Chapter 196 Cleaning up...


Although the Yamata-no-Orochi was knocked out of its prototype, it was still fierce, baring its teeth and roaring at Su Ming and others.

But today's Yamata no Orochi, not to mention the female devils, even Su Ming... can slap him to death.

He was no longer a threat.

"Huh... this is?"

As Yamata no Orochi degenerates, thick smoke comes out of his body.

That was the past of Yamata no Orochi's life.

Originally he had nine heads, but one of his heads was cut off and he went to live in the Japanese country. Later, he gradually became the world-destroying snake that everyone in the Japanese country feared.

Sure enough... after the Yamata no Orochi became a saint, he successfully launched a wave of annihilation and directly wiped out all Higashiwa Islands.

During this period, countless Japanese nations united as one to challenge the Yamata no Orochi and save the world.




But in front of these people, the sanctified Yamata no Orochi is like a god. The warriors of the Japanese country can only fly into the fire and die.

In the end, the fate of being killed cannot be changed.

Good does not always triumph over evil.

Not every time, someone can save the world successfully.

In fact...failure is the norm.

The reason why justice always triumphs over evil in story books is because such events are rare, and also because everyone needs this kind of thing. How to say...

The more people need something, the more they show off.

Although Su Ming was not interested in the Japanese, he was quite certain of their courage.

"Finally, I have lived up to my trust and solved the Yamata-no-Orochi... I can give an explanation to the legends of Middle-earth!" Su Mingdao.

The Japanese country has warriors, but Su Ming admires the warriors of China even more.

Huang Shang, Feng Qingyang, Wu Ming, the sweeping monk...

Which of these is not a true hero!
After solving the Yamata no Orochi, Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you going to kill him?" Li Mochou asked.

"Kill him." Su Ming replied casually.


Hearing that he was really going to die, Yamata no Orochi finally became anxious.

This is a real fall, not a joke.


He quickly put away his fierce face and kowtowed to beg for mercy.



"You still have your IQ, but you are still afraid?" Su Ming thought that after returning to its original form, Yamata no Orochi would also lose its intelligence.

"Spare my life..." Yamata no Orochi's voice was very low.

"I surrender, I am willing to return to Mingzhuang..."

"It took a lot of effort for me to be born with spiritual wisdom. I don't want to die..."

"Spare me... I will do anything you ask me to do..."

"A force as big as Mingzhuang also needs a guardian spirit beast, right? There is a Yamata-no-Orochi as a subjugation spirit beast, which is quite good... Forgive me, I am willing to be the guardian spirit beast of Mingzhuang. "Yama no Orochi said.

Su Ming thought about it and realized...

"Okay, I'll spare you, but I need to plant a taboo in your mind..."

"I do!" Yamata no Orochi said without hesitation.

This kind of ban is really bad, it means that life and death depend on the other person's thoughts.

But if you don't agree, you will die now.

Yamata no Orochi is very knowledgeable.

In fact, Su Ming is not interested in whether the Yamata no Orochi will die, but if it really intends to submit, it can be considered a big gain. After all, this girl reached the holy realm at her peak, and she was still in the low martial world, which is enough to show how talented he is. If you wait for him Recovery means that Mingzhuang has one more saint subordinate, making it possible to trade without losing money.

After all, killing him is just a matter of picking up the knife and falling, and no benefits are gained.

"Thank you...Thank you for not killing me. From now on, I will be a member of Mingzhuang, and I will definitely die with all my heart." Yamata no Orochi said.

Su Ming didn't bother to pay attention to his unreliable remarks.

"By the way... Logically speaking, according to the rules of this world, at least until I defeat the upper world, you should not be able to become a saint. Why are you?" Su Ming asked with interest.

"Because of a powerful saint in the upper world...she brought me the opportunity to become a saint, as well as resources." Yamata no Orochi does not dare to lie at all now.

"Saint of Heaven?"

"A mysterious woman from heaven!" Yamata no Orochi said.

"It seems that there was something wrong with the body that escaped here, and then she made a deal with me. She helped me become a saint, and I protected her." Yamata no Orochi said.

"Where is that woman?" Su Ming was curious.

"Heaven...who could she be?"

"Um... that woman... ahem... was put under house arrest by me. After I became a saint, I put her under house arrest in the temple and wouldn't allow her to come out." Yamata no Orochi said with some embarrassment.

Su Ming: "..."

Female devils: "..."

This Yamata no Orochi is a real dog.

It truly embodies what it means to cross the river.

People helped him become a saint, but after he became a saint, he was actually imprisoned.

"She also seems to like hiding in the temple and doesn't like to be exposed. In doesn't count as house arrest. It can only be said that our goals are the same..."

As if he was afraid of being branded as a scumbag, Yamata no Orochi tried his best to explain: "Although she has never left the temple, I did not treat her badly at all. I gave her all the glory and wealth I could give her."

Although Yamata no Orochi explained it this way, his character of burning bridges has been imprinted and cannot be reversed.

"Take us to meet her..." Su Ming and others were curious about who that woman was.

"It's right in the temple. Without my protection, you should be able to see it if you just go in." Yamata no Orochi said.

After hearing this, everyone walked into the temple together.

Really don't say it.

This temple is majestic and domineering. Only when you get closer can you feel its majestic atmosphere.

The decoration in the temple is also full of mystery and seriousness.

It's like going to worship a king.

Passing through the temple, we arrived at a small world of its own.

The environment here is completely different from the outside.

There is warm sunshine here, green mountains and green waters, and mountains of flowers...

It is simply a healing world.

Every girl should like this kind of world.


"This is the world brought by the Saint herself..." Yamata no Orochi said.

The origin of being able to bring such a small space world is definitely not simple.

In the mountains and seas of flowers, under the bright sunshine.

There is a girl...

A very beautiful girl holds a basket and picks flowers.

The girl wore twin ponytails, a floral hat, a floral skirt, and exposed her two little feet, and she was not afraid of being pricked by the stones under her feet...

But she looks so seductive and beautiful.

The thing is...she loves to laugh.

Su Ming doesn’t know this woman!

She is very beautiful, but she does not have that kind of peerless appearance. Her appearance is definitely not as good as that of the female devils, but her sincere smile will surprise every man.

"That's her?"


"What a sunny and pure girl..."

"This kind of really easily deceived by scumbags!"

"The same goes for scum snakes..."

The female devils have vicious eyes. They have seen too many people and can tell a girl's character at a glance.

This is the image of a girl next door who doesn’t know much about the world.

"Um...well..." Yamata no Orochi was about to explain.

"call out…"

Suddenly, a murderous aura appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying sword energy enveloped everyone.

It seemed as if everyone present would be exterminated in the next second.

That sword energy was too terrifying. there anyone else here? ? ?
But yes, a woman needs someone to protect her, maybe a bodyguard or something like that.


The sword energy was about to come into contact with Su Ming and others.

The female devils took action immediately.

Coming up is the combined skill formation...

The semi-saint's combat power exploded.

The terrifying murderous sword energy was suddenly blown away.

"Da da da…"

There was a tremor in the air.

A figure slowly emerged.

That woman... has blond hair, a beautiful face, skin that can be broken by blows, bright eyes and white teeth.


What’s more, it gives you a sense of sight as it looks like a ridge on the side and a peak on the side, with different heights and distances.

She's... so explosive.

Every inch of skin on the body is like a gift from God.

This is the true goddess.

Even the well-informed female devils couldn't help but be surprised.This woman…

Very beautiful.

The person who can make a man think he is a beauty from the bottom of his heart is not necessarily a peerless beauty, but if the goddess can admit that he is a beauty from the bottom of his heart, then he is truly beautiful.

The woman in front of me is really beautiful.

The fairy-like temperament on her body is even more touching.


She... is so beautiful.

And, it’s cool…

His face was like eternal frost.

Looking at everyone indifferently.

There was a halo of unknown things around her.

A total of nine.

More like a fairy.

"She...she is the saint!" Yamata no Orochi said.

"The flowers I just picked are just the maids I sent in to serve the saint..." Only then did Yamata no Orochi have the chance to explain.

In fact, he just wanted to explain.

But before she could explain, the saint launched an attack.


In fact, there is no need for Yamata no Orochi to speak.

Everyone knows that the person in front of them is the saint.

The temperament is different.

When Su Ming saw the woman, his expression changed...

When the woman saw Su Ming.

His expression also changed... and became extremely complicated.

Even... his eyes were a little dodgey.

In other words... fear!
Looking at their expressions, the female devils frowned.

He looked at Su Ming speechlessly, and then at the woman who wielded two swords and had a halo all over her body.

Guess what.

Li Mochou said angrily: "Needless to say...this woman is also your wife, right???"

"Su Ming, Su Ming... you have made so many friends, you have even gotten involved in the upper world? I have to say... you are so awesome!"

Su Ming: "..."


He was speechless.

Because this woman is really one of his wives.

"Gou Suming..."

"A real dog!"

The wives cursed.

"Hmph... Su Ming, Su Ming... you are really haunting me. I have already hid here, why are you still refusing to let me go?" the blond woman asked with a cold face.

Su Ming: "Watt?"

Love moving special no!

I don't know what you mean...

What does it mean that I won't let you go?

"Since you are so aggressive, then I will fight you...kill you bastard!" The blond angel said with an angry face.

He was hysterical and wanted to kill Su Ming.

Don't tell me, with her cultivation level, it's really possible.

"Angel Sword..."


The blond angel swooped over, really murderous.

"It's the other way around?"

"You are just a wife, but you dare to kill your own husband!"

"Do you know what the three cardinal principles and five constant principles are?"

"Do you know what it means to respect your husband?"

"Do you understand that you should listen to your husband?"

The female devils immediately stopped working.

And, very angry.

"I'm telling you, why are you so arrogant!"

"We are here, and you are the eighth oldest at most. How to deal with Su Ming is not the turn of a little wife like you who is the eighth oldest to discuss!"

"There is no tutoring at all. Today we, as sisters, will teach you what tutoring is and what family rules are..."

"If you marry our Mingzhuang, you must abide by the rules of Mingzhuang!"

Su Ming: "Watt?"

Golden Angel: "Crooked???"

Su Ming never expected that this wife would actually help him teach a disobedient wife a lesson.


It's not accurate to say that. It should be said that he got a disobedient wife for him.

It means taking a concubine for him.

Thank Wife…


Su Ming was surprised. This was the first time he saw wives operating like this.

Suddenly he felt very comfortable inside.


The seven wives fought together.

No matter how strong the golden angel is, he can't defeat the seven female devils.

After just a few fights, the aura around the golden angel dimmed one by one.

Even the beasts released from the halo...

They were all violently broken by the female devils.

If it weren't for wanting to live, I wouldn't want to kill the golden angel.

The battle was long over.

"Don't worry, Master Su. The golden saint seems to be injured, and if she is not strong enough to fight... she will be taken down soon." The Yamata no Orochi coiled itself around Su Ming's shoulder and reminded him softly.

Sure enough, within a few rounds, the Golden Angel was captured.

He even pressed next to Su Ming.

After the golden angel's delicate face faced Su Ming, he dodged obviously in fear, as if he didn't want to face it.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Su Ming... what on earth do you want to do? I have already escaped here, why don't you let me go... Since you have captured me, then kill me ...Otherwise, I will kill you one day!"

She didn't know how much courage it took to dare to speak like this.


Li Mochou slapped the golden angel on the butt.

A very hard slap.

"Who told you to talk to your husband like this?"

"It's time to fight..."

"Next time if I do it again... I'll beat you!"

The golden angel was stunned: "You..."

Turned to shame and anger.

"Don't accept it? I will teach you a lesson for my that you know how to be a good wife..." Li Mochou said.

At this moment, she was like the wife of a mountain king, treating a little woman who had just been kidnapped into the mountain, asking her to obey the master and be his wife.

So tough.

And Su Ming is like the bandit leader.

really don't say...

That's it!

Seeing this scene...

Su was excited...

So fucking cool!
These are all the female devils in the world!
They are all arrogant and arrogant. If you want to get one, it will be harder than reaching the sky to get one.

But now he, Mr. Su, not only has many female devil wives, but these female devil wives actually help him get other wives.

This is the treatment...

Who can enjoy it throughout the ages!

At this moment, Su Ming was really happier than God.

Simply the pinnacle of life.

"You'd better kill me, otherwise...I will definitely find an opportunity..."





Before the golden angel finished speaking, he felt his body burning.

When the female devils saw her and dared to scream, they took action one by one...

"A wife is a husband...Have you ever heard of it?" the female devils said.

"Not only are you threatening your husband, but you are also threatening your sisters... I think you really can't recognize the king..."

The female devils fought so hard that they felt superior.



(End of this chapter)

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