Chapter 159

" younger siblings are here too, I was joking with Brother Su just now." Seeing Leng Baipi's unfriendly eyes, Duan Zhengchun said awkwardly.

"Brothers and sisters, we are really just joking, believe it or not?"

Leng Baipi Mei Chaofeng didn't say anything, but just looked at Duan Zhengchun quietly, the sense of oppression... was enough to make Duan Zhengchun feel guilty.

"Really, the two of us have never pretended to be criminals. You don't know how much Brother Su cares about you. When he enters the brothel, he never looks directly at the girls inside."

"Ahem...I've never been there!" Su Ming corrected.

You paint me darker and darker?

"That's right, Brother Su is a gentleman, he must abide by the bottom line, he has never been to that kind of place, I can prove..." Duan Zhengchun explained with a guilty conscience.

For some reason, Duan Zhengchun always felt guilty when he looked at Mei Chaofeng.

Maybe the opponent is too strong.

Mei Chaofeng glanced at Duan Zhengchun: "I didn't say I didn't believe it, why are you explaining so much? Could it be that you have a guilty conscience?"

"Besides... even if my husband is gone, then go, man, what's the matter if you like to play a little bit, as long as you know how to go home, I don't mind." The cold words made people not want to face it.

Duan Zhengchun's heart was shocked when he heard the words: "Siblings are really considerate!"

"Brother Su is very lucky."

"Hey... If only my wife was as magnanimous as you."

Duan Zhengchun's real name is envious.

Su Ming: ...

You are envious of a hair.

are you stupid or what?Can't you hear what she said on purpose? If you want to follow along, it will be miserable.

Su Ming, who knew Mei Chaofeng very well, hurriedly said: "Don't listen to Prince Duan's nonsense, don't say that if I have a chance, even if I have a chance, I will not go to such a place where morals and morals are ruined. You can rest assured about this lady!"

Mei Chaofeng looked at Su Ming with cold eyes.

Expressed disbelief.

A daughter-in-law pops up every two or three days, you tell me you are not a womanizer, what kind of mouth is not good?
Why don't you say you are a saint!

"Husband, I've been out for so long, it's time to go back." Mei Chaofeng said.

"Prince Duan, please forgive me. Mingzhuang still has a lot of things that my husband needs to deal with, so I won't accompany you. You and my husband are brothers. Living in Tianshuang City is equivalent to a family. If you need anything, just ask Mi’s Dongfang family mentioned that if they can’t do it, just send someone to tell us, and we will do our best to satisfy.”

Mei Chaofeng didn't want Su Ming and Duan Zhengchun to get too close at all.

Two old color batches.

Don't look at it, it is estimated that they are still exchanging "criminal experience" here.

"Don't worry, I won't see you outside, so thank you Brother Su and the brothers for taking care of me." Prince Duan said.

Seeing that Su Ming didn't want to leave, he was a little bit reluctant to go back to Mingzhuang.

Prince Duan asked in a low voice: "Brother Su... I don't know if there is any urgent matter in Mingzhuang that needs to be dealt with?"

"Is it because of the invasion of the upper realm?"

"If there is anything that needs Duan's help, just say it, Duan will never delay."

Su Ming shook his head helplessly: "It's all trivial matters."

"Then what's the big deal? Brother Su, is there any other big deal?"

"Of course there is...the big thing is to carry on the family!" Su Ming shrugged bitterly.


Duan Zhengchun was stunned...

What a big deal!
"You don't understand..." Su Ming sighed.

"What nonsense? Are you still leaving?" Mei Chaofeng said.

"There will be a period of time later. Don't do other things. Just practice hard and become stronger. We can't predict what will happen in the future. You are better than anything else when you become stronger and have the ability to protect yourself." Su Ming bid farewell.


Leave Duan Zhengchun.

Mei Chaofeng was immediately pulled into the small dark room.

"Ma'am, can we take a day off?" Su Ming asked.

"What do you say?"

Of course not!

Mei Chaofeng has been entangled with Su Ming recently.

There is no other reason, as the eldest sister, as Su Ming's recognized eldest wife, she has nothing in her stomach, and Jiang Yuyan was the first to take it down, Mei Chaofeng was so angry.

No matter what you say, you have to catch up with Jiang Yuyan.

So... Su Ming suffered an old crime.

It's not really a crime...


Ming Zhuang.

Su Ming discussed with a group of people.

"Recently, the construction of Tianshuang City is getting better and better."

"We have attracted a large number of masters to join us. On the premise of cultivating martial arts masters, we have successfully built Tianshuang City and turned Tianshuang City into a fairyland on earth."

"It is gratifying to make the heroes of the world yearn for it."

Dongfang Ao is reporting to work.

"If hunters from the upper realm invade, we will definitely have the strength to fight."

"It's a pity... It would be great if I could attract more children of destiny."

"Top masters rarely enter Tianshuang City."

"In fact, following the defeat of the alliance army, the heroes of the world were temporarily discouraged, and they gathered together again to form a new alliance. Almost all the children of destiny in the alliance, perhaps inspired by the formation of our Tianshuang City, they also formed All kinds of sword formations, such as evil sword formation, Dugu nine sword formation, ice palm formation, dragon subduing eighteen palm formation!"

"Not to mention, they have come up with some tricks, such as the ice formation, the fire formation, etc. The five element formations complement each other and form, and the power is amazing."

"They also sent people into our Tianshuang City to buy stronger pills, martial arts, etc. At first, we were unwilling to sell them, but Su Zhuangzhu said to let them go, so we didn't care too much." The Dongfang family and the Mi family reported .

"With these resource bonuses, the alliance army is not what it used to be, and it is indeed stronger than before."

"It is said that recently he took revenge and killed [-] hunters who smuggled in, and his morale was greatly boosted!"

On Su Ming's side, he has been paying attention to things in the world.

"There are no eggs under an overturned nest."

"It stands to reason that we should unite, but they don't seem to have the intention of forming an alliance with us to fight against the enemy."

"Intel said it seemed as if they had an internal resistance to associating with demons."

"Fight the crisis yourself."

"That group of people... are really good at being cheap. I think they have healed their scars and forgot the pain. They don't know current affairs at all, and they can't see the current situation clearly!"

"If they don't rely on us, they can do nothing." Mi Feng was very disdainful.

"If you really don't accept us, then why did you secretly come to Tianshuang City to get resources? I think it's like being a whore and setting up a memorial archway!"

This is the biggest storm on the rivers and lakes recently.

Everyone can feel the calm before the storm.

We are all getting ready.

"Forget it, if they don't want to talk to us, just ignore us, we can play by ourselves!" Su Ming didn't care about it.

"The world is too big, and the number of people in Tianshuang City can't defend it."

"It's hard to persuade a damn ghost!"

"It's good to be ourselves and be alone." Su Ming thought so.

It's not that he is innocent.

It's because others don't need his righteousness.

Besides, he couldn't care less.

This decision was unanimously approved by the wives.

The female devils have this kind of character.

If you are not selfish, how can you be called the devil king?
"Patriarch Mi, I think the cultivation base of the people in Tianshuang City has increased a lot recently. If possible, we can increase some resources and some high-level exercises recently. If the overall strength of Tianshuang City can be raised to a higher level before the big war comes , that's even better!"

"Okay, I will pay attention to this matter." Mi Feng said.

"Hmph... Those martial arts people thought that they formed an alliance to join forces with the heroes, so that the hunters in the upper realm would be afraid." Su Ming shook his head.

"Actually...they did this and deployed defenses in various places, which happened to provide a lot of game experience for the people in the upper world."

Originally, people didn't know who they were targeting, but if you make a League of Salvation, the other party's thinking will be clear at once.

Level up and fight monsters all the way, starting with low-level ones, and finally challenging the top alliance.

Is this an inappropriate game setting?

Su Ming felt that the establishment of the alliance was simply stupid, and provided the other party with a way to upgrade and fight monsters in vain.

It is estimated that those who have experienced it will be so happy that they will faint from laughter.

In the past, when he played games, what he had the most experience with was this way of leveling up and fighting monsters.

This method is not as good as spreading out to fight guerrillas.

The other party brushes you as a copy, and you can also use the other party as a copy.

They come down to experience, you can also sneak attack to snatch their resources.

Let's see who can beat who.

But those stupid donkeys probably don't understand this kind of thing.

But he will not persuade, and the other party will not listen to the persuasion.

If you are rich, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be alone.

Su Ming's ability is limited now.

Even if he could, he would find a chance to get out of this damn place.


Originally thought that the comprehensive martial arts world still had some time to prepare.

But who knew it would come so fast.

Shortly after.

The teleportation formations in various places of the comprehensive martial arts are opened.


The teleportation arrays flickered with beams of light.

Immediately afterwards, powerful figures teleported out of the teleportation array.

There is a body that surrounds Thunder.

When someone appeared, the fire burned for thirty miles.

In addition to humans, there are many monsters and demons.

Some mythical and legendary beasts and monsters all appeared.



Nine tailed fox.

Nine Monster Flood Dragon.


Moxiu has zombie kings, ghost kings, ghosts, and skeletons.

It's totally a myth.

They use the world as a hunting ground.

Famous and decent sects may only rob property, martial arts, medicinal materials, wealth, etc., these are rarely done, their most important thing is to find the spiritual pulse of this world.

Moxiu and monsters are much crueler.

They practiced with the blood of living beings, which is very domineering.

Devouring living beings is nothing more than a normal thing.

Of course, where there is black, there is white, whether it is in this world or in the upper world, some monks are not used to the way of demonic cultivation, and they will eliminate harm for the people when they encounter it.

But there are not many such people.

There is no way to save them.

Their purpose is not to save the world.

It is already a great good thing to be able to take action when encountering evil spirits.

"The catastrophe... finally came!" Su Ming sighed.

Seeing that the sky turned blood-colored, he knew that this catastrophe was inevitable.

"Husband... what are your plans?" The wives were already ready to fight.

"Wait... Those who hold the artifact have not made a move, we have been waiting... If we want to survive the catastrophe, we can only wait!" Su Ming said.

"Husband, do you have a solution?"

"It's only a glimmer of life!" Su Ming shook his head bitterly.

"But don't worry, no matter how bad it is, I can keep you safe..."


The catastrophe started.

The whole world suddenly fell into crisis.

When the major empires got the news, they had already made full preparations, prepared their troops, and gathered their strength.

The army of the Mortal Empire is actually not a soft persimmon, and if you learn the martial arts that have been circulated in the world recently, it is definitely a fighting force that cannot be underestimated.

"This world is not so good!"

"I feel it, it's the ordinary world of low martial arts!"

"It's ridiculous... the big figures above actually classified this trial site as dangerous. I think it's a bit high on this place."

"No matter how you look at it, this world is just a world of low martial arts, and it is difficult to produce strong people!"

Trialists descended from all over the world.

After they teleported over, they didn't care about this world.

On the contrary, it is the practitioners who also come from the upper realm to beware of.

Generally, there is an unspoken rule that if there is a deep hatred, it can be resolved in the place of trial.

This kind of ordinary elders will not pursue it.

I can only blame my back for not being good at learning.

No one in the practice world has a deadly enemy.

Cultivation is all about fighting!
Fighting for skills, fighting for resources, fighting for women, fighting for everything...

Since the natives of this world pose no threat to them.

Then beware of people from the same realm.

The place of experience is perfect for killing people and seizing treasures.

They were all on guard against being stabbed.

The interesting scene is... During the day or two after the catastrophe, the world is still harmonious.

Not much bloodshed.

Maybe you don't want to expose your location to be found by the enemy.

More and more people are entering the world of comprehensive martial arts.

But not many people were killed.

Even Moxiu and monsters are the same.

It seems that when they entered this world, they all disappeared out of thin air at once.

Standing still, they are all looking for opportunities.


In the end, Moxiu couldn't bear it.

A zombie king smells that a big city is full of energy and blood, and human beings are full of vitality.

The Green Zombie King is on the verge of breaking out, so he's planning a big case.

Those who want to devour the entire city are promoted.

It summons a large number of jump zombies to prepare for a surprise attack.

Such things as massacring a city must be raided, and the speed must be fast.

After all, Moxiu will not be tolerated by the righteous way. If those hypocrites see him, he may wipe out his good deeds.

The night is dark and windy.

The army of thousands of zombies lurking in the darkness is mighty and mighty, flocking to Yichang like a tide.

The city is not too big.

The population is quite large.

Just right for hunting.

The scene is terrifying.

Many zombies poured in, rushing in densely under the dark night, making people's scalp numb.

"Damn it!"

Those who got the news thought that Yichang was finished.

The Green Armored Zombie King had a premeditated plan. Even if some meddling hypocrites wanted to rescue them, it would be too late for them to come to the Zombie King.


Then wait until they get news again.

The green-armored zombie king and his zombie brothers were all charred corpses, really dead.

The city of Yichang was not destroyed.

The sneak attacking zombie team was wiped out.

The green-armored zombie king who took the lead was beheaded and hung outside the city wall, as if warning something.

how could this be?

If it was just an accident, then what happened next became more and more weird.

There was a monster who saw an old man farming, went up to provoke him, and was knocked off his head with a hoe. There was a monk showing off his power and doing things in the mountain village, saying that he wanted to rob money and women, and a 13-year-old boy pierced his chest with a sword...

The trainees suddenly discovered a problem.

It seems that this submissive native who dare not leave the house is very dangerous!

In fact, by exposing the practice, people in this world have a little bit of self-protection ability.

Not everyone is a master, but there are always one or two masters in a place.

They can't deal with powerful monks, some ordinary monks can still fight.

There are ordinary people in this world, and there are ordinary monks in the upper world.

And often the bottom monks always account for the majority.

"Danger... the natives of this world are so fierce!"

"They all like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers!"

"Everyone be vigilant!"



(End of this chapter)

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