Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 316 Lack of money

Chapter 316 Lack of money (please ask for monthly votes)

"I guess that's totally fine," Thomas laughed.

"Then when will we meet here?" Qiao Ge asked, "In the future, Mr. Arnault should control LVMH. I still need to hear his personal guarantee. It is best to make it in the form of a contract in black and white. I That’s why I feel relieved.”

"Mr. Gupta, we are just opening a store. Do you need to pay so much attention to it?" Thomas asked a little puzzled.

In his opinion, Qiao Ge's behavior was completely overkill and too arrogant.

"This is some of the needs of my domestic business in India." Qiaogo said.

After hearing this, Thomas didn't ask any more questions.

He didn't know much about it and didn't want to ask any more questions for the time being.

Now that we have won the support of Qiao Ge, this is the most important thing.

"I'll arrange this, and I'll have everyone sit down and talk as soon as possible." Thomas said solemnly, "Can I ask how many stocks you have now?"

"More than 9%," Qiaogo replied.

Thomas was stunned for a moment.

Before he came, he thought that Maupassant's purchase would probably be [-]%, but he didn't expect it to be much higher than he expected.

This costs [-] billion francs. It’s really a huge expense, just to let LVMH invest in opening a store in India. It’s incredible no matter how you look at it.

But thinking about Jogo's massive investment in the palm oil industry in Malaysia, he felt relieved.

"I'll get in touch right away." Thomas couldn't sit still.

Qiao Ge has so many shares, and if he finds a way to acquire some, he can completely crush Recamier.

He already knows that Recamier has recently been buying stocks aggressively. Unfortunately, there are not many stocks on the market now, and the price is also rising.

The matter regarding Qiao Ge must be determined immediately.

He knew that Arnaud was very anxious about this matter recently.

But even for himself, the Guinness Group is also a little impatient. If LVMH continues to make trouble like this, it will not be a good thing for them. After all, this farce of fighting should be ended as soon as possible.

After watching Thomas leave, Maupassant couldn't help but ask: "Boss, I think with our current shares, we can definitely obtain more benefits."

"Of course, you can't miss this opportunity." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

He realized that by making such a fuss, he might change the process of Arnault's acquisition of LVMH.

As long as they cooperate with him, Arnault will definitely take over LVMH earlier than in his previous life.

This is good. LVMH can open exclusive stores in its own shopping malls faster. This will be very helpful to enhance the brand of Gupta Square. It can also open up its position with other chasing squares.

As for more benefits, Qiao Ge needs to think about it carefully.

Of course, this benefit certainly cannot affect Arnault's power over the company.

Of course, Qiao Ge would not touch this.

He has never thought about controlling LVMH, and LVMH is most suitable in the hands of Arnault. He just sits back and waits for the stock to appreciate.

Therefore, there will be no conflict with Arnault in this regard.

After Thomas returned, he looked for Arnaud.

"Mr. Thomas, are you looking for me so urgently? Have you found out the controller behind Black Monday Investment Company?" Arnault asked hurriedly as soon as he saw Thomas.

During this time, he suffered from insomnia.

He was very confident in his plan before, and the actual situation was progressing in an orderly manner according to his own steps.

But the sudden stock market crash made Chevalier and Recamier temporarily put aside their fight with each other. This was considered an accident.

Furthermore, during this period, there were mysterious forces in the stock market that were frantically acquiring LVMH shares.

His funds were limited, so he did not acquire many stocks.

His own stocks add up to just over 2%.

Even if Chevalier's stock control is obtained, this ratio is still not enough to occupy an absolute say in LVMH.

He knew that Recamier had recently paid a lot of money to acquire a lot of stocks, and now their stocks may be close to 20%.

If this continues, even if I have the funds in place by then, I won't be able to acquire stocks if I want to.

Money, damn money.

He found that he lacked nothing but money.

My plan and my allies are all in place, but the loan from the bank has not yet been received.

In fact, the bank has already approved the loan, but unfortunately it also takes time to disburse money.

Something like this happened at this juncture, and now he can only watch those guys buying LVMH shares.

"Got it." Thomas smiled.

Seeing Thomas's smile, Arno felt a little more at ease.

He knew Thomas must be bringing good news.

"Has the other party agreed to cooperate with us?" Arnault asked.

This is what they have agreed to long ago.

Thomas went to find the actual controllers behind Black Monday Investment Company, hoping to persuade them to cooperate with him.Now that there is no money to acquire stocks, it is necessary to win over other shareholders, especially this mysterious shareholder who suddenly appeared. After all, he holds at least 5% of the stocks.

This is not a small amount. Looking at the private acquisitions, it is only a little more than 2% now.

"Yes, the other party agreed." Thomas smiled.

"That's great. Who is the other party and does he have any requirements?" Arnault finally let go of his hanging heart.

These days, he is most worried about this matter.

For the others, even if Chevalier and Recamier did not continue fighting, he would have a solution.

As for the mysterious acquirer this time, he doesn't know the details of the other party at all, so he has no way of making a move.

"It's a coincidence. He is someone I know. As for the requirements, there must be some requirements, but don't worry, it does not conflict with your purpose. He has no intention of controlling LVMH." Thomas smiled.

"Someone you know?" Arnault was a little surprised, "Is he also British?"

Thomas shook his head and said, "Indian."

Arnault was even more surprised.

He never thought about India.

"Mr. Thomas, are you serious?" Arno glanced at Thomas suspiciously.

"I know what you are thinking, but you must not underestimate that little brother. He currently holds nearly 10% of LVMH shares." Thomas was very satisfied with Arnault's reaction.

After all, when it comes to India, everyone’s first reaction is disbelief.

"I don't know much about India. I wonder which rich man there is so generous, the Tata family or the Ambani family of Reliance Group?" Arnault asked.

In his mind, the only ones he knew about in India who could spend such a large sum of money to acquire stocks were these two major families.

Of course, there are some high-caste rich people in India who really don’t know much about these Arnaults.

Thomas shook his head and said: "No, to be honest, I don't know what the specific situation of this little brother is in India."

Arnault was a little surprised by these words. He knew very well that Thomas could not be so unreliable, otherwise the Guinness Group would not have sent him to France to take charge of this matter.

He himself said that he knew the other person, but now he said that he was not familiar with the other person's things. Isn't this a bit contradictory?

Judging from how he was able to convince the other party, the relationship between the two parties should be good, right?

Have a good relationship, but your understanding of the other person is limited?
"Don't be surprised, that's the situation. I really don't know much about him. But I know a lot about some of his overseas industries," Thomas added.

"Overseas?" Arnault was very curious.

"Yes, he invested in the palm oil industry in Malay. Wasn't I in Malay a few days ago?" Thomas said.

Arnault nodded. He must have known about his partner and investigated Thomas' past.

So he knew that Thomas had just been transferred back to the British parent company from Malaysia not long ago.

And he also knew that Thomas was engaged in the palm oil industry in Malay.

In this way, it is not surprising that Thomas and the other party know each other. After all, they were once colleagues.

“Our company in Malay was sold to him,” Thomas said.

"I see." A look of surprise appeared on Arnault's face. No wonder, this person has had business contacts. "It is indeed very powerful to be able to acquire your company in Malay. It will not be better than this investment." Less."

Although he didn’t know how much the Guinness Group sold for the palm oil company in Malaysia, it was probably hundreds of millions of dollars, and it would definitely not be less than the stock acquisition this time.

Being able to spend such a large sum of money to acquire it, the strength cannot be underestimated.

And this time it was such a large-scale acquisition of stocks.

"You still underestimate him too much." Thomas smiled and said, "When I left Malay, that little brother's assets in the Malaysian palm oil industry were probably no less than 20 billion US dollars."

Arno couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

When did such a remarkable figure appear in India, I had no idea.

"Really?" Arnaud asked instinctively.

"By the way, I almost forgot, his company is not listed, it's just some valuation of its assets, such as plantations, factories, etc." Thomas added.

After Arnault was stunned for a moment, he finally sighed and said: "It's really important to get to know such a person well. By the way, Mr. Thomas, you just called him your little brother. Don't you think he is very old?"

Arnault understood what Thomas meant. If the other party's company went public, it would be easy to double its market value. This is really real strength.

Listed companies are still relatively fictitious. The market value may suddenly soar, but they may also be thrown into hell.

"You'll know when you meet him. I think you have to meet him too. You have to agree to some of his requests." Thomas smiled.

"It seems that the other party is really young. I really want to meet him." Arnault was not annoyed by Thomas's lack of confidence. Instead, he was even more interested. "By the way, what conditions does he have?" ?”

Thomas told him about Qiaogo's conditions.

"That's it?" Arnault couldn't believe his ears. The other party mentioned such a small thing?
Just go to India to open a store. When you take control of LVMH, will it not be a matter of your own words?

"I think after meeting, he should add some more. I think as long as his requirements are not excessive, they can be met," Thomas said.

"Of course, as long as there is no conflict with me, everything else is easy to talk about." Arnault said with a smile, "Then let's meet tomorrow."

The other party is not interested in the control of LVMH. He can give away profits from other things. How can I say that the other party holds nearly 10% of the stock and is a major shareholder, so it is worth wooing.

(End of this chapter)

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