Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 242 Triple Pricing

Chapter 242 Triple Valuation (Seeking Monthly Pass)
In the hearts of the three of Hebicha, as long as it is Jogo's project, there will be no problem, so they all look forward to staring at Jogo, waiting for his next words.

"It's just that I have to seek the opinions of two partners." Jogo continued, "Whether you can join or not, their opinions are also crucial."

"Then I'll leave it to you brother." Hebichard thanked.

"Brother, can I ask what the project is?" Hapal asked curiously.

Norma was also staring at Jogo, he hadn't heard that Jogo had a cooperative project with anyone.

If we talk about projects that Qiao Ge cooperates with others, then they are all big projects, right?

Jogo thought about it, and thought he could tell them something: "It's the Gupta Square project."

"That project of Ben Farmer?" Noma said a little surprised.

Didn't Jogo take this project by himself?

And the current 7 million is nothing to Jogo, right?

He can do it alone, there is no need to find someone to cooperate.

Even if he is afraid that the relationship with the government is not enough, I believe that with Qiao Ge's current ability, the problem will not be too big, besides, how many people are there?
Although the family is separated now, some relationships still exist and can be used.

"The situation may be a little different from what you think. It's not just the Benfarmer project in New Delhi. My investment is a bit big." Qiao Ge understood their thinking, "There is about 30 billion investment, 1 billion in the early stage, but even if you agree to buy shares , your shares will not be too much, and each of you will be given 3000% at most. And if the investment amount is not 1 million or [-]%, I am afraid it will have to be doubled."

Some things Jogo decided to give the three of them a thorough first.

Hebicha and the others immediately understood, which meant that the requirements for participating in this project were very high.

The conditions of the three of them may not be enough, so they can only make up for it in money.

"The other two are the Sharma family and the Pandit family of Huaida." Qiao Ge said again, afraid that the three of them would think too much.

Hearing this, the three of them were taken aback.

The Pandit family of Wyda is working with Jogo, which is not too surprising to them.

Because of the close relationship between Qiao Ge and Huaida, now that Huaida is in charge of the Pandit family, he naturally has the right to invest in the project.

What they didn't expect was that the Sharma family was also involved. This is a behemoth, and their family looks up to it.

The addition of the Sharma family means that they are also very optimistic about this project.

If the three of them were before the separation, their identities were not high enough, let alone now.

After all, the other parties are all in the name of the family, and they are the investments of the three individuals, with different natures.

Qiao Ge was able to agree to let the three of them become shareholders, which was already a great deal of face to them.

As for the money, they immediately said no problem, no matter how much they would invest.

Qiao Ge did not hesitate, and communicated with Yas and Huaida in private at the reception.

Since the 3% was allocated from Jogo's 70%, the two didn't have much of an opinion, because they knew the relationship between Jogo and the three of them.

Moreover, the three of Hebicha also have some advantages, that is, it is difficult for them to take the route of high-ranking government officials now, but there is still no problem with some government officials who will deal with specific affairs below.

Like the Sharma family, they are mainly for the bigwigs in the federal center and the bigwigs in the state.

As for the Pandit family, although the current assets are not as good as the Hebicha family, but in terms of government relations, they are still stronger than any of them.

So the Pandit family is considered to be an official in charge of the middle and high levels.

Then the three of Hebicha are the officials in charge of the middle and lower levels.

In this way, the middle, high and low can basically be in place.

In case the coordination at the top is good, some people below are not working well and cause problems in the project.

That is to say, although they saw that Jogo had let Hebicha and the three of them buy shares for the sake of Jogo's face, the main thing was that the three of them had certain value.

However, Hebicha and their investment amount will be priced at three times.

That is to say, 3000 million can account for 1% of the original, but now it is 9000 million.

The proportion of capital increase will be the same in the future.

When Jogo told the three of them this opinion, the three immediately agreed without hesitation.

After the separation, all the assets they borrowed and mortgaged for the family were released.

In other words, each of them has a worth of more than 3 million yuan. It would be a pain to spend one third of it, but they think it is worth it.

As a result, Qiao Ge accounted for 67% of the company's shares, and was still the largest one, enjoying absolute power in the company.

Since the three joined, Jogo told them some more project plans in private.

This is what the three people thought when they heard that Qiao Ge was preparing to spread it across the country.

This is right, otherwise why would the investment be so large?

My little brother is really shaking the world when he makes a move. They can imagine how much impact it will have on the current high-end department stores after the success of the Gupta Plaza project in New Delhi. It is almost impossible for them to survive.

But they really want to see this scene, which is exciting, because they are one of the participants.

Without innovation, guarding your own one-acre three-point land and thinking that you can eat it for a lifetime?

Times are different.

They were glad they met Jogo.

Even the Sharma family is on board and this project will definitely make money.

You must know that the Sharma family will not invest easily, and those who have invested have not heard of any problems.

Doesn't the investment of the Sharma family better explain the extraordinaryness of his brother?
After negotiating the matter of investing in the Gupta project, the haze of the three being kicked out of the patriarchal election because of the separation of the family was swept away.

The three of them approached Qiao Ge for a drink very enthusiastically. According to them, they would not return home until they were drunk.

Jogo thought about nothing important tomorrow, so he followed their wishes.

"Young people are good." Yas couldn't help but smiled when he saw Qiaogo drinking when he passed by.

"Mr. Sharma, you are also very young." Jogo replied.

Yas smiled and raised his teacup towards Jogo.

He is substituting tea for wine.

Although alcohol and meat are not allowed at this reception in Huaida, Yasi still adheres to the tradition of the Sharma family and is absolutely tainted with alcohol and meat.

So he drinks tea or juice drinks, and meat is not touched.

However, Hebicha and the others told Jogo in private that the older generation of the Sharma family is still very traditional, and they can indeed abstain from alcohol and meat like this.

But the young people below are different. In fact, they are similar to them, and they play crazy in private.

Of course, that's only in private. For example, in a crowded place like a reception, they still dare not violate some family rules.

As for Yas, he is relatively open in private.

He is mainly responsible for the large project investment of the Sharma family. He contacts many people, and some entertainment is inevitable.

If the thinking is too conservative, it is not suitable to be in charge of investment affairs.

"Don't talk about drinking ethics, three people will pour me one." In the car back, Qiao Ge was a little drunk, yelling in his mouth.

He was drinking happily today. Apart from accompanying Hebicha and the other three, the addition of the Sharma family made him feel a long sigh of relief.

This is very beneficial to the future development of Gupta Square.

This project doesn't just need to be built. When the fire hits, who knows if there will be any big shots eyeing him.

Because this project is different from organic farming, etc., organic farming is easier to replicate.

As for the Gupta Plaza project, from the start of construction to the opening, if it weren't for the unfinished projects in New Delhi as the foundation, it would take more than three years.

This means that when I spread it out on a large scale and become very successful, if those people want to imitate it, it will take three years before the actual opening.

Unlike organic agriculture, as long as you are willing to invest, you can sell agricultural products in half a year.

So, some jealous people just did it themselves, but they didn't pay much attention to their own company.

Now that this square project has been put into construction, it is more difficult, and some people will definitely put their minds on the shares of the Gupta Square project.

It is very possible for some big families to forcibly buy shares by relying on their own power.

Although he had Manmohan as his backer, it was impossible for him to show up every time, or confront those people head-on.

Therefore, Jogo must be prepared for some things, and the existence of the Sharma family is very important.

Anyone who wants to get involved in the stake has to think about the reaction of the Sharma family.

If it weren't for the participation of the Sharma family, it would be impossible for Jogo to build so many projects at once. It must be done step by step, and the development of the projects must be equal to his relationship with the government.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Duta, the three of them are real, and the boss is only one." Madhuli patted Qiao Ge on the back and said.

"If it's a one-on-one fight, I can drink them all down." Qiao Ge's tongue was a little big, "I'm not bragging~~Maduli, I'm really not bragging."

"Okay, okay, I'm not bragging, boss, you are brave." Madhuli said with a speechless smile.

These drunk people are almost like this, they don't admit defeat, and they say that they will never suffer.

Back home, Madhuli and Hudi wiped Jogo's face and let him lie down.

Maduli was sweating because she helped support Qiao Ge just now.

After drinking, the person walks unsteadily, and it takes a lot of effort to support him, and he is dead.

After she took a shower, she stayed in the room next to Qiaogo.

Jogo's house is big enough, with 6 bedrooms, one for Jogo, Hudi and Madhuli, and the other bodyguards live.

Lying on the bed, Madhuli tossed and turned a little bit unable to sleep.

Suddenly she heard something coming from Qiao Ge next door, she opened the door and went out, only then did she hear clearly that Qiao Ge wanted to drink water.

At this time, Hudi on the opposite side also noticed the movement, opened the door and came out.

"Mr. Oga, let me come." Madhuli said to Hudi.

"Ah, okay, then I'll trouble you, Miss." After Hu Di said that, he returned to his room.

He didn't dare to look at Madhuli too much, because Madhuli was at home and had just gotten up again, so she was dressed coolly.

This is the woman of my boss.

Now that Madhuli is here, I can relax as an assistant.

Besides, this kind of thing is more suitable for women now.

Madhuli pushed the door open and went in, closing the door carefully.

Seeing that Qiao Ge was thirsty and asked for water, she couldn't help pouring a glass of water and walked over to help him up.

"Boss, drink some water."

Jogo felt that his mouth was a little dry, and then he heard a familiar and pleasant voice.

After drinking water, I feel much better.

Qiao Ge's nose moved, and the fragrance of the woman beside him smelled very good, and he couldn't help but glance at her slender waist with his hands.

Madhuli exclaimed.

But thinking that Hudi was at the opposite door, she hastily lowered her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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