Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 266 The wealthy Gupta family

Chapter 266 The wealthy Gupta family

Yas actually thinks that with Qiao Ge’s assets, a quota of 20 billion is not an exaggeration.

Just these 50 billion?
He could only say that this young man's appetite was really extraordinary.

"Ah haha~~ I'm kidding." Qiao Ge laughed and said, "Actually, I want to get a credit loan of 30 billion someday, but I don't know if it is feasible."

Heng De finally understood that the loan amount this guy really wanted was 30 billion.

But when he thought about Jogo’s upcoming Gupta Square project and palm oil project, not to mention 30 billion, 50 billion would be no problem.

It's just that these two major projects have not really started yet, so the 50 billion quota will definitely not be passed.

"If Qiao Ge wants a credit loan of 30 billion, I will help you get it even if I risk my life, but there is no guarantee of success." Hende said.

"Thank you very much." Qiao Ge thanked him.

Next, he is ready to get loans from banks and some lending institutions.

Mainly used to buy land.

Whether it is dry land or paddy fields, they are all he needs.

After all, the rupee has been depreciating, which means that borrowing to buy assets now, as long as it is not junk assets, it is profitable.

And land is definitely the most stable.

Especially during the reform in 91, the rupee suddenly depreciated by more than 20%. Wouldn't it be a fool not to borrow money?
As for 50 billion, let's just say that it would be outrageous to get a credit loan of 30 billion.

Now that I have a good relationship with the Sharma family, it would be foolish not to gather some wool.

Next, I will consider mortgaging some assets, plus credit loans, and exchange these rupees for high-quality assets such as land.

"Qiaogo, that girl Beni is in Mumbai, in your training company, you need to take care of her." Yas said.

"Uncle?" Hender looked at Yas, a little dissatisfied with his words.

As if he didn't hear Hender's words, Yas didn't give him any reaction.

Qiao Ge understood Hender's thoughts. He was a madman who took care of his sister. He became very nervous when he mentioned Beni. He would not eat Beni.

Well, it’s not that far yet.

Since everyone is now cooperating, Qiao Ge doesn't want to make Hend feel uncomfortable because it will be difficult to talk about himself and Beni.

If he knew that his relationship with Penny was still good, I wonder if he would go berserk.

"Sure, I told Anand that I believe Miss Beni can get the ideal ranking in the upcoming exam." Qiao Ge said.

Hearing what Qiao Ge said, Hender felt relieved a little from his nervousness.

Although he admired Qiaogo very much, the caste gap still existed, and he did not want Beni and Qiaogo to have too much intersection.

Qiaogo returned from the Sharma family satisfied.

"Hender, you are not old, why are your thoughts so old?" Yas said to Hender after Qiaogo left.

"Uncle, I don't understand what you mean."

"What else could it be? When it comes to Beni, I see you are nervous." Yas said, "Girls have to get married after all. How can you protect her for the rest of your life?"

Hender thought that it turned out to be Penny's fault.

"Uncle, you have to choose a suitable one, one who is well-matched."

"Hmph!" Yas couldn't help but snorted, "Pedant, what does it mean to be a good match? Don't you just want to find a Brahmin?"

"Uncle, is there something wrong with that?" Hend was not too afraid of Yas, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with thinking so, "I admit that Jogo is a good young man, but he is a Vaisya after all. If Kshati Maybe Leigh can consider it. I don’t want the Sharma family to become like the Vasayan family.”

"Speaking of the Vasayan family, I really agree with them."

"Uncle?" Hender couldn't believe his ears. His uncle's idea was too shocking.

The Vasayan family's operations in the past few days were extremely embarrassing in family circles such as my own.

"Of course, I don't mean that I agree with everything they do. I just admire their attitude of having the courage to change. It's just that this time, in order to raise funds, they took a step too far. It's almost like selling their children. This behavior is indeed It's inappropriate, but it happened for a reason, which is understandable. But they changed their mentality and accepted the lower castes. This is a big step in reform. Hinde, let me ask you, the establishment of your Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India was originally for Financing loans are provided for the country's industry and infrastructure, but now what? What are you doing?" Yas asked.

"Of course it's still a loan." "Where are the loan recipients?" Ya Si sneered, "Do you also think that most state-owned companies are unreliable? Loans to them may be a mess. So your current business is not good. Isn’t it just a loan from a private company? Since your company can make changes, why can’t our families?”

"Uncle, these are two different things."

"No, in my opinion, this is the same thing." Yas said, "The times are progressing, and many old ideas and ideas are no longer applicable. If you lend money to private companies, it means that private companies are prospering, while most state-owned companies Dying, could you have imagined it before? I dare say that private companies will get better and better in the future and will create more rich people. And many of these rich people are from low castes. When these people rise up, they will naturally He has a huge power. To be honest, the last time Drew asked someone to be a matchmaker, I agreed with him, but it’s a pity~~"

Having said this, Yas couldn't help but sigh.

This matter was directly vetoed by his old man.

Hender was silent, digesting Yas's words.

Yas continued without waiting for Hend to speak: "I believe you know the strength of the Reliance Group. Most of our families are just empty-handed, just holding the fig leaf of the upper caste and looking down on this and that. Who have the right to look down on the Reliance Group? What the Reliance Group lacks now is nothing more than some connections with the government. But in recent years, under their large-money offensive, those politicians and political families have surrendered and turned to them. In addition, Today’s private companies continue to explode, and it won’t be long before they overtake traditional families like us.”

"Uncle, are you being alarmist?" Hender's face turned pale.

"Alarmist? I think you are a little scared now, right?" Yas sneered, "Before, there was the Reliance Group, and now, there is another Qiaogo. After all, the Reliance Group has spent decades. , it took almost half of Drubhai's life to work hard to get where he is today, and it's only been a long time for Jogo."

"Uncle, how can Jogo compare with Reliance Group now?" Hender retorted.

"Of course it's not enough now." Yas said in a deep voice, "But after Jogo completes the Gupta Square project and the palm oil project, plus his other projects, do you think he will be qualified at that time? Comparing with the Reliance Group? Besides, how old is Qiao Ge now? How many years has he been? He still has a lot of time, and it is very possible to surpass the Reliance Group in the future. Who will give you the courage to despise such people? "

"But~~Benny has to marry a wealthy patriarch anyway." Hender whispered.

He lacks confidence now, and I have to say that Yas's words are still very reasonable, but he still doesn't want to admit defeat directly, and he still has the arrogance of a high caste in his heart.

"What? Isn't the current Gupta family a wealthy family? Although Qiao Ge's father is still there, the patriarch will be Qiao Ge sooner or later. Isn't this the patriarch of a wealthy family? Moreover, this is an emerging wealthy family, built by Qiao Ge alone. It's his Yitang. Look at the wealthy families around us. The history of inheritance is very long, but the corresponding relationship is complicated. Even if a patriarch wants to do his own thing, it's not that easy, right? There are too many Some of them even have the name of clan leader. They can't decide anything about the family affairs. What's the use?" Yas sneered, "Think about it carefully, you need to change your mind. Alas, it's those old men in the family. ~~~"

Yas sighed deeply and left.

Hender stood there and thought for a long time.

He knew what Yas was worried about. Most of his grandparents were still very traditional and conservative.

The most important thing is that they are in charge of the family now. Even their father and Yas can only carry out specific affairs, and the family does not have the decision-making power yet.

So Yas saw this kind of thing in his eyes, and it was useless to be anxious.

"Perhaps Reliance Group really missed a good opportunity." Hende sighed.

If we were able to marry into the Reliance Group last time, the power of our Sharma family would be even more astonishing.

Unfortunately, I refused outright last time.

The Reliance Group didn't say anything, but with Droubai's temperament, he must be dissatisfied with his side.

If the Reliance Group continues to expand in the future, it will not be a good thing for my family.

Moreover, the expansion of Reliance Group is foreseeable, after all, it has obtained the petrochemical industry license.

"Qiaogo?" Hend whispered, "Then let me take a closer look to see how far you can go."

Jogo made an appointment with Rupa without any delay and talked to him about palm oil investment.

Lupa immediately realized that this was a big deal and quickly contacted his father.

The next day, Jogo met Lupa's father.

Qiao Ge had nothing to hide, so he told him the approximate investment amount of the Sharma family and Huida.

Rupa's father was surprised to learn that the Sharma family had invested 30 to 50 billion rupees.

The investment of the Sharma family is actually relatively conservative, and generally the investment cannot be said to be too large.

Large investments are often maintained at a scale of 10 billion, and rarely exceed 10 billion.

The investment this time was so huge that Lupa's father was very surprised.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and invested 10 billion.

Among them, the highest limit given to him by the family is 8 million.

However, he is very optimistic about the palm oil industry, so he invested 2 million in his own name.

(End of this chapter)

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