Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 336 21 billion transfer 7

"Brother, you have confused me. What's going on?" Hebicha asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Harpal and Noma also looked puzzled.

"If we really want to make the so-called new city a success, it will require a huge amount of funds, and this kind of thing needs the government to take the lead. The government will build the various basic supporting facilities in front of it, and then private companies will serve as assistance. Then It is possible. But now, how can the government have the money? Anil is planning to go it alone, and even the Reliance Group cannot afford it. Of course, if the Reliance Group gives its full support, it may be possible to build a so-called new city. In fact, the Reliance Group can Is this such support? Moreover, Anil has bought so much land and wants to build so many new cities, how can he succeed?" Qiaogo said.

The three of Hebicha understood what Qiaogo meant, and it was indeed a matter of funds.

Neither Anil nor Reliance Group can support this kind of new city. If they want to build a new city here, isn't that asking for death?

"To tell you the truth, I have not taken Anil seriously since the new city plan came out. Not to mention that Reliance Group cannot support the Ambani Plaza project indefinitely, even if he does build a new city Well, it will probably be a ghost town in the end." Qiao Ge continued, "So I hope he invests as much as possible, it will be a bottomless pit, let's see how much money he can have to fill this hole."

Listening to Qiao Ge's words, Hebicha and the other three felt cold sweat break out on their foreheads. It was so terrible. If they really wanted to go all the way to the end, wouldn't they be in trouble by then?

"No, we have to transfer it quickly." Hebicha said hurriedly.

"There is no need to do any square projects. The most important thing is to sell these lands to raise funds." Noma also said.

"Qiaogo, are you interested in the lands we have now?" Hapal asked.

Hearing this, Qiao Ge smiled slightly and said: "The few pieces of land we got in the early stage are actually pretty good."

"Then are you willing to acquire it?" Hebicha asked immediately. "Actually, the family is thinking about whether they can use these lands as funds to invest in your Gupta Plaza. Of course, cash is also acceptable."

"Oh?" Qiao Ge raised his eyebrows.

"If it doesn't work, just pretend I didn't say it. Just say it." Hebicha said a little embarrassed.

"I also own land in the cities where you acquired the land in the early stage. There are conflicts, so I am unlikely to acquire it. However, cash investment is not out of the question. I personally support it, but we have to take into account Sharma and The opinions of the Pandit family," said Jogo.

For the Gupta Plaza project, it would actually be possible if several Dutta families join the project.

After all, now that Hebicha and the others have returned to the center of family power, he is willing to help them and take their path to power further.

In the future, they will control the power of Dutta and other major families, which will be their powerful allies.

"That's great." Hebizha and the other three looked happy.

Qiao Ge's statement made them feel at ease.

Qiao Ge agreed, and the other two major families should not stop him.

"Qiaogo, we will discuss this matter in detail later. We have one more thing we want to ask you." Hebicha said.


"It's a petrochemical plant. The family decided to transfer it," Hebicha said.

"Eh? Are you willing?" Qiao Ge was surprised.

"What can you do if you don't want to give up?" Noma said with a bitter smile, "With the current funds of the family, it is impossible to complete the next factory construction. Instead of procrastinating like this, it is better to sell. This way, with the funds, we can also follow You continue to invest.”

"There is still some hesitation in the family about this. Last time you said that the factory could be sold, so can you tell us in detail?" Harpal asked.

Qiao Ge pondered for a moment and said: "I am just basing this on my own analysis, which may not necessarily be accurate. You have a huge funding problem. This project basically cannot be carried out anymore. If it continues to be delayed, it will definitely be unfinished."

"We sold the square project, and we should be able to get some funds back. If we invest these into the factory, we should be able to barely start construction and then slowly raise funds. It may be a little slower, but it should still be completed, right?" Parr expressed some of his thoughts.

"Yes, it's possible. Your idea should be very popular, right?" Qiao Ge asked.

The three Harpals smiled.

To be honest, most people in the family still don’t want to give up the petrochemical project. Some people are thinking of selling the square project, which would have about 100 billion available.

With this funding, even if the factory cannot be completed, it can still persist for a long time.

As long as you give your family a few more years, the remaining funds can be turned around.

"Do you know about the stock market crash a few months ago?" Qiao Ge asked.

"You know, you know, didn't you just take advantage of the stock market crash to buy LVMH's shares at a low price?" Herbicha said with a smile.

Qiao Ge is a shareholder of LVMH, and he has mentioned this matter to them.

However, I didn’t say how many stocks there were specifically.

"Qiaogo, why did you suddenly talk about the stock market?" Noma asked in confusion.

"I would like to say that the international economy is not booming. If we launch these big projects at this time and carry out them forcefully when our own funds are tight, there will be big problems." Qiao Ge said.

It's not that the three of Hebiza didn't understand anything, Qiao Ge's words made their expressions change greatly.

"The international economy will definitely affect the domestic economy. Any accidents can happen by then. Can you ensure that other industries will continue to make money and provide follow-up funds for petrochemical plants? Once something changes, you will We are in a dilemma," said Jogo.

This is of course one reason, but Qiao Ge has another reason that he didn't say.

With their current amount of funds, the progress of factory construction will definitely be greatly affected, and it may not be completed by 91.

At that time, the petrochemical industry license will no longer exist and will be just a piece of waste paper.

If this license is transferred now, it will still be valuable.

Of course, the Herbizza and other families are thinking about making money from other industries in the next few years and investing the money in petrochemical projects.

But after Qiao Ge's reminder, they became wary.Yes, now that the international economy is in turmoil, it is impossible for the country to remain unaffected.

The construction cycle of petrochemical projects is too long. In the first few years, all inputs have no output. If something goes wrong, the capital chain will be broken.

"Then your large-scale investment in the grain and oil market is also in danger?" Hebicha asked.

"Of course, how can there be no risk in doing business?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "It's just that the grain and oil market is still different from the petrochemical industry. If I acquire it, I will have output almost immediately, and I will be stronger in resisting risks. And I Even if this fund is trapped, it won’t be a big problem.”

The three of Hebiza smiled.

It's still a question of money.

They knew Jogo's cash flow was strong.

If several of your own families also have sufficient funds, then investing in the petrochemical industry will definitely be no problem.

It seems that we really need to make a decision on this matter.

However, they cannot make the final decision. They have to take the news back and ask the clan leaders to make the final decision.

"Qiaogo, we want to take this opportunity to tell the patriarchs about the palm oil investment in Malay. Of course, don't worry, I will ask them to keep it confidential. This will increase the persuasiveness." Hebicha asked.

"Okay, although the import of palm oil will basically be liberalized, we still have to be cautious before truly liberalizing it." Qiaogo thought for a while.

Telling several clan leaders can indeed increase the bargaining chips in Hebicha's hands.

It further strengthens the determination of the three major families to invest with them.

On the night after Hebicha returned, Jogo received news from Hapal.

He told Qiaogo that the family had decided to sell both the square project and the petrochemical project.

In the future, some of the funds recovered from these two projects will be invested in Qiaogo's Gupta project, while others will follow Qiaogo to invest in the grain and oil market.

As for the decision made so quickly by the heads of the three major families, it has a lot to do with their investment in the Malay palm oil market.

The three chiefs were really surprised. They never thought that Qiao Ge had such a big layout abroad.

Even Hebicha and the others benefited from it.

They regretted it even more. If they had chosen Hebicha and the others as the responsible persons last time, their three major families would also have benefited.

But it seems it’s not too late now, it’s better to follow Qiao Ge’s footsteps as soon as possible.

Therefore, this grain and oil investment is an excellent opportunity.

Regarding the investment in the square project, Qiaogo did not immediately agree. He had to talk to Sharma and Pandit.

Harpal, of course, understood.

The two major families, Sharma and Pandit, still welcome the joining of Dutta and other families.

After several days of negotiations, Gupta Square was finally valued at 300 billion, and Qiaogo and his team transferred 7% of the shares for 21 billion.

Although the total investment in Gupta Square is 100 billion, the actual capital invested by Qiaogo and others is 30 billion, and the other 70 billion is a loan.

So the market value has increased tenfold.

This is still a preferential price for the three major Dutta families.

If it were anyone else, Qiao Ge and the others would not transfer it, even if the price would be higher.

The main reason is that the three major Dutta families are also powerful, which is helpful to the growth of their alliance.

After all, they are not the three Hebichas before. They represent the three major families and are not of the same nature.

In this 7% share transfer, Qiao Ge can get 5 billion by transferring 15%. Originally he had 67% of the shares, and after the transfer, he still has 62%.

The Sharma family transferred 1%, leaving 14%.

Huaida originally held 5% of the shares personally, but this time he transferred 1% privately.

Whyda did this because he found that the funds in his hands were limited.

Although the family has a final guarantee of 30 billion, it belongs to the family and he personally has too little funds.

Therefore, the price premium of this transfer was quite good. He transferred 1% of his personal shares and was able to withdraw 3 million funds.

Of course, he wouldn't be willing to do more.

After the transfer, the equity distribution of the Gupta Plaza Company is as follows: Jogo 62%, Sharma family 14%, Pandit family 10%, Huida 4%, and the three Dutta families jointly hold 7%. The three of Hebiza have a total of 3%.

If the joint shares of the three major Dutta families are added to the 3% of the three Hebichas, they can be considered to have 10%.

21 billion, the three major Dutta families can pay it now.

The main reason is that they previously raised 100 billion yuan to invest in the square project, but they spent more than 40 billion yuan to acquire the land for the square project, and they still have nearly 60 billion yuan in hand.

For this money, the three major families are almost at their limit.

However, with the plaza project no longer proceeding, the money will become available. (End of chapter)

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