Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 39 Please keep me secret

Chapter 39 Please keep me secret

After Ketu left, Qiao Ge thought about it, and before going home, he stopped by the law firm where Yadela worked.

Because he still wants professionals to see if there is any problem with the loan contract. If there is a problem, it may be possible to remedy it before the contract takes effect.

After taking a taxi to the office, fortunately, Yadela was still there.

As Yadela and Jogo mentioned before, he would stay at the office until eight or nine every day before going home, and he was busy with business.

"Loan contract? Show me." Yadela put down the pen in his hand and smiled.

The previous few times he helped Jogo, he got a lot of rewards, and coupled with the relationship between Jogo and Singer, he just did a little favor by looking at the contract.

"2~~~2 million?" Yadela originally thought that Jogo's loan was probably between tens and several million rupees. After all, he knew something about Jogo's funds.

But the amount on the current contract shocked him beyond measure.

"Yes, 2 million, is there any problem with the contract?" Jogo asked.

Yadela really wanted to ask how Jogo borrowed so much money, and why did the five Gohagars agree to borrow so many rupees from a boy?

However, he is still very professional, and after he stabilized his mind, he began to look carefully at the contract.

The contract is actually very simple and doesn't have much content.

In fact, the simpler the contract, the clearer it is. Think about those contracts in the previous life who don't know how many pages, the words are densely packed, who can read it?

And there are some pitfalls in it, people who are not familiar with it and are not professional people can't see it at all.

"Jogo, the contract is fine." Ten minutes later, Yadela put down the contract and said.

Originally, with such a contract, he knew at a glance whether there was any problem, but the amount of this contract was too large, and it was related to acquaintances, so he had to be cautious before thinking about it for a while.

"Then I'm relieved." Jogo smiled.

Seeing Jogo's smile, Yadela couldn't help saying: "Jogo, the contract is fine, but what about your repayment? I still know a little about cotton exports in Mumbai. Large quantities of cotton exports are basically Those big foreign purchasers have cooperated with several big merchants in Mumbai, and other small merchants can only sell their goods to them first. After all, if you go to find them yourself, you can only be some small foreign purchasers. The price is not necessarily high, and the safety is not guaranteed, just like your father at that time~~~”

Speaking of this, Yadela paused for a moment, and felt that it was inappropriate to mention the old Gupta, so he continued: "If they know that you have purchased so much cotton, what will they do if they suppress you? Your cotton cannot The export is in your hands. How will you pay off the loan? The contract states that if you don’t pay off the debt, your cotton will go to Gao Haga and the others. I think they think you can’t sell the cotton to get the money back, so they will There is no problem with the contract itself when you borrow this money, but it is very difficult for you to repay the loan, and they are playing with the cotton you bought."

Adela saw this, and Jogo was not surprised, after all, Bosh also noticed it at the time.

In fact, most people who are a little familiar with Mumbai's cotton export transactions can know it.

Fajia and the others probably bullied themselves when they were young, thinking they didn't understand these things.

"Uncle Yadra, exit is not a problem." Jogo replied.

Looking at the confident Qiaogo, Yadela's heart moved: "Could it be Chinese?"

"Anyway, Uncle Yadela, please help me keep this matter a secret. I don't want people to know how much I borrowed." Jogo didn't answer Yadela, but asked.

Yadela was a little entangled in his heart. A teenager borrowed 2 million rupees, something he couldn't even dream of.

Jogo asked himself to keep it secret, probably because he didn't want his parents to worry.

But if I don't talk about such things, how can I feel good when something happens?
Qiao Ge did have such worries in his heart. The loan amount this time was too huge. If his parents knew about it, would they be able to bear it?

So it's better to hide it first.

"Uncle Yadra, believe me, it's really all right." Jogo continued, "Just like before, who can believe that I can repay my father's debt?"

These words moved Yadela's heart.

"Jogo, I can help you keep this secret, but you really have to be careful. If you have anything to do, just come to me. As long as I can help, I will definitely help you. You must call the Chinese It’s a good relationship, it’s okay if the price is cheaper, the main thing is to sell the cotton.” Yadela was barely persuaded by Jogo.

There is still a year to go, and Jogo may still have a chance.

After all, Qiao Ge had done business with the Chinese, and the Chinese had nothing to do with those big families.

"I will."

Jogo didn't explain too much. If he told Yadela that he didn't sell cotton to the Chinese, he might be more worried.

Let him think so first.

Perhaps other people may also have the same idea after learning that they have purchased a large amount of cotton.

"I have some information on some big cotton merchants in Mumbai, as well as some of their relationships. I thought you were in the cotton business, so I collected them for you. I thought you might trade with them, but I didn't expect you Now you are standing on the opposite side of them, hey, take it back and have a look, if you are familiar with it, I believe it will be good for you." Yadela took out a stack of documents from the drawer and handed it to Jogo.

"Thank you Uncle Yadela." Jogo said gratefully, it was really for his sake.

After coming out of Yadra, Qiao Ge had an idea in his mind, and he rushed to the hotel where Hu Lin and the others were staying without stopping.

Find Zhao Rui and the others, hoping they can help.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, when someone asks whether the cotton they will purchase next will be sold to them, please ask them not to give a positive answer.

For Qiao Ge's request, Hu Lin and the others agreed after thinking about it, which is not a big deal.

It's okay to be ambiguous at that time.

Back home, before going to bed, Jogo read the information given by Yadela.

Only then did he have a clear understanding of the relationship network of the big cotton merchants in Mumbai.

As Adella said, they monopolized the bulk of the cotton business.

At that time, even if I only buy 10 bales, it is not a small amount.

I'm afraid that the small foreign purchasers can't afford it, so they can only find these big purchasers outside, but the big purchasers have a close relationship with the big merchants in Mumbai, and it is impossible to sell to them by themselves.

Fortunately, I have other ideas and can bypass them.

Qiao Ge was lying on the bed, tossing and turning in the first half of the night, unable to fall asleep, and even turned on the light in the middle of the night, took out the contract and looked at it carefully.

It's not that I'm worried about any problems with the contract, but I look at the amount on the contract, and then I smile inexplicably.

"Think I'm a fool, okay, then I'll borrow your money to make money." Qiao Ge whispered.

Otherwise, it would be up to him, not to mention borrowing 2 million, even 20 would be difficult to borrow from the bank.

Of course, if there is something mortgaged, it's okay.

Unsecured credit is too difficult.

After sitting and thinking like this for half an hour, he realized that it was after 12 midnight before Jogo turned off the light and lay down. He slept very soundly in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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