Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 465 New and old 2 ports 2000 billion

As soon as Jogo returned to Mumbai, he was called by Manmohan.

"Qiao Ge, are you planning to build a port?" Manmohan asked directly after seeing Qiao Ge.

Jogo came to New Delhi the day after returning to China.

Qiao Ge still attaches great importance to Manmohan.

Minister of Finance, and he won’t come looking for me for no reason. Once he comes looking for me, it’s probably for some important matter.

Otherwise, for general matters, just contact us on the phone.

"Yes." Jhogo replied.

Mundra Port has been captured by himself, and the surrounding land has been expropriated. However, some finishing work is still going on. Hamid will naturally handle these.

"I also heard that your Hamid is making moves in other coastal states and wants more ports?" Manmohan asked again, "What kind of idea do you have, are you preparing to enter the port industry in a big way? "

"Mr. Singh, I won't hide it from you, I mean this." Qiaogo said, "I think the country's economy will get better and better, and import and export will definitely usher in an explosion, so the demand for ports will definitely increase in the future. It’s huge.”

"You have great confidence in the country." Manmohan said.

"Of course, that's because I have confidence in Mr. Singh."

"You, don't pick up such nice things." Manmohan said a little speechlessly, "Right now, the country's economy is stable, but we still have no idea whether it will succeed in the future. Such a powerful country has It's unbelievable that it's disintegrated. And with that disintegration, it's even more difficult for us."

Qiaogo knew that Manmohan was talking about the Soviet Union. The disintegration had a great impact on India.

In the past, the Soviet Union was India's largest trading country, and the two sides mainly conducted trade in the form of barter.

Now Da Mao is short of foreign exchange, so when trading with Da Mao, we need US dollars and other foreign exchange.

Foreign exchange is also in short supply in India.

We could have obtained a lot of products from the Soviet Union, but now we also need foreign exchange. Imports are naturally made worse.

This situation cannot be resolved in a short while.

Moreover, India owes Damao a lot of money, which amounts to tens of billions of dollars when converted into U.S. dollars.

The current economic difficulties in Mauritius require India to repay its debts in advance.

It's a pity that we can't come up with the money to pay it back.

The Rao government has put off the matter for the time being on the grounds that the loan and other deadlines have not yet expired.

It has to be said that this delay made the Indian government just in luck.

That is the crazy depreciation of the ruble. The rupee, which was originally worth tens of billions of dollars, shrank by tens of millions of times. A few years later, as everyone knows, the Indian government quickly paid off this huge debt with very few dollars. .

"Qiaogo, are you interested in Mumbai Port?" After sighing, Manmohan suddenly said again.

These words made Qiao Ge feel excited.

Who is not interested?
  Mumbai Port has always been the largest port in India. With the continuous completion of the new port, the cargo throughput will be even more terrifying in the future, accounting for half of the country.

However, I really want to win it, but the government has no intention of taking it, and of course Qiao Ge can't say it.

I didn’t expect that Manmohan would come up with such a good thing.

"Mr. Singh, the government shouldn't be able to sell it so easily, right?" Qiaogo said with a smile.

This kind of port is too important. The government will definitely not sell it easily, so there will definitely be some harsh conditions attached.

"That's natural." Manmohan replied, "The country's largest port. The New Port has just been put into the first few phases. It has expanded several times in size and has huge development potential. The government's state-owned shares hold shares in the old Mumbai Port and the New Port. 90%, the government intends to transfer 80% and only retain 10%.”

"Why bother? If you want to sell it, sell it all." Qiao Ge said.

"You are really greedy." Manmohan laughed and scolded, "You have to leave some for the government no matter what. I believe that the port will definitely become better under your management, so leave some shares for the future. It can bring some dividends to the government every year. If it weren't for the current economic difficulties, how could the government sell these shares?"

"Okay, then let's keep 10%." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Don't be too happy too early. It's impossible to give all 70% to you." Manmohan said.

These words made Qiao Ge frown.

He knew it wasn't that simple, and it would be very difficult for him to win.

"But don't worry, you can buy up to 51% of the shares." Manmohan noticed the change in Qiao Ge's expression and couldn't help laughing.

These words made Qiao Ge's brows widen.

51% of the shares means that it guarantees its controlling interest, which is fine.

"Then the remaining 19% should be given to others? Tata Group or Reliance Group?" Jogo asked.

"The two of them each have about 5%, and there are some other families and forces that want to join." Manmohan said, "Qiao Ge, there is nothing we can do about it. This plan has actually been passed with difficulty. After all, everyone can No one will let go easily after seeing the benefits inside.”

"Thank you." Qiao Ge thanked him. He knew that Manmohan must have helped him in this matter.

Otherwise, if the shares of Mumbai Port are auctioned, I will definitely not be able to get 51%. Even if I want to win, the price will be very high.

Manmohan did not mention this matter to himself, but helped him fight for it, which made Qiao Ge even more grateful.

"Don't thank me in a hurry. This matter has not been finalized yet. I will contact the Tata Group and Reliance Group later." Manmohan said, "But I have greeted them before. Although they did not express their stance immediately, But I believe they will say yes.”

"Mr. Singh, I'm curious, how did you convince them?" Qiao Ge was really curious.

Tata Group and Reliance Group should not give in easily to such a good thing.

Even if a huge amount of funds is needed here, with the power of the two groups, they should still be able to get the funds by selling everything, right?
  In terms of bank loans now, they are not as strict as in the past two years and have been relaxed.

"It's actually very simple, that is, part of the acquisition funds must be in foreign exchange such as U.S. dollars. For every 1% of the shares, at least 1000 million U.S. dollars are required. The acquisition priority is divided by the amount of U.S. dollars. Those with the most U.S. dollars can be given priority to acquire shares. Manmohan stared at Qiao Ge and said.

This statement made Qiao Ge stunned for a moment: "If it's 51%, then that's US$5.1 million?"

"Due to the large quota, the government can give you a discount, let's say 5 million, which will exactly offset the 5 million US dollars you lent to the government last time." Manmohan laughed.

Qiao Ge's eyes widened. This was the idea of ​​the emotional government.

"Mr. Singer, how can this be a discount? I obviously lost money, okay? The interest for half a year is more than 1000 million U.S. dollars." Qiao Ge said speechlessly, "But I am willing to accept this plan, which can be offset by 5 million U.S. dollars. Then What is the total price? How many more rupees do I have to pay?”

Even so, it was just a joke, and Qiao Ge was still grateful to Manmohan in his heart.

This plan is actually tailor-made for you.

Whether it is Tata Group or Reliance Group, no one can come up with more than $5 million.

Moreover, he still has a lot of U.S. dollars in his hands. As far as U.S. dollars are concerned, he can easily suppress the other two major groups, let alone others.

The 51% stake must be more than US$5 million, and the remaining shortfall will have to be paid in rupees.

"The old and new ports in Mumbai are valued at 2000 billion rupees," Manmohan said. "If it's 51%, it's about 1000 billion rupees. You should be able to get it, right?"

"How is it possible to get it?" Qiao Ge said, "We have to find a bank loan. The loan amount is a bit large. I hope it will be okay."

"Don't worry, bank loans have been restored. With the high-quality assets in your name, the loan will be no problem." Manmohan laughed.

Kunal Singh is now the President of the Mumbai Branch of the State Bank of India and the Deputy Governor of the Head Office.

The Ambani Plaza loan defaulted before. Although the money has been repaid now, problems arose at that time, and naturally someone needs to take responsibility.

If someone is fucked, someone will naturally be promoted.

Kuna was promoted.

Now Kuna is truly in charge.

Through Kuna, Chogo can easily get a mortgage.

So of course Qiao Ge is not worried about the loan, not to mention that Manmohan, the finance minister, is still here, so it is impossible to be stuck.

On the third day after contacting Manmohan, Qiao Ge received a definite answer and the plan was officially finalized.

Under Manmohan's mediation, everyone else accepted the plan.

You can purchase 51% of the shares for 1020 billion rupees, of which the U.S. dollar part is 5 million. According to the current exchange rate, if 1 U.S. dollar can be exchanged for 26 rupees, it is 130 billion rupees.

So Jogo still needs to pay 890 billion rupees.

Previously, in order to bid for state-owned assets, Qiaogo and others had raised nearly 2500 billion rupees in new funds, of which Qiaogo alone contributed 2000 billion, accounting for 80%.

To this end, Qiaogo specially registered a new company, the Gupta Investment Group, to be responsible for the acquisition of this 2500 billion capital.

Previously, Jogo had a Gupta investment company, which was headed by Guraga Butt.

Various industries and companies acquired with this funds are all under the name of the Gupta Investment Group.

Now Qiaogo still has to count US$5 million. In the end, everyone unanimously decided to increase Qiaogo's shares in the Gupta Investment Group to 90%.

If calculated based on US$5 million converted to US$130 billion, even if this capital injection is increased, Qiao Ge will increase his shares by about 5%.

But this account cannot be calculated just like this.

Who can get $5 million today?
  Not to mention 130 billion rupees, it will be difficult to get 5 million US dollars even if it is doubled.

It is difficult to obtain foreign exchange these days. Even countries such as Mao and Mao are worried about this. It is basically impossible for individuals to obtain many U.S. dollars.

This time the government sold 5% of its shares solely for the sake of Qiaogo's $51 million. Otherwise, why would the government be so cheap on its side?
  Of course, the government also knows that it is very difficult to repay US$5 million, so it uses this method to eliminate this debt.

In fact, if the government really wanted to use rupees to repay its debts, Jogo acquiesced and said so at the time.

But now the government has given a big gift. Exchanging the shares of Mumbai Port for US dollar debt is naturally tens of millions of times better than simply paying off the debt in rupees. (End of chapter)

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