Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 350: Taking the Top 3

Chapter 350: Taking the top three (asking for monthly votes)

When Qiaogo got the news, Anil also got the news from the Mittal family.

"Okay, I didn't expect the Mittal family to act quickly and decisively. There is a mine nearby, and the forests in Qiaogo will soon be polluted and die. I wonder how they can make paper and process wood. ." Anil laughed.

Naturally, he didn't know that Qiaogo eventually wanted this land to be used as an oil palm plantation, and thought it was just for paper making and wood processing.

"That boy's forest area is not small, and it is inconvenient to cut down. There are no roads, so it is absolutely impossible to cut down all the trees in a short time. He will lose at least half of his investment this time." Inkid said.

"Yes, yes, the Mittal family is really good. It's worthy of me to bring them to make a fortune together." Anil felt much better again.

A few days ago, Qiao Ge wanted to buy his own Reliance Group shares, which was simply too arrogant.

Also, regarding palm oil, Jogo was too high-profile, which made him very uncomfortable.

However, he believes that the Sitharaman family should be able to deal with Qiao Ge. If they can't handle Qiao Ge in their own advantageous industry, then the old guys from the Sitharaman family can really die.

"Asshole, do you really think you are omnipotent? Can you master all industries? Ridiculous!" Anil secretly mocked in his heart.

This time, he was finally able to give Qiao Ge a hard blow and let him know that not everything he wanted to do would be successful.

Anil's pride did not last three days. Three days later, Kidd brought him bad news.

In Indonesia, the local government terminated the sale of iron ore mines.

"What's going on? Didn't the Mittal family say they were in good talks with the local government? Have they basically reached an agreement?" Anil didn't expect that things would turn around. Wasn't this a slap in the face?
Have you been happy these past three days in vain?

"The government says that mining has too much impact on the surrounding environment and the pollution is too serious..."

Before Inkid finished speaking, Anil immediately roared: "Fart, who cares about the environment and pollution when you can make money? This is just an excuse. What is going on? It is the Mittal family's problem. Or is it a problem with the local government in Indonesia?”

Anil didn't believe such nonsense, he was not a three-year-old child.

The flip side of this matter is definitely not an environmental or pollution issue.

"Mittal said that this was the response from the government, but they inquired through acquaintances in the government and found out that this was an order from Jakarta, so it should be the guy from Jogo who found a connection there," Inkid said. .

"That kid has connections with the upper echelons of Jakarta?" Anil was stunned for a moment.

What a surprise. Does that kid have such great abilities?

To be honest, he thought that Qiaogo went there to invest, and never thought that Qiaogo had any government background there.

It's normal for him to think so.

After all, everyone knows Qiao Ge’s origins.

In the past, we were just a small wealthy family in China, and we didn't have many domestic government connections. How could we have anything to do with foreign governments?

"Perhaps he invested 1000 million U.S. dollars and someone in Jakarta knew him?" Inkid said, not sure.

"How is it possible?" Anil immediately retorted, "A US$1000 million investment is still not enough to attract the attention of Jakarta's top brass. It would make sense if the local government paid more attention to it."

"But that guy just has connections in Jakarta and can't figure it out." Yinjid sighed.

An investment of US$1000 million is neither too much nor too little.

But it’s still impossible to gain connections with Jakarta’s upper class by investing US$1000 million.

"Perhaps the people in Jakarta were deceived by that kid Qiaogo." Yinjid suddenly had an idea.

"What do you mean?"

"Right now, Jogo has only invested 1000 million US dollars. I think he may tell Jakarta that he will continue to invest in the future, such as investing tens of millions of US dollars more. Even if he is more ruthless, he can say that he will invest [-] million US dollars." Something like that," Inkid said.

"Well, your speculation makes sense." Anil agreed.

In order for Jakarta to keep Qiaogo as a foreign investor, it is really possible to resolve this matter.
After all, for the Indonesian government, the more foreign investment, the better.

In fact, they still don't know that the reason why Jakarta is helping Qiaogo handle this matter is not because of how much Qiaogo will invest in the future.

That's because they know more about Jogo's industry in Malay.

Just Jogo's assets in Malaysia are enough for Jakarta to treat Jogo with high standards.

Jakarta is still very clear-headed. As long as they can retain Jogo, will the investment he brings in the future be more than 2000 million US dollars?

As for Lakshmi's desire to acquire an iron ore mine, that's simple. The government will find him another iron ore mine, or at worst, give him some discounts as compensation.

Wouldn’t that mean everyone is happy and have the best of both worlds?
"It's just that I think it's hard to tell the truth about that kid Qiaogo's continued investment. Maybe it's just to fool Jakarta, just to resolve this crisis." Inkid said.

"It's not impossible. You ask Lakshmi, the eldest son of the Mittal family, to find a way to remind Jakarta. You can't let this kid resolve this incident so easily." Anil said.

Inkid immediately contacted Mittal.But not long after, news came back from the Mittal family.

Said it couldn't be done.

According to Lakshmi, since Jogo has convinced Jakarta's top management, no matter what investment commitment he made, it is probably true.

At least Jakarta believed it, so even if he went to find someone, it would probably be useless.

"Asshole, I just said that the Mittal family is reliable in doing things, but I didn't expect that they would still be so incompetent in the end." Anil immediately vented his anger on the Mittal family.

Seeing that Qiao Ge's investment in Indonesia was going to be unlucky, he was happy, but what about now?
Isn't it a joke that I looked so happy a few days ago?
"Second Young Master, we can't blame them for this. What they said makes sense. No matter what, Jakarta has taken action, and the outcome of this matter has already been decided." Yinjid persuaded, "You don't have to Worry, Lakshmi has been operating in Indonesia for more than ten years. How can his connections and influence be compared to that kid from Jogo? If it doesn’t work this time, there will be another time.”

Hearing this, Anil's anger calmed down a little.

Yes, the days are long.

Lakshmi has been in Indonesia for such a long time and is said to be quite famous locally. She has an advantage over Jogo.

"Okay, then let the Mittal family keep Qiaogo locked up. As long as there is a chance, they must not let him go." Anil snorted coldly.

If it doesn't work this time, then wait until next time. You can always find an opportunity.

Palm oil imports are booming, Qiaogo sees it and is happy in his heart.

We import large amounts of palm oil, which means it can have a huge impact on the traditional edible oil market.

However, the current import volume of palm oil is still very small compared to the consumption of traditional edible oil, so the impact on the Sitharaman family is not big. After all, it has only just begun.

Qiao Ge believes that as long as it continues, it will look good.

The more palm oil is imported, the lower sales of traditional cooking oils will be.

You must know that the Sitharaman family is still in the traditional edible oil market, and this loss will be very huge.

If palm oil alone dominates the market at a loss, the Sitharaman family will surely be able to sustain it for a long time.

But if their traditional cooking oil market collapses, how long can they last?
On the palm oil side, Qiao Ge has done almost everything, and now it's up to time. He just has to wait.

At the end of May, the test results of various universities came out one after another, and the admission data of Indian Institute of Technology in particular attracted much attention.

The Beyond Group is very popular, and their results in this exam are simply incredible.

The top three are all beyond the group, 6 are in the top ten, and 67 are in the top [-]. This data is really shocking.

It can be said that the previous places are all taken.

As a result, the Beyond Group published publicity in various newspapers to build momentum. In fact, even if they did not report much, some newspapers themselves reported it.

After all, such results are simply amazing. It is very good news and everyone is willing to publish it in the newspaper.

Qiao Ge summoned Anand, Niuse, Tulu and Gulaga. They needed to discuss the results of the Beyond Group.

"Can we start? I really want to see their surprised expressions. The plot will suddenly turn around. It's so interesting." News said eagerly.

Of course he knows Qiao Ge's plan and has collected all kinds of evidence. As long as he reports these, the Beyond Group will be finished.

As a news media person, he likes big news like this, and it is exclusive and gives him a sense of accomplishment.

"That should be enough, right?" Qiao Ge glanced at everyone and said, "Does any of you have anything else to say?"

"Boss, I think this matter can be slowed down." Gulaga thought for a while and said, "Now that the shares of Beyond Group have skyrocketed, some major shareholders can't help but pledge their stocks. Even if I don't have this intention, I will Find people and institutions to persuade them to pledge. Among these major shareholders, some of them were not easy for us to buy directly before. Once they have all pledged, we will expose the cheating. If the stock plummets, they will The margin needs to be paid, otherwise these stocks will have to be sold or auctioned, and we have a good chance.”

Qiao Ge understood what Gulaga meant. Although he had found some institutions to cooperate with him and prepared to acquire the stock after the stock fell sharply, he could not say that it would be 100% successful. What if the other party did not sell?
Therefore, we have to think of some ways to get their stocks out before the stocks plummet.

For example, those shareholders engaged in organic farming have been short of funds recently, so they took advantage of the sharp rise in stocks to lobby and pledge their stocks at high prices.

"Okay, but I can't wait for you too long." Qiao Ge said.

"Five days," Gulaga said.

Of course this matter cannot be delayed for too long.

So Gulaga immediately contacted those institutions to help lobby the major shareholders of the Beyond Group to pledge their stocks in exchange for funds.

Of course not everyone was convinced, but at least a lot of them were convinced.

After the price of these stocks plummets, only a small part of them can be redeemed.

Then Gulaga can naturally pocket the remaining irredeemable stocks through those institutions.

(End of this chapter)

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