Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 269 Mr. Gupta is kind-hearted and will not pursue any questions.

Chapter 269 Mr. Gupta is kind-hearted and will not pursue any questions.
Qiaogo was deeply touched by Beni's words.

High-end, yes, there are no foreign luxury brands, so no matter how high-end you advertise, it is a bit false.

The first choice for the top wealthy families in the country is naturally foreign luxury brands.

Not to mention now, even in the future, this concept cannot be changed.

This actually has something to do with the country’s influence.

Not to mention India, even if China later became stronger, it was still so crazy about foreign luxury goods.

"Jogo, what's the matter with you?" Fuli's breath was a little heavy.

Since he had been thinking about Beni's words since he came back, Qiao Ge was a little absent-minded about such important things.

So Fuli and Tapu were left to have enough food and clothing, and he didn't want to move at all.

"I must have been fascinated by some vixen." Tapu said from the side, "Ah~~"

As soon as she said these words, Qiaogo's claws tightened.

He would not favor one thing over another. He would give it to Fuli while he would rest his hand on Tapu's weight.

"What did you say?" Qiaogo said.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense." Fuli said hurriedly.

"Fuli, don't stop." Jogo said again.

Fuli's face turned red.

"I'm not talking nonsense, isn't it Maduli?" Tapu finally told the matter.

She and Fuli had already noticed about Maduli.

Although the odor on Qiaogo's body had been treated, they could still smell other women's perfume.

They had smelled the perfume before, and it was obviously from Maduli.

"Jealous?" Qiao Ge laughed.

Tapu fell silent.

"Qiao Ge, sister, she~~"

"Don't think too much, I treat everyone equally," Qiaogo said.

Women, nothing to hide.

He also knew that Tapu and Fuli had known about this for a long time, and they acquiesced in their hearts.

I am definitely still feeling a little uncomfortable, now that I have brought it up.

"Tapu, you are still my first woman. If I say it, other women should be jealous of you. Even your sister must be jealous of you because she is the second one." Qiao Ge laughed again.

When Tapu heard this, he gave Qiao Ge a hard blow, and his mood instantly improved a lot.

Qiao Ge also temporarily put aside the worries of foreign luxury goods and took back the initiative.


After some tossing, Fuli whispered in Qiao Ge's ear: "The director asked me to ask you, the next part of the plot may involve the UK. Although some British-style venues in Bollywood can also be used, these Imitation of buildings is always a bit rough. So in order to ensure the effect of the movie, can it be shot in real locations in the UK?"

"Of course I'll go. As I said, in order to ensure quality, it's normal to shoot abroad." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

This movie is mainly about the love between wealthy young men and women. It is different from most Bollywood movies now. It can be said to be high-end, and the purpose is to attract middle-class and elite audiences.

Qiao Ge attaches great importance to this movie. Of course, if he wants to increase the influence of the movie, the quality must be guaranteed.

He just wants to trick the audience, but not just any movie can fool people.

My own investment is huge, so I invest a lot in various scenarios.

For example, going abroad will increase the cost of the movie. Of course, it is also the selling point of the movie. It can be highlighted in future promotions.

If other movies want to follow suit, they have to come up with corresponding selling points, at least the investment cannot be too small.

This also sets the stage for those who follow the trend, but not everyone can follow the trend.

Qiao Ge was ready to kill them.

"Then I'll thank you on behalf of the crew." Fuli said happily.

After going abroad, everyone in the crew must have corresponding benefits, but not everyone has the opportunity to go abroad. This is equivalent to traveling at public expense.

"How can you thank me?" Qiao Ge asked with a smile, staring at Fuli and Tapu's faces.


After thinking about Benetti's luxury goods for a night, Qiao Ge probably had a plan in mind.

When it comes to luxury goods countries, it must be France and Italy.

France is stronger and Italy has more brands.

If you want to introduce luxury brands, you must make a fuss about these two countries.

Qiaogo thought of Moeller, who is French. Maybe he could go back to China and see if he could contact those luxury goods companies.

Moeller wanted to return to China last time, so I could give him a chance to do something while he was back.

But there is no need to rush this matter.

It will take several months before the opening of my own Gupta Plaza store, and besides, it doesn’t matter that there aren’t many foreign luxury brands just opening.

After all, there is none in the country.

The main thing is that the Malay side still needs Moeller.

After the acquisition of Guinness Palm Industry Company this time, there are still many things that need to be dealt with later.

This part is not only within the company, but also needs to be negotiated with the government.

In dealing with the government, Moeller is still more suitable than Fayes.

The next day, reporters immediately blocked Qiaogo outside the Gupta Department Store.

Because they knew the test results of vegetables from relevant government departments last night.

"Mr. Gupta, why do the organic vegetables in your store have excessive pesticide residues?" "You say they are organic agricultural products, but in fact they still use pesticides and chemical fertilizers?"


Qiao Ge entered the building under the protection of bodyguards, as if he would not accept any interview.

This made these reporters very angry. This was big news.

Now that Jogo is not being interviewed, they are free to let their imaginations run wild.

Of course, these reports are certainly not friendly to Djogo.

At the same time, the buyer of food poisoning immediately became the target of various interviews with major newspapers.

Then he accused Qiaogo of being vicious and asked Qiaogo to compensate them for medical expenses and various losses of 1000 million rupees.

In the office, after reading these newspaper reports for several days, Qiaogo just responded with a sneer.

He knew that outside public opinion, except for a few newspapers that were fair, most others criticized him one-sidedly, saying that he was a liar and a black-hearted businessman.

Of course Qiaogo knew what kind of virtue these guys had. They just took advantage of Wim and the others.

However, what makes Qiao Ge gratified is that many people are sober and think that someone is deliberately framing them.

Unfortunately, these words cannot be heard because ordinary people do not have the right to speak.

"Uncle Singh, it's almost ready." Jogo dialed the number of Mumbai Police Chief Amit.

"Qiaogo, you really can keep your composure. Okay, I'll arrest him immediately and hold a press conference on this vicious poisoning incident." Amit said with a smile.

After knowing that Qiao Ge had video evidence, he wanted to clarify the matter publicly.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge asked him to press down first, which made him confused for a while.

He knew very well that due to this incident, the sales of organic agricultural products in Qiaogo's store had been greatly affected in the past few days. According to his understanding, the sales volume had probably dropped by more than half.

He thought that Qiao Ge would let him take action soon, but he didn't expect that he would have to wait for five days.

In five days, the amount of damage may be tens of millions of rupees, or even hundreds of millions.

However, he can probably understand a little bit of Qiaogo's thoughts. The greater the injustice he suffers this time, the more support Qiaogo will get from the people.

Qiao Ge naturally thinks so. For him, he has to establish various personalities, and spending a little money is nothing.

Since it was Jena and Wim who made it possible for them, wouldn't it be a pity not to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

The poisoning victim was picked up by the police, and the news immediately sent shockwaves through Mumbai.

After all, this guy is now a celebrity in major newspapers and everyone is watching, so the radio stations immediately started broadcasting the news.

Countless people began to attack Qiaogo, believing that Qiaogo used the power of the government to retaliate against the victims.

Even the people who were still on Qiaogo's side have now changed their attitude.

Newspapers, radio and other media are even more worried about the world being unstable, and they report all kinds of things.

However, the Mumbai Police held a press conference on the case, and all major newspapers received invitations.

As soon as the press conference started, some reporters couldn't help but question Amit and questioned them for covering up Qiaogo.

The scene was almost one-sided.

But Amit was not Jogo, and he was too lazy to argue with these reporters.

"After the case occurred, we attached great importance to it. After several days of in-depth investigation, we finally investigated the case clearly. Now we will give an explanation to the outside world about the case. Gupta Organic Agriculture Company was wrongly accused. Someone deliberately poisoned and framed it. Then The so-called poisoning victims are the culprits,” Amit said personally.

But even if he came forward, as soon as he said these words, the scene exploded.

These reporters obviously could not accept this result.

"We have evidence," Amit said.

"The evidence doesn't necessarily mean it's true, right?"

"Yes, whether it's a personal witness or a physical evidence, with Qiao Ge's financial resources, he can definitely bribe people."


"Of course there is sufficient evidence that will satisfy everyone. Come on, let's play it." Amit said calmly.

As he finished speaking, a picture appeared on a small movie screen at the scene.

"what is this?"

"It seems to be a retail store for Gupta Organic Farming."

"Isn't this the store involved in the case?"

"Huh? That's not~~"

"What was he doing? What did he spray on the vegetables?"


These reporters all saw the so-called victim and saw him wandering around the store for a while, hiding a small bottle in his hand and spraying something on the vegetables on the shelf in a very subtle way.

Seeing this scene, even a fool knows what is going on.

"We investigated based on this and found that he had bought pesticides two days before the incident. The store and business owner who sold the pesticides confirmed it." Amit said calmly, "So this is a vicious poisoning incident, and He was instructed by others. We traced the person behind him, and when we first found out, we found that the contact person behind him died suddenly. So we have reason to believe that there are real murderers behind this case. They are powerful, daring, and care about human life. From then on According to the current situation, it was done by a competitor of Gupta Organic Agriculture Company. This is completely an evil force. We will never be soft on the attack. We will definitely pursue it to the end and find out the real murderer behind it, no matter who is involved. ."

"Director Singh, which company is responsible for this?"

"Yeah, who is it?"


"We are all journalists, and it is your responsibility to report the news fairly and truthfully. I hope you will not make up facts for the sake of so-called hot news to attract attention. Because of your untrue reports, it has caused damage to the Gupta Organic Agriculture Company. Huge loss, loss of hundreds of millions of rupees, someone has to be held accountable.”

After the words fell, many policemen came over and escorted several reporters away among the crowd present.

This frightened the other reporters, who turned pale with fear.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. Those guys just now have clearly found out that they have accepted bribes from criminals before they maliciously spread rumors. Using their identity as journalists has caused extremely bad influence and huge losses to the society and Gupta Organic Agriculture Company. The government We will pursue their legal responsibilities." Amit continued to appease, "As for everyone present, most of you were deceived by villains to spread these false news. The people have the final say, so he will not pursue the case this time. I hope everyone can remember the mission of journalists and speak out for justice in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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