Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 308 The window paper was punctured

Chapter 308 The window paper was punctured

Before leaving New Delhi, Jogo went to see Manmohan.

He mentioned the construction of water conservancy facilities within the newly purchased land of the company, especially the construction of reservoirs.

Manmohan naturally agreed to Qiaogo's idea.

The water from the reservoir can not only be used for agricultural irrigation, but can also solve the drinking water problem of the surrounding people.

So regarding these, Manmohan reassured Qiaogo that he would help coordinate it and there would be no delays in government approval procedures.

With reservoirs, you can generate electricity. These are small reservoirs, and it is impossible to say how much power they generate.

However, the current electricity consumption is actually not large, and it does not supply power to any big city.

He also uses the electricity generated by the small reservoir within his land.

After all, the area where the land is located is suburban farmland. There is no national power supply facility at all, so we can only feed and clothe ourselves.

In a previous life, India announced that almost all rural areas across the country had access to electricity.

But their standards are very low.

As long as there is a wire pulled over the village, it is considered electrified.

But there are probably only a few households in the village that actually have access to electricity.

However, the electricians in India are very good at connecting wires to steal electricity. Soon the whole village will probably have electricity.

It’s just that the electricity is not stable. We may only have electricity for a few hours a day, but there are frequent power outages.

You must know that power supply in some big cities in India is unstable and power outages occur frequently, not to mention rural areas, especially remote villages.

After returning to Mumbai, Qiaogo asked Lahudi to recruit a large number of people and start investing in the water conservancy construction of the land under the name of Company A.

Of course, Gawali is also involved. After all, it involves engineering and requires professional people.

There must be an overall control from the planning to construction of water conservancy facilities.

Next comes the dry season, which is conducive to the construction of these water conservancy projects.

These projects will be completed by next year's rainy season.

By then, with complete water conservancy facilities, Qiaogo believes that it will be able to retain more water resources.

Even in the dry season, the land can be irrigated.

Then the poor quality land becomes good land.

It may not be able to reach the quality of high-quality paddy fields, but it can definitely improve the quality of the land by several levels.

Compared with BC Company, Qiao Ge found that his A Company land had another advantage.

That is, there is less rainfall, but this can also effectively avoid waterlogging disasters.

You must know that land in BC is rich in water resources, but during the rainy season, waterlogging is very likely to occur, which is not good for crops.

Maybe there won’t be a complete harvest, but a reduction in production is certain.

The probability of flooding in Company B is far higher than that in Company A. After all, Company A will not get much rain even in the rainy season.

In addition, with its own water conservancy facilities, even if the rain is heavy for a while, there should be no flooding.

The main problem of my own company A is the water shortage in the dry season after the rainy season.

Before there were no perfect water conservancy facilities, the little rainwater in the rainy season just flowed away along the river, which was a waste.

Nowadays, we build our own reservoirs and the like just to store water.

With water, the situation here is more stable than that of BC Company, and stable food production can basically be guaranteed.

Land, Qiaogo sighed in his heart, he really wanted to acquire more land.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult at present.

Bits and pieces of land are simply not suitable for acquisition.

A few days later, there was a piece of bad news in the newspaper.

It is related to Xi Lidayu, and of course it is also related to Qiao Ge.

The above content is very simple. The reason why Qiao Ge spent one billion to pay liquidated damages was because Xili Daiyu was his woman.

This statement was quickly recognized by everyone.

It's right to think about it, otherwise how could you pay a billion in liquidated damages?
Other newspapers followed soon after, and Qiaogo knew that these newspapers were all related to Anil.

So these guys almost always go out together.

Some other newspapers were more restrained and basically did not keep up. The deterrence I gave them last time was still very effective.

However, Anil's efforts to build momentum had a great influence on Xili Daiyu.

"Qiao Ge, what should I do? Those people want you to come forward and explain. My sister has been restless these days." Maduli was anxious. She didn't expect that this matter would suddenly become such a big deal.

Sister and Qiao Ge are fine now. How can those people slander them like this?

Qiao Ge glanced at Xili Daiyu and said with a smile: "Don't pay attention to them, it will be fine after a while. The more you pay attention to them, the more energetic they will be. No matter what you say, they will always find an excuse. So let them Bark there.”

It's not like Xili Daiyu has never encountered such a thing. As a big star, especially a female star, there are too many such scandals.

She'd been able to handle it in the past.

But this time it was different. There was obviously someone behind him, and it was Anil, so the impact was huge, and it was not that easy to suppress it.

Even Qiao Ge could not calm down this public opinion quickly.

"Sister, please put down your work for now and just stay at home and take a rest." Qiao Ge said to Xili Daiyu again.

Xili Daiyu thought about it and agreed.However, the subsequent reports did not slowly decrease because of Qiaogo's lack of response. Instead, they became more and more exaggerated, with all kinds of smears and revelations coming out.

Anil even spoke in the newspaper, saying that he didn't expect Siridea to be such an unbearable woman. He had thought about pursuing her before, but it was too wise to look at it now.

Looking at Anil's report, Qiaogo snorted and threw the newspaper to the ground.

This guy has the face to say it?
His Tina is such a thing.

As the news spread, the topic began to spread, and soon the identities of Fuli, Maduri, Tapu and other women were also exposed.

The news that they were both Chogo women began to be reported wildly in newspapers.

I have to say that everyone actually knows some things.

But once it is brought to light, the nature is different.

The two heroines of "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata" both became Chogo's women. This is indeed a shocking topic.

Everyone knew it before, but chose not to think too much about it.

Now that this layer of window paper has been punctured, countless people cannot accept the fact that the goddess in their hearts is another man or woman.

All of a sudden, from a supporter to an opponent, the slanderer became a black fan.

Qiao Ge's company performance has also been greatly affected, with the biggest impact being on mid- to low-end traditional clothing.

On the contrary, high-end clothing, organic agricultural products, high-end mineral water, etc. do not have much impact.

Because these upper-class people are too clear about the truth here. They themselves are like Qiao Ge, who doesn't have a few female celebrities outside.

Since Qiaogo's products are of excellent quality, they will naturally not be affected by these topics.

On the contrary, people in the middle and lower classes lack some independent ideas and can easily be taken advantage of by people with malicious intentions.

"What's the matter? This is a fact. We just admit it." Tapu said with anger on his face.

This time she was really angry.

Some of the words in the newspapers were so ugly.

"Don't make any noise." Fuli glanced at her and said.

"Why can't you say that what the newspaper said is correct, what's wrong with it?" Tapu ran directly to Qiao Ge and held his arm.

She was angry because of some malicious smears in the newspapers. She did not deny the relationship between herself and others and Qiao Ge.

The cheeks of Xili Daiyu sitting next to her were red. She was not Qiao Ge's woman.

But at this time, everyone seems to have ignored this.

"Qiaogo, you have to make an idea." Fuli sighed softly.

"Yes, whether you admit it or deny it, you decide." Madhuri also said.

It's not easy for them to make the decision in this matter, so they have to listen to Qiao Ge.

Jogo was silent for a moment.

He didn't expect Anil to be so careless.

What is this, tearing apart all the disgusting private lives of the upper class?

If you want to fight back, you can also reveal all the private affairs between their people and those female celebrities.

But Qiao Ge also understood that the other party had obviously expected this.

If he really wants to do this, the impact on them will definitely not be as big as his own.

The main one is Fuli and Madhuli, both of whom have recently become popular stars. Needless to say, Siridea is also the national goddess. This influence is too great.

Xili Daiyu's image has been greatly affected, and many brands she endorses have terminated their contracts. This will have an even greater impact on her image.

After all, for a star, the number of endorsements, the brand endorsed and the cost are one of the criteria for measuring whether it is popular or not.

Now the image of the national goddess that Xili Daiyu has maintained for many years seems to be collapsing.

Fuli and Maduli are mainly brand endorsements for Qiaogo, and their influence is relatively small.

It would not be a good idea to disclose all kinds of privacy to people on Anil's side.

If you start a war of words with them, you will be the one who suffers, and it will even make this topic hotter.

Qiao Ge's idea is to continue to treat it coldly and see how long they can continue on this topic.

"Qiao Ge, why don't you say something quickly?" Tapu said anxiously.

"Sister, why don't you go abroad to relax recently?" Qiao Ge looked at Xili Daiyu and said.

These words made Xili Daiyu and the other girls stunned for a moment.

"The so-called out of sight is out of mind." Qiao Ge said, "You are innocent, there is no need to stay here and be questioned."

"Yes, go abroad to relax and refresh your mood." Maduli immediately agreed.

Fuli and Tapu also agreed.

"What about us?" Tapu asked.

"Aren't you all filming movies? Then keep going. When the filming is finished, if you want to go abroad, that's no problem." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"But our current movie will probably be boycotted, right?" Fuli said worriedly.

"Ignore those people, they are very forgetful. As long as your work is good enough and amazing enough, are you afraid that they won't watch it?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "How many of the domestic movies can be watched now? They are all the same, and I don't even bother. Say more. Your movie is refreshing. Moreover, a large part of the audience for your movie is the upper class elites. They don’t care about these remarks, so don’t worry.”

(End of this chapter)

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