What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

Chapter 162 The Bloody Battle of Tianshuzi

Chapter 162 The Bloody Battle of Tianshuzi

Hengyang City.

A quaint city.

All are made of stones.

Not tall.

Countless Jianghu people and Tianjiao gathered together.


On the city wall, two corpses fell.

It fell to the ground without even rebounding.

Like a sack with sand in it.

"The... 231st!"

Some people can't help but sigh with emotion.

Looking up, the scarlet blood on the city wall was flowing all over the city wall.

Under the sun, the blood is redder.

It's like melting agate and covering the floor.

Those blood, extraordinary blood.

On the city wall, there was a young man in green clothes holding an iron sword, with a thin and slender figure.

Single ponytail, face like a crown jade, bold and uninhibited.

With a sword in one hand and a drink in the other.

Li Qingxuan.

Under the sun, under the sky.

He is like a young sword fairy.


"Li Qingxuan... has beheaded 230 practitioners in a row!"

"His sword, too fast."

"It's obviously just an ordinary sword."

"Obviously... it's just an ordinary move, but no one can dodge it."

He is too powerful.

Sitting at the head of the city, waiting for the challenge from the heavenly pride of the upper world.

One person, one sword, pushing the upper realm horizontally?

"Immortal Dao is boundless, I want to draw my sword and ask the sky!"

"The pride of the upper world, that's all."

"Who else!"

Li Qingxuan took a sip of wine and spoke arrogantly.

There are many people here.

There is no shortage of experienced practitioners in the upper realm.

Those trainees almost gritted their teeth with hatred, but...it was useless, and they didn't dare to do it.

Everyone on board is dead.

This mortal swordsman can kill heavenly beings.

"He is so arrogant, so no one can cure him?" Someone said in a deep voice.

He wanted to kill Li Qingxuan, but there was nothing he could do about it.

When people from the upper realm came to this world, most of them still had an advantage.

Some geniuses can push eight hundred opponents horizontally.

The bulldozer ran over, even if there were some obstacles, it couldn't stop the general trend...

This is still a special physique, and some hidden Tianjiao did not make a move.

If those Tianjiao make a move, they will definitely be able to crush this world.

At least the practitioners in the upper realm think so.

This is their pride.

But today, a mortal swordsman, waiting for the challenge from the heroes of the world, unexpectedly defeated the monks in the upper realm.

This is a shame.

People from the lower world are only worthy of being ants, why dare to do so.

"His swordsmanship is too weird... It seems ordinary, but there is a feeling of greatness and simplicity. It seems... not a pure mortal sword..."

"This guy pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

"I can see it, the non-special physique Tianjiao can't fight!"

"Why didn't Tianjiao take action against him, he was too crazy to forget, he should be punished!"

The people in the upper realm were about to explode.

They can accept that they are suppressed by people from the same realm, but they absolutely cannot accept that they are suppressed by people from the lower realm.

"Everyone, don't worry... It is said that the Tianjiao with a special physique has arrived, and this guy is about to suffer!"




"Huh? Tianshuzi? Is that... the Tianjiao who is said to have the sword body of Tianshu?"

When they heard Tian Shuzi, everyone's eyes lit up.

Finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"If Tianshuzi comes here, then this guy's good life will be over."

"Tian Shuzi was famous in the upper world for a while, from south to north, he challenged geniuses from 99 states and 33 countries all the way. It is said that no matter whether it is geniuses from various factions or the princes of the empire, no one is his opponent, and they are all beaten. Luoshen Altar...that is a powerful master beyond bounds."

"For a while, everyone thought that he would kill all the way, defeat the heroes of the world all the way, and finally become a saint... It's a pity that he suddenly retired for unknown reasons!"

"Some people say that his talent is too high, attracting the attention of old enemy monsters and wanting to kill him. In order to protect him, the upper echelons of the sect hid him and waited for the right time to reappear..."

Tianshuzi was once a bright pearl in the upper realm, shed the brightest light ever, and had an unrivaled record.

To this day, some people still talk about his achievements.

He believes that the future saint position must have his place.

"However, I also got some gossip. It was rumored that he was defeated and his Dao heart was broken, so it ended in a bleak way."

"Eh... This kind of news must be false. If someone defeats him, it will be a record against the sky. Why don't you show it off?"


Most people don't believe this rumor.

Regardless of the rumors.

There is no doubt about Tian Shuzi's strength.

What's more, he is still a person with a special physique.

"Tianshuzi makes a move, Li Qingxuan will definitely be punished."

"I don't know when Tian Shuzi will arrive."

"Hurry up, hurry up..."


next time.

Li Qingxuan killed several unlucky people who wanted to be famous.

Li Qingxuan had a remarkable record, and being able to kill him would be very helpful for becoming famous.

Finally, one evening.

A man with seven divine swords hanging from his back, who looked like a god, paced in the void.

He seems to be walking very slowly.

However, it took only two or three steps to walk from the sky to the outside of Hengyang City.

"Tianshuzi...it's Tianshuzi!"

"He's finally here!"

"Seven colorful natal swords hanging on the back... the golden light in the eyes is like the sun, and the golden inscriptions flow on the naked body, like a standing god!"

"Tianshuzi...he's really here!"


Tianshuzi, a man who looks like a god.

Seven fairy swords were suspended behind him.

Legend has it that he was born with a condensed sword in his hand, and after the condensed sword turned into seven fairy swords, they protected him from side to side.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple.

Each one is indestructible.

With a thought, take the enemy's head thousands of miles away.

He is tall.


The majestic muscles are like sculptures one by one.

The golden runes flowed between the muscles, giving him the most powerful spiritual support.

A pair of golden eyes, insight into everything.

He flew to Hengyang City.

Overlooking Li Qingxuan.

Glittering gold.

Brighter than the sun.

In other novels, it would definitely exist like the protagonist.

"You are Li Qingxuan?" Tian Shuzi asked.

Lips moved.

Extremely indifferent.

As indifferent as a god.

Looking down on a mole ant.

"Tianshuzi?" Li Qingxuan glanced at him and nodded, "Not bad...a decent opponent finally came."

"You're not bad either, you deserve to die by my sword!" Tian Shuzi was extremely arrogant.

No wonder it is said that he has the posture of a saint.

If there are no accidents, maybe there is a chance to become a saint in the future.


The two didn't have too much to say, and shot directly.

The red sword behind Tianshuzi pierced Li Qingxuan with lightning speed.

Too fast.

It's almost like space jumping.

In the blink of an eye, Li Qingxuan was in front of him.

Even if it is as strong as Li Qingxuan, he has to be surprised.


He took a sip of his wine.

Hanging the wine jug on his waist, his body shot up like a spear.

Clean and neat, without muddy water.


He actually dodged the red sword that was faster than bullets by relying on his body skills.


The red sword pierced the place where Li Qingxuan was sitting cross-legged just now, and directly blasted a big hole.

The solid marble actually shattered into fine powder.

"This... so scary!"

"Is he born with a sword?"


Immediately afterwards, the entire city gate collapsed.

Fortunately, ordinary people have already been dismissed, otherwise there would be many casualties.

"One blow... actually caused a city to collapse!"

"This is Tianshuzi?"

"No bragging at all, a real master!"

Seeing this scene, many local Jianghu people couldn't help but tremble with fear.

This is the pride of the upper realm?The real pride?

Really powerful!

"This Li Qingxuan actually managed to escape Tian Shuzi's red sword technique just by relying on his body skills... What kind of evildoer?"

"His agility doesn't look fast, why can he hide?"

"Perhaps his strength is stronger than we imagined!"

People from the upper realm were even more surprised by Li Qingxuan.

Li Qingxuan frowned when he saw the collapsed city wall.

Tian Shuzi was the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered in his life.

The other party is too scary.

If you are accidentally hit, it may be more or less auspicious.

Fighting here, I'm afraid it will harm the innocent... Why don't you find another place?
He thought for a while: "If you dare to fight with me elsewhere, I'm afraid innocent people will be hurt here!"

"It's up to you to find the burial ground!" Tian Shuzi didn't care.

Li Qingxuan could feel that Tian Shuzi was a real swordsman, and wanted to have a hearty battle.

"Hengyang City Lord, wait for me to kill this thief, and use the magic weapon on him to pay for the collapsed city wall!" Li Qingxuan shouted at Hengyang City: "If I die unfortunately, you can go to Tianshuang City to claim compensation, and someone will pay for it!" Pay you."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingxuan's body and Tian Shuzi fought farther and farther away.

The Lord of Hengyang City: ...

The people of Hengyang City: ...

People from all walks of life: ...

Upper Realm Cultivator: ...


Brother... is it a question of whether to pay for the city wall?
Shouldn't you fucking be concentrating on fighting?

Your opponent is Tianshuzi... the Tianjiao of the upper realm, the Tianjiao with a special physique, once overwhelmed the 99 states, defeated the geniuses of all factions, the Tianjiao who inherited the princes of various empires...

You are also distracted to explain the issue of whether to lose money or not!
Hearing Li Qingxuan's words, many people rolled their eyes.

I thought he was talking so loudly why.

It turned out to be about this.


The spy of Tianshuang City was also very speechless: "Oh... you pretended to be emotional, and let Tianshuang City pay for the loss... You really know how to play!"


However, his out-of-the-ordinary voice eased the tense atmosphere a lot.

Some people who didn't like Li Qingxuan before, who thought he was too arrogant, too high-profile, and too arrogant, actually became fans.

This man is... fastidious.



Li Qingxuan and Tianshuzi fought far away.

The monks watching the excitement in Hengyang City hurriedly followed and left the place.

Follow up to watch the battle.



Tianshuzi and Li Qingxuan fought fiercely all the way.

Came to a wilderness.

The sword is full of air.

The flying sword is stirring.

"Tianshu Sword One..."

Tianshuzi didn't paddle, so coming up was a unique move.

Tianshu sword, one into two, two into three... tens of millions!
Countless flying swords flew towards Li Qingxuan.

Even if you have an invincible sword, I have all kinds of sword skills to break it.

That sword is overwhelming.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple.

There are thousands of sword colors in seven colors.

Fill the sky.

Liuguang rushed towards Li Qingxuan like a waterfall.

Li Qingxuan held a sword in his hand.

Even if you have all kinds of sword skills, I can break them with one sword.

The swordsmanship of the two is like a spear and a shield.

Can't tell whose way is more advanced.

However, the battle between the two became fierce from the very beginning.

Li Qingxuan fought against thousands of swords with one sword.

Quick sword out quickly.

Ten thousand swords are not slow.

But none of the sword moves that could break through him hurt him.

Those flying swords that flew towards him were all blocked by his sword moves that were shattered by his evil spirit.

Densely packed, countless sword tips like splashing water.

To be able to withstand the opponent's sword point every time.


How fast is this?
How much hand speed has been cultivated day and night to have this kind of sword speed!
One side is pouring rain, the other side is watertight.

It is simply a visual feast.

The sword in Li Qingxuan's hand made a phantom.

He didn't know how many swords he could swing in one second.

Maybe a hundred swords and a thousand swords?

Li Qingxuan was too fast.

His movements almost disappeared from the void.

Unable to see it with the naked eye.

How close is this?
Tian Shuzi could feel that Li Qingxuan was still there!

Because of his overwhelming flying swords, all of them were blocked within three feet of Li Qingxuan.

Tian Shuzi finally took Li Qingxuan to heart slightly.

He smiled.

"Ha ha…"

"Very good...you are a good opponent. I thought that there is no decent swordsman in this world. You really amazed me!"

"If it weren't for me, you might have soared into the sky and made great achievements in the way of swordsmanship, but it's a pity..."

"Tianshu Sword II..."


"Bang bang bang..."

Li Qingxuan immediately felt the pressure.

The densely packed flying swords turned into tens of thousands of people as if they had spirits.

Everyone holds a heavenly sword.

Everyone looks like a Tianshuzi.

There is a golden light flowing from the body.

The main body of Tianshuzi, the golden runes on the body, are connected to the avatar one by one, giving the avatar unlimited firepower.

His whole body is brighter.

The golden light floods everything.

The sky and the earth are occupied by golden light.

Really turned into the sun.

Inject spiritual power into the avatar.

And those people who turned into flying swords, holding heavenly swords... kept making moves.

Everyone's move is different.

This is Ten Thousand Swords.

Ten million tricks.

Each avatar actually uses a different sword technique.

There are many sword moves that Li Qingxuan has never seen before, but he can feel the danger.

Some he was familiar with too.

For example Dugu Nine Swords.

For example, the evil sword manual.

For example, Matsuyama swordsmanship.

Hengshan swordsmanship...

Tarzan swordsmanship...


It seems that during this period of time, he has also collected a lot of new tricks in the lower world.

"Ordinary people use one mind and two minds. Fighting left and right is already the limit, but I... can use thousands of swordsmanship at the same time!"

"Now you know why I am the Heavenly Sword Body..."

These are all the sword moves he used to separate his mind?
"Dugu Nine Swords..."

There was a Tianshuzi who used the Dugu Nine Swords to kill Li Qingxuan.

"Evil Resisting Sword Art!" Li Qingxuan no longer underestimated it.

He used his housekeeping skills.


Upon contact, this Tianshuzi who could be compared to an outstanding and strong man, the clone of Dugu Nine Swords, was directly killed by Li Qingxuan.

"Songshan Sword..."

Immediately afterwards, another person killed Li Qingxuan.

It's like a battle of wheels, with more and less.

Under normal circumstances, grinding can grind the opponent to death.

Li Qingxuan was even more sure that this was the most powerful enemy he had encountered so far.

none of them.

Every avatar is like a peerless master.

There are so many peerless masters, each with their own unique skills.

Li Qingxuan suddenly felt as if he was facing a different person.

But the strongest in the world.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Li Qingxuan was not afraid, but laughed.

"This is what I want... I want to defeat all the sword cultivators in the world, but unfortunately I have never had the chance. Today is my wish!"

"So what if I face thousands of sword cultivators...Look at me, Li Qingxuan, cut them off one by one!" Li Qingxuan was full of fighting spirit.

"Hmph, arrogance... Let's see how you can defeat Qian Wan Jianxiu!" Tian Shuzi said indifferently.

This is one of his strongest ultimate moves. Ever since he was born, many people have been terrified by this battle.

Manpower is sometimes exhausted.

Tian Shuzi's move... can be said to be the ultimate use of more attacks and less attacks.

"Let me tell you a secret... not only ordinary monks, but also princes, geniuses from various sects, and... geniuses with special physiques died under this trick!" Tianshuzi said.

"So, if you die, you should feel honored!"



(End of this chapter)

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