Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 261 Acquisition of the old club

Chapter 261 Acquisition of the old club (please ask for monthly tickets at the end of the month)
The current Penlin Plantation Company is strong enough and is destined to have a say in the palm industry.

Although the IOI Group is powerful and has a certain say, the previous major palm industry companies all have government backgrounds. In many cases, the IOI Group still suffers.

After all, he can't stand alone, and compared to the previous ones, his strength is still inferior.

Now that Qiao Ge's Binlin Company has suddenly risen and is from outside, of course it can form an alliance.

When two companies join forces, the weight of their words will naturally be heavier, so that they can better fight for their own interests.

"Little brother, why are you so optimistic about the palm oil industry?" Li Shenjing asked.

"Then why are you optimistic about it?" Qiao Ge didn't answer immediately, but asked instead.

"Haha~ Are you going to test me?" Li Shenjing said without hesitation, "I think the global economic development will be very optimistic in the future, and the demand for vegetable oil will be huge. This is not just for food, palm oil can also As some raw materials in industry. Compared with other vegetable oils, palm oil has great advantages in terms of output and price. Those people are not optimistic about the palm oil industry and say it is a sunset industry. In my opinion, this is exactly a sunrise industry."

"My eldest brother's vision is broad and far-reaching. Looking at the world, I am far behind." Qiao Ge said.

These words of Li Shenjing were later condensed into a famous saying: Today sunset, tomorrow sunrise (The sunset that sets today is the sun that will rise tomorrow).

This was his answer when someone asked him why he wanted to acquire the sunset industry of palm oil. It later became one of the classic business quotations that are quoted again and again.

However, Qiao Ge felt that this was mainly due to Li Shenjing's success.

If the post-market of palm oil is really a sunset industry, then Li Shenjing is a negative example.

In short, Li Shenjing succeeded, and it was too successful.

If successful people say, for example, shit smells good, some people will buy it.

As for the losers, forget it.

"Don't flatter me, I think you should have seen this, right?" Li Shenjing asked.

"No, I don't have such a good vision." Jogo smiled and said, "Actually, I just think about myself."

"Myself?" Li Shenjing was a little confused.

"Actually, I did some research in India and found that palm oil is almost not used, and the government has not liberalized the import of palm oil, so now there is very little palm oil in the Indian market. But I think that such cheap vegetable oil is actually the most suitable There is no way for the Indian people, most of them are still poor. The cheap price of palm oil will definitely be their first choice in the future. It will be sooner or later that the government liberalizes imports." Qiaogo explained, "So I thought, I can invest first. Will the palm oil industry just sit and count the money?"

Li Shenjing was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Brother, I really belong to you. You said that my vision is broad and far-reaching, and that I look at the world. This is nice to hear. If I guess wrong, it will become a lie. On the contrary, it is you , you are really standing in the position of being able to make profits in the future. Yes, the Indian market is huge, and you have such a good vision. I envy you. In the future Indian palm oil market, you will be the king."

Jogo's words had to make him sigh.

Of course he knew the situation in India, after all, it was just next door.

Cheap vegetable oils are sure to capture the Indian market.

It’s not that he hasn’t thought about entering the Indian market, but it’s just that the import of palm oil has not been opened there.

Moreover, other foreign markets for palm oil are pretty good now, and we are not afraid of losing sales, so I have naturally never thought about such a thankless task.

But Qiaogo is different. He is from there. When the import of palm oil is really liberalized, as a local, he will definitely get priority from the government and various preferential policies.

How big is the market in India? It is the second most populous country in the world.

As a native of Chogo, he can definitely monopolize most of the palm oil imports.

Foreign trade is more profitable in the first place, and Qiaogo also owns its own foreign supply company. This really means eating both sides, and the profits are even bigger.

"Brother, you don't have to envy me. In fact, there is a big country to the north." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Oh, you mean Huaxia?" Li Shenjing nodded in agreement, "Yes, China's economy is developing rapidly now, and the demand for vegetable oil is rising day by day."

"The eldest brother is Chinese and has an advantage in terms of identity. Moreover, China's economy is better than India's and has greater development potential." Qiao Ge said.

Li Shenjing laughed, that's true.

Qiao Ge has an advantage in India, and being Chinese is also an advantage in China. There is really no need to envy Qiao Ge too much.

These are two countries with large populations. No matter which one they are, they have a vast market.

If we can capture the majority of the palm oil imports from these two countries, wouldn’t this business just mean sitting around counting money?

"I think the market in India will be huge in the future, and I will definitely not be able to satisfy it just by myself. I will have to ask my big brother to supply the goods together," Qiao Ge said.

“Of course, of course.” Li Shenjing smiled, “Actually, there are only a few palm oil producing areas, and Malaysia is the largest, followed by Indonesia, but it will take several years for it to become popular there. So the palm oil discourse is in our hands. Of course, I mean our industry. When it comes to price, everyone's interests are aligned."

"That's natural. As I said before, the Indian market is huge. Even if you and I join forces, it may not be enough. Other companies will definitely join in." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"If it's not enough, then continue to expand the planting area." Li Shenjing's eyes were bright. "One hundred thousand hectares is not enough, then 20 hectares. If it's not enough, continue..."

"Right on my mind."

Hearing Qiao Ge's cheerful answer, Li Shenjing asked curiously: "Brother, you spent US$2.55 million on this acquisition, do you still have extra funds?"

"One more thing, if possible, I will continue to buy plantations and some factories." Qiaogo replied.

Li Shenjing was silent for a moment, and then said: "Is it really so easy to make money in India?" He knew that Qiao Ge was not a high caste in India. The upper castes had various privileges. It would be understandable if he could do this, but Qiao Ge For a low-caste person to be able to do this is incredible.

"It's just luck."

"Luck?" Li Shenjing shook his head and said, "That's your ability. But brother, your ambition has inspired my fighting spirit. There is an acquisition that was shelved before and will be restarted."

"Huh?" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment.

"I will also acquire a British-owned palm industry company next. Speaking of which, the plantation of this company is the place where I worked when I was young. I started there as an apprentice and worked step by step to become a foreman. To the manager…”

Listening to Li Shenjing's words, Qiao Ge sighed in his heart.

I have to say that everyone later saw the success of the Chinese rich, but the hardships and hardships on their way to success are not something ordinary people can do, and only those with great perseverance can do it.

Li Shenjing comes from a poor family. She dropped out of school when she was a child and used a dilapidated second-hand bicycle to sell ice cream.

After selling it for a few years, I saved a sum of money and went to study again. Unfortunately, after finishing high school, the university tuition was not enough.

He could only continue to work.

It is a plantation under the name of this British-owned palm industry company.

When he applied for the job, the person asked him about his academic qualifications and whether he knew English.

Knowing that he only graduated from high school and that he couldn't even speak Malay, I naturally looked down on him.

Since I couldn't find the right person for a while, I let him stay.

Li Shenjing was greatly stimulated. He started to learn English, and there were many books on oil palm plantation management in the plantation, which gave him the opportunity to learn. He spent his spare time in these books.

In addition, during the work process, I was actually exposed to all aspects of oil palm cultivation.

So this experience had a great influence on him later on.

It was also an important reason why he later entered the palm oil industry.

The poor boy with low education who was once looked down upon is now going to buy his old club instead.

It's not that the old club has failed, but that like the Guinness Palm Industry Company, the British parent company wants to get rid of some non-core foreign industries that are not promising.

But with a plot like this, it is definitely a cool drama about a poor boy turning around. It would probably be a hit when made into a TV series or movie.

Of course, not everyone can persist with the hard work and energy Li Shenjing put in when she was young.

The Chinese people's hard work and good character of learning made them succeed in the end.

"They quoted US$2 million. To be honest, if I tried my best, I could still buy it. But I gave up after thinking about it before. Because I felt that with this US$2 million, I could invest in expanding the plantation. Whether it is to cultivate and plant new oil palms yourself or directly acquire plantations, it is still more cost-effective than directly acquiring the old employer. But your acquisition this time gave me a blow and made me sober." Li Shenjing said.

"A slap in the head?" Qiao Ge didn't quite understand.

"That is that our companies have a big disadvantage compared with foreign companies." Li Shenjing took a deep breath and said, "That is the deep processing of palm oil. In this regard, our machinery and equipment are too backward, and the quality and The production capacity is far behind foreign capital. If I can acquire the old club, this shortcoming can be made up for.”

Jogo understood, and this was also what he valued.

Deep processing is the refining of palm oil. Compared with crude palm oil that is initially processed, the technical requirements for refined palm oil are naturally higher, and it also increases the added value of the product.

"If it's [-] million US dollars, I think there's a lot of room for further discussion. Then I'll first wish my brother his wish." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"It's early, I haven't even written my horoscope yet. But after I got back, I immediately started preparing for this matter." Li Shenjing said, "Brother, please don't reveal this matter to the outside world for the time being, but it doesn't matter even if it is revealed. After all, it's like this The outside world will definitely know about the acquisition."

"I definitely won't tell you. I'll probably go back in a few days."

Qiao Ge was speechless for a while. Logically speaking, this British-owned company was acquired by Li Shenjing in 1989 for 5 million ringgit and about 2.5 million US dollars.

His acquisition this time stimulated Li Shenjing, so he brought the matter forward?

That's okay. The stronger Li Shenjing's IOI group is, the better it will be for herself.

It would be awesome to join forces.

As for the price, Qiao Ge felt that he could negotiate for tens of millions more dollars, and the quotation was 2 million. Naturally, he still needed to bargain.

It's like my side went from the 3 million quoted price to 2.55 million in the end, and the other party probably did the same.

"Why don't you stay a little longer? I can take you to enjoy some of the Malay scenery." Li Shenjing asked.

"Thank you for your kindness, brother, but let's do it next time. There are still many things in the country." Qiao Ge said.

"That's right. Speaking of which, you have a lot of properties and are very powerful. I really admire you." Li Shenjing sighed.

In just over a year, this boy has completed the journey that others would take in a lifetime, no, several lifetimes, and even far surpassed it. I have to sigh and admire him.

(End of this chapter)

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