Chapter 229
Madhuli dances barefoot, which is a characteristic of traditional Indian dances.

Dancing barefoot is a kind of worship to God.

Moreover, many Indian dance steps require the toes to be hooked back and the ground to be grasped hard, which is not suitable for wearing shoes.

In addition, there are many stomping movements, which must make rhythmic sounds on the floor, and shoes cannot be worn, otherwise the sound will be wrong.

Dancers usually wear bells on their feet. Wouldn't the bell be stuck in shoes?
So in order for the bell to make a crisp sound, the same bare feet are the most suitable.

"How is it, does it hurt?" Jogo asked while rubbing.

Feeling the temperature in Jogo's hands, Maduri only felt itchy ankles, as if electric currents were rushing upwards from the ankles.

"A little bit, Boss, it's okay, just wait." Madhuli said with a distorted voice.

"You can't be sloppy, you can't get hurt." Jogo's hand didn't leave, and he continued.

Maduri hummed lightly, but didn't say anything more.

Especially seeing Qiao Ge caring about her appearance, she didn't want to break the atmosphere.

"Boss, uh, that's me~~" The director walked into the dance room, was startled when he saw Jogo and Maduli embracing each other, turned around quickly, and was about to run away.

I am too reckless, I have to observe before coming in, right?

In fact, in their eyes, Madhuli is almost the woman of their boss.

It is no secret that Madhuli was almost kidnapped before, and some inside stories have been spread in Bollywood circles.

It was Wim Ambani who was going to take Madhuli away, but was later rescued by Jogo.

You want to say that there is no relationship between Jogo and Maduri, can you do such a thing?
The other party is Wim?
Can someone who doesn't know me help?
Offend Wim?

"Tell me what you want." Jogo called to stop the other party.

Seeing the other party's nervous look, Jogo was speechless for a while.

Nothing happened between me and Madhuli, okay, it's innocent.

But when he looked down at the appearance of the two of them now, it was normal to be misunderstood.

Especially when he saw Madhuli lowering his head shyly, his face and neck were slightly flushed, Qiao Ge suddenly felt a little dry.

Fuli and Tapu have been involved in the shooting of the new movie a few days ago, which is about the love entanglement of the upper elite.

The previous plot of a low-caste poor boy hero marrying a high-caste Bai Fumei can be changed, and the grade and taste of the movie can be improved.

In order to satisfy my previous opinions, many scenes of the movie need to be shot on the spot, so the film crew recently selected locations for shooting in many places across the country.

So Jogo has been alone and sleepless for almost a week.

The smell of the perfume on Madhuli stimulated him and shocked him.

But he didn't lose his composure on the spot, he helped Madhuli up and said, "Walk carefully and take a few steps to see?"

Madhuli hummed in a low voice, then took a small step and said, "Boss, I'm really fine."

"That's good." Jogo smiled.

The director saw that the situation was not what he thought, so he reported some of the filming of the TV series to Qiao Ge.

"Go ahead, on-site shooting is still necessary. There are indeed many historic sites in New Delhi that are suitable. Remember to pay attention to safety and bring more security personnel." Qiao Ge said after listening to the director's words.

The filming of "Mahabharata" also needs to go to various places for real-time shooting, and I will go to New Delhi in two days.

The director was overjoyed, the generosity of his boss in terms of funds was really nothing to say.

It's not like I used to, those investors were careful with their budgets, how could I shoot without money?

Can such a work be good?
Working under Qiao Ge, he only needs to do his job well as a director, and he doesn't have to worry about other miscellaneous troubles at all. Naturally, someone else is responsible.

Without these troubles, he can fully devote himself to the filming of TV dramas. This is the working environment that a director dreams of.

Although the conditions for breach of contract signed by Jogo's company are very harsh, the benefits are quite good, far exceeding those of Bollywood counterparts.

The most important thing is that there is room for them to display their talents. The boss, Qiao Ge, is not likely to interfere in the shooting process.

Although I will give some opinions on a whim, most of them are very reasonable, and even make directors like them shine.

Of course, sometimes some ideas put forward by my boss are a bit too outrageous, and directors like myself and some actors will also raise objections.

Jogo will generally not forcibly pass the object that everyone unanimously opposes, and respect their opinions.

This makes them feel very comfortable.

In the past, if these investors took money, even if they pointed at you and scolded you, you would have to greet them with a smile.

In short, under such conditions, if you don't make a film that is popular and well-received, you will be ashamed to show people.

"Boss, don't worry, as many people as the crew go out, I will definitely bring them back intact." The director assured, patting his chest.

"Director, let's not talk too much." Madhuli said with a chuckle, "During filming, there will always be some small scratches."

Qiao Ge laughed and said: "You must also pay attention to safety during the filming process, add more safety measures, and you can ask Jorgend and Heppet about the cost."

The director gave Madhuli a grateful look, this is to increase funds for his crew.

If there is a big boss, I believe that another fund can be approved.

Although the crew funds on my side are much more abundant than before, there are still some shortages.

As Madhuli mentioned, there are still some dangerous scenes during the filming process, and it is inevitable that there will be situations where protective measures are not in place.

The director secretly sighed, what Madulli said was really different, the big boss made the decision without saying a word.

Fortunately, Madhuli is not like some female stars in various works.

He once directed a movie with a female star who invested in the funder as the heroine, which was all kinds of big names.

People like me are all around her, so the movies made like this are naturally completely bad.

After that, he was depressed a lot. After all, his reputation was greatly affected, and his mood was even worse.

He was still a little worried before, whether Madhuli would have such a problem.

But after contacting these days, Madhuli is very dedicated, and basically keeps the same rhythm as the crew.

She is not too special, if she can't do it in the shooting process, she can't do it. If she fails, she has to retake it again and again, no matter how tired she is, she has to persevere.

"Boss, just wait for the release of "Mahabharata". Our goal is "Ramayana." The director said excitedly.

"It can even go beyond." Jogo said with a smile.

"Ah yes, surpass them." The director was encouraged.


"Beyond the Group has caused you a lot of trouble. If you need anything, such as the counterattack of public opinion in the newspaper, just tell me." Jogo said, looking at Anand Kumar in front of him.

Anand returned to the training industry, which made Chaoyue Group feel dissatisfied.

In particular, Anand joined Jogo's Gupta Education and Training Company.

Those who transcend the group don't know that their chairman has conflicts with Jogo.

Therefore, the Transcendence Group is trying to discredit Anand, and it is constantly instilling this idea in newspapers and radio, especially among those parents.

Anand is nothing without the platform of Transcendent Group.

The platform is very important. For example, Jogo's "Ramayana" before, as long as it is played by an actor, it will be very popular.

But in some industries, individuals are the key.

Anand is a living example of this. It can be said that a large part of the reputation of Transcendent Group in Uttar Pradesh is due to Anand.

The astonishing online rate of the students tutored by Anand makes those parents who want their children to become dragons and daughters to become phoenixes not hesitate to spend a lot of money to have their children enter the Transcend Group for training and tutoring.

Now that Anand is on Qiaogo's side, the Chaoyue Group does not dare to use the previous violent methods, so it can only suppress it in public opinion.

It has to be said that this move of Chaoyue Group has achieved a lot of results.

Anand originally wanted to recruit 100 people, but some of them came, and then dropped out one after another.

After all, the scale of Anand's side is too shabby compared to the Beyond Group.

Even if Jogo is behind Anand, it still can't make people feel at ease.

Jogo's fame and wealth continued to expand.

But these are of no use to the parents at all. The growth of Jogo's wealth and fame will not allow their children to score extra points in the exam.

So after they dropped out of school, they returned to the embrace of the Transcendence Group.

The Chaoyue Group naturally publicized these people in the newspapers, saying that they were abandoning the bright and turning to the dark, anyway, they belittled Anand in various ways.

In the end, there were only 80 people on Anand's side, and the quota for 30 low-caste impoverished students was full. After all, as long as they passed Anand's assessment, the training fee was free, not to mention some living allowances.

This is a very good benefit for poor students.

The other 50 people, including 20 children of high caste and 30 children of rich and powerful families of low caste.

"No need." Anand smiled and said, "I have less than [-] students here, and a company as big as Chaoyue Group is staring at them. In fact, to some extent, they are doing it for me. advertise."

Jogo didn't expect Anand to be so open-minded, and what he said seemed to make sense.

Chaoyue Group plays an important role in the education and training industry, and any action will be noticed.

Now that he is suppressing Anand, in fact, he has brought Gupta Education and Training Company into everyone's field of vision.

Although it has a little impact on Anand's enrollment, Jogo believes that as long as Anand can achieve results, he will become popular in the future.

Jogo has no doubts about Anand's level.

During these days, Anand had already invited his former friends in the training industry, because birds of a feather flock together, and these friends of his are quite well-known in the training industry.

There are not many people, and the quality is the most expensive.

"Can these students be admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology?" Jogo asked.

I'm sure this is a concern for others as well.

I want to see whether Anand, the former star figure of Transcendence Group, can continue to create brilliance after leaving.

Anand told Jogo that the 30 rich and powerful children of the lower caste had the greatest chance.

They were born in very good conditions, no worse than most rich disciples of high castes.

That is to say, they may not be close in terms of background, so their grades are slightly weaker than those of high castes.

But they still have the ability to fight directly with the high caste.

According to Anand's estimation, there should be 30 of these 10 people who can be directly admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology.

The other 20 can enter IITs through the government's reservation policy for lower castes.

As for the 30 low-caste poor students, it is very difficult for them to directly enter the Indian Institute of Technology.

They are the best, but they are also the tallest among the poor students.

Anand's main requirement for them is to be able to enter through the reservation policy. If there are 30 people, maybe 20 people can enter the Indian Institute of Technology.

As for the 20 wealthy and high-caste students, due to fierce competition, Anand felt that at most only half of them could enter the Indian Institute of Technology.

Qiao Ge sighed in his heart, if such data really existed, it would definitely explode.

Leaving aside the retention policy, even 20 rich and high-caste students have a 50% chance, which is a shockingly high ratio.

You must know that the admission rate of Indian Institute of Technology is about [-]%. If it is the most famous and strictest requirement of the Mumbai branch, the admission rate is about [-]/[-].

Just looking at one thousandth of a percent may not make much sense.

The Indian Institute of Technology's requirement for the first-time students is the top 20% of the high school graduation examination results.

There may be 1000 million candidates who intend to apply for the Indian Institute of Technology every year, but many of them cannot meet the premise of this top 20%.

So it may be that only more than 100 million people are eligible to participate in the most basic initial test.

The number of people admitted by the Indian Institute of Technology every year is about [-], which is one percent.

Of course, the high ratio on Anand's side is also related to the small number of students enrolled, and these students have also been selected, and their grades are naturally not bad.

But then again, the students who come here are not the top academic masters.

Those top students basically chose to go beyond the group, after all, the big group is more worthy of people's trust.

In short, Anand dared to say this, and Jogo believed that he must still be very confident.

"Then the expansion of the training company can be put on the agenda." Jogo laughed.

Anand froze for a moment: "Let's wait for this year's results to come out. What if I fail the exam?"

"I have confidence in you guys." Jogo laughed and said, "You'd better focus on the training, I can let other people prepare first, such as the venue or something, don't be too popular all of a sudden, the registered students are too Duo, wouldn't it be a joke if there is no place to go to class? Could it be that you have no confidence in yourself?"

"No, I'm confident." Anand affirmed.

He wanted to challenge the Chaoyue Group. If he didn't even have this confidence, he might as well give up early.

He dared to do this before, but now with the support of Jogo's strong financial resources, what else should he worry about?
As for Shedu and Transcendence Group, Qiao Ge could not wait to kill them now.

Because the major shareholders of Chaoyue Group began to smear themselves in various ways after they entered the organic agriculture and high-end mineral water industries, and they couldn't bear it.

If Anand's side can really rise, it can definitely deal a huge blow to the Chaoyue Group.

Don't they want to do organic farming and high-end mineral water?

That's good, I have to copy the lair behind them.

Then hit their organic agriculture and high-end mineral water industry.

I have to let those people know that I am not so easy to mess with.

Do you really think you are a teenager with nothing?
Of course, these are just thoughts now, and it mainly depends on how far Anand can do it.

Jogo is not short of money now.

Famous teachers in the education and training industry are very important, so as to attract good students and top students, and then the test data will be bright, and there will be a virtuous circle.

The Chaoyue Group is almost like this. It is now a large scale, with many famous teachers under its command. Naturally, it has a great reputation, and countless parents flock to it.

The high tuition fees are not a problem. Borrowing, loans, selling houses and land, everything is for the children.

"Give me a list of some people worth digging, and I'll send someone to do it," Jogo said.

Anand froze for a moment: "How many people?"

"The more the better, the ones that surpass the group, or those from other training companies are also fine," Qiao Ge said.

It's not that Anand doesn't know everything, he also knows some things about the major shareholders of Chaoyue Group.

This is a direct confrontation with Jogo.

So is Qiao Ge preparing for a confrontation with Transcendent Group in the education and training industry?

Anand was still very excited.

He had heard about the grievances between Jogo and Shedu before, but Jogo's support for him was mostly based on Evie's face.

After all, Jogo doesn't seem to be investing heavily in education and training.

He will not make any excessive demands.

Qiao Ge is very satisfied with being able to invest in the education and training industry, and he dare not ask for more.

It's different now, attacking the Chaoyue Group has become the common goal of himself and Qiao Ge, and Qiao Ge's support is really different.

He knew that Jogo was now well-capitalized.

Those famous teachers and so on, as long as they have enough money, they can still be dug out.

Who wouldn't want to make some extra money?

"I'll give you the list now." Anand didn't hesitate, and immediately took out a pen and paper to list the famous trainers he recognized.

After all, he is in this industry, and he is very clear about which are really powerful famous teachers, and which are those who are trying to gain fame and are not worthy of their names.

If you want to dig people here, of course you have to dig real materials.

If he wants to have an impact on the Transcendence Group, his current size is definitely not enough, so he must expand.

Although a few of his friends have joined, the number of famous teachers is far from enough.

Therefore, poaching people is the most direct and effective method. In addition, Qiao Ge is not short of money now, so this matter will be easy to handle.

Jogo has considered this matter carefully.

As long as Anand's side can stand up, one rupee invested by his side may cause losses ten times to a hundred times higher than that of the group.

Because Chaoyue Group is a listed company, Anand's advantage is bad for them, and it will be reflected in the stock price soon.

It can be said that Jogo used a small amount of money to leverage the behemoth of the Transcendence Group, and used Anand's amazing data to continuously attack the Transcendence Group until one day they were beaten to the ground.

Of course, the main thing is whether Anand and the others will perform well in the next exam, otherwise this kind of suppression may be limited.

As long as Anand and the others work hard, Jogo will definitely support him.

Evie's study in the beautiful country went smoothly, and she has been well integrated into the local study and life.

The reason why it went so smoothly is that her oral English level has improved, and there is enough living expenses.

No matter where you are, there is no financial pressure, so you can focus on your career.

This reassured both Jogo and Anand.

(End of this chapter)

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