Chapter 218

Jogo didn't mean to expose the matter directly, but it could be regarded as a warning to Wim.

There is another good thing about this incident, that is, the gang that kidnapped was taken away by the police.

Who asked them to be Wim's thugs, and even kidnapped them, which is a legitimate crime.

Who is Amit Singh, and Jogo also calls him uncle, can this relationship not be on Jogo's side?

It's not about arresting Wim directly, but about dealing with some gangs. Amit didn't hesitate at all.

Of course, Gal and Jajam are fine. They also annexed this gang by the way, expanding their territory and becoming more powerful.

"Sure enough, sure enough." Wim was so angry that his liver hurt.

The press conference about "Mahabharata" has been published in the newspapers.

The heroine, Madhuri Tikoshi is the heroine.

Isn't that obvious?
It was obvious that the woman climbed into Jogo's bed, otherwise could such a benefit be given to her?

Now who doesn't know that participating in Jogo's TV series can achieve a great leap in fame.

Especially the male and female protagonists, after the TV series is broadcast, they are probably two big stars, and they are the kind that are very popular.

The example of Maya and Stasha is here, and it is completely the TV series that made them two.

It can be said that almost any actor has this effect.

These Bollywood sluts, for the sake of fame and profit, what can't they do?

Isn't it a common operation to climb all kinds of things?

It took Wim a while to calm down.

Wait until he breaks Jogo, and see if these women will post it.

On December 12st, Ra suddenly told Jogo good news.

That is, almost all the planting bases on Udi's side have been taken down, except for a few places that were acquired before they acquired them, but these are almost negligible compared to the number of acquisitions on their own side.

On Lahudi's side, of course, many people went to Udi to buy it, and the total price was 6.3 million.

The original total assets of Udi Company were around 16 billion. Apart from the plantation, there are other assets, such as office buildings and so on.

Of course, the plantation still accounts for most of the assets, with an estimated value of more than 13 billion.

Now 6.3 million is won, which is almost [-]% off.

This kind of price makes no sense for Jogo.

Of course, it is for plantations, and other office buildings and the like have not been acquired.

In the ten days since he returned from Malaysia, more than 6 million has been added to his account. Counting the original 3.5 million, the funds are nearly one billion.

Qiao Ge can be sure that his net profit will exceed 12 billion in December, which is equivalent to a monthly income of 20 billion. How can this high growth be maintained for about half a year.

With Wim and some other people joining, their agricultural products will almost enter the market in half a year, and then their own side will gradually stabilize.

It is normal that income may even drop a little bit after being hit.

The acquisition went smoothly. After Qiao Ge paid the money, there was still nearly 4 million in the account.

Jogo did not incorporate Udi's plantations into the organic farming company.

Instead, a new Gupta farming company was formed, with a complete separation of organic and conventional.

In a few days, after these plantations are straightened out, they can be included in the name of Gupta Agricultural Company, with total assets of up to 7 million.

"Jogo, the investment in organic agriculture is only 8 million yuan, and the investment here is almost 7 million yuan. Does it need to increase?" Lahu asked.

"Uncle Lu Bai, there will soon be many competitors in organic agriculture, and the investment scale of 8 million is enough." Qiao Ge sighed, "I'm afraid how many contracts will be kept by then."

La suddenly fell silent for a moment, which he also knew.

After the one-year period expires, many government departments and wealthy families will definitely not renew their contracts with them.

Because Wim and the others will definitely work hard, customer loss is certain.

"Now we are the only one, so the profit is naturally high. In the future, let alone sales, the profit will decrease." Qiao Ge sighed.

"As long as we guarantee the quality, even if we are hit, we can still block it." Lahu said in a deep voice.

"Uncle Lu Bai, you must have such confidence." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "Since they are flooding into the high-end market in large numbers, then we should develop the low-end market while ensuring our own market share. Then It is the real big sales, and the sales will go up, and the income will not be low."

Lahudi has been farming for some time, so of course he understands these things.

There are many rich people in China, but most of them are ordinary people.

It's okay to let them buy organic produce once in a while, but most of them still consume conventional produce.

This market is the biggest.

Most of this market is still operated by scattered small companies or small self-employed individuals. It must be very advantageous to operate on such a large scale.

Regardless of price or cost.

"Why do I feel that they are rushing into the high-end market, and I am afraid that many people will quit in a short time." Lahu thought deeply.

"That's natural." Qiao Ge laughed. "The high-end market is actually not that big. How can it accommodate so many people? At that time, if you lose money and can't do it anymore, people will naturally quit. The strong will survive, and the weak will be eliminated." , anyway, there is a process, and finally a balance is reached.”

Qiao Ge felt that these people were stimulated by his recent money making, so his eyes were red, and he didn't think too much about some things.

Maybe some of them have realized it at this time, but now the money that should be invested has probably been invested, so they can only bite the bullet and continue, hoping that their products can stand out.

"Actually, traditional agriculture is the largest base." Qiao Ge said again, "I think the scale of this planting base has to be expanded."

The same is true for the high-end mineral water market. The largest basic market should be the water used by ordinary people, and the consumption is the largest.

"Do you want to expand?" Lahu frowned.

"Uncle Lu Bai, the planting base on Udi's side is almost ready-made, and it should be straightened out soon after you take over, so don't worry about neglecting other expansion matters." Jogo laughed.

"Jogo, you made me work day and night."

"Uncle can recruit people, and I have no objection." Jogo said, "I plan to build the largest agricultural production base in the country, which is near Mumbai."

Jogo talked about his plans to visit Surat.

"It's feasible." Laura thought for a moment.

The current population of Mumbai has exceeded 100 million, and the demand for vegetables is huge every day. The annual demand can reach more than 10 million tons, and the planting area needs about [-] hectares to meet.

Of course, it is impossible for Qiao Ge to acquire 10 hectares of land all at once, that is, 1000 square kilometers.

You must know that the land area of ​​Hong Kong is only 1114 square kilometers.

So getting such a large amount of land around Mumbai at once is simply too exaggerated and completely impossible.

Such a large area cannot be a planting base, but more planting bases can only be arranged around Mumbai. According to Jogo's idea, the total area must be more than 1 hectares.

It stands to reason that [-] hectares can only guarantee about [-]% of the vegetable supply.

But Jogo's requirements for production efficiency cannot be so low.

He has expert technical support, research on new high-yielding varieties, and large-scale management of planting bases, etc., and uses these advantages to increase production.

This should be able to guarantee [-]-[-]% of the vegetable supply in Mumbai.

Of course, if possible, he certainly hopes that his scale will be as large as possible, so that Mumbai and even the whole country cannot do without his own vegetable supply.

It can also allow more workers to surround themselves.

This is a long-term plan. As long as I continue to invest, this dream is likely to come true.

Jogo is going to Surat next, but before he leaves, he has a special meeting with Professor Willis Nakel and a team of agricultural experts.

Jogo knows very well that the competition in organic agriculture will be fierce in the future, and there will definitely be price wars.

I am not afraid of price wars here, but I have to guarantee my profits.

In addition to reducing production costs as much as possible, it is to improve the quality of agricultural products, which is my greatest confidence.

Organic agriculture is quite difficult in the production process. When pesticides cannot be used, the impact of pests and diseases must be guaranteed. In the absence of chemical fertilizers, which suitable organic fertilizers can be used to make vegetables grow better.

These are the directions of Willis and their research.

Jogo attached great importance to these scientific researches from the very beginning and invested a lot of money.

Therefore, he believes that the quality of his agricultural products must be higher than those of the latecomers, so his own advantage is obvious.

Of course, in order to maintain this advantage, we must continue to research and develop.

Otherwise, if you don’t advance, you will retreat, and others will definitely realize the importance of scientific research.

At the same time, Jogo also put higher demands on Willis and the others.

That is, we must guarantee our own product advantages, especially the research and management of high-quality seeds.

Qiao Ge remembered the seed industry in developed countries in his previous life. Huaxia didn't know how many seeds he had to import every year.

No way, foreign seeds have high yield and good disease resistance.

But the second generation of these seeds either couldn't survive, or they could survive and grow some crooked melons and dates.

In short, you can only import these high-quality seeds every year, and a large part of the profits are earned by foreign countries.

Then Qiao Ge will be such a seed monopoly here.

Even if some competitors follow suit in organic farming, I have to separate myself from them in order to make money.

The power of technology.

Five days later, Jogo set off for Surat.

Since the distance was not too far, he drove there.

On the way, Jogo thought about some plans for the trip.

The investment in Surat this time was not entirely due to the old fairy. Even without him, he would have found suitable land around Mumbai to set up a planting base.

Now that the old fairy is here, isn't that just right?
To be honest, Jogo really wants to take Mundra Port, or take land near it.

But the old fairy's status is too low now, he can't decide this kind of thing at all.

Perhaps by helping the old fairy to achieve political achievements in this way, his official career in Gujarat can be smoother and he can climb up faster.

As for whether it will change the future, Jogo doesn't think too much about it.

Even if I have influenced some of the future, the old fairy will not be the prime minister in the future, as long as he has enough status in Gujarat, such as being the chief minister, then I can get great benefits from him.

Moreover, it is too far away from the old fairy becoming the prime minister in the previous life, and it is impossible for him to wait until he becomes the prime minister before reaping benefits.

On the contrary, when he was working in the local area, he could obtain many things by himself.

The old fairy really wants to reach the top, and his status is extraordinary. It is not that simple to get some benefits from him.

Mundra Port is still state-owned. Although it has been losing money, it has no plans to privatize it, and I certainly can't intervene.

Now I can only think about it in my heart.

What I can do is to find a way to promote the process, such as helping the old fairy to improve his grades and climb up as soon as possible. This is more realistic.

When the old fairy has great power in Gujarat, I believe that I can still influence him.

Surat's investment this time, in addition to his own business layout, also has the meaning of helping the old fairy to improve his political achievements. Why not do it with two birds with one stone?
(End of this chapter)

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