Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 37 Want to be a policeman

Chapter 37 Want to be a policeman
After the press conference, Jogo left the city hall.

"Stingy, too stingy, it's so late, I don't care about the meal." After saying goodbye to several bosses, seeing the sky darken, Qiao Ge couldn't help complaining.

He complained that Fajia didn't invite everyone to a meal.

But he knew that Fajia was really busy now, so he couldn't care about these things.

That's what Qiao Ge thought. He was a little hungry, but he was in a very good mood.

The contract in his arms, the land deed, are all his wealth, worth hundreds of millions, well, [-] million is borrowed, it can only be said that what he earns with this as the principal is his wealth.

A few days ago, he was still worrying about how to repay the million-dollar loan owed by the old Gupta, but now this is not a problem.

Even if there was only 20 rupees in the account, it gave him an instant sense of pride.

Stretched, looked at the watch, it was almost six o'clock, let's go home for dinner.


Qiao Ge heard the sound and saw that Ketu was squatting in a corner near the gate of the city hall. When he saw him coming out, he ran over quickly.

"Why are you here? How about Gal and the others?" Jogo asked.

When he came out of the Hedala Police Station, he asked Ketu to accompany Gal and the others back.

"Fortunately, it's nothing serious. They went to buy hair again after they went back." Ketu smiled and said, "They asked me to tell you that they will find a way to make up for the time lost today by working overtime. Master, the hair you want."

Jogo breathed a sigh of relief, there was really no problem, it must have been a skin trauma.

After all, the Hedala Police Department wanted to extort some rupees this time, so they wouldn't beat Gal and the others to death.

"Anything else?" Jhogo asked.

"Not long after you left, Boss Sha was called by the police to cooperate with the investigation." Ketu said with excitement on his face, but the excitement didn't last long, "It's just that within an hour, he was released again. But Don't worry, young master, the police have arrested several of his bosses, and those guys haven't been released yet."

Qiao Ge couldn't help but ponder for a while, this Jiha Sha is no longer a complete gang leader, he already has his own serious company and industry, called 'J Company', named after the English letter at the beginning of his name, that is to say, he It started to wash away.

So he probably wasn't involved in the arrest of Gal and Jajam.

Jogo also felt that this kind of trivial matter could not be an order from Jiha Sha himself, and most of it was caused by the little boss under him.

But what is going on here, Ketu is not very clear now, it seems that he has to find time to ask Gal and them in person.

"Go back and tell Gal and them that I'll go look for them tomorrow afternoon. It's a little late, so you can go back by car." Jogo thought for a while and said.

Whether the matter of Gal and the others is big or small, if it is not solved thoroughly, it will delay the purchase of their own hair, so it is not a small matter.

But now that Fred has stepped in, it should be fine.

Ketu shook his head and agreed.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that Ketu seemed hesitant to speak, Qiao Ge couldn't help asking, "Did you bring any money? I have it here."

As he said that, Qiao Ge was about to touch the money from his pocket.

"No, no, master, it's not that long, and it's quick to walk back. Besides, I have 10 rupees on me." Ketu nodded hurriedly and said, "Master, I~~ I want to ask you, do you think I can be a local?" What about the police?"

"Of course." Jogo laughed, "Do you want to be a policeman?"

"That's right, young master, what happened today made me think a lot." Ketu thought for a while and said, "I heard that the arrested bosses under Boss Sha were severely beaten up at the police station. You may not know the young master, but I know one of the bosses. He is really a well-known figure in Dharavi. Although he is not as good as Boss Sha, as long as he says a word, the people nearby dare not say a word. There are nearly a hundred younger brothers under him. .But such a person, who didn't even dare to show his breath in the police station, was beaten terribly anyway. It's better to be a policeman, majestic."

As for the police, of course they are good, but they are all violent institutions.

Although the wages of the local grassroots policemen are not high, they are much better than Ketu and others who do odd jobs at the docks.

Besides, these policemen still have a lot of gray income, generally speaking, it is still very considerable.

As for those gangs, if the police really want to take action, most of them will be cold.

Of course, people like Jiha Sha cannot be moved by grassroots police stations like Hedala, because Boss Sha has long been laundering, and now he is a rich man on the surface, with connections in the government and the police system, and others Several senior officials have established contacts.

"I support you, but the selection of the police requires an exam. Are you confident?" Jogo asked.

Local police officers are recruited locally, and the standards are different, but there are still some selections, such as examinations.

As for the difficulty of the exam, it's actually not that high. It's completely different from the selection of the federal police.

However, most of the local grassroots policemen are of low caste and have a low level of education. Generally, as long as they have received ten years of education, that is, they can sign up after graduating from junior high school.

So this exam is still very big for them, and not many people can pass it.

By the way, I would like to mention the civil service examination in India. The civil service examination is also extremely difficult. The candidates are all elites. Candidates are often college students, professors, doctors, lawyers, doctors and so on.

India's civil service examination is very different from China's.

In China, those who have just been admitted to the civil service are almost staff members with a bachelor's degree, and a correspondingly higher level for a master's degree and a doctorate degree.

India is completely different. As long as you can be admitted as a civil servant, you are an official in charge of actual power, such as directly serving as a county magistrate.

That is to say, civil servants in India become officials as soon as they pass the entrance examination, and they are middle-level officials, not as department members.

Just like the federal police system, those admitted to the federal police are the fourth-level superintendents, and the start is far ahead of others.

In the Indian civil service system, most of them are employees. These people are not selected through examinations. Their upper limit is almost limited, which is a bit like the difference between formal staff and contract workers.

"This?" Ketu lowered his head, "I'm afraid of this, other strength, running, physical fitness, I believe it will be fine."

"Then make up for the lack." Jogo said, "Sign up for the cram school and try to make up for the culture. Now that you have decided, let's do it."

As he said that, Qiao Ge stuffed two 1000-denomination rupees in his pocket into Ketu's hands.

"Master, no need, I've inquired about the tuition fee, 100 rupees a month is enough, I can pay." Ketu said hastily.

These days his father hired Jogo to get his hair cleaned and made a lot of money, 100 rupees is certainly affordable.

"I know you can afford it, but you only have 10 rupees, how can it be enough? Those cram schools should still be open at night, right? Hurry up and find one to sign up, and start learning from tonight." Qiao Ge said.

"Ah?" Ketu was a little dumbfounded, "Young master, I can't be too late tomorrow."

"Nonsense, hurry up, who knows when the police station will recruit people, it's never wrong to learn more." Qiao Ge glared at Ketu and said.

Ketu shrank his neck and said in a low voice: "Master, in fact, there are kind-hearted people on the side of the road who give tutoring lessons for free. I can go there to attend lessons."

Chogo knew about it. Under the street lamps in Mumbai, some volunteers would teach people how to read for free at night in order to eliminate illiteracy. Most of these volunteers were college students or some party members.

Partisans naturally do this to win the favor of the lower class people, so they can win votes.

"Free is free, but what they teach is very simple. If you want to be admitted to the police, you still have to attend those paid training courses. And you need to recruit more people to watch the warehouse. Tomorrow, at least thirty, Be reliable," Jogo said.

Ketu accepted, and then ran to sign up with only 1000 rupees.

(End of this chapter)

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