Chapter 311 dropped 40%
Giorgio quickly linked this incident to Arnault's acquisition of LVMH shares.

Arnault took advantage of the stock market crash and purchased a lot of stocks when LVMH plummeted.

But Qiaogo couldn't remember the specific time of 'Black Monday'. He only knew that it was Monday, and it happened this year.

It is already October 10th, and this year will end in one and a half months, which means it will happen on the following Monday.

If this is the case, then the purchase of stocks by myself can be postponed.

One and a half months at most, I can afford to wait.

"In this way, you first need to understand the trends of LVMH's stocks, such as daily trading volume, prices, etc. I have to transfer the funds, oh, and set up a company here in France as the main body to acquire LVMH's stocks." Jogo said.

"Okay, boss, it's much easier to set up a company in France than in India." Maupassant smiled.

Qiao Ge was speechless for a while. Of course, the efficiency of the Indian government cannot be compared with that of France.

"Boss, where's the name of the company?" Maupassant asked again.

"Let's call it Black Monday Investment Company." Qiao Ge blurted out.

Maupassant was stunned for a moment, this name was too strange.

"Boss, didn't you just think of this name because I mentioned Black Tuesday?" Maupassant asked curiously.

"No, we were humiliated in front of LVMH just now. For me, today is a dark day. I have to keep it in mind and not forget today's humiliation. Maybe one day I will be able to acquire LVMH. Of course, Your Black Tuesday also gave me some inspiration." Qiao Ge said solemnly.

Maupassant thought so, he also felt extremely humiliated at the gate of LVMH just now.

As for Qiao Ge's idea of ​​​​acquiring LVMH in the future, Maupassant thinks it is still possible to realize it.

Thinking about the booming palm oil business of his boss in Malaysia and now a wealthy family in India, acquiring LVMH in the future is not a pipe dream.

"Boss, I believe you will be fine. When the time comes to acquire LVMH, you will have to kick out the old man Chevalier. He is just a professional manager hired by the Moët family." Maupassant said, " But, today is Friday, shouldn’t it be called Black Friday Investment Company?”

Chevalier was indeed a professional manager. At that time, the Moët & Chandon family, which was mainly engaged in high-end champagne, withdrew from the management of the company and found a professional management team to manage the company. Finally, Chevalier was selected.

Chevalier is of course capable. Under his leadership, Moët & Chandon soon acquired Hennessy, a high-end liquor brand that specializes in brandy, so that the company became MH.

Later, when MH and LV merged, Chevalier was also the main advocate, so LVMH was actually a merger of three companies.

"Yes, today is Friday, but this week's working day has ended, and next Monday is the day we really start, so I named it this way." Qiao Ge made up a reason.

"As expected of a boss, he has original ideas." Maupassant praised.

Qiao Ge was speechless. He didn't know whether Maupassant was sincerely praising him, or whether he was hurting himself.

But one thing he is sure of is that as long as he succeeds, his nonsense will be considered a classic, because the sentence just now is nonsense.

On the morning of Monday, October 10, Qiaogo and Maupassant went to register the company.

Over the weekend, they had all the necessary materials ready.

Black Monday Investment Company will be managed by Maupassant in the future. After all, he is French, so many things will be easier.

In fact, there is nothing to manage. This investment company is used to acquire LVMH shares and will basically not be used for other investments.

At least in the short term, it is impossible for Qiaogo to invest in other industries and companies in France because he simply does not have so much capital.

Qiao Ge thought that after acquiring the shares of LVMH in the future, he should be able to get a director position in the company.

It is impossible for him to be in France all the time, so Maupassant is his spokesperson.

On the Malay side, Fayez is now in charge, so there is not much of a problem.

There is also Clark in Indonesia now, so Maupassant's task is not so heavy now.

Qiao Ge knew very well that it took some time for Arnault to fight for control of LVMH. It would not be successful all at once, and it would have to wait until next year at least.

It’s just that France must have its own people watching over it.

When they came out of the company registration department and took the car back, they suddenly heard a shocking news coming from the car radio.

"No? Has the U.S. stock market plummeted?" Maupassant's eyes widened.

Qiao Ge was also stunned.

Such a coincidence?
Black Monday?

Is it today?

But he quickly calmed down, after all, he already knew about this matter.

It will definitely happen on one of the Mondays in this month and a half, but I didn’t expect it to be today.

"Okay, okay." Maupassant suddenly clapped his thigh and laughed, "Boss, the stock market collapse in the United States will definitely affect the global stock market, and France will definitely not be able to escape it. Our acquisition price will definitely be cost-effective by then. not enough."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it so much. I don't know how far it will fall." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

It's not clear how much LVMH fell that year, but in the face of such a global stock market crash, some stocks fell directly.

It is definitely necessary for LVMH to fall by dozens of percent.For Qiao Ge, of course, the more it falls, the better, so that his acquisition price will be lower.

Moreover, when a stock crashes, more people will sell stocks, and their own acquisitions will be smoother. In addition, the stock market is filled with an atmosphere of panic. Everyone is looking out for themselves, and they are less likely to care about other people's affairs. , probably will not attract much attention from LVMH.

No matter what, be sure to acquire as much stock as possible before anyone finds out.

Qiaogo had to sigh, fortunately it was France, where the news was well-informed. If it were in India, I would have to wait to find out this news.

However, the impact of the stock market is still very fast, and it should soon spread from the beautiful country. By then, all major stock markets in the world will fall, and countless assets in the stock market will evaporate. After all, Black Monday is not Yelling for nothing.

Maupassant looked at his boss in surprise. Isn't this Black Monday?
The boss's company is called Black Monday, which is obviously more suitable for the stock market.

But he didn't think Qiao Ge knew that the stock market crash would happen today. It could only be said to be a coincidence.

Over the next few days, Giorgo and Maupassant kept an eye on the French stock market.

The Black Monday Investment Company has been established, and the company's capital is more than 2.3 million US dollars, equivalent to nearly 14 billion francs, remitted by Qiaogo from Panda Foreign Trade Company.

As expected, the French stock market also collapsed. After all, the influence of the beautiful country is too great. Once this kind of panic spreads, it will be difficult to contain it in a short period of time.

This impact did not last just one year. It can be said that the global economy suffered a major recession in the late 80s.

The global economic downturn has a great impact on various countries.

Qiao Ge felt that India almost went bankrupt and had big problems domestically, but the external international environment also had a great impact.

The Great Recession is obviously one of the main reasons.

"It's a big drop." Maupassant has been paying attention to changes in the stock market, of course mainly focusing on LVMH's stock.

"How much has it fallen?" Qiao Ge asked.

"It has fallen by almost 40%." Maupassant laughed. "LVMH's market value is now about 130 billion francs."

"Acquire it." Qiao Ge said solemnly.

"Ah?" Maupassant was stunned for a moment, "Boss, I think we can wait a little longer. The stock market is still going down now. We can buy it at a lower price by then."

"I think it's almost the same. We are not stock gods, how can we seize the lowest price?" Qiao Ge said, "Besides, we are not the only ones interested in LVMH now."

Maupassant's expression changed slightly.

Since he is preparing to attack LVMH, he has recently collected all kinds of information about LVMH. There are various signs that someone has been secretly absorbing LVMH's shares a long time ago.

Although I don’t know who it is, it’s definitely something to be wary of.

Qiaogo knew in his heart that it should be Arno, at least he was one of them.

"Understood, boss, I will start buying now, as much as I can buy." Maupassant said immediately.

"Okay, until the funds run out," said Jogo.

Qiaogo has been thinking about his plan in his mind. According to his memory, Arnault made the acquisition when LVMH's stock price plummeted, but the specific time should be 1988.

Of course, in 1988, he obtained a bank loan and had the funds to acquire a large number of stocks.

Now he may also be making acquisitions, but it must be a small amount, and I am afraid that the amount of funds is not as good as his own.

So, taking advantage of the advantage now, why not hurry up and acquire it?
Qiao Ge believes that the stock price of LVMH is almost at the low point now, and it will not continue to fall much later, but the stock price will still hover at a low level next year.

If I really wait until next year to make the acquisition, I'm afraid it won't be my turn.

And you have to act quickly now. Once you take action on your side, you will definitely not be able to hide it from the attention of interested people.

For example, Arnault has been keeping an eye on LVMH, so if someone buys LVMH shares in large quantities, he will definitely take action.

Maupassant began to buy stocks on the stock market. As long as LVMH stocks were sold, he would buy them all.

In a few days, Qiao Ge purchased more than 4% of LVMH's shares.

Arnault was in the office, listening to the assistant's report, his face gloomy.

"Have you found out who is acquiring it?" Arnault asked.

"Not yet. The trading volume of LVMH shares has exceeded 5% in just a few days. However, no one has disclosed changes in their shareholdings so far. It seems that it may be purchased by some scattered people." Assistant analyst road.

If someone or an institution acquires more than 5% of the shares by holding shares, the information must be disclosed, otherwise it will be a violation.

"No, it may be one company, but the share they acquired is less than 5%. After all, more than 5% of the stocks traded these days cannot all be bought by one company." Arnault frowned and said, "Continue to pay attention, and there are We have to buy it here too.”

"Boss, our funds are not enough right now..."

"As much as you can charge," Arnault said.

After the assistant went down, Arnault pulled on his tie and loosened it. He felt a little irritated.

Who is it that suddenly jumped out to acquire LVMH shares?

(End of this chapter)

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