Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 301 Company A of 9 hectares

Chapter 301 Company A of 9 hectares (asking for monthly votes)

The efficiency of the government's work this time is still acceptable. After announcing the auction of three state-owned grain companies, the specific auction time was quickly determined.

The time is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. on October 3. The deposit for each bidder to participate in the auction is 1 million. After the bid is successful, the money can be deducted and others will be refunded.

This is much better than the last petrochemical industry license bidding incident, and no forced borrowing was done.

It can't be like this every time, so this time it's normal.

As a result, more people signed up.

In fact, it is very normal that there are more people than the time when the petrochemical license was issued.

After all, the entry barrier for the petrochemical industry is too high, and not just any company or family can succeed.

This time it was mainly about land, and everyone was obviously more interested.

Finally, I made a rough estimate of the number of applicants and found that there were over 50 people.

Of course, at least half of these 50 companies are joint ventures. After all, not everyone can afford so much money as Qiaogo alone or as a family.

In September, Qiao Ge made a profit of 38 billion, and his account funds reached 289 billion, which was almost the same as his expectation of 300 billion.

But now he is not so optimistic about winning two companies.

Having more money makes me less optimistic, which is a strange thing.

But in fact it is so.

Because Qiaogo has received the news, the Aiyar family and the Sitharaman family have joined forces, and they are also eyeing these three companies.

Originally, they could not have the funds to bid. In the end, through the guarantee of Reliance Group, they obtained a total loan line of nearly 400 billion from banks and other lending institutions.

And if it is not enough, it is said that there is still a quota of 100 billion.

Therefore, the Aiyar family has spoken out, and they are preparing to take down all three companies.

With up to 500 billion in funds in hand, he is full of confidence and naturally speaks extremely arrogantly.

This matter was not something that Qiao Ge worked hard to get, but was reported proactively by the Reliance Group.

Regarding this, Qiao Ge probably understood what Reliance Group was thinking. Is this a show of muscles?
For those traditional high-caste wealthy families.

In addition to the Aiyar family, Qiaogo also knows that many other families and forces have also raised large sums of funds, and everyone seems determined to win.

These people obviously will not be frightened by the Aiyar family's shouting.

Because they didn't want to win them all, but as long as they targeted one company, it was still possible.

Therefore, it is very difficult for me to win two companies this time.

Let’s make sure to win one first. As for the two, we’ll see what happens.

Qiao Ge's main target now is Company A, which has 9 hectares of land under its name. The one with the lowest valuation starts at 85 billion.

Of course there is a reason for choosing this one.

Qiao Ge had a detailed understanding of the situations of the three companies.

Most of Company A's land belongs to arid areas, and the location of the land is definitely far inferior to that of the other two companies.

But after investigation, he found that there were actually some rivers within the land owned by Company A. These rivers did not have corresponding water conservancy facilities, so during the dry season, they began to lack water.

If we build our own reservoirs and dams to intercept water resources, I believe we can solve most of the drought problems.

In addition, investment in the construction of water canals, etc. can completely improve the current predicament.

Although these investments are large, they are still very cost-effective compared with the increase in land value after the drought improves.

Besides, once the land irrigation problem is solved, food production will also increase.

All in all, it is still very profitable to win.

Compared with the other two companies, their land itself is better and the premium is higher, so if they win it by themselves, they will not have such a big advantage.

In addition, it is also because Company A has the fewest employees.

It stands to reason that the land is the largest and the more employees there are, but in fact it is different.

Among these three companies, Company B was the most profitable that year. After all, paddy fields accounted for the majority.

Therefore, Company B’s previous benefits and wages were also the highest.

The first choice for those who are looking for connections and want to enter is Company B, and then Company C.

It can be said that those who can work in Company B have the strongest relationships and the toughest backgrounds.

Company C is second, and Company A is at the end.

This time the government made it clear that after these companies are auctioned, existing employees cannot be laid off, and benefits and benefits remain unchanged.

In other words, the bidder still has to support these employees.

There is a huge cost involved here.

Especially the employees at Company B have a relatively hard relationship behind them, and it will be difficult to find an excuse to fire them at that time.

Therefore, Company C has a smaller number of employees and a weaker background relationship than the other two companies, making it Qiao Ge’s ideal bidding target.

For Qiao Ge, the more employees he had, the better.

But the difference here is that these are scum, moths, not only do they take money but do no work, they will also cause you a lot of trouble.

So, for these people, the less, the better.

The government said that employees cannot be laid off and benefits and benefits remain unchanged. This is considered a mandatory condition and one of the conditions of the auction. Everyone who participates in the auction naturally agrees.

Qiao Ge believes that everyone has their own ideas on how to deal with these people. In the end, they will definitely try their best to expel as many people as possible.

Capitalists are not good people either.Who wants to raise a bunch of uncles and trash?

As for labor unions, or the local government generally will not allow companies to lay off employees.

That is for ordinary companies and people.

As long as your relationship is strong enough, strong enough, and the benefits are in place, it only matters whether you should be fired or not.

It’s a labor union or a government, that’s it.

Of course, compared to the temptation of these company land, people still don't care much about the cost of these employees. Winning the company is the most important thing.

A few days before the auction, Huaida went to Qiao Ge specifically for this matter.

Although he did not participate in the bidding, he was asked to find Qiao Ge.

The other party is a group of people in the edible oil industry, and they have joined forces to attack the Aiyar family.

They did this because they were about to collapse in the edible oil market.

They could have continued to fight the Sitharaman family. A few days ago, they even saw the light of day, because the Sitharaman family had obviously reached its limit.

But with the Aiyar family joining in and providing the Sitharaman family with huge amounts of money, they couldn't stand it anymore.

It’s not that they don’t have the funds to continue investing, but they feel that the losses will be too great if they continue to invest.

So they want revenge, revenge on the Aiyar family.

This time, since the Aiyar family has announced that they want to take down three companies, let’s not say whether this is true or not. Judging from their determination, the two companies should be thinking about it.

They don't want to give the Aiyars their way.

Besides, they also like these lands.

Regardless of whether it is for the Aiyar family or not, as long as the price is right, you will buy it.

These people knew that they also wanted to bid and had conflicts with the Aiyar family, so they expressed goodwill to themselves through Huida.

Regarding this, Qiao Ge fully understands that everyone is looking for allies.

I believe the same is true for the Aiyar family.

After knowing this, Qiao Ge no longer wanted to win over the two companies. It would be good to keep one.

Although it should be no problem to win one with your own funds, it still depends on how much the price will be raised.

If it's a sky-high price, wouldn't it be a big deal if I bought it?
During this period, besides paying attention to the auction, Qiao Ge was also busy elsewhere.

For example, he approached Yas and asked him to help contact the Sikh family, a large landowner in Punjab.

Qiao Ge met several people, and they all had good conversations.

However, there is no result yet.

Because the Aiyar family has been cooperating with them for many years, everyone trusts each other.

Qiao Ge was not in a hurry about this.

To put it bluntly, it is still a question of money.

As long as the acquisition price here is higher than that of the Aiyar family, and it can be guaranteed that the acquisition will not be in the short term but will continue in the future, I believe that I can win over many people.

This time, people from Punjab also came to New Delhi to participate in the auction.

Qiao Ge got the news that he was an uncle of Beni's.

Her maternal grandfather's family was one of the most wealthy Sikh families. They owned a lot of land and were big landowners.

They still like land very much. There is a large land auction this time. Whether they buy it or not, they still have to join in the fun.

Qiao Ge once asked Beni about some things about the Sikh wealthy family, and Beni also introduced it to him in detail.

Especially some relatives on her maternal grandfather's side.

His uncle was quite rebellious when he was young. He fell in love with a Vaishya woman, and the two even eloped.

However, he finally abandoned the woman under pressure from his family and returned to his family to marry another wealthy family.

On October 10, Joe Gordon visited Lishid Singh, Beni's biological uncle.

This time it was Lishid who led the team.

The two parties once again exchanged views on the issue of grain purchase. Lishid said that his family was willing to cooperate with Qiaogo and that the specific details could be discussed later.

The reason for this is that the Sharma family came forward.

After all, Lishid and the others have the closest relationship with the Sharma family.

Therefore, Lishid also said that after returning, they will also help Qiaogo promote it, hoping to persuade more people to trade with Qiaogo.

Qiao Ge asked Li Xied how many companies they were planning to win in this auction?

Lishid was greatly surprised by these words. Competition among the entire family was fierce. How many more companies do you want to win?
Although Lishid did not disclose some of his bottom lines, Qiao Ge still heard some.

They didn't have high expectations when they came this time, because the funds they had collected were about 100 billion, and it would be extremely difficult to win a company with this amount.

When Lishid asked Qiao Ge, Qiao Ge didn't hide anything and told him that one family was bound to win, but as for the two families, it depends on the situation.

Lishid was shocked and sighed at the same time.

It is said that Qiao Ge has sufficient cash flow, but now it seems that everyone still underestimates him.

Qiao Ge actually meant to show his strength when he said this.

Only with strength can you gain the respect of the other party, and the other party will also be willing to do business with you.

(End of this chapter)

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