What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

Chapter 183 How can such a world be willing to let him destroy?

Chapter 183 How can such a world be willing to let him destroy?

The fall of Guo Jing and Huang Rong seems to have opened some kind of magic spell.

after their fall.

People fell one after another.

"Since ancient times, no one has died in life. Keep a loyal heart to reflect the history. I didn't expect that one day I would dedicate myself to the world of martial arts?"

"The world calls us the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River, and thinks we are monsters rather than heroes!"

"After today, I'll see who doesn't mention the Seven Heroes of Jiangnan when they mention us."

"Haha... Life is like this, what more can I ask for?"

The Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River watched their skin burn off bit by bit, dripping with joy.

Ke Zhen'e was sticking his crutches: "We don't do this to be praised by others, and we don't care for the title of hero, we just want to have a clear conscience!"

"Brother said yes!"


"Fuck the name of a hero, we Jiangnan Seven Monsters are not rare, we just want to have a clear conscience!"

The Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River died generously amidst laughter and laughter.

The Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River, together with Huang Rong and Guo Jing, have all fallen.

Huang Yaoshi's condition is also not good, he will definitely not survive, and will be a successor.

But he didn't talk too much.

Watching silently.

"The whole family is loyal, really... the whole family is loyal!"

"The Guo family... is too strong, it's a family of heroes!"

"It's a willingness to self-sacrifice, not forced by others."

Everyone is full of emotion.

With the strength of Guo Jing and the others, even if they survived, they would not die, but they still died generously.

This shocked even those who thought they were stupid.

Silently shut up and did not mock anymore.

Because they can't...

Originally also doubted the reality of self-sacrifice.

Could it be that there are really people who are not afraid of death?

Is there really someone who... regards death as home?
How can it be!

How could there be such a stupid person.

They all doubt life.

This world is so strange and contradictory.

Some people are greedy for life and afraid of death, some people regard death as home, some people are cowardly, some people are brave, some people hold justice, and some people are full of filth...

People who look down on death look down on those who are greedy for life and fear death, brave people look down on cowards, those with justice in their hearts are jealous of evil, and they will never look down on those who are full of filth...

But, do you think that people who are greedy and afraid of death will feel ashamed?Do you think cowards are ashamed?Do you think that people who are full of filth...will feel that they are not human?Is it not human affairs?
No, no, no... Not only will they not feel guilty, but they will also look down on those who look down on death, the brave, and even the righteous...

Because they either think the other person is stupid, or they think the other person is hypocritical.

Anyway...it can't be a real good guy.

There are no good people in this world!
It's all selfish, it's just well hidden.

This is their psychology.

Standing on opposite sides, neither of them understands the other.

But now... Seeing one after another, all the people in the Jianghu are dumbfounded.

Some people were excited, and the growlers also followed in the footsteps of heroes.

Some people were dumbfounded: Call out...why do people like this exist in the world?

Just for show...there's no need to risk your life.

"Could it be... Could it be that there are really good people in this world???"

"Is there really someone who is not afraid of death? A hero who serves the country and the people?"


have it…

In the upper realm, people who saw the world of low martial arts rushed towards the beam of light like moths to the flame, and the leader of the great sect was also stunned...

Even if their hearts are like black iron, they are deeply touched at this moment!
"A group of ants...why do they do such meaningless things?"

"I really can't figure it out!"


People from the upper realm don't understand why the people from the lower realm insist on protecting a garbage world.

Obviously this world has no future, it's rubbish.

Destroyed, if they don't die and come to the upper realm by chance, they will definitely have a better future than in the lower realm!
A group of ants regard the kennel as a treasure.

Naturally, they don't understand that the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own kennels.

The Great Hierarch didn't understand.

Ordinary monks feel the same way.

Because there are times when they are suppressed and bullied.

Although they are on opposite sides, they both lament that people in the martial arts world are very persistent.

Even at the sacrifice, there is no hesitation.

What kind of character is this?
What spirit is this?
What kind of world is this?
The bone of comprehensive martial arts...

At first they shocked the world of comprehensive martial arts because of the extraordinary strength shown by the world of comprehensive martial arts!
They found it inconceivable that a mere mortal bone from the lower realm could have such great power, how could he be able to fight against monks from the upper realm, and how could he be able to compete with Tianjiao!Why can the leader of the Great Sect be killed... the leader of the Great Sect is too scared to take a step into the lower world.

But now, this spirit... is what shocked them the most.

Who wouldn't know how to kill... Raise the knife and drop it, the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out, and it's done.

But dying by yourself... is difficult.

Why can they give their lives so hastily?

Are you really not afraid...still ignorant!
"Perhaps... this is the so-called brave man!"

"The so-called... hero!"

They have a new understanding of heroes in the world of low martial arts.

It's not a savage world, it's a world that... they all respect.

They may only be weak in terms of Taoism, but spiritually...but not weak.



Seeing this scene, Swordsman Fan also frowned.

"Why, why did they end their lives so hastily?"

"Don't they know that when the body dies and the dao disappears... if you die, you will have nothing, and it will be over once and for all?"


"Human death is lighter than a feather, but heavier than Mount Tai...Although you are my clone, I am very puzzled...why you don't even understand this little thing." Su Ming despised his clone even more.

At first, he thought that his avatar was so difficult to deal with, but it seems... did he underestimate him?
All the swordsmen are silent!




On the ground, the Huang family collapsed and cried together.

Guo Fu... Guo Polu...

They all fell to the ground crying.

For others, that is a hero...but for them, that is their close relative.

No matter what the reason is, the loss of a loved one...is a kind of great harm.

"Don't cry... Our parents are heroes... Don't cry... They are all heroes. If we cry, wouldn't it dirty their samsara?"

When these words came out, countless quacks were astonished.

This is... Guo Daxia's family?
My previous understanding of them was, after all, superficial.

This is full of loyalty!



Another hero disappeared into the light curtain.

"Haha... my generation of monks, why are you afraid of life and death?"

"Brothers, we will meet again on Huangquan Road, and then we will have a good drink!" Qiao Feng laughed, and the eighteen golden dragons emitted even the brightest light.

In this light, Qiao Feng's body disappeared...

Even though there are thousands of pains.

Never snorted.

Fell in a happy smile.

It can be described as heroic...

Qiao Feng has been heroic and upright all his life. Except for his identity... people in the world can't find any chance to throw dirty water on him.

"Brother... we are coming!" Xu Zhu and Duan Yu followed closely behind.

The three brothers in the sky bloomed the most dazzling light in the golden light.

Three bodies, dissipated...

It was as if the three of them were still drinking boldly in the golden light and competing for their internal strength.

The three Tianlong brothers left behind too many legends in the world.

Fighting wine, fighting martial arts... Traveling all over the world together, defeating too many powerful enemies, and even killing the geniuses of the upper world, all of them have their strong pen and ink in it.

These three people are legends.

If he doesn't die... he will definitely become an ancient-level figure in the future.

For the three Tianlong brothers, even if they are big villains, they can't help but praise a real hero.

Whether it was then or now.

"Dugu Nine Swords..."

"Fight with me..."

Linghu Chong fell.

"Nine Suns Divine Art, Great Shift of the Universe..."

Zhang Wuji, fall...

The Seven Quanzhen Sons have fallen!


There are famous heroes one by one, and groups of quacks who rush to the sky without hesitation.

Throw your head and sprinkle your blood.

It seems that at this moment, everyone has forgotten who is who.

Forget the grievances and grievances of the rivers and lakes.

Became the closest comrade-in-arms...

And with their sacrifices, in exchange for huge energy.

That gap... was gradually being plugged.

Moreover, the mental power of those heroes actually strengthened the defensive light shield.

Make the mask indestructible.


The leader of the Great Sect of the Upper Realm was still bombarding frantically, but he remained motionless.

The protective array has been strengthened by an unknown number of levels.

"What's going on? Why can they make the defensive mask stronger under their sacrifice?"

"Can't we just barely block the gap?"

The leader of the great religion did not understand.

This is the heroic soul...

Even if you die.

The heroic soul still guards the world.

That is... the spiritual power after death.

This kind of spiritual power does not appear in general.

It's about being strong-willed and being generous...even if there is a little bit of distracting thoughts, it is impossible to be born.

Under normal circumstances, if 10 people fell at the same time, it would be great if one of them could give birth to a heroic soul.

But now...

All of them gave birth to heroic souls!
Their beliefs... are pure.

It would be sacrilege if anyone said they were putting on a show.

"Hehe... How stupid, so many people died, protecting a bunch of garbage, a garbage world, is it worth it?"

"It's really stupid. Don't they know that people are really dead when they die? What does the world have to do with them no matter how prosperous or how it declines after death?"

Van Swordsman was not impressed by this.

And Su Ming...

At this moment, the neck is extremely uncomfortable.

It was as if something had blocked his neck.

Not to mention speaking, it is difficult to breathe.

This is the martial arts world.

At the beginning, he always regarded this world as a game, and didn't bring it in at all. He regarded everyone as an npc, whether you were a hero or an ordinary quack, you were just an npc...he didn't care at all.

But the scene just now deeply stimulated Su Ming.

This is not an npc, this is not a game world
This is a real world.

One, a world of flesh and blood.

At this moment... Su Ming really brought himself into this world, thinking that he was truly alive in this world.

"You do not understand…"

"You don't understand them at all..."

Su Ming's tone was low and hoarse.

At some point, hot tears flowed from his tiger eyes.

It's not that Su Ming is cowardly and wants to cry.

It's physical instinct.

Instinctively moved by something so impassioned.

Or...he currently belongs to the Dao of Heaven.

The way of heaven in the comprehensive martial arts world dissolves in himself, and he is the way of heaven.

The indifferent Tiandao was moved by this kind of thing... moved!
"They know what it means to die better than anyone, because they have experienced so much death!"

"But they still did it..."

"It's not because I'm stupid, but because even if I know death and destruction... I still have to go forward."

"The weak...raise the sword to the weak, the strong, raise the sword to the stronger..."

"They are all strong!"

Su Ming said while weeping.

Maybe he was answering what Swordsman Fan said, and he was also expressing his own feelings.

"A world like this...how could he have the heart to let him destroy it? Such a beautiful world...this group of strong heroes..."

Heaven and earth wept.

Although it is scorching sun.

But there are snowflakes and lotus flowers falling down...

Faintly, I could still hear someone humming the saddest song.

I don't know if it's a man or a woman, and I can't even hear the lyrics, and I forget the tune as soon as I hear it.

But it makes people who hear it, people who see it feel sad.

"But, what can you do? Even if they all sacrifice...the energy won't last long, and the two lords will still make a comeback. Even if they are not cowardly, rushing down at this moment, with the current protective mask, it is impossible It must be able to block the attacks of those two idiots." The swordsman believes that people in the world of martial arts are doing useless work.

"It's okay... don't need them, they have done enough and done enough... Next, leave it to me..." Su Ming sighed.

"You can't let them take everything down, can you?"

Swordsman Fan wanted to ridicule: "You... what can you do, are you still tied up like me? If you want to untie yourself, you have to let me go. Do you think you are my opponent..." After finishing speaking, he Feels wrong:

"Huh? No..."

"You actually... When did you... Secretly untie..."

"Should I still tell you? Besides, let me tie you up, it's not you who tied me up...Of course I have a way to untie it, it just takes time!" Su Ming said.

"Su Ming...you..."

"Hmph, but now you, your cultivation has regressed... The Compass of Destiny Against Fate has collapsed, what can you do? What treasure can you use to forcibly elevate to the holy level?" Swordsman Fan sneered.

"I still have..." Su Ming's eyes were firm.

He didn't look at Swordsman Fan, but instead looked at his wife, his subordinates who were still fighting, and...friends!
"I still have myself..." Su Ming let out a voice softly.

"Su Ming..." Li Mochou's face trembled.

"don't want…"

"You...you can't die..."

The wives are worried.

They knew what Su Ming was going to do.

Very dangerous stuff.

"Don't worry...with me here, no one can hurt you, and...our children." Su Ming looked at the wives, and finally fixed his eyes on Jiang Yuyan's belly.

Very gentle and kind.

With just one glance, he turned around.

Temperament changed.

"Heroes in this world can sacrifice themselves, why... I can't?"



A raging blue fire ignited on Su Ming's body.

It seemed to burn him out.

But the more he burned, the stronger his blood became.

The higher the realm of cultivation!

in a flash...

The dry holy power in Su Ming's body surged again...

Even more turbulent than before.

He... has really reached the holy rank.

The terrifying pressure shook the heavens and the earth.

Wanjie trembled.

He is too powerful.

In the past, Su Ming relied on the Dao of Heaven and the Compass of Destiny to forcibly promote himself. After all, he could only challenge the saint, but now he sacrifices himself...

Really step into the realm of saints.

This is also Su Ming's strongest hole card.

However, this kind of trump card can only be used once, and the consequences...



(End of this chapter)

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