have nothing to do with Su Ming.

Figured out this section.

Mei Chaofeng looked at the woman in white with an unkind expression.

His eyes are like protecting food.

"Why are you looking for my husband?"

"It's nothing, I just think you're a good husband-in-law. I've taken a fancy to it... I'm going to get to know you a little bit." The woman in white looked indifferent.

Mei Chaofeng frowned, and looked at the woman in white as if she were dead: "You are very good, you have courage."

She didn't expect this woman to be so calm in the face of her own pressure.

The visitor is not good.

"Hey, I believe that if you really love your husband, you should think about him, don't stop him from pursuing happiness." The woman continued to ignore Mei Chaofeng's murderous eyes:

"The reason why you can become his wife is not how good you are, nor how suitable you are... It's just that you appeared earlier than me. If I appeared at the same time as you, he might not choose you."

Mei Chaofeng laughed, and suddenly laughed... a sinister smile: "Really..."

"She is an enemy and is harmful to us. You have to be careful of conspiracy and tricks." Su Ming moved close to Mei Chaofeng's ear, and reminded him in a low voice. hide.

"Hmph, do you need to remind me?" Mei Chaofeng said angrily.

She looked at the woman in white: "Your aura...is unusual, it seems...from a very far away place, it's a pity that you have come all this way."

"Since you have taken a fancy to my husband-in-law and want to go to my house for dinner, see if you can get along with our sisters..."

"Then I, Mei Chaofeng, must be very welcome."

"Otherwise, others will think I'm stingy."

"Do you really dare to let me go to Mingzhuang? Are you afraid that I will rob Su Ming?" the woman in white asked.

"Why don't you dare!" After Mei Chaofeng finished speaking, he looked at the woman in white with a half-smile, "But I have to remind you, our food...is not that delicious."

"It's good to have food, nothing is good or not..." the woman in white said.

"Then stop talking nonsense. If you want to go to Mingzhuang for dinner, please go ahead." Mei Chaofeng said.

"Thank you for leading the way."


Several people left the teahouse just like that.


"They really left."

"Oh... I've heard that Master Su's beauty is not shallow, and he has a peach blossom attribute. Now it seems... that's true."

"Look, such a beautiful woman was taken away."

"Mr. Su's wife took it home herself."

"Master Su's family status is enviable."

"If only I were Mr. Su..."

"I'm jealous."

There was an uproar in the teahouse.

Everyone is envious of Su Ming.

Of course, there are also some people who know a lot of secrets but see things differently.

"Mingzhuang's rice is not so delicious."

"Even Daoist Gu Wanggu, the Poison King, can't eat their food, let alone others."

"There are so many female devils in Mingzhuang... This woman in white dares to throw herself into a trap, I'm afraid... the danger is too bad!"

"The background of this woman seems to be very complicated, and I don't know what kind of sparks will be produced after colliding with those female devil heads."

"I don't think the woman in white is pure on the surface, maybe she can fight the female devil in Mingzhuang?"

"If she doesn't have any skills, she wouldn't dare follow to Mingzhuang."

"is also like this…"

People are discussing.



(End of this chapter)

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