What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

Chapter 212 I will obey you Li Qingxuan

Li Qingxuan was speechless.

Helping another pursuer reach eternity.

But he couldn't.

If you don't cooperate, you may be directly beaten to death by the opponent.

Even if you don't kill him, you will pay a heavy price.

Therefore, Li Qingxuan could only be helpless...and helpless.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he slipped away early.

Prince Li, on the other hand, was undergoing a grand catastrophe.

This scene... caused Jiang's excitement again.

"I'm going...someone has survived the thunder tribulation..."

"This person's sense of pressure to overcome the tribulation is stronger than that of Mu Gaofeng, which means that after he successfully overcomes the tribulation, he should also be stronger than Mu Gaofeng."

"Haha! Not even an hour after Mu Gaofeng was awarded the title of No. 1 in the martial arts world, he was replaced by someone else. It's quite interesting."

"Don't say it...don't say it!"

Everyone is discussing enthusiastically.

"In a short period of time, a second person who has overcome the tribulation actually appeared."

"At least there aren't any powerful people in the ancient realm in the martial arts world. How come there are more of them now?"

"Is it that easy for anyone to get in?"

"Then why didn't I go up?"

Some people are unbalanced.

"Brother...I'm not talking about you."

Either I say what you mean, or I want to tell you.

"I'm really not telling you... Is it possible that the reason why you didn't go up was not because you were unlucky, but simply because you were good at it?"

The word dish was proposed by Su Ming.

The person who expresses it is very weak and rubbish.

This word was also used in one of Wulin's quotations about Su Ming's secrets...

In order to study Su Ming, Jianghu people compiled many classics for him.

Many are classics among classics.

Especially Su Ming's quotations, Su Ming's insights, the philosophical principles Su Ming said, the legendary figures Su Ming angered... and so on.

There’s all kinds of gossip and all kinds of weird stuff.

Some are truly classic.

Some are teasing, funny quotes.

Some of them are just nonsense...

In addition to these quotations, Jianghu people also wrote many biographies about Su Ming based on his actual facts.

For example...how Su Ming defeated the siege of the Wulin Alliance.

How Su Ming solves the crisis in Tianshuang City.

Let’s take a look at Su Ming’s deeds when he entered Tianshuang City for the first time.

Su Ming fought against the flower-picking thief Tian Boguang and smashed Tian Boguang into a pulp.

Su Ming founded Mingzhuang, which was invincible.

Su Mingzhan leader.

Su Ming enters the upper realm and so on...

With so many plots completely written out, a novel can be written immediately.

It is said that... someone actually compiled a novel based on Su Ming's deeds. The title of the book is "What to do when the devil's wife comes to your door?" ", but this book involves many female devils, and everyone did not dare to publicize it for fear of offending the female devils.

This is a very exciting novel.

In addition to serious books, of course there are also informal ones...

About the emotional entanglement between Su Ming and various female devils.

About the nightlife of Su Ming and the female devils...

Simply not too attractive.

Many people have a thorough understanding of Su Ming's love skills.

Consider them the golden rules for finding a girlfriend.

Not to mention...some people rely on the knowledge of Neptune to successfully embrace beauties.

As for the emotional story between Su Ming and the female devils...

This kind of book is so attractive that even if it may offend Su Ming and the female devils, it cannot stop people from gossiping.

Not allowed to look, but secretly looked at...

It is said that this kind of books are selling like crazy on the underground black market and are extremely popular.

The novelist who relies on writing plots about Su Ming and his wife is extremely rich.

Simply earn a lot of money.

It's almost enough to say that he is as rich as a country.

Therefore, Su Ming is quite marketable in the world.

It’s not surprising that some of his quotations were written down and used casually as mantras.

The only fault is that he is excellent.


Prince Li's thunder tribulation is quite powerful.

It attracted the attention of countless people from all walks of life.

"Needless to say...this was also a breakthrough after fighting Li Qingxuan?"

"The momentum is huge...Prince Li has benefited a lot!"

"It's just bad luck that he found it..."

Some Jianghu people who were originally similar to Prince Li and Mu Gaofeng were extremely envious and jealous.

Originally, everyone was just close to the Eternal Realm. Is it interesting for you to secretly become stronger?

As the saying goes, the saying goes so well...

Su Ming Quotations once said: "I am afraid that my brother will not live well, and I am also afraid that my brother will live better than me..."

These people have this kind of mentality.

Why is it that everyone is the same, but you take the first step?

"Prince Li... God favored him and found Li Qingxuan."

"I can only say that his life is good."

"But what makes me feel even more amazing is, is Li Qingxuan... really that amazing?"

"If you fight with anyone casually, you can make them reach the eternal state right there?"

"If so... what kind of evildoer is Li Qingxuan!"

Jiang Hu Ke couldn't help but sigh.

"Now... you still think he is not worthy of being Su Ming's disciple? Not worthy of being the eldest disciple of Mingzhuang?"

"After he was thrown out of Mingzhuang, his cultivation was completely ruined... Being chased by so many people, it stands to reason that he would die immediately. But not only did he not die, he became stronger and stronger during the pursuit and slowly recovered. His own cultivation... In the end, even those who are close to the Eternal Realm cannot easily kill him!" Someone said solemnly.

Hearing this, many people fell silent.

Li Qingxuan... is really extraordinary.

Really not human...

Putting this kind of person in the world would be like cheating.

If his cultivation hadn't been abolished, one person could have challenged the entire world by himself.

How could such a person not be worthy of being Su Ming's apprentice?

How could he not be worthy of being the eldest disciple of Mingzhuang!
His talent and cultivation... are enough!

He... is so worthy! ! !

If Li Qingxuan is not worthy, then... is there anyone in this world who is worthy?
What everyone is most confused about right now is... Li Qingxuan is so talented... why is Su Ming willing to throw him into the "crocodile pool"?Aren't you afraid that it would be a pity if Li Qingxuan died?

It would be very difficult to find such a talented apprentice again!

Look at Li Qingxuan's performance...

Perhaps Su Ming knew from the beginning that Li Qingxuan could overcome difficulties and would not die so easily...

"Li Qingxuan's mind and talent... have far surpassed the entire martial arts world!"

"He... is very different!"

"Maybe it's because of this... that Mingzhuang included him."

Everyone's view of Li Qingxuan has completely changed.

Rather than saying that he is a disciple, it is better to say that he is a master...

An omnipotent cheating artifact.

Just imagine... just after fighting him for a while, those people broke through one after another and embarked on the path to the eternal realm.

How powerful must this kind of person be?

How outrageous must such a person be?


Watching Prince Li bathing in the thunder light.

Like a god descended to earth.

This scene deeply hurt the hearts of some people.

Especially those who are similar to Prince Li.

People... can only envy, envy, and hate those of the same level as themselves.

He will not care about those who are inferior to him, nor will he resent those who are far superior to him.

"We must find Li Qingxuan...even if we don't kill him...we have to fight him...I still don't believe it. You can break through after just one fight with him. What's the point?"

"It's unreasonable!"


The angry people are still forcing Lai Lai.

And those who really have dreams are no longer here to watch the excitement.

Instead, he ran to chase Li Qingxuan.


Just when those people were still envious of Prince Li.

No just...

Far ahead.

He’s actually meowing!Another thunderstorm came out!
That's... the breath of Hengshan's swordsmanship...

The eternal realm...the breath of transcending tribulation!

That feeling of oppression is coming...

A vortex formed above the sky.Now, three whirlpools have appeared in the sky.

One is Mu Gaofeng...

One is Prince Li!
There is another one...this is the one that just appeared!

"No way...it's impossible..."

"It doesn't make sense..."


Why is it that someone has broken through to the eternal realm again?

Now, is the Eternal Realm so worthless?
How could someone just go this far?
Many people doubt life...

"It's impossible... the person who broke through in front is probably related to Li Qingxuan!!!"

Some people can't accept it.

Is Li Qingxuan so energetic?
Is he a person, a pill that can make people break through the realm, or is he a god or a Buddha?
Can someone achieve a breakthrough just by giving them some casual advice?

Immortals caress my top and endure longevity.

That's all.

"Li Qingxuan...what a monster!"

"I'm completely convinced!"

"Is he here to be hunted by us...or is he here to benefit the martial arts world?"

"In a short period of time, how many people have been able to break through to the eternal realm..."

"If it weren't for Li Qingxuan, these people would still have to go a long way to break through the Eternal Realm. But now... they have broken through in minutes."

The word "minutes" also comes from one of Su Ming's quotations.

It has to be said that every word Su Ming casually says can cause a trend.

Because he is the top in this world.

Still the only kind.

Your words and deeds will be infinitely magnified.

There will also be countless people vying to imitate.

Because everyone decided that imitating a strong person would give them the temperament of a strong person.

Can make oneself look like a strong person.

Become a strong person!
This happens in any world.

"Li Qingxuan...is really a good person and good deeds!"

"Specially come here for Jianghu people to break through."

"I highly doubt that Su Ming saw that the Jianghu people were too weak and deliberately released Li Qingxuan to improve the Jianghu people's cultivation level."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Everyone actually threw the pot into Su Ming's hands.

If Su Ming knew, there would be many exclamation marks on his face.

Everything has to do with me?
"Quick, quick, quick...stop Li Qingxuan quickly and compete with him. I don't believe in evil."

"I don't believe he can let me break through."

Some people do not believe in evil.


But the appearance of the fourth thunderstorm broke their inner doubts.


The fifth thunderstorm...

In the sky, he has five groups of thunders at work.

This makes the Jianghu people completely numb...

Li Qingxuan is truly a breakthrough artifact.

Benefit the martial arts world.

"Li Qingxuan...let five powerful men break through to the eternal realm of Dao!"

"Li Qingxuan is really a kind man!"

"Li Qingxuan was released by Mingzhuang to benefit the martial arts world."

"The secrets about Li Qingxuan... make people salivate."

"We must find Li Qingxuan..."

"You can break through if you find him!"


These words spread in the world in an instant.

"Five...a whole five..."

"All five of them achieved breakthroughs after competing with Li Qingxuan?"

"It's incredible!"

"Li Qingxuan, how did you do it?"

"A man against the sky!"

"What kind of freak is he?"

People in the world became more and more curious about Li Qingxuan.

At the same time, they also understand...

Why could Li Qingxuan become Su Ming's disciple?

Disciple of Mingzhuang!
With such a heaven-defying talent, isn't Li Qingxuan Su Ming's top disciple?Could it be you?
Can you do it?

This... makes everyone feel very inferior!

It turns out that the people in Mingzhuang are so terrifying...

Any one you take out is impressive.

All are beyond compare.

If there were only five...then everyone would be shocked.

But soon the sixth...

the seventh…

The eighth…



A total of eighteen.

After fighting with Li Qingxuan.

Break through directly on the spot.

Became a powerful person in the eternal realm.


If it was all a matter of luck and luck before...then how to explain the more than ten that followed?

It can only explain one thing...Li Qingxuan does have an opportunity for people to break through.

As a result...the whole world is even more frantically looking for traces of Li Qingxuan.

After all, even if you can't kill him, you can still compete with him and maybe break through the Eternal Realm.

Now everyone is convinced that they can break through the eternal realm by competing with Li Qingxuan.

The facts are in front of you.

Ming Zhuang.

Su Ming drank tea leisurely.

He raised the tea cup to his mouth and took a slow sip.

“Good tea!”


Another sip.

Put the teacup down.

I took a bite of the fragrant and soft mooncake.

He patted his long-legged mantle.

Sit upright.

"Today's tea, today's snacks...the poison on them was used carefully."

"It completely increases the fragrance of the tea and the texture of the dessert... It's very good. I haven't eaten something so delicious in a long time." Su Ming commented.

"Of course...the tea was brewed by the Master of the Invitation Moon Palace, and the snacks were carefully prepared by the Master of the Lianxing Palace. They must taste very good." Qisha Laodao.

Su Ming nodded: "No wonder!"

He took another sip of tea and a bite of snacks.

"By the way...how is Li Qingxuan? Is he dead?"

Ask slowly.

Qisha replied calmly.

"not dead…"

"You're not dead yet? Your fate is so great..." Su Ming said.

"Not only did he not die... he also created many masters in the world!" Qisha said.

"Oh???" Su Ming suddenly became interested.

"Be specific."

Qishao Daodao: "The thing is like this... Li Qingxuan met Mu Gaofeng and competed with Mu Gaofeng to fight against evil spirits. Who knew that Li Qingxuan's evil sword manual was too mysterious, causing Mu Gaofeng to have an epiphany and directly break through to the eternal realm."

"If this was just an accident, then Prince Li Tang and Li Qingxuan competed in the Dugu Nine Swordsmanship. Who would have known that Prince Li also gained a lot of insights and directly broke through..."

"If this is just an accident...then the third...the fourth...until the No. 18 masters competed with Li Qingxuan and broke through one after another..."

"Eighteen Eternal Realm masters appeared in the world... all because of Li Qingxuan."

"Then... Li Qingxuan didn't create a strong man in the world, so what did he do???"

Seven kills report.

"Puff..." Su Ming immediately vomited blood after hearing this.

"Good guy...I'm just a good guy..."

"I asked him to practice, and he helped others and created feelings for the world?"

"Li Qingxuan, Li Qingxuan...you are really good at playing!"

"I won't accept the wall, I will accept you!"



(End of this chapter)

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