Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 251 Foreign exchange gap of 2 million US dollars

Chapter 251 Foreign exchange gap of 2 million US dollars (seeking monthly ticket)
Jogo now prefers to buy plantations first, but if there are suitable palm oil downstream facilities such as oil mills, he will definitely not give up.

Because the scale of his current plantation is so large, not all young trees have yet to bear fruit, and some plantations are even in the peak production period, so facilities such as oil mills are needed.

They can extract crude palm oil or refine palm oil for export.

Only by having our own set of supporting facilities, we can better control costs and reduce unnecessary consumption can we improve our own advantages in the future palm oil competition.

There is no doubt that the factory management of foreign-funded companies in developed countries like the UK is more advanced than that of local companies.

If I can take over, I can not only learn management experience, but also receive their high-quality assets.

Once successful, it will immediately rank among the top five oil palm industry companies in Malaysia.

This position is unusual and has an influence on the price of palm oil.

Simply put, there is pricing power.

In terms of the export price of palm oil in Malaysia, the top big companies have a strong voice and have a great impact on the price.

There is actually no problem with the operation of this company, but they have sent people to conduct research on the palm oil industry. They think that palm oil is almost a sunset industry, and they are not optimistic about the later market, so they are ready to sell.

"6 million ringgit, 3 million US dollars." Jogo sighed long.

He has a big head, which is too much.

He quickly sorted out the funds in his current account.

By the end of February, his funds could reach 2 billion. These incomes were mainly provided by the three major cash flow companies, but Ivanov and normal imported goods also contributed nearly 46 million.

As far as the funds in my hands at the end of the month are equivalent to nearly 4 million U.S. dollars, it is more than enough to acquire that company.

The company over there said they wanted to sell it within three months, but Jogo thought it was impossible to wait until three months later.

According to Fayes, this company is planning to withdraw from Malaysia and transfer funds back to China, so it wants to sell it within three months. There are no companies in Malaysia that are interested, mainly because the amount is still too large.

However, Fayes also said that if no one buys after a period of time, the company may split the assets under its name for sale.

If so, the assets are sure to be snapped up quickly.

Jogo really wanted to take over the company as a whole, but it's a pity that rupees are not recognized abroad.

In Qiao Ge's view, the time given to himself is at most two months.

Because if the company cannot be sold in two months, the assets will be split and sold.

In the past two months, Qiao Ge believes that he can earn more than 60 billion more.

Of course, the next two months will be the highlight.

Wim's organic agriculture and high-end mineral water will be sold in about two months, that is, around May, which will cause their own income to drop sharply.

But these Jogos have long been prepared in their hearts, and they should come sooner or later.

The focus now is on acquisition funds, which are sufficient for Jogo, but unfortunately, it is too difficult to convert this money into US dollars and transfer it outside, as the amount is too large.

Qiao Ge was entangled, whether to use some illegal means, such as underground money houses and the like.

There are still many such methods, and Jogo has not used them before.

Illegal means can be used or not, after all, the sequelae are huge.

There are quite a few people staring at him, if you give them the opportunity to attack, the loss outweighs the gain.

Now it is relying on falsely reporting the prices of some foreign trade transactions, and transferring foreign exchange like ants moving house, within the scope of the law.

After thinking about it, Qiao Ge called Huida.

"Is there any import and export of bulk commodities recently?" Huaida was taken aback when he heard Qiao Ge's words.

A few months ago, I relied on Qiao Ge's foreign trade company to import gold, which saved him more than 1000 million in costs.

The other friends I introduced to Jogo have gained more or less, ranging from saving 200 million to nearly [-] million.

They are very grateful to themselves.

Because he was the one who introduced Qiaogo to them, they were still a little doubtful, wondering whether Qiaogo would cause any problems.

It turned out that there was really no problem at all.

It is precisely because of this that in the past few months, their import and export volume was relatively large, and almost all of the annual import volume was used. After all, they still feel a little uneasy.

This kind of good thing can't last long, can it?
If Jogo doesn't do it, wouldn't their benefit be lost?

So while Qiao Ge is giving away profits, they can import as much as they can. They have to sell anyway, so hoarding more is not a big problem.

It is precisely because of such a large transaction that Jogo moved out nearly 2 million US dollars in foreign exchange.

It would be too obvious if there was no huge amount of foreign trade to cover it up.

Now he has to transfer at least [-] million US dollars, which means that he has to find a larger import and export volume in the near future than the combined import and export volume of the previous few months.

"I don't have any personally, but the Pandit family has a batch of rice ready to export, and the amount is not small." Huai Da said.

"How much is the amount?" Qiao Ge was delighted, as long as there is, now it is a little bit, to see if he can make up the amount of imported and exported goods.

If it can be figured out, then this acquisition can be carried out, otherwise it can only reluctantly give up.

Originally, in Qiao Ge’s view, no matter whether it was Huaida or those friends of Huaida, in fact, the imports in the next few months of this year were almost overdrawn in the first few months. Although he asked Huaida in this way, he didn’t expect much .

Unexpectedly, Huaida gave him a surprise.

"The export value is about [-] million U.S. dollars." Huai Da said.

Hearing this, Qiao Ge couldn't help but take a breath, it's really a big deal.

In the previous life, India was the largest country in grain export, but now it is not. The quantity of rice export is not too large, and the scale is much smaller. This time, the export amount of [-] million US dollars is of course very large in terms of rice export.

"Actually, it's not just my Pandit family, there are several other families that have a better relationship. The number of each of them is a little smaller, so they are put together. My Pandit family and them are half and half." Huai Da said.

Jogo doesn't pay attention to how much share the Pandit family takes. He is calculating in his mind how much foreign exchange he can transfer out if he acts as an agent for the export of this batch of rice.

The operation is almost like this, that is, Qiao Ge buys the rice with money, and then trades it to Panda Foreign Trade Company at a low price, and then sells it to the target that the Pandit family originally wanted to export through the hands of Panda Foreign Trade Company.

In the middle, Jogo will naturally waive various fees to ensure that the income of the Pandit families is greater than that of direct exports.

These are all subsidized by Jogo.

The price of rice is relatively transparent, and Qiao Ge found that it was difficult for him to make a fuss about it.

Even if high-quality rice is priced according to low-quality broken rice, etc., Qiao Ge feels that he can transfer 5000 million US dollars at most, and this is already very outrageous.

The best thing to do is to import some advanced technology products from abroad. There is a lot more room for manipulation of these prices, because there is no big reference for these, and many of them are unique. People say that [-] million is fine, and [-] million is fine. .

"Brother Huaida, should you leave it to my foreign trade company for export?"

"Of course, I believe they will be very happy." Huai Da smiled, "I will also ask other friends for you to see if they have any import and export plans recently."

After putting down the phone, Huai Da sat and pondered for a while.

For Jogo's operation, he probably guessed Jogo's intentions.

Is my little brother transferring funds abroad?
Is this the rhythm of wanting immigrants to run away?
It has to be said that Huaida feels that his idea is quite reliable.

Because Qiao Ge was born in a low caste, he didn't have much background.

As his wealth increased, he probably felt insecure.

So immigration is indeed a good way.

When you go abroad, no one cares about high caste and low caste. If you are rich, you are the uncle.

Of course, he is not very worried that the Gupta Plaza project will be affected. Even if Jogo immigrates, I believe some projects in his country will not be thrown away just like that.

With the status of foreign citizenship, such as the citizenship of the beautiful country or some developed countries in Europe, it is not so easy for some people in China to want to play Jogo again.

He really wanted to tell Jogo that he still knew some people who were engaged in this kind of transfer of assets, and he could definitely introduce them to him.

But thinking about Qiao Ge really wanting to do this, he can find such people with his current strength.

Jogo obviously still uses the safest way to slowly transfer assets.

So he just pretended not to know.

At the same time, try to help Jogo as much as possible. For example, he will ask other friends next time. If there is anything to import or export, let Jogo act as an agent.

For the rice export of the Pandit family, Jogo decided to transfer 5000 million U.S. dollars.

The amount transferred this time is too large. When the amount of import and export has not increased significantly, we can only make a fuss about the price difference, try to make the price difference as large as possible, and transfer more foreign exchange at a risk.

An hour later, Huaida called back. He contacted some friends and said that he would import products worth about 3000 million U.S. dollars recently. Here, Qiao Ge can double the price, and then he can transfer 3000 million U.S. dollars.

The next import and export on my side will probably be able to transfer more than 5000 million US dollars.

In this way, 1.3 million US dollars is settled.

But it is still 3 million away from 1.7 million US dollars, not even half of it.

And 3 million is the minimum requirement. If I really want to buy it, if there is competition, the price will probably go up. No matter what, I have to prepare tens of millions of dollars more to be safer.

This means that I have to find a way to transfer another [-] million US dollars.

Terrible, Jogo couldn't think of any more solutions for a while.

"Bulk commodities, large sums of import and export, who else?" Qiao Ge kept thinking, and suddenly he froze for a moment, "Herbie check them?"

Thinking of this, he immediately called Herbiecha.

Whether it works or not, you have to try it.

(End of this chapter)

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