Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 247 1 Million Not Two Prices

Chapter 247 One hundred million is the same price (seeking a monthly pass)

Jogo was a little embarrassed by the praise from the three of them.

Before, he only wanted to transport his vegetables better and faster, and only wanted to dredge the river, and the silt could be used to fill up the terrain and plant fertile soil.

I never thought of using it to build a petrochemical plant.

This is a mistake, and my own land has really become an excellent location for a petrochemical plant.

"As you know, I invested a lot in it in advance," Jogo said.

To be honest, he didn't want to sell.

I have a plan for this land, which is related to my vegetable supply plan in Mumbai.

Although it is still in the stage of dredging the river and filling up the terrain, a lot of thought has been spent.

Once you sell your land, you will have to buy new land that can grow vegetables. A large piece of land is always a bit troublesome.

The main reason is that the petrochemical industry is not in charge of the three of them, Hebiza and the others, and Jogo does not have to give their family any face.

"We know, so you won't suffer from the price." Hebiza sighed, "This is our family's business, so there is no need to give us face in terms of price."

Qiao Ge could tell that Hebicha and the others didn't want to come either.

After all, the benefit of success in the end is the group of people in charge of the project, they have no benefit at all.

But the orders from the family side, they have no choice but to refuse.

Therefore, they will definitely not lower Jogo's price.

They will not affect their friendship with Qiao Ge because of family affairs.

"So how much is your family going to bid?" Jogo asked.

"They were thinking about buying it for 3000 million," Happal said.

Qiao Ge smiled and said nothing.

"Of course, this is their wishful thinking." Norma said immediately.

The guys in the family thought that Qiao Ge only won the land for 1000 million, so his bid of 3000 million was enough for Qiao Ge to make a fortune.

Even if he spends some money on dredging the river now, 3000 million is not enough. After all, it has just started, and the dredging project in Qiaogo has not been carried out for a long time, so the investment will definitely not be large.

"Maybe they think that if you come forward, I will give in." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "I can't agree to this price. To be honest with the three brothers, I have already invested more than 1000 million in dredging the river. This Selling it for 3000 million yuan, deducting all my various expenses, is the relationship just a profit or a loss?"

What is this, playing alone?
"Yes, we all understand." Hebiza said, "So you don't have to worry about us. Their quotation is obviously to make us befriend you and let you make a deal. Let me just tell you the highest price of a family. , [-] million."

"Brother, whether you sell it or not, it will not affect the friendship between us." Hapal said.

"We can't help it. The family has put pressure on it, otherwise we wouldn't come to you to talk about this matter." Norma sighed.

[-] million, although the current Jogo is not very sensitive to [-] million.

But this change of hands can indeed earn more than 5000 million.

Speaking of which, I don't know how much investment I really made in this land. I just spent some time and energy on it.

With this income, it is not impossible to change the place and build a planting base.

"I want to ask the three elder brothers, do you really want me to sell or not?" Qiao Ge asked after a moment of thought.

The three couldn't help but looked at each other.

Finally, Herbicha said: "To be honest, from our personal hearts, we definitely don't want those guys to succeed. But that's just thinking about it. We are still part of the family, and we can still take advantage of the family's strength. .So even if I am unwilling to do so, I still hope that if I can sell it, I will sell it to us."

"That's good." Qiao Ge smiled, "I'll sell you, it's only 1 million. If the three old brothers didn't come forward, I wouldn't be able to sell it."

"We know, thank you brother." Herbiecha said gratefully.

"The person in charge of the family will arrive in the afternoon, you see?" Norma asked.

"I'm free now, just make an appointment with me after you agree with me." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Now that you have agreed, there is nothing to dawdle, and everyone should be happy.

"Then meet in the afternoon?" Hebiza asked.

"no problem."

His own land was originally used for agricultural planting, but it was sold to Hebicha and the others as industrial land.

But Qiao Ge didn’t care about this matter.

With Hebicha and their family, it is too easy to change the use of the land.

No matter how big the investment in agricultural planting is, can it be bigger than industry?
Moreover, this is a petrochemical plant with an investment of 300 billion, which is too obvious for the local economic income.

No matter which local government it is, they will rush for it.

So the nature of the land use is not a problem at all.

Qiao Ge felt that he was helping Lao Xian accumulate political capital.

After all, he will tell the old fairy about this matter, and the old fairy will definitely seize the opportunity and try to play a certain role in the implementation of this project, which will be very helpful to his future development.

After all, it is a gigantic project that has landed, and this achievement is too impressive.

In the afternoon, the head of Hebicha's family came.

The leader is three people.

Uncle Herbie, Tanton.

Uncle Norma, Asli.

Harpal's second uncle, Turadi.

They are naturally one person in charge of each of the three families.

They obviously attach great importance to the location of the factory and take action personally.

Jogo can understand their thoughts. Although they are almost the default heirs of the family patriarch, there are still variables before they really become the heirs.

Therefore, if they want to do the next thing well and do it perfectly, it is necessary for them to check in person.

The location of the factory is the starting point of this project. If you can't start well, won't this project be half broken?
After all, his brothers were all staring at them, and if they made a mistake, something might happen.

Jogo could clearly feel the arrogance of the other three.

This is normal, the three of them are the uncles of Hebiza and the others, who will be the patriarchs of the three major families in the future, with extraordinary status.

I am a nouveau riche and a junior, if they didn't want to buy their own land, they probably wouldn't come to find me in person.

"Three, Hebicha and the others have already talked to me. The price is [-] million. If you agree, you can sign the contract now." Qiao Ge didn't bother to talk, and directly quoted the price.

Anyway, I still make money, just take the money and leave, I am too lazy to look at the faces of these old guys.

Hearing Qiao Ge's words, the faces of the three changed.

"Herbie, you said [-] million?" Tanton turned to Herbie and asked.

Asili and Tulati also looked at their nephew.

It's unreasonable, let them come to Qiao Ge to discuss it carefully, mainly in order to get it at the lowest price.

Unexpectedly, these three guys directly talked about the highest price in the family's heart.

If you send someone here, you won't be able to talk about the price, right?
From their point of view, it was obvious that the three of Hebicha had colluded with Jogo.

Hebichar noticed his uncle's gaze and immediately understood what he was thinking.

"Uncle, if it weren't for our friendship with Qiao Ge, he wouldn't sell it even if it was [-] million." Hebicha said hastily.

Tanton snorted coldly. Does this mean that they are still working hard?

What an asshole.

Do you think you are an idiot?
This is digging at the foot of the family, and I don't know how much kickback Jogo promised to give them.

I didn't know how many times I played these things when I was young, and they knew everything about it.

"Mr. Gupta, this price is too high." Tanton didn't bother to pay attention to Herbiecha now, and these things will be settled when he goes back.

The faces of the three of Hebicha turned green. In the end, they were thankless.

"I think this price is already very favorable." Jogo said with a smile.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of these people, he couldn't help silently mourning for the three of Hebicha for 3 minutes.

After they go back, they will probably eat and hang up.

It's sad, the three of Hebicha are for the family, but unfortunately no one can understand.

"5000 million." Tanton said with open fingers, "Mr. Gupta, we originally planned to bid 3000 million, but now 5000 million is our bottom line."

Jogo's face darkened.

What's the matter, when you are a beggar?
Who wants to buy land here?

It’s not like I begged them to buy it.

Since the other party quoted 5000 million yuan, even if you bargain, it won't be much higher.

Originally, he was not very satisfied with 1 million, but now he cut it in half, Qiao Ge really wanted to laugh.

"My bottom line is [-] million." Qiao Ge said lightly.

You said that the bottom line of 5000 million is the bottom line.

"Mr. Gupta, we are not the only one to choose your land, but there are several other places selected." Ashley said.

"However, your land does have its own advantages. How about adding another 500 million?" Turady also said.

Tanton wanted to say that he didn't want to add a point.

But considering that the three of Hebicha disclosed all the low prices on their side to Jogo, this kid must have opened his mouth.

Since Turardi said so, so be it.

"One hundred million." Jogo insisted.

These words made the faces of Tanton and the others even uglier.

"No need to discuss?" Tanton asked in a deep voice.

"I'm discussing with the three of you right now." Jogo said with a chuckle.

Tanton slammed the table, stood up, turned and left.

"Young man, you are fine." Asli gave Jogo a look with a smile on his face, followed Tanton and left.

Turadi didn't say anything, but the contempt in his eyes was undisguised.

The three people came and left in a hurry.

The three of Hebicha were embarrassed.

"Brother, let's take a step forward and come back later to apologize to you." Hebicha said hurriedly.

"Three old brothers, I'm fine, but you~~"

The three of Hebicha sighed, and could only leave along with them.

Qiao Ge knew very well that the three of them would be reprimanded when they went back.

These wealthy families still have their eyes high above their heads. They feel that if they come to find them, they will have to hand over the land with both hands.

They really take themselves seriously, Qiao Ge doesn't tolerate them.

I am not in a hurry to sell the land, and I don't need to ask them for anything.

Jogo didn't take this matter to heart, but what happened next surprised him a bit.

Someone from the Reliance Group came to him and said they wanted to acquire his land, and of course it would be used for a petrochemical plant.

They were very happy and raised the price to 1 million.

Of course, this is their highest price.

Jogo didn't immediately agree.

Immediately afterwards, people from the Vasayan family also came.

Qiao Ge was speechless, how much attention was paid to his land?
But after thinking about it for a while, he understood.

Probably something happened when I acquired this land, and it was reported in newspapers across the country.

So they have a better understanding of the situation in this land.

Especially for dredging the Dabuti River by myself, anyone with a little vision can know that this land is very suitable for building a petrochemical plant.

(End of this chapter)

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