Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 303: Suppressing Opponents

Chapter 303: Suppressing Opponents
Lishid can probably guess that Qiao Ge must want to win one or two companies, otherwise he would not have loaned 100 billion before.

After borrowing 100 billion, you can't just leave the money in your hands and not use it.

He felt that it would be very difficult for Qiao Ge to win two companies, but if he only targeted one, it would not be a big problem.

For example, this company A, no matter how much it rises, it will never double.

It just depends on whether Qiao Ge is interested in Company A. If he is interested, there will be no problem in winning this company.

But he felt that Qiao Ge’s thoughts should be on Company B, which was the finale.

After all, if you are just competing for a company, you must choose the best one.

The land under the name of company b is of the highest quality.

Lishid dared to say that most of the people here came to Company B. Of course, some people had more ambition but less money, so they had to settle for the next best thing.

Therefore, he felt that Qiao Ge might not take action against Company A and conserve his strength to compete for Company B.

"It seems that no one wants to let go." Qiao Ge replied.

"If I didn't have enough funds, I wouldn't want to give up." Lishid sighed.

These lands are so tempting, but unfortunately, if you don’t have the strength, you can only join in the fun.

Qiao Ge smiled and was not in a hurry to take action.

As the quotations increased little by little, the frequency of bidding dropped significantly, and the price increases were not as generous as before.

Now most of the price increases are 5000 to [-] million.

When someone quoted 104.5 billion, Qiaogo shouted 105 billion.

Qiao Ge couldn't help but secretly complain, these bastards, why should they be so cruel?

We’ve already added 20 billion, is that almost enough?

Following Qiao Ge's bid, there was an obvious commotion in the hall.

They all knew about the funds prepared by Qiao Ge. According to their inference, Qiao Ge's target was unlikely to be Company A.

With its amount of funds, Company B can definitely compete, and it is very confident.

Therefore, Qiao Ge's voice immediately made many people hesitate.

Because their funds are simply not as good as Qiaogo's.

Of course, some people did not give up and wanted to fight again. Maybe Qiao Ge was just testing the price?
So the price is still going up.

However, Qiao Ge also followed suit. After a few rounds, Qiao Ge's offer reached 107 billion.

Now, everyone knows that Qiao Ge really wants to win Company A.

Shiwu and Lendra looked at each other and made eye contact.

"108 billion." Lundela said.

After hearing the voices from the Aiyar family, some people who had been hesitant gave up completely.

Let’s not talk about Qiaogo. The funds raised by the Aiyar family are even more terrifying.

So what's the matter with them?
They were unwilling to do so, but there was nothing they could do about it. Their strength was inferior to that of others.

108.5 million.

109 million.

Qiao Ge frowned slightly, the Aiyar family was obviously targeting him.

Do they really want to take down three companies?

Seeing that Qiao Ge didn't make a sound for a while, everyone held their breath.

"Is it almost done?" Shi Wu whispered, "The cooking oil group hasn't made any move yet. It seems that their target is the next two companies."

Lendra frowned, he understood what Shi Wu meant.

This time their opponents are also extremely powerful. Qiao Ge is one, and so are those cooking oil coalition forces.

If he and Qiao Ge compete too hard and consume too much money, I'm afraid it will overturn later.

Although they had previously announced that they would win three companies, it was just a form of publicity and momentum building.

Their real target is the two companies BC. Compared with company A, these two companies are high-quality in their eyes.

This time the quotation for Qiao Ge was just to make Qiao Ge pay more, so as not to disrupt the situation later.

So their real purpose is not to want Company A.

"Why hasn't that kid made a quote?" Shi Wu had a look of anxiety on his face, "Oops, could it be that that kid also did it on purpose? His target is not Company A, but he just wants to lure us into trouble and consume our funds?"

Lendra's heart also sank. He had to say that this was really possible.

He can plot against Qiao Ge, and Qiao Ge can plot against himself.

Qiao Ge's capital is more than 200 billion. Once he buys Company A, he will not be able to compete with them for the remaining two companies.

In short, in everyone's mind, they basically come to BC companies.

"109 billion once." The host started counting.


Lendra and Shiwu looked even more ugly, they were fooled.

Nearly 110 billion was spent on Company A, and the remaining 290 billion may not be enough to win over Company B.

Company a is the worst of the three, with a premium of 25 billion, so why should companies b and company double the premium, with a premium of 50 billion?

Then the total price has to be 300 billion.

Although they can borrow another 100 billion with the guarantee of Reliance Group, they still have to pay back what they borrow, plus the interest. Of course, they hope that their debt can be smaller.

"109.1 billion." Qiaogo shouted at the last moment.

Shiwu and Lendra exhaled a long breath almost at the same time.

Bastard, what on earth does this kid want to do?
"Does this guy really want to take pictures of Company A?" Shi Wu asked a little doubtfully. "Whether he really wanted to buy it or not, the price is about the same," Lundela said.

The premium is almost 24 billion. Originally, in their thinking, Company A's land was of too low quality, so a premium of 10 billion would be great. Now it has almost doubled, so what else is there to be dissatisfied about?
If Qiao Ge wins, he will win, which is equivalent to costing Qiao Ge an extra billion.

Thinking of this, they felt happy.

Shiwu also understood Lundela's thoughts, so he gave up the intention of making another offer.

It wasn't until the host's gavel fell for the third time that Jogo took a long breath.

Of course he wants the price to be as low as possible.

This price still surprised him, it was much higher than his expectation.

It's not because Lundela and the others raised the price. After all, everyone was very crazy before and raised the price to more than 100 billion from the beginning.

Originally, in Qiao Ge's opinion, 100 billion should be enough, but he still underestimated everyone's obsession with land.

Even if it is low-quality land, everyone is rushing to get it.

Here 109 billion has gone, and Qiaogo still has 170 billion.

From this point of view, I still have a chance to compete for the second one.

With this result, Qiao Ge felt that he still had to thank Shiwu and Lendra.

If you were to take action alone, there are still some people who don't want to give up.

But after Shiwu and Lundela took action, those people gave up completely.

From a certain perspective, although Shi and Wu raised their bids a little, their final bids also suppressed other bidding rivals.

Qiao Ge secretly thought that it was a fluke. If they hadn't intervened, he might not have been able to get the 109.1 billion. It might have been several hundred million higher, or even one billion was possible.

If it were more than a billion, Qiao Ge would be cautious.

Because if it is so much higher, it may not be appropriate to buy this company.

Of course, this is based on the current market situation. If it is placed in a few years, no matter how high the price is now, it will not be a big loss.

It's just that this business can't be calculated like this. Naturally, you still have to refer to the current market when buying things.

In short, Qiao Ge is still very satisfied with the price.

The land on Company A's side can be completely transformed. By then, it will invest hundreds of millions or even billions to build water conservancy facilities, but the increase in the value of this land will probably be several billions.

"Brother, I didn't expect that you actually took down Company A. Then it will be very difficult for you to win over Company B," Lishid said.

Qiao Ge's photographing of Company A was beyond his expectation.

It should be said that it exceeded most people's expectations.

This means that Qiaogo has basically withdrawn from the next competition.

After all, the starting price of company C is 95 billion, and the premium is definitely higher than that of company a. It is definitely above 110 billion. Does Qiao Ge still have so much funds?

"Try it. If it exceeds my remaining funds, I have no choice but to give up." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Lishid didn't say anything else. He didn't ask Qiao Ge how much money he still had, because it wasn't necessary, and he would see it next.

Company C’s starting price is 95 billion, and each price increase is no less than an integral multiple of 1000 million.

Just like Company A's bidding, the beginning is always so crazy, with countless people bidding.

Even if you know that your offer has no chance, now that it is here, you still have to shout.

Sure enough, unlike Company A, Company C's quotation quickly reached 120 billion, and this was without the big bosses ending up.

The premium has exceeded Company A’s 24 billion.

Qiao Ge didn't rush to say anything. The price was obviously still early.

Everyone scrambled to increase the price. It was not until the quotation reached 132 billion that the number of bids subsided.

Most people are almost eliminated because they have insufficient funds, and some feel that the price is no longer worthwhile.

In short, everyone has their own plans.

"133 billion." Qiao Ge said.

As he spoke out, everyone's attention focused on Qiao Ge again.

Qiao Ge had already won a company just now. Could it be that he really still has the energy to win Company C again?

"134 billion." Lundra responded immediately.

"135 billion."

"136 billion!"


This time it is almost a battlefield between Qiao Ge and Lundela. Both of them are almost increasing the amount by [-] million at a time.

The price soon reached 150 billion, which was the price quoted by Qiao Ge.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning.

This price is completely beyond everyone's imagination.

Lishid, who was sitting next to Qiao Ge, was a little stunned. He thought that even if Qiao Ge still had funds, it would probably be around 20 billion, but he didn't expect that he would reach this number.

It would be better if I really pay more attention to Qiao Ge's grain purchase.

He knew about Qiaogo's experience, and Yas had also mentioned many things about Qiaogo to him.

He felt that he already valued Qiao Ge before, but now it seems that he still underestimates Qiao Ge too much.

No wonder the Sharma family has become very close to Qiaogo recently and the two parties have cooperated.

Maybe I will find an opportunity to ask Qiao Ge sometime to see if there is any other cooperation, except for grain purchase.

(End of this chapter)

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