Chapter 492 Wedding (asking for monthly votes)

Among the foreign guests, first of all, they were from nearby countries, such as Li Shenjing from Malay, Huang Zhiyuan and Chen Jianghe from Indonesia, etc.

Although they are not rich people from developed countries in Europe and the United States, it is unusual for foreign bigwigs to come here.

Later, the curiosity of the domestic people was satisfied, and important figures from Europe and the United States also arrived in India.

Arnault, the head of the French LVMH group, and the president of Chanel, Thomas, the president of the British Guinness Group, Lawrence, the vice president of HSBC, and more than a dozen people.

The other people here mainly invested in Black Horse Bank together at that time.

They had a close relationship with Lawrence and others. Later, after learning about Qiaogo's financial resources, they became much closer to Qiaogo.

So those of them who had time recently accepted Qiaogo's invitation, and those who didn't have time asked others to bring blessings.

They are all well-known figures in Europe, America and other countries.

He appears in the news from time to time.

So when they attended, the domestic news media in India immediately exploded.

Of course, it is often the upper class elites in India who know the identities of these people.

How can ordinary people in India have such knowledge? Arnault is the one they are familiar with.

Because when Qiao Ge introduced luxury goods such as LV, Arnault was present in person and appeared in major domestic newspapers. This was considered the second time, so many people knew him.

In order to let ordinary people understand the influence of others, various news media carefully describe their identities one by one.

It can be said that these people are the bosses of large companies in developed countries in Europe and the United States, and they are all very famous internationally.

The influence is not comparable to that of these rich people in India.

It is usually very difficult to hire such a character, but now, there are so many at once.

But this is not the most breaking news.

It is said that Mr. Rohatin, the Wall Street financial tycoon in the beautiful country, will also come to attend Qiao Ge’s wedding.

The absolute majority of the people in the country have definitely never heard of this name, so many newspapers and other media have also begun to speculate on what kind of person Prolohatin is.

All his previous amazing deeds were reported, and everyone praised him for being awesome.

There are recent rumors that Mr. Rohatyn has accepted an invitation from the current president of the United States Congress and will hold an important position in the government.

The arrival of such a person drove the Indian people into madness.

With such big names here, Mr. Gupta is really the pride of India.

This makes the Indian people very proud.

In their view, even senior government officials and the Prime Minister may not be able to allow so many foreign dignitaries to come over.

But Mr. Gupta did it, which gave Jhogo an unprecedented rise in status.

The whole of India was in a state of carnival, especially Mumbai, which was proud of Chogo alone.

Weddings in India, especially weddings of rich people, are all-inclusive for guests, including charter flights, private jets, helicopters, luxury car transfers, etc. In short, the guests will not spend a penny.

Although these guests who came here were not short of money, they also showed Qiao Ge's wealth.

During the wedding, Qiao Ge also did not forget to make a name for himself, that is, he held a large flowing banquet, and the poor in Mumbai could come and enjoy it for seven days.

Moreover, he also chose to spend 100 billion rubles to establish the Gupta Charitable Fund, which is mainly used to relieve the poor, including food, shelter, medical education, etc.

This charitable foundation is jointly managed by Jogo's mother and Beni.

Originally, Qiao Ge wanted to name the fund Bego Charitable Fund.

However, this was rejected by Beni. She said that now that she is married, she will use the surname Gupta.

So the name was decided.

The official wedding reception was held at the Bagal Hotel next to Bagal Plaza (formerly Gupta Square) in Mumbai, which is a magnificent modern luxury five-star hotel.

When marrying the bride, Qiaogo did not ride there in a car, but rode a horse, which was regarded as a traditional way of welcoming the bride.

Then several of Penny's brothers rode on horseback to clear the way and escort her sister to get married.

As their youngest sister, Penny was favored by her brothers.

Of course, now that his sister is married to Qiao Ge, her brothers are doting on her even more.

That night, countless fireworks shot into the sky outside the hotel, and various lights shone like daylight.

The fireworks show and light show gave everyone an unparalleled visual feast.

On the stage in the hotel, countless singing and dancing programs took turns, most of which were traditional Indian singing and dancing programs.

There are many big stars in the Indian film and television industry, especially those from Bollywood, who have come on stage to sing, dance, etc.

Xili Daiyu and the others also came, and even Evie came specially from the beautiful country.

They had mixed feelings about Qiao Ge's marriage.

Because the bride standing on the stage is not them.

But they also understand that there is only one Mrs. Gupta, and Beni's identity is not comparable to theirs.

Whether life will be easy for people like me in the future, in addition to Qiao Ge's protection, it also depends on the face of this lady.

So they all showed surrender and humility.

Jogo attended to the guests and chatted with Ratan Tata and Mukesh Ambani for a while.

Although they were rivals, Qiao Ge still sent invitations to both families.

After all, they are the two most powerful families in the country, so they are not so imprudent. It is their own business to send invitations or not, and it is their business to come or not.

Obviously, the other party would not compete on this kind of thing, so he came anyway.

There were many reporters from the news media on the scene and captured their exchanges. Here, a few people are having a good time chatting with each other, not talking about business.

This is all on the surface. The next business competition will be like this.

"Congratulations, Mr. Gupta!" Modi didn't expect Qiaogo to walk up to him and say hello to him. He was a little flattered and responded hurriedly.

Although he and Qiao Ge knew each other very early, when Qiao Ge was still a young rich man, but now Qiao Ge should not care about him at all.

With his status, he was not qualified to attend this kind of wedding banquet.

But he still got an invitation from Qiao Ge.

Being invited will definitely enhance his reputation in the political arena in the future.

Qiao Ge hurriedly called Beni and said to the people around him with a smile: "Mr. Mody and I have known each other for a long time. It was also the time when Beni and I had just met. At that time, Mr. Mody once said that he wanted to If you don't have tens of billions of dollars in assets, that is, hundreds of billions of rupees, you don't have to think about marrying Beni. So, I made up my mind at that time to achieve this goal and marry the woman I love back home."

Hearing what Qiao Ge said, everyone around him looked at Modi.

Modi's status here is too low. There may be people in the government, especially people in Gujarat, who know him, but most of them don't know him.

Qiaogo's words directly elevated Modi's status.

At least Penny's brothers were much more enthusiastic towards him.

Because Beni and Qiaogo can come together, this Mr. Modi also played a big role.

Many other people also came over to communicate with Modi. After all, his identity was somewhat different.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he and Qiao Ge have a very close relationship.

Modi sighed in his heart that his ability to be promoted step by step over the years was actually closely related to Qiao Ge.

He didn't know why Qiao Ge valued himself so much before.

Just as friends, have we known each other for a long time?

He felt something was wrong. With Qiao Ge's current power, he didn't need to care about him at all.

Now it seems that it was really what I said to Qiao Ge back then, about Beni.

At that time, he just wanted to give Qiaogo some advice, fearing that the young man would be too impulsive and offend the Sharma family.

After all, Qiaogo's hometown is in Gujarat. As an official here, he certainly hopes that such a wealthy person will not have any accidents, so that he can return to his hometown to invest.

Unexpectedly, this unintentional move resulted in such a big surprise.

He will definitely not take credit for this or anything. Qiao Ge thanks himself, but he must keep it in mind and cannot use this as a capital to show off.

I have received a lot of favor from Qiao Ge, and if I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay it.

There are too many important people at the wedding, and many people also interact with each other. This is a rare opportunity.

Especially Manmohan, he had a great time chatting with Lawrence and others. After all, he was an expert in economics and had common topics.

Manmohan also specifically approached Rohatin. After all, Manmohan is now the Finance Minister of India. Rohatin gave him face, and the two had a private exchange.

All in all, everyone in attendance gained a lot.

In particular, many people have struck up conversations with foreign bigwigs. No matter whether they meet again in the future, at least they become familiar with them.

Singing, dancing, eating and drinking, a happy atmosphere permeated the Bego Hotel.

"I'm so tired." In the wedding room, Penny had already changed out of the traditional wedding clothes.

The wedding dress was handmade, sewn with gold thread, and inlaid with countless gems and diamonds, like a walking treasure trove of jewelry.

"It's this once in a lifetime, it's worth the effort." Qiao Ge looked at Beni in front of him, wearing a light dress, which made people look a little more strange than before.

It should be mature and dignified.

Qiao Ge sat next to Beni and said: "It's getting late, let's rest."

Penny responded softly.

Although the two had had various close contacts before, today, Penny was still shy.

The night was hazy, and soon a moving rhythm sounded along with a soft call in the house.


The wedding process was actually not over yet. Early the next morning, Qiaogo and Beni went to the woman's house again.

When Qiaogo and Beni left the wedding room, Qiaogo's mother came in to help clean up. When she saw the dark red spots on the sheets, a smile appeared on her face.

She quickly put the sheet away.

To be honest, she already knew that Qiaogo and Beni were together.

For example, how could young people not be together during the time they went abroad?

What should have happened has already happened.

Therefore, she opened her mind and stopped demanding that her daughter-in-law persist until her wedding day.

But now, she is even more satisfied with Penny. This kind of wedding is the most perfect.

The Sharma family is in New Delhi, and it is impossible for Jogo to run there.

The Sharma family also has property in Mumbai, so Beni's elders are here.

After going to the bride's house and going through various etiquettes, Qiaogo brought the bride back. This was considered complete.

In this wedding, Qiaogo invested nearly 50 billion rupees, equivalent to about 1.7 million U.S. dollars. This is still direct, but the actual cost is even more.

Of course, these investments still produce results.

The most obvious one is the huge advertisement, which is unprecedented.

(End of this chapter)

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