Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 205 Threats Are Coming

Chapter 205 Threats Are Coming
"Then you still want me to investigate these water sources?" Gao Misha didn't quite understand Jogo's intentions.

"I see, Jogo, are you going to make ordinary mineral water?" Sen'ao turned around and said, "Yes, the market for ordinary mineral water is bigger."

"Ah, I'm really confused." Gao Misha patted his forehead and said, "The quality of mineral water is still unsatisfactory. As long as the quality is guaranteed, the sales should not be bad."

"In the future, there must be many people vying to enter the high-end mineral water market, so wouldn't the ordinary mineral water market have more opportunities?" Senao said.

"Sen'ao, you still see through." Lahu sighed.

Compared with Gao Misha and Senao, his eyesight is still much worse.

"It's also the inspiration from Qiao Ge, otherwise I would not have thought of these things. It seems that I have to study harder." Senao laughed.

It's not just him, Lahudi and Gao Misha decided to study harder when they go back.

"However, the next mineral water brand cannot be related to the source of the Ganges River. It must be completely independent and set up another mineral water factory, which will be managed and sold separately. High-end products cannot be mixed with low-end products, which will lower the high-end products. Rich people value these things very much." Jogo said, "In short, Uncle Gnar, you should find a qualified water source first, and there may be unexpected effects by then."

"Understood." Gao Misha said with a serious face, "I will definitely handle this matter well. If those holy places are not involved, and those masters and elders are not obstructing, I believe that after we fancy the water source, the local government will definitely welcome our investment , I don’t know how many people from the state government have come to attract investment these days, it’s really a big head.”

Both Senao and Rahudi laughed. Of course, they also have many such visitors, hoping that they can invest in building factories and the like.

"Uncle Lu Bai, you can also inspect some common agricultural product planting bases." Qiao Ge looked at Rahu and said, "Of course, you can also directly purchase some land."

"Jogo, are you going to make ordinary agricultural products too?" Lahu asked, "Same as mineral water, high-end and low-end together?"

"What do you think?"

"It's better for you to see far." Lahu said in a deep voice, "This time, many people will definitely turn to organic farming, and even some ordinary agricultural product companies will go bankrupt. We can buy them at that time. If not enough, I will find a way Go buy land and build your own planting base.”

"That's right, that's what I thought." Jogo affirmed.

"I understand." Senao patted his forehead and said, "Jogo, then the factory construction here is also for low-end ordinary clothing, right?"

"Yes, we have to do high-end products, as well as low-end products." Qiao Ge laughed, "Why don't we occupy a larger market now that we have an advantage?"

The three of Senao are gearing up, and they can't wait to get into work immediately.

Every time you pay close attention to it, you can make a lot of money.

"Three uncles, these must be kept secret first, even if others ask, they should be ambiguous." Qiao Ge said again.

"We understand, let those people be suspicious." Senao said with a smile, "Let them guess."

Lahudi and Gao Misha also laughed.

"Let's go, three uncles, combine work and rest, and have a good time at night."

"Oh, your father isn't here, otherwise I'd have to get him drunk. It's so enviable to have such a good son." Rahu said.

They also only knew that old Gupta had gone abroad, on vacation.

Jhogo told no one about this.

This is not a question of trust or distrust, but to eliminate the possibility of various leaks.

"It's not just good, it's really good." Gao Misha laughed.

"Stop talking, they are still waiting for Jogo." Senao said.

At the celebration banquet, there were more people.

For example, the current "Ramayana" actor Stasha Khatik, he replaced Maya to make up the follow-up plot.

Now with the continuous broadcast of TV series, Starsha's reputation has long overshadowed Maya.

Coupled with the fact that Maia committed a fraud, her character has been questioned and has been completely abandoned by the audience.

Starsha's mentality is completely different from those of Maya.

He, like Maya, is of the untouchable class.

Although in Bollywood, the untouchable class can also mix, and many big stars have emerged, but in the circle of Bollywood, which is a bit monopolized by the family, it doesn't matter if you have no background, it is too difficult to get ahead.

This time he got the opportunity, so he took advantage of it.

Maya's showmanship was in front of him, which made him see it more clearly.

As the boss said, it was the boss who helped people like himself.

Even if the male lead is changed, maybe there is a little difference in acting skills, but in this TV series, the male and female protagonists are destined to be popular, and the other supporting roles can also be very popular.

Where is Maya now?

Some people said that he fled abroad, while others said that he hid and did not know where he was in the country.

No matter what, he is destined to be unable to live a stable life, right?
Starha believes that he can earn more if he follows his boss, and it will be more than Maya.

Maia is finished, and his career has just started, and the future is limitless.

But he felt that he should thank Maya, if it wasn't for Maya's stupid behavior, the current glory would belong to Maya, who would get him.

In addition to people from their own company, the people who participated in the reception this time included people from the political, educational and business circles, such as Kuna, Amit, Bu Peng, Willis, Huaida, Pu Puli, Te Deli, Barry, etc. The banquet is a good time to connect with each other, and most people will not miss such a good opportunity.

Qiao Ge also invited some Bollywood female stars to enliven the atmosphere. There was no other way, many people liked this, that is to do as the Romans do.

The banquet gathered hundreds of people, and the scale was not small.

It can be said that Qiao Ge can be regarded as the No. [-] figure in Mumbai. Few people would refuse any invitation he sends.

The chief minister was not invited, but his trusted secretary came.

According to Qiao Ge's previous status, it was not so easy for the Chief Minister to invite him to the scene. It was already a great way to save face by having a secretary.

But it's different now, my net worth has skyrocketed, and my net worth is rising day by day.

It's still that their background is not enough, they don't know their current wealth, and their impression of themselves is still a month ago.

If it is known, even the Chief Minister will be there in person.

Qiao Ge didn't care much about this, his status was earned slowly by his own strength, so there was no rush.

I am not such a high-profile person.

"Master Dimli hasn't arrived yet?" Jogo asked the person in charge of the banquet.

"Boss, I contacted you just now, and they said that Master Dimli is still giving lectures, so he might come later. Should I send someone to check?"

"Need not."

Jogo also invited Ji Te, a master who is now well-known all over the country, let alone in Mumbai. He said that no one dared to be the first when he said that he was second. Not everyone can invite him to play .

But with the relationship between Jogo and him, Kit will naturally give face.

On the religious side, Jogo must make arrangements, and Git is a good partner.

Given the chance, he's willing to help make Kit's reputation even better.

And this time he made an agreement with Kit, and there are great benefits for him, how could he not come?
"Wow, isn't that Xili Daiyu?" Someone exclaimed.

Xili Daiyu's status is relatively detached, so unless she is a famous rich man and a real powerful person, she cannot be hired by money alone.

Especially in these years, she has basically seldom entertained.

So she surprised some people by appearing at the banquet at Jogo's side.

But they soon realized that Xili Daiyu had made a guest appearance in "Ramayana", which shows that she and Qiao Ge have a relationship.

It's no surprise this time around.

At first everyone thought that Xili Daiyu had helped Qiao Ge a lot, but after the hit of "Ramayana", everyone knew that this show would be a hit even without Xili Daiyu.

Of course, with Xili Daiyu in the play, it would be even more perfect.

Xi Li Daiyu greeted many people present generously, especially some of her admirers surrounded her, which made many other Bollywood female stars jealous.

After all, the identity of every guest here is not simple, if any one of them can get the attention, then their acting career in Bollywood will advance by leaps and bounds.

Especially that young man.

When they saw Xi Li Daiyu walking towards Qiao Ge, after the two of them said a few words, Qiao Ge dismissed the people around him and walked aside alone with Xi Li Dai Yu, which made the jealousy in their eyes even more intense. It's hard to hide.

"I don't even look at my age, I'm an old woman, and I still want to eat tender..." Someone muttered, his voice became lower and lower, almost inaudible, and he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

After Qiao Ge and Xi Li Daiyu walked aside, other guests, such as some admirers who surrounded Xi Li Daiyu just now, dispersed wisely.

The protagonist this time is Jogo, and they are not easy to disturb.

"What's your friend's name? I'll ask someone to look it up for you." Qiao Ge asked after hearing Xili Daiyu's words.

Xili Daiyu asked him for help just now. A friend of hers was threatened by someone recently, and threatening letters were sent from time to time.

She has asked many people for help these days, but until now there is no clue.

So she thought of Jogo. After all, Jogo also invited her this time, so she thought that with Jogo's contacts, she might be able to find out who was behind the scenes.

"Her name is Madhuli Tikoshi, and she is also a Bollywood actress. She dances very well..." Xili Daiyu added some information.

A month ago, someone had hinted to Madhuli that a big boss had taken a fancy to her and asked her to accompany her and get in touch with her.

Madhuli ignored it, and then all kinds of troubles came.

For example, the original movie roles are gone, some film contracts are gone, and endless threats are coming.

So Xili Daiyu can be sure that it is the so-called boss who did the trick.

It's just that now I can't find the person who came to give hints to her friend, and I don't know who the big guy behind the scenes is.

"I understand. You asked her to pay attention to safety these days, and I will ask someone to investigate as soon as possible." Jogo replied.

This is just a small favor, and it will be fine for Gal and the others to check it out.

They are well-informed now, and they can get some wind of all kinds of gray news from Mumbai.

It's no secret that many things in the Bollywood film industry are among the gangs.

After all, many bosses are investors.

Seeing that Qiao Ge agreed, Xili Daiyu couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"Jogo, thank you."

"Sister Xili Daiyu, you are really out of touch." Qiao Ge wanted to chat with her a little more, but he noticed a bodyguard walking over.

Maybe seeing himself with Xili Daiyu, the bodyguard stopped a few steps away, a little hesitant to come over to disturb her.

(End of this chapter)

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