Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 214 The Evaporation of Assets

Chapter 214 The Evaporation of Assets
"Mr. Gupta, it seems that I lost the previous bet." The old fairy sighed.

How long has it been? The wealth of the young man in front of him is unknown how many times higher than agreed.

To be honest, he still pays close attention to Qiao Ge, one is that he has a bet with him, and the other is that for such an amazing young man, I believe people all over the country will probably pay attention.

In fact, before the old fairy came, he had no idea whether Qiao Ge would meet him.

Because these days, with the rapid expansion of wealth, Jogo's status is also rapidly improving.

I am just a small local official in Gujarat, will such a rich man care about it?

But since I came to Mumbai this time, I have to make some achievements.

Thinking that I have some relationship with Jogo, I came over to take a look and try my luck.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge was very polite to him, no different from the last time he saw him, which made him secretly relieved.

No wonder this business is getting bigger and bigger. He is young, but he treats people very sincerely and treats himself no differently.

"It's true that I won. I accepted the previous agreement." Qiao Ge smiled, "I understand your purpose of coming. It is not impossible to invest, but you have to investigate it."

"Of course." The old fairy said with a smile, what is his favor, he really owes Qiao Ge, so that he can find a reason to have a relationship with Qiao Ge in the future.

He can be sure that Jogo's future achievements will be even more terrifying.

Not everyone can relate to such a character.

As long as the other party leaks a little money from the fingers, it is enough to benefit his own side.

The old fairy has great ambitions and ambitions. He knows very well that if he wants to go further in the officialdom, he needs support from all sides.

It is certain to win the support of the bigwigs in the People's Party, but some external factors are also very critical. For example, rich and rich people like Jogo, their funds are very important.

"Surat's geographical location is very superior, not far from Mumbai. If you build some industries there, it can be provided to Mumbai. After all, the land around Mumbai is too expensive, and Surat is very helpful for cost reduction. For example , the agricultural planting base, garment factory, or mineral water factory, as long as you need it, we will keep everything simple and ensure efficiency in land acquisition and government procedures." The old fairy recommended the place where he works.

As expected of an old fairy, when it comes to Qiao Ge's heart.

Own agricultural land is in great demand.

The land around Mumbai is indeed expensive, and there are very few large tracts of land for sale, and it is difficult to satisfy a large-scale agricultural land.

Therefore, the development of surrounding cities is the next focus.

After all, a metropolis like Mumbai has such a large population and is a huge consumer market. In addition, there are many wealthy people and their consumption power is amazing.

Surat is really a very suitable choice. Its port is somewhat silted up, but it is mainly unable to dock those large ships.

If I mainly use ships to transport vegetables to Mumbai in the future, small and medium-sized ships are enough, so it is very convenient to have this port.

Convenient transportation and suitable distance, coupled with low cost of land, combined with many elements, it is indeed a good place.

Especially recently, my own agricultural base needs to expand, whether it is organic or traditional agriculture.

Therefore, Qiao Ge promised the old fairy that he would go to Surat in person after a while. As long as it is suitable, he wants a large piece of land, mainly agricultural land, whether it is organic or traditional, which makes the old fairy satisfied. return.

The current old fairy is not the old fairy in the previous life, but he is still very decisive in doing things, and his vision is also very accurate.

If you want to find someone to invest in, you have to grasp what investors need and what they care most about.

No wonder he later made the economy boom in Gujarat, which is far ahead of the Indian states.

Not long after the old fairy left, Tulu opened the door and came in.

"Boss, take a look, these are the latest news I have collected." Tulu handed some reports to Jogo.

After Qiaogo looked at it, he sighed.

"Boss, they are preparing to enter these two markets, you have to prepare in advance." Tulu said.

"It came sooner than I expected." Jogo said with a smile.

These reports show that many people have already started to invest in the organic agriculture market, especially Jena and Wim colluded together, and they joined forces to enter the organic agriculture and high-end mineral water industry.

Because Jena and the others, apart from acquiring land suitable for organic agriculture, began to use their relationships to negotiate with those elder masters in holy places in various places.

Jena and Wim are one of the key monitoring personnel on Tulu's side, so Tulu will be aware of their actions soon.

In fact, it's not just them. There are many people with a keen sense of smell, and people are constantly pouring into the organic agriculture and high-end mineral water market.

As for the clothes, basically no one entered.

After all, clothes are different from those two industries, and Qiao Ge failed to overthrow other clothing factories.

For Weimu clothing, the sales performance has been greatly affected, but it is not likely that a company like Xiangudi will almost go bankrupt.

Want to open up the situation in the clothing market, one is like Jogo who suddenly rises with the help of the "Ramayana" fire, and the other is like Wim Clothing who is crazy about finding celebrities to advertise and spending a lot of money to create a brand .

The method of TV dramas is a special case. As for Wim's clothing, the capital required is too large, and it may not be successful, and the risk is too great.

Besides, there are already many brands in the high-end clothing market, and it is not so easy to squeeze in.

Qiao Ge's operation is not universal, and it is difficult for others to imitate.

So it's no surprise that no one entered.

However, organic agriculture is different from the high-end mineral water market. In their view, it can be completely replicated. The main reason is that this market is almost blank before, and it is impossible for Jogo to occupy all of it.

Jogo soon called Rahudi and Gao Misha, who are still in Mumbai.

After hearing the news, Lahudi couldn't help but hastily said: "It seems that I have to speed up the acquisition of land suitable for organic agricultural products. Fortunately, I have had a lot of land purchased a few days ago. Otherwise, in the current situation, the price of these lands It will also skyrocket, especially some land that has not been cultivated for many years."

Jogo smiled, indeed.

In the past, these abandoned lands could not be sold at any price, but now they are favored because they are abandoned and there are no pesticides and fertilizers left to meet the standards of the organic agriculture industry.

"I'm going to buy Udi's plantation base." Jogo said.

Udi is ready to sell the traditional agricultural company, including various planting bases under his name, so that he can recover the funds invested in organic agriculture and high-end mineral water industry.

Due to the large scale of Udi's company, this matter has caused a lot of repercussions in the market.

According to the valuation, Udi's agricultural company is worth more than 16 billion, because he just recently invested 10 billion.

Of course, this was before being hit by Qiao Ge, and now the price is almost only 10 billion.

It can be said that the main value of Udi Company is the planting bases. The original brand value is almost zero, or even negative. Adding various depreciation and other things, more than 6 million yuan just evaporated directly.

After all, organic agriculture is now highly regarded, and few people take over his traditional agricultural planting base.

10 billion is too high. Obviously, it cannot be sold at this price, and the assets are destined to evaporate.

So he didn't plan to sell it as a whole. If it was sold as a whole, the total price would be too high.

So he sold the planting bases distributed in various places under the company's name separately, which will help to recover funds better and faster.

"I'm afraid that Udi and the others will notice it, even if we don't use our name, it will be difficult to hide it from them." Lahu was a little worried.

"Regardless of this, we don't need our reputation to buy it. If he notices it and doesn't sell it, then forget it." Qiao Ge said, "Anyway, there are many other people who are selling it. By the way, the price can't exceed [-]%. Let’s talk about it. He wants to get his money back, okay, I want to see how many people will buy his planting base.”

"Probably not many." Gao Misha laughed, "However, they are also contacting those master elders in the major holy places. The intention is obvious. This is to compete with our Gangesyuan brand ice spring."

Speaking of this, Gao Misha's face became a little dignified.

Although Jogo had told them a long time ago that this kind of monopoly was impossible, he was always in a bad mood when he found out that someone was going to intervene.

Isn't this equivalent to cutting flesh on yourself?

"Let's just follow our own plan," Jogo said.

According to his idea, it would be best to acquire all of Udi's planting bases.

Udi was originally engaged in the high-end market, and the scale and quality of the planting base must be much higher than other traditional agricultural companies.

Once you take over by yourself, you can guarantee the quality.

As for funds, Qiao Ge is not worried at all. With his current asset size, it is still easy to find a bank for a mortgage.

Even if there is no mortgage, after half a month, the funds in his account will be more than one billion.

After all, according to current estimates, at least 16 billion in profits will come in every month, which can be described as rich and powerful.

"Actually, I think we've helped him by acquiring Udi's company like this?" Lahu sighed, "I think that apart from us, even if he sells it cheaply, he can sell at most one-third of the entire planting base, and the rest must be bad." In hand."

"I can't say that. If the price is right, our side will also have great benefits. And even without Udi's funds, will Wim and Jena be short of funds? I don't think it's possible." Qiao Ge laughed road.

Lahu was right when he thought about it, these two people had too much energy, especially Wim.

"Uncle Lu Bai, you are responsible for this matter, pay more attention to it. As for the buyer, you can find someone else, he knows a lot of rich people, let him help find some people to fill the scene. It's best for Di and the others to see through it," Qiao Ge said again.

Qiao Ge was afraid that they would be unwilling to give up the price if they saw it, or even not sell it directly, so some preparations were needed.

Bian Da knows a lot of people, and some of the people he recruited should not allow Udi and the others to contact him.

"I understand, I will ask Bianda to find more people, and each person will buy separately." Lahu smiled.

If one party said that they wanted to take over all of Udi's planting bases at once, the other party would definitely have to investigate deeply, and with Wim's ability, they would definitely not be able to hide it.

"Look, this is the latest report." Qiao Ge pointed to a report in a newspaper, "Their water source has not yet been determined, and they have started to build momentum. What holy land holy water, what high-end mineral water is more prosperous at the source of the Ganges River? Bingquan, and that organic farming thing.”

In fact, there have been many reports of this kind these days.

Of course, it wasn't all caused by Jena and the others, but Jogo believed that they had a part in it, and they accounted for most of it.

After Lahudi and Gaomisha left, Jogo left Tulu behind.

(End of this chapter)

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