Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 22 Mortgage Loans

Chapter 22 Mortgage Loans
On the way back to the car, Jogo kept thinking about the five factories he just visited.

The smallest one covers an area of ​​about 2 acres, and the largest one covers an area of ​​4 acres, a total of about 15 acres, or 6 square meters.

Needless to say, Qiao Ge wanted to take these lands immediately, but unfortunately he had no funds in hand.

After seeing the land, Yadela didn't delay at all, and went to the relevant department with five people to inquire about the property rights, and there was no problem.

So Qiao Ge made a preliminary negotiation with them, and agreed to sign a formal contract with them after the cotton deposit from his side came down. The price was 15 per acre, which was based on the price sold by a nearby vacant land at that time.

The factories and warehouses of the five of them are relatively dilapidated, so they gave them away for free, which is still a bit of a discount.

For Jogo, of course, open land is the best, the land is valuable, and the factory buildings on it are worthless.

It costs 225 million rupees to buy all five factories, plus taxes and fees, a total of 250 million rupees.

For the second batch of 90 bales of cotton, the purchase price was US$150 per package, and the bid price was US$10. After deducting other expenses of US$50 per package, Qiao Ge could earn US$50.

It was much more profitable than the first batch. This is because the price of cotton kept falling, which allowed Jogo to lower the price better, and his price difference was even bigger.

The cotton side alone is enough to pay for the land purchase, and the hair side is not counted, so it can earn several million rupees.

He doesn't worry about running out of funds.

Qiao Ge can be sure that these lands should be within the range of the new port. Even if they are not within the range, the land prices near the port will soar if they are not expropriated, so there is no need to worry about losing money.

He really wants to buy land here, but he can't go too far.

Qiao Ge didn't know how big Navasheva Port was, but in the early stage, he would definitely need [-] to [-] hectares of land.

Because he remembered that the Navasheva port in his previous life had a container yard of nearly 40 hectares alone.

This is not counting other kinds of warehouses, covered and open-air.

After taking down five factories, Qiao Ge has 10 square meters of land, which is [-] hectares, which is not small.

If I buy land like crazy here, I might be suspected by others, especially if the port behind is planned, some things should not be taken too far.

After all, I am now buying land in the name of renting out a warehouse, so 10 hectares is enough.

Of course, if there is still suitable land, Jogo will definitely not miss it, but the pace must be slowed down, and there must be a more suitable reason.

It's time to think about it carefully.

While chatting with these five people, Qiao Ge also heard an interesting thing, that is, one of them has three wives, seven sons, and five daughters, and the family is huge.

This reminded Qiao Ge of the topic of how many wives he could marry in India in his previous life.

Indian law respects some religious rules in this regard. For example, Muslims can marry four wives. Others, such as Hinduism, follow monogamy.

However, there are countless religions and gods in India, and some rural areas are closed and backward, so the so-called laws are useless at all. The local area has its own set of rules, and polygamy or polyandry is common.

There was such a news that a man in India married 39 wives in his life, had 94 children, and a family of 182 people enjoyed themselves happily.

The man's father founded a sect, and one of the canons allowed polygamy, so his father married 7 wives.

After he inherited the position of leader, he was out of control on the road to marrying a wife, either on the way to marrying a wife or on the way to marrying a wife.

The village where he lives is very remote, and the so-called Indian laws are not available at all.

Of course, he was able to marry so many wives mainly due to the backwardness of the local area. As the leader, the family conditions are the best in the village. After those women marry him, their lives are guaranteed, so that the harem can be peaceful.

In short, if you want to marry more wives, you must have financial support.

When he came back, Jogo went directly to Singh with the contract.

"Mortgage loan?" Singer took a look at the land purchase contract handed over by Jogo, and asked in surprise.

Qiao Ge didn't lower the land price, he knew it a long time ago, so he was surprised that Qiao Ge wanted to borrow money.

In his opinion, these two batches of cotton exports can earn Jogo seventy-eight million rupees, so what else does he need to borrow?

"Yeah, Gu Dali introduced a few more factories, and I'm thinking of buying them and renting them out as storage yards..." Qiao Ge explained the ins and outs of the matter to Singer.

After listening, Singer frowned: "Jogo, that factory in Gudali is already very big for you. Wouldn't it be a waste for you to buy 15 acres? How many people will rent it over there? Even if there are , How much can the rent be? You said that if you want to start a cotton business in the future, you will need a lot of money. If you want to buy land, you will have to lock up several million rupees."

Singer is not optimistic about Jogo's land purchase at all.

Everyone reluctantly approved the acquisition of Guda Li Factory.

"That's why I took out a loan." Jogo laughed, "I will pay the full amount for these lands, and then I will mortgage the loan to you, uncle, so that the money locked in the land will be less."

Singer was a little helpless, and the reason was the same, but the risk was relatively high, and leverage was added.

If Qiao Ge's business is going smoothly, it's no problem, but if there is a problem in one of the links, the bank's loan cannot be paid, and a chain reaction will occur.

After thinking about it, he decided to give some control over the loan amount, reduce the amount, and avoid Jogo's excessive debt.

Although Jogo's problem is not big now, Singer feels that Jogo cannot be indulged too much from the beginning.

"You need to know that the market price of the land on other people's contracts is only one-tenth of yours," Singh said.

Qiao Ge expressed his understanding that those guys made the price too low in order to evade taxes.

It is obviously 15 rupees per acre, but they may write 1.5 or even lower.

"So, it's impossible for me to give you a valuation and a loan based on the total price of your contract." Singer thought for a while.

"I know that, so the loan amount of [-]% of the total price will go to the head office?" Qiao Ge asked.

Singer nodded and refused, "It can't be 70%, I can give you [-]% of the total price at most, [-]."

"Uncle Singer, the general mortgage loan amount can reach [-]% of the total price of the collateral, right? Not [-]%?" Qiao Ge wanted to fight again.

It's a pity that Singer didn't answer, but just stared at Jogo quietly.

This made Qiao Ge a little helpless: "Okay, okay, [-]% is fine, so can you make a loan today?"

Jogo calculated in his mind that after the second batch of cotton payment arrives tomorrow, he will have 189 million rupees, plus 10 rupees left by himself, for a total of 200 million rupees.

It takes 250 million rupees to acquire the factory of those five people, which means that his current funding gap is 50.

Qiao Ge doesn't want to wait until the final payment for cotton arrives before paying off the land purchase price. Many things can happen in two months. What if news of the port planning comes out during this period?
At that time, the liquidated damages of half of the total price in the contract will be nothing at all. I believe those guys will definitely break the contract.

It is always hard to feel at ease if that large piece of land is not really in my hands.

The total price of Gudali's land is 180 million rupees, and the mortgage is calculated at 72%, which is 70. Singh obviously wiped out single digits and became [-], but it is enough for him to acquire the other five lands.

So Qiao Ge didn't worry about whether it was 54% or [-]%, even [-]% and [-] would be enough.

(End of this chapter)

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