Chapter 29

"That's right, I'm a victim. If you hit me, I'll sue you, sue you." The black and thin man shouted loudly.

The actions of Qiao Ge and the black and thin man made the faces of the two policemen gloomy. After they glanced at each other, they felt that they were too conspicuous on the street.

"Get it all together, go to the police station, don't try to escape, or you will make us look good."

The gang of thieves stood up with a smile, and walked towards the police station in a cooperative manner, as if they were going shopping, and they didn't take it seriously at all.

Jogo certainly understands their feelings.

There are people in the police station. Going in is just a formality, and he will be released soon.

"Are you two still leaving?" the policeman pointed at the man pushing the cart and the black and thin man and shouted.

"I want to sue you." The thin black man continued to shout.

A slap was his answer.

The black and thin man knew that the good man would not suffer from the immediate disadvantages, so he didn't continue to yell, and could only walk towards the police station.

The man pushing the cart looked at his daughter, still hesitating.

"I'll take care of it for you," Jogo said.

Seeing that the two policemen didn't arrest him, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It is of course the best thing not to be caught, probably because of my attire that makes the two policemen a little afraid.

"Thank you." The man pushing the cart walked towards the police station.

Two policemen walked behind with sticks.

When they reached the police gate, they found Jogo following them.

"You two still haven't left? Do you also want to enter the police station?" One of the policemen noticed, turned around and asked.

"I have something to do at the police station." Jogo said coldly, holding the little girl's hand.

The two policemen doubted Qiao Ge's words, but they were not afraid of what this kid could do in the police station.

So he snorted coldly and brought him in.

The Hedala Police Station is a small two-story building. It is a bit old, and the facade looks a little old.

Between the gate and the gate of the real hall of the police station is a courtyard, covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters.

As soon as Qiao Ge entered, he saw dozens of people standing along the wall of the small courtyard.

In fact, these people are not standing.

I saw their knees bent slightly, their buttocks raised high, their heads lowered on their knees, their hands passed around the popliteal cavity behind the knees, and then passed between the knees of their legs to grab their ears.

In India, there is a saying to pull one's ears, which means that one repents and admits one's mistakes.

After the Indian police and other law enforcement agencies catch some violators, they often make them squat or step up and grab their ears with both hands, and even let them grab each other's ears in pairs.

Jogo also saw three policemen patrolling with a long stick in their hands, which was the same as the sticks in the hands of the two policemen who beat people just now. Make them scream.

The wooden stick is called the Lati stick, which is a feature of the Indian police and is also commonly used equipment. It is used to deal with all kinds of dissatisfaction.

In the late 19th century, British colonists used a large number of pull sticks in India to deal with non-violent resistance movements. Since the 20s, as the protest movement spread on a large scale, thousands of Indians took to the streets to let the pull sticks go. Gradually popularized.

After India's independence, relevant departments continued to use sticks as an effective weapon to suppress riots or disperse protests.

Due to some economic and local reasons, Indian police rarely carry guns.

But it also caused serious problems. The 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack shocked the world.

When the terrorists shot innocent people with AK47s, the police had no choice but to flee.

Because the terrorists have automatic rifles and grenades, and the police only have sticks around them, how do they fight?
When the police went to the gun store to collect the guns, they found that they were outdated guns that fired once and reloaded decades ago, and the number was small, completely suppressed in terms of firepower.

That's why 10 terrorists were massacred in Mumbai for nearly 60 hours, with heavy casualties.

The three policemen glanced at Jogo and the others who came in, greeted the two policemen and then continued to greet the ear-struck people.

Ketu whispered to Jogo that the people who were punished were actually the subordinates of Jajam and Gal, and the subordinates who were recruited to buy hair.

This made Jogo very upset. Didn't this cut off his money?
The value of the hair they missed was far more than [-] rupees because of their delay.

Speaking of it, Jogo is a bit strange, Gal and the others are buying hair for themselves now, so they won't get involved in gang fights, right?
However, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, especially in the slums. It is very likely that Gal and the others have affected some of Boss Sha's interests.

Qiao Ge thought for a while, and asked Ketu to take the little girl out to wait outside the police station. In case he went in for too long and did not come out, Ketu could go to Singer, and he could even ask Singer to go to Bosh for help.

Of course, this was the worst possible outcome, and Jogo didn't know if Bosh would help him.

In any case, let's get the two of them out first, one hundred thousand rupees is nothing.

A policeman came over and stopped Qiaogo. After Qiaogo explained his purpose, the policeman looked at him suspiciously.

When Jogo opened the bag to show him the bundles of rupees inside, the policeman smiled and asked Jogo to go in.

When he entered the lobby of the police station, Jogo saw Gal and Jajam squatting in the corner, also pulling their ears.

Probably because they are the boss, they are in it.

They saw Jhogo, but they dared not speak now.

Qiao Ge followed the policeman directly to the director's office. The policeman went in first to ask for instructions, and then let Qiao Ge go in.

"You come to Bulgar Gupta and Jajam Gupta?" A fat and bald man in his 40s sat behind his desk and asked Jogo with a glance.

"Yes, Chief, I brought the money, but I want to know what they did?" said Jogo.

The policeman took the bag from Jogo and placed it in front of the chief.

The director glanced at it, with a satisfied smile on his face. Just now, his subordinates had told him that there were indeed [-] rupees in it.

"You have to know that gathering people to fight is not a small matter. If it wasn't for me to suppress it, it wouldn't be so easy to talk about. But I'll give you face, and it's all right now." The director narrowed his eyes and smiled, and then said to his subordinates , "You go outside and let them release you."

Qiao Ge didn't say anything more, it was obviously extortion, what to save face for himself, it was a face of [-] rupees.

This time I let him go, they can arrest him again at any time, and then blackmail him again.

Jhogo believed they could do such a thing.

After going back, I really have to think about it carefully. If this matter is not resolved, it will be difficult to buy folk hair, and even Gal and the others will not be able to stay in the jurisdiction of the Hedala Police Station.

When Jogo came out of the director's office, he heard a fierce argument outside.

"Huh?" Jogo was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, it was the black and thin man, who was slapping the table with his hands heavily, reprimanding the police here.

"Is this the police in Mumbai? Interrogating me, the victim, and my brothers as prisoners? And those real thugs, you let them go without asking a single question?" The black thin man was full of anger.

What puzzled Jogo was that the policemen around him didn't seem to want to be rough on the man, but were explaining patiently, saying that it was a misunderstanding or something, and seemed a little in awe of him.

However, the black and thin man obviously didn't appreciate it, he almost pointed at the nose of a policeman who beat him and reprimanded him, but the policeman is still explaining with a flattering smile.

According to Jogo, these policemen are like grandchildren, completely different from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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