Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 13 Ten thousand is too little and not enough

Chapter 13 Ten thousand is too little and not enough
On the morning of January 1th, many people really came to visit Gupta Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. The registered address of the company is in the room next door to Qiaoge’s father’s previous company, and it rents an office of more than ten square meters.

In recent years, India's annual cotton output has been around 200 million tons, and about 50 tons will be exported, which is about 300 million bales.

[-] bales of cotton would not be too much in normal times, but now it is very considerable.

Due to the lack of manpower, the three of Senao came to help in person. The three of them had a total of 200 bales of cotton, of which Senao accounted for [-] bales.

Singer also came over. He knows a lot of people, and he can do some screening for the people who visit, and who can give priority to purchasing cotton.

Of course, the people recommended by Bosh must not be rejected. These people have a total of more than 3 packages. They are basically relatives and friends of government officials, and their business is not too big.

So the two-month backlog made them a little anxious, and they wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible. After all, the cost of storing it in the warehouse was increasing every day, especially recently, the price of cotton was falling every day, which made their hearts bleed.

Qiao Ge bought it at the price of 130 US dollars per bag a few days ago, which made them very grateful, and felt that Qiao Ge, a young man, was refreshing enough.

Because he has already learned that the price Jogo gives to other suppliers is $120 per pack.

In this way, the 37 bags of Jogo can earn 30 U.S. dollars, which is 7 more than the previous estimate of 466.2 U.S. dollars, equivalent to [-] million rupees.

In fact, the suppliers who come to Qiao Ge are not big suppliers, and their inventory ranges from dozens to thousands of packages.

Some slightly larger suppliers may have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of packages in their warehouses, and they look down on themselves.

Even if I like it, I can't eat such a large amount of them. After all, I only need [-] packs now.

With Singer and others sitting in the township, Jogo felt very at ease, so he first went to twelve temples in the urban area to pay the deposit.

Calculated, there are nearly 30 tons in total, the total price is 30 rupees, and the 3% deposit is only [-] rupees.

Qiao Ge sighed in his heart, Bosh's face is still very big, he said before that he has no influence on the temple, which is completely modest.

This is almost indistinguishable from supplying yourself for free first.

He now has 80 rupees in his hand, more than enough to pay this deposit.

When paying the deposit, Jogo took a look at the hair stock in the temple and was pleasantly surprised.

I misunderstood a bit. In fact, the hair in the temple was originally collected according to the Shunfa standard, that is, a person's hair will be bundled separately.

About a month ago, because the purchaser never came, there were more and more hairs in the warehouse, and the temple handled the hair at will, so the hair from the next month was mixed together.

That is to say, one month's hair is smooth hair. For Jogo, the export price of this part can rise by 2%.

In addition, these hairs are basically over 80 centimeters, which means that the length of 80-100 centimeters accounts for the majority. After all, believers' hair is too short to express their respect for the gods, and the price of this part is the highest.

Jogo returned to the company office at noon, and the rest was handed over to Luke to lead people to transport the temple's hair to Sen'o's suburban warehouse 20 kilometers away from the city center.

At the same time, the thirty women recruited by Uncle Seth had already passed away.

Uncle Seth was afraid that Qiao Ge would misunderstand, so he explained the reason why he recruited women when he saw it. Qiao Ge agreed with this, and it is true that women are more suitable for grading hair.

The company is still crowded with people, and this is still the case when his father's office is requisitioned. It is extremely noisy, and everyone wants to sell their goods.

After finally finding Singer and the others, Jogo couldn't help being surprised to see their tired looks.

In order to deal with these somewhat crazy suppliers, the four of them can now be said to be almost smoking.

Singer pulled Jogo to the side and said in a low voice, "Jogo, look, there are too many people here, [-] bales are not enough, why don't you ask the Chinese to see if they can How about increasing the number of purchases?"

"This?" Jogo was taken aback for a moment.

"That's not what I mean. Director Bosh sent someone over this morning, and that's what he meant." Singer said again.

Qiao Ge could understand Bosh's thoughts, he wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and hoped that Zhao Rui and the others could buy more, which would be very helpful to eliminate the strike.

At the same time, the suppliers who have stockpiled goods in these warehouses probably put enormous pressure on the government, because their goods are backlogged and they are losing money every day.

"Even if they can buy some more, I'm afraid the amount won't increase much," Qiao Ge said.

China is not yet rich, and foreign exchange is still in short supply.

Most of the imports now are mainly machines or advanced facilities from European and American countries, and raw materials such as cotton are secondary.

To be honest, China's domestic cotton production is not low.

In the previous life, China was the largest producer of cotton, and of course it was also the largest consumer. It still imported a lot of cotton every year.

"No matter what, you have to have an attitude, otherwise it will be difficult for Bosh to explain." Singer whispered.

"I understand, I'll go there now." Qiao Ge said immediately without delay.

When Hu Lin and others learned about Qiao Ge's intentions, they understood what was going on with the Mumbai City Government.

They have known about the strike during this period, and it seems that this has put a lot of pressure on the government.

"Qiao Ge, actually [-] bags is our limit..." Hu Lin and Qiao Ge talked about their difficulties, and Qiao Ge expressed his understanding.

In the end, Hu Lin persuaded Zhao Rui and the others to reluctantly add another 170 bales in order to enhance the exchanges between the two countries. However, this purchase price can no longer be the same as the previous price of 150 US dollars per bale. With the continuous decline of cotton, the price given by Hu Lin and the others It's $[-] a pack.

Qiao Ge responded without thinking.

On the way back, Qiao Gezhuo felt that this matter needs to be handled carefully.

He has established a relationship with Bosh, and he wants to maintain this relationship, so when Bosh is in trouble, he should help as much as possible.

After all, Bosh also helped himself a lot before.

Not to mention that Hu Lin and the others said $150 per pack, even if it was lower, he would agree.

I can use this price to tell Bosh, then the price I get here will naturally be lowered. In short, I am just a middleman, and I can't lose my profit if I make the difference.

No matter how bad it is, I earn less. After all, most of my purchase prices are now at 120 US dollars per pack. Even at this price, I still have a lot of money to make.

After thinking for a while, Jogo called a tuk-tuk to go to the Mumbai City Hall to find Bosh.

(End of this chapter)

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