Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 325: 1000 million US dollars is not enough

Chapter 325: 1000 million US dollars is not enough ([-] words updated, please vote for me)
The new high-end shopping mall industry has been in turmoil recently as Qiaogo introduced foreign luxury brands.

It can be said that all those with insufficient strength have been eliminated from the high-end ranks.

Those with power, such as the Dutta family, had the same idea as Anil and immediately sent people abroad to find partners for luxury brands.

For the Dutta family, the petrochemical industry may not be able to restart unless the government returns the money.

And even if it comes back, the dispute over the factory land has not been completely sorted out. In short, the project is in a mess.

After being manipulated by the government, they can focus entirely on the square project for the time being.

But this time, Qiao Ge made them jump around again.

This time the heirs of the three families also wanted to fight for it. After all, the petrochemical industry was not doing well, and there was too much dissatisfaction among the family members.

However, the clan leaders still resisted the pressure. These clan leaders obviously did not want to admit that they had made a mistake and did not admit that there was a problem with the ability of their chosen successors, so they decided to give them another chance.

Therefore, these three people want to prove themselves even more, thinking of using the square project to make up for their shortcomings in petrochemical industry.

As long as this is done, there will at least be an explanation.

For Qiaogo, the main purpose of introducing luxury brands is to maintain his dominant position.

It also targets powerful investors like Ambani Plaza.

As for other small investors, they are not actually among Qiaogo’s opponents.

Even without Qiao Ge's impact this time, these small investors would basically not be able to build high-end shopping malls in the end.

Domestic high-end brands are not fools, they will also look for powerful companies to cooperate.

Now that some people have quit, they may have to thank Jogo in the future.

If they really go down this road, they will most likely lose money.

Qiaogo soon learned about Anil, the Dutta family and others sending people abroad.

Qiao Ge knew what these people were going to do without even thinking about it.

They also want to introduce foreign luxury brands.

Now Qiao Ge doesn't care very much, after all, he is the first.

Even if Anil and the others succeed in introducing it later, it will be the second one, an imitator.

This time I stole the show, and the government came out to support me. This was the preferential treatment for being the first.

Can you still think that the government will be so supportive of the next second and third ones?
Obviously impossible.

Everything in the company has returned to normal, and Qiao Ge is very satisfied.

However, the revenue in November was 11 billion, which was 27 million less than that in October.

There is no way, these two months are the time when I have been hit the hardest.

Now that the shock has completely disappeared, Qiaogo believes that revenue will skyrocket in December, return to its original size, and then continue to grow.

Even if the income is less, the funds in Qiaogo's account are still growing, and now there are nearly 230 billion funds.

Qiaogo has a plan for the use of this money, and most of it will be used to acquire land or land-related companies.

For example, companies in the Edible Oil Alliance mainly focus on their planting bases.

Judging from the feedback from Huida, the situation is relatively optimistic.

It is true that many people want to transfer their companies.

It's just that most of them still don't want to transfer the planting bases under their names. They just want to transfer the edible oil business, even some stores.

This is not what Qiao Ge wants. Without a planting base, Qiao Ge would still look down on these shops alone.

So these have to rely on negotiation, but Qiao Ge is not in a hurry.

Time is on their side, and for those people, every day they delay is a day lost.

When the time comes, I really want to acquire these people's oil planting bases. I will say to the outside world that they will be used to grow wheat and corn.

At least now, he cannot show any interest in the edible oil market, lest he arouse the suspicion of the Sitharaman family.

As for growing food, Qiaogo believes that there will be no doubt.

It’s no secret that you got into the grain industry yourself.

The one who will be nervous at that time should be the Aiyar family.

In this way, the effect may be better.

Let them think that only in the edible oil market can they give the Sitharaman family a heavy blow.

As for the Aiyar family, it would be a bit difficult to defeat them all at once.

After all, they don’t have the obvious vulnerability of palm oil like the Sitharaman family.

Of course, the Aiyar family's current high debt can be taken advantage of.

Once the Sitharaman family falls, it will definitely have a great impact on the Aiyar family.

In short, it is imperative to acquire the corresponding companies and land of the Edible Oil Alliance.

At least it can attract the attention of the Eyal family and put pressure on them to prevent them from causing trouble to them elsewhere.

Last time Anil targeted Sirideyu and the others, the Aiyar family also played a big role.

On December 12, Qiaogo set off for Indonesia.

As for Clark, he still had to go there in person.

Not long after sitting on the plane, a surprising voice suddenly sounded beside me: "Mr. Gupta, are you going to Indonesia too?"

Qiao Ge turned around and found a young woman standing in the aisle beside him. He was an acquaintance, Shia from the national TV station.

"It turns out to be Miss Xia. What a coincidence. I have something to do over there, but it's you?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Ah, I am on a business trip to a foreign country. I plan to go there to shoot a documentary about the tropical rainforest." Siya said.

Qiao Ge knew that Sia had not lied to him, because he had seen that there were indeed five or six people with Sia and they were a team.

"Mr. Gupta, can I sit next to you and interview you?" Siya asked expectantly.

"Of course." Qiao Ge asked a bodyguard beside him to change positions with Shia.

The bodyguard didn't say much, got up and walked away.

Since it was a security check at the airport, they were not worried about any threatening weapons, knives, etc. that Sia had on her.

If in other places, even if a woman wanted to get close to Qiao Ge, they would definitely be on guard. It was impossible to really let her sit next to Qiao Ge. She would at least need to be inspected by them.

Seeing the somewhat excited Sia sitting next to him, Qiao Ge's heart moved and he couldn't help but look down from her face.

Although Shia's clothes are very conservative and only her neck is visible, her chest slightly downwards is still unusually fierce.

Regardless of whether Shia approached him intentionally or not, Qiao Ge didn't care.

I am still very attractive to women when I look like this. Who says I am young but rich?

Moreover, it would be nice to have a beautiful woman to chat with during this trip.

"Mr. Gupta, can I ask, are you going to Medan this time because of investment in timber and papermaking?" Siya asked after calming down.

Djogo's investment in Indonesia is not a secret and has been reported in newspapers.

After all, Qiao Ge had publicly advertised for managers at the time.

"Yes, my people have already passed by before. I will go over now to see the progress." Qiaogo replied.

Medan, the capital of North Sumatra Province, is also the largest city on Sumatra Island.

Sumatra is the westernmost territory of Indonesia and the largest island, covering an area of ​​47 square kilometers.

Qiaogo chose this place as an investment location for several reasons.

Sumatra later became the place with the largest area of ​​oil palm plantations in Indonesia.

In addition, Sumatra is the closest to India, especially Medan, which is on the west side of the island and closer to India.

Of course, the most important thing now is that the forest resources here are rich and the virgin forest covers a large area.

Otherwise, Shia and the others would not have chosen this place to film a documentary about the tropical rainforest.

"Mr. Gupta, don't your paper and timber industries have to cut down many trees? That will cause huge harm to the tropical rainforest. What do you think of this?" Siya asked.

"Before answering your question, I would like to ask Miss Shia a few questions." Qiao Ge did not expect that she would ask this.

But considering that she came here this time to shoot a documentary about the tropical rainforest, it must be in the name of protecting the tropical rainforest. The words "the lungs of the earth" may come out later.

"Does Miss Shia use paper?" Shiya was stunned, how could she not use it?
How can we live without paper in our daily life and work?
Before Shia could answer, Qiao Ge continued: "Are the tables, chairs, stools, and furniture cabinets used in Miss Shia's home made of wood?"

Shia's face turned red, and she immediately understood the meaning of Qiao Ge's words.

"Mr. Gupta, are you saying that everything we use is made of trees?" Siya asked.

"That's right." Qiao Ge confirmed her words, "If you don't cut down the trees, where will these come from? Besides, if I don't do it, someone will do it, right? If that's the case, why can't it be me?"

Shia couldn't refute, it was true.

In the end I could only let out a long sigh.

"You are right." Sia said.

"Miss Shia, let's not talk about these unpleasant topics. I wonder how long your filming will take?" Qiao Ge asked.

"It's hard to say. The leaders above hope that we can end it within a month." Shia said.

"One month, isn't it quite a rush?"

"Yeah, it's too late. I heard that there are no roads in the tropical rainforest, and the conditions are complicated. It's not that easy to take pictures," Sia said.

"You have to pay attention to safety. That kind of place is full of danger." Qiao Ge said, "I think a beauty like Miss Shia shouldn't go to that kind of place."

"Mr. Gupta, don't look down on women. We can do what men can do," Siya said with a serious face.

These words made Qiao Ge stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that she was still a strong woman.

Of course, it is also possible that this woman is pretending to be different in order to show that she is different from other women.

This will attract men's attention more.

Qiao Ge could clearly feel the woman's intention to get closer to him.

It's too easy for a man like himself to want a woman, and ordinary women still can't get enough of him.

That's why this woman established such a persona.

However, this may be because Qiao Ge is overthinking, and maybe this woman is really like this.

Someone who works on a national television station is really quite capable.

The other party has interviewed her several times before, and Qiao Ge can feel that she has done a good job in this field.

If you get into a national TV station through some connections, you will probably stay inside the TV station and rarely do real work.

Because these connections have limited capabilities, and even just hang out in the TV station in name, it is obviously impossible for these guys to come out to do things.

If they really want to come out, it will definitely be an accident of some kind.

"I don't mean to look down on women, but some jobs are divided into men and women. Some are more suitable for men, and some are more suitable for women." Qiao Ge said, "You can stay in the country and do reporting work."

"Alas~~" Sia suddenly sighed longly.

"What's the secret?" Qiao Ge's heart moved, "Is it possible that someone inside the TV station is making things difficult for you?"

This woman deliberately approached her, obviously because she wanted to use her identity to do something, such as using her influence.

From Qiao Ge's point of view, if Siya did not rely on connections to get into the TV station through relationships, then she really got into the TV station through strength. If her background is not enough, it is not surprising that she will be subject to various potential rules with her appearance.

If you don't give in, all kinds of little shoes will be thrown at you.

Qiao Ge felt that this time Shia came here to shoot a documentary, she was probably being tricked. This was not a good or bad trip, but a hard job.

Photographing a tropical rainforest means being in the wilderness.

In a place like a tropical rain forest, you might encounter various beasts.

There are tigers in the forests of Indonesia. Sumatran tigers. If one of them fails, he may die.

In addition, various mosquitoes and poisonous insects are difficult to guard against. Once infected or poisoned, you may die.

If we go to developed countries such as Europe and the United States to shoot documentaries about some cities, that would be the pros and cons.

In the city, shooting is actually equivalent to traveling.

"That's not true." Siya smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with the TV station. It was my own request. In fact, it's good to come out this time, so I don't have to see some disgusting guys."

"Could it be that you had a conflict with your boyfriend?" Qiao Ge asked.

Considering Shia's age, it's not surprising that she would have a boyfriend.

Qiao Ge thinks this is a bit exciting, someone else's girlfriend...

"Mr. Gupta, I am single and haven't talked about it yet." Siya said with her big eyes blinking at Qiao Ge.

Qiao Ge's heart skipped a beat, this woman's eyes were so alluring.

And what does this mean, the hint to myself?

It's a bit obvious.

However, he is not so hungry yet, and he still has the corresponding vigilance.


Chatting with beautiful women on the plane makes the journey less boring.

After arriving at Medan Airport, the two parties separated.

Clark came to pick him up, and the group quickly arrived at the company.

However, the current company is still empty. Wood processing plants and paper mills are still being planned and have not been built yet.

"Boss, we have now purchased the land in this forest. Oh, of course, these trees also belong to us." Clark spread the map on the table and circled the land purchased on it.

After Clark's introduction, Qiaogo learned that he already had 5 hectares of forest land in Indonesia. He spent 500 million US dollars, about 85 billion Indonesian rupiah. Now 1 US dollar can be exchanged for 1700 Indonesian rupiah, which is almost 100 US dollars. per hectare.

The price is very cheap, after all, even the local trees are sold.

But this cannot be calculated here, because these are virgin forests and there are no roads at all.

Even if there is a tree over there, how do you cut it and transport it out?
Before cutting down the trees, I don’t know how much preliminary work it will take to build the road.

The Indonesian government is not a fool. It sells it to you at a low price because it wants you to invest here.

In the future, whether it is building a factory or something else, investment will be needed, which will not only bring fiscal revenue to the government, but also increase local employment.

Therefore, most of these forests are unwanted. Now that foreign investors want to buy them, the government has naturally given them preferential treatment.

Especially since the government knows the strength of Penang Company in Malaysia, isn’t it normal to give some preferential treatment to strong companies?
"Look, boss, the location of this forest is a little off, but if we build a road here, we can reach the port quickly." Clark connected a line on the map to explain to Qiaogo.

Just looking at the map, Qiao Ge must have no idea why it is too big.

However, Clark has not been idle these days. He has understood all the surrounding situations. With his explanation, Qiao Ge was able to outline the layout of the terrain and environment in his mind.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it costs a lot to build the road." Qiao Ge sighed.

"Yes, boss, it is very difficult to build roads. Many of them are swamps. Roadbed treatment is a big problem, so the cost is high. It costs more than 50 US dollars here." Clark said.

It's cheap for a reason.

Otherwise, will it still be your turn?

"Go on," said Jogo.

"Machines and cars for felling and transporting trees are basically imported from abroad. Of course, the same is true for the machines in paper mills. The industry here in Indonesia is not good at all. Even if there are some corresponding machinery and equipment, the quality is not good at all. Want to Transporting on muddy roads in primeval forests places high demands on various engineering vehicles and transport vehicles." Clark said, "So the cost here is also very high. These machines and equipment cost a total of more than 400 million U.S. dollars. It will probably take another Within a month, these machines and equipment will arrive one after another.”

"So, there is not much money left, and the factory construction may not be enough." Qiao Ge said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, boss. I made a mistake in my estimation. I bought too much land at the beginning. I didn't expect that the price of imported machinery and equipment would be much higher than expected. Now I still have 1.7 million Indonesian rupiah in my account. It is indeed a good idea to build a factory." It’s not enough,” Clark said.

"I can't blame you. As for the land, I asked you to buy as much as you can," Qiao Ge said.

1.7 million rupiah is almost US$10.

I gave Clark US$1000 million before, but now it is completely insufficient. I originally planned to increase it later.

However, the French group, in order to acquire LVMH shares, almost exhausted Panda's US dollars and was unable to provide additional funds to Clark for the time being.

"How much capital are needed for two factories?" Qiao Ge asked.

"At least another $100 million is needed so that the two factories can produce small quantities." Clark said.


"Boss, our initial volume is not large, it is considered a small-scale production. This 100 million US dollars can get the factory running. When the boss injects funds later, we can slowly expand the scale of the factory." Clark said.

Qiaogo has invested heavily in France and has already told him, so he knows that his boss really does not have many dollars in hand right now.

(End of this chapter)

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