Chapter 340
"Can we let him cause some trouble for Qiao Ge over there?" Anil thought for a moment and asked.

Qiaogo invested US$1000 million in Indonesia, which Anil thought was not a large amount.

But even so, he didn't want Qiao Ge to go so smoothly.

Whenever there is a chance, he will put some eye drops on Qiao Ge and cause some trouble.

"I think it's no problem." Inkid smiled. "They have been operating in Indonesia for more than ten years and have a lot of local connections. Moreover, his steel factory is somewhat small-scale and has some reputation in the local area. And there are The Mittal family also wants to have a relationship with the second young master."

"It's easy to say, as long as they can get this thing done." Anil said with a smile.

As long as you can help yourself with things, build relationships, etc., it's completely acceptable.

"They recently acquired several pieces of land from the Dutta family, and they also want to build a plaza project. However, they feel that their strength is limited, so they are thinking about whether they can merge these lands into Ambani Plaza and convert them into a few shares." Inkid said.

"Huh?" These words made Anil frown.

You're really in a hurry. Now that you've got some news, you dare to raise conditions?

"Second Young Master, I think you can agree. I have already told them that it is impossible to give shares according to the investment amount, because everyone is optimistic about the Ambani Plaza project and the value is much higher. They have no idea about this. Meaning." Inkid hurriedly explained, "Besides, the Indonesian side still needs help from the Mittal family. This matter is beneficial to both parties."

Anil thought about it and felt that it was indeed good for him.

"Then you tell them that they will buy shares at a ratio of three to one. Of course, it's up to you to decide how much they can talk about." Anil said.

Because Kid was so happy, the second young master agreed.

He can be considered as having accomplished the matter.

He has taken a lot of benefits from the Mittal family.

Because the Mittal family wants to get on the big boat of Reliance Group, they are willing to lose even a little bit in terms of buying shares.

"Okay, Second Young Master, I believe that with the help of the Mittal family, the business of that kid in Indonesia will definitely not be so smooth," Inkid said.

"That's right, we just can't let him go smoothly." Anil felt much better.

This is a rare piece of good news recently.


Qiao Ge came to the Indian National Television to find the director Kul Prabhakaran.

Kull can become the director of the station and has a close relationship with Qiao Ge.

So the relationship between the two is very good now.

Qiao Ge came to him because he wanted to learn more about the top government trends from his side.

As a national television station, it naturally needs to play the role of the government's microphone. Some of their words actually represent the opinions of senior officials.

Therefore, the station leader Kuhl has access to some ideas of the upper-level bosses.

Especially regarding the liberalization of palm oil, Qiao Ge is still very concerned. After all, it has been some time and the policy has not been officially released yet. Qiao Ge is inevitably a little anxious.

On Kull's side, Qiaogo got some news.

Judging from various signs, this policy will probably be introduced within a month or two, because their TV station has recently reported relevant news, just to build momentum for the introduction of the policy.

Qiao Ge came out of the director's office with satisfaction.

"Huh? Mr. Gupta?" Just as Qiaogo walked to the door of the TV station, he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind.

"It turns out to be Miss Shia. Why, are you going on a mission again?" Qiao Ge turned around and found that he was an acquaintance.

"It's over. I just interviewed a foreign guest. Does Mr. Gupta want to go back?" Siya asked.

"Yes, I just had something to do with your director, and now I'm going back. Is your health okay?"

"It's okay, Mr. Gupta. Thank you very much last time. If it weren't for you, I would definitely be dead." Siya said gratefully.

It was too dangerous last time in Indonesia. If Qiao Ge hadn't helped find a doctor for treatment, she would have died.

After returning from Indonesia, I never found a chance to thank Qiao Ge.

After all, with her status, it is not easy to see Qiao Ge.

"You're welcome. Those who are away from home must of course help each other."

"Mr. Gupta, it's almost noon now. I would like to treat you to a meal as a token of my gratitude." Siya stared at Qiao Ge and said.

"Okay, then I'm welcome." Qiao Ge agreed happily after thinking that he seemed to have nothing to do in the afternoon.

While eating, Sia took off her coat.

This made Qiao Ge's eyes light up.

Because Shia's clothes inside are completely different from her usual clothes. She used to wear traditional clothes.

Now it's a business suit, a light blue women's suit jacket with a white shirt underneath and a blue skirt.

The most terrible thing is wearing black silk.

Just now, she was wearing a traditional long skirt, which was quite tightly wrapped, so Qiao Ge really didn't notice it.

This kind of dress is definitely rare in India. If you wear it out, you may be criticized by those traditional and conservative people.

However, Qiao Ge admired it very much. This could be regarded as a bit of a modern woman.

Seeing Qiao Ge staring at her, Shia blushed slightly and said, "I don't usually dress like this. It's mainly for interviewing foreign guests. It's a bit special."

"That's good." Qiao Ge smiled.

"Really? I'm so unaccustomed to it. I wonder what will happen if someone sees me." Shia breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right, you still have to be careful outside." Qiao Ge said, "When did you come back?"

"I came back three days ago. Because of my incident, the filming progress was slowed down a lot, so I stayed in Indonesia for a few more days. Fortunately, the filming went smoothly in the end, otherwise I would be a sinner." Siya said, " Mr. Gupta, I will pay you back the medical expenses last time."

"It doesn't matter." Qiao Ge smiled.

The medical expenses last time were quite large. Even if Shia's salary at the national television station was not low, it would take several years to pay it off without eating or drinking.

But for Qiao Ge, it is not worth mentioning.

"Are you going back to the TV station later? I'll take you back." Qiao Ge said. "No, today's interview is over. The boss gave me leave, so I'll have nothing to do in the afternoon. I'll go home and have a good rest." Siya said.

"Okay then, I'll take you home."

"No, I can go back by myself. It would be too much of your time."

"It's okay, I'm fine today too."

So, Siya took Qiao Ge's car back to her rented community.

The environment of the community is not bad, it is a mid-range community in New Delhi.

After all, Xia is considered a high-income group, especially a woman, so the living environment must be guaranteed to a certain extent, otherwise the public security in such a poor place will be difficult to describe.

"Mr. Gupta, if you really have nothing to do this afternoon, why don't you go up and sit for a while?" Siya asked in a low voice.

"Okay, excuse me for that." Qiao Ge agreed immediately.

"Don't bother." Siya said with a happy face.

When Shia opened the door, Qiaogo's bodyguard went in first.

"Sorry, they are here to ensure my safety." Qiao Ge explained.

"It should be." Shia has been in contact with many high-level elites, so she knows a lot about these security guards and the like.

Two bodyguards came out quickly and said it was okay.

At home, Shia just wore a shirt.

Looking at the big and fierce button, it felt like it was going to burst.

I have to say that Sia's figure still makes Qiao Ge a little unable to take his eyes away.

Although he has many women, and all of them are outstanding in appearance, each woman has her own temperament.

Of course Shia could feel Qiao Ge's blazing gaze.

"Mr. Gupta~~~" Siya walked up to Qiao Ge, stretched out her hand and started to unbutton her white shirt.

"Miss Shia, what are you doing?" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment.

"I~~~you saved my life, and I have nothing to repay you with, so~~"

Qiao Ge didn't expect that such a scene of committing himself to each other could happen.

But for beautiful women, and those that he likes, of course he will not reject her in his heart.

Even if Shia has some small thoughts, Qiao Ge doesn't care.

With his current ability, it is easy to help her. Whether it is a position in a TV station or something else, he has the financial resources and connections.

So whether Shia really wanted to repay herself or she was just looking for an excuse to get close to her, Qiaogo didn't care.

"Actually, you don't have to be like this~~"

Before Qiao Ge finished speaking, Shia pressed against Qiao Ge.

The atmosphere was in place, and Qiao Ge was not pretentious.

Just push when it's time to push, just push when it's time.


"What are your plans next?" Qiao Ge looked at the woman beside him and asked, "Whether you want to stay in the TV station or come out, you can."

Shia said before that she had never been in love, but Qiao Ge could not verify it.

But he was certain that he was her first man.

Speaking of which, it can be seen from Siya's previous clothes that she is still relatively traditional.

But just now she was more crazy, but Qiao Ge also seemed more excited.

"I'm still in the TV station. It's hard to get a foothold here." Sia said.

"Is it not easy for you to be alone?" Qiao Ge asked.

He already knew that Siya's mother passed away a few years ago and she didn't have many relatives or friends in New Delhi.

It turns out that Sia wants to continue to stay in the TV station, which is fine.

Qiaogo thought that in the next few years, the government would liberalize private TV stations, and then he could put Shia in charge.

I definitely need a TV station.

Just like a newspaper, this is one of the best tools for controlling public opinion, and you have to have someone reliable in charge.

"Well, outside, women are always bullied, but fortunately, I have the help of my cousin. She helped with some relationships, so it's not bad at the TV station." Siya said.

"Oh, so you have a powerful cousin?" Qiao Ge said a little surprised.

But it's not surprising when you think about it.

With Xia's appearance and temperament, if she didn't have someone to support her, she would have been targeted long ago. How could she wait until now for her to succeed?

"Oh, by the way, does Lixide often harass you? Don't worry, it won't happen again in the future." Qiao Ge said suddenly.

He remembered this matter. Although Lishid was now his ally, Shia was now his woman, so there must be no compromise on this matter.

There is no reason for him to give his woman away.

Hearing this, Sia's little face sank: "That's a bastard."

"What? Did he do anything to you?" Qiao Ge asked hurriedly.

"No~~ It's not what you think." Shia realized that Qiao Ge had misunderstood.

Although she didn't want to say more about this matter, facing Qiaogo's question, Shia decided to tell the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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