Chapter 502 Disagree (please vote)

"Them?" Hu Lin paused and said, "To be honest, I haven't contacted them since they returned to China. Because I was still in your country at that time, and they didn't continue to do business here. Wait. After I went back, I had little contact with them at work, so I haven't had any contact with them again. However, I did read a report about them in the news a few years ago. It didn't seem to be very good. I lost a lot of business. I don't know what the situation is now. . But don’t worry, I will ask someone to help find them and understand their situation."

Hu Lin knew that Qiao Ge was grateful to him, but at that time it was Zhao Rui and the three of them who really helped Qiao Ge get out of debt, because they were the ones doing business with Qiao Ge and giving money to Qiao Ge.

He just coordinates and acts as a middleman.

"Thank you." Qiao Ge thanked him.

Qiao Ge still had some plans for entering mainland China.

Because he and Zhao Rui have interacted with the three of them, and the three of them are very crucial to him. If it weren't for him, he might not be able to stand up.

So if given the opportunity, I would be willing to share with them some of the benefits of entering the mainland.

They are asked to take charge of some domestic business in China.

Of course, I will continue to observe whether the three of them have this ability.

I didn't expect to hear such news from Hu Lin.

However, this is normal. Those who do business may make profits, lose money, or go bankrupt.

Qiao Ge dared to say that the current situation of the three of them was definitely not good.

The three of them were definitely wealthy in China back then. After so many years, if everything goes well, they would at least be figures, right?

Even if Hu Lin has not come into direct contact with such people, there is always news about them in various news sources, right?

And Hu Lin hasn't heard anything from them in recent years, which shows that they really aren't doing well.

Even so, Jogo wanted to see them again.

The three of them had accumulated a lot of wealth back then. Although they had the courage to seize the opportunity, their courage was definitely higher than that of more than 90% of people. Their abilities should not be underestimated.

"Qiao Ge, I am quite concerned about the economy." Hu Lin said, "especially some international investments. I know you are an expert in this field, so can you listen to some of your suggestions?"

Qiao Ge smiled. He knew that Hu Lin was now working in China's National Planning Commission, which was the country's later development and reform, and he was naturally concerned about the economy, whether it was domestic or international.

"You are making things difficult for me." Qiao Ge said, "Who am I to be an expert?"

"You don't have to be modest. I know a little bit about your achievements over the years." Hu Lin stared at Qiao Ge and said, "I sincerely ask you for advice."

Qiao Ge was silent for a moment and said: "I can't say much about the economy. I'll just talk about some of the directions I plan to invest in recently."

"That's great." Hu Lin said happily.

The investment direction is also fine, it can give yourself a good reference.

"I am planning to invest in the iron ore industry recently," Qiaogo said.

Hu Lin was a little surprised by Qiao Ge's words. Originally, he had wondered whether Qiao Ge would start from Hong Kong, and the investment might spread based on Hong Kong.

Because Qiao Ge invested 5 million US dollars here all at once.

But when Qiao Ge's words came out, Hu Lin immediately realized that it was not at all what he thought.

Iron ore cannot be in the red sky.

"Oh, I heard that you have established steel companies both at home and abroad. Are you optimistic about this industry?" Hu Lin asked.

"Yes, I'm optimistic." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Of course, the current steel industry is not very prosperous, but I am optimistic about the future development prospects."

"Then I really need to ask for advice." Hu Lin asked with a smile. "The overcapacity of steel in the world and the reduction in demand have made it difficult for countless steel plants to survive. Now most experts believe that this cold winter will last for a long time. There should be no signs of recovery in the short term. If you invest now, do you think there will be changes in the short term?"

"No, I don't think the steel industry will recover so quickly." Qiao Ge said, "I also agree with most people's opinions. It will take a lot of time. Five years is probably not enough. I'm afraid it will take ten years."

"It will take ten years to recover. Is it too early to invest in this industry, steel plants and iron ore now?" Hu Lin was a little confused.

In an industry that has been sluggish for a long time, even if the purchase price may be lower at this time, once you get it, you will probably continue to lose money. How can ordinary people afford to lose money for more than ten years?

Looking at Qiao Ge's investments over the years, they are basically very reliable and have made a lot of money.

But in this industry, Qiao Ge also said that it will take a long time to recover, and there is no possibility of profit.

"For most industries, it is indeed a big problem to intervene so early." Qiao Ge said, "For industries with limited resources, it would not be a loss to intervene earlier."

"Limited resources?" Hu Lin frowned slightly. He was confused by Qiao Ge's words. "You said steel resources are limited? The steel plant has closed down and can be rebuilt."

"No, it's iron ore." Qiaogo said.

Qiao Ge was not surprised by Hu Lin's misunderstanding.

Hu Lin may have some understanding of economics, but he is not so proficient in specific industries.    It is normal to not know some situations in the steel industry.

"Is iron ore limited?" Hu Lin thought for a while and said, "Really, these are non-renewable resources on the earth, and they are indeed limited. But the reserves of iron ore are still very large, and the reserves discovered now are very amazing. , there are still some that have not been discovered. Therefore, resources are limited, but if humans are allowed to start production, it will be enough, right? At least there will be no worries for a hundred years, right?"

Hu Lin couldn't help but think of oil. It was said that oil is limited, and there is only so much on the earth. Once production starts and ends, it will be gone.

But now various oil fields are constantly being discovered.

He believes the same is true for iron ore.

Therefore, this resource is limited, and consumption still needs to be considered.

If it can be consumed by the world for more than a hundred years, it is not a scarce resource.

"You are right to say that." Qiao Ge said, "I am thinking that in the future, as the economy recovers and various industries recover, the demand for steel will be very terrifying. There will definitely be no shortage of steel plants by then. Those capitals see that this industry can make money, and there is no doubt about investing in and building factories. But the iron ore is different. Mines are always limited, right? Even though some iron ores are plentiful, the quality of the ore varies greatly. We also have to consider the difficulty of starting production and the cost. Therefore, there are not many iron ore mines with high quality, easy production, and low cost.”

Hu Lin understood what Qiao Ge meant. He wanted to win high-quality mines first.

This is the right choice.

"I am very optimistic about China's economic development, with such a vast land area and such a large population. I don't know how much steel will be consumed just to build houses." Qiao Ge said, "By that time, I am afraid that there will be no iron ore in the country. It must be enough. Even if it is enough, I am afraid it is not suitable for use. As far as I know, foreign iron ore is of higher quality and lower cost. Therefore, once foreign iron ore is controlled by others, you will become You have to be very passive.”

Hu Lin's heart sank.

Qiaogo's words involve national security strategic issues.

Although Qiao Ge’s words are a bit scary and sound impossible now, we still need to have such a long-term development vision.

Otherwise, when the time comes, it will be too late to regret.

"Do you think our country should join now?" Hu Lin asked.

"No one can predict what will happen in the future." Qiao Ge said, "I am just optimistic about the steel industry, so I think that I must have my own supply of iron ore in the future, so that I will not be stuck by others and can reduce the cost. It’s your own cost. I think the same is true for a country, after all, the country has greater demand for these.”

Hu Lin felt that what Qiao Ge said was very reasonable. In many aspects, the country cannot care whether it is profitable or not. Some things must be done even at a loss.

He couldn't help but think of oil. It seemed that oil also applied to Qiaogo's idea.

There is a lot of oil on the earth, and there are only a few regions and countries that are rich in oil.

Isn’t it true that the beautiful country can achieve all kinds of hegemony by taking over several major oil-producing countries in the Middle East, linking oil to the US dollar, and adding military bases all over the world?

Due to China's rapid economic development, the country's own oil is not enough.

Oil imports began for the first time this year.

You must know that the country once exported oil.

There is no way, the demand is great.

If the demand for oil increases in the future, and only a few countries can buy oil, we will be in big trouble once it is restricted.

As a private enterprise, Qiao Ge is willing to take risks and invest in the iron ore industry, and he obviously has a certain degree of confidence.

Thinking about Qiao Ge's journey over the years, he had never made any mistakes, so Hu Lin felt that he really needed to report this matter.

"Can I ask, are you investing on your own or with Mr. Li and others?" Hu Lin asked.

Mr. Li here naturally refers to Li Shenjing, and Hu Lin knows that Qiao Ge has the best relationship with him.

"It's because he joined forces with someone. After all, the amount of investment funds in this industry will be huge, and it requires a strong relationship network to be secure, so he is not the one to cooperate." Qiao Ge said, "John Lawrence of Great Britain, Fei of Beautiful Country Lix Rohatyn and more.”

Qiao Ge did not introduce much, but he believed that Hu Lin should know who they were.

It was impossible for Hu Lin not to know about his relationship with them.

Qiao Ge's words made Hu Lin's expression change.

Sure enough, they have joined forces with the forces in Europe and the United States.

Think about what Qiao Ge said, iron ore will indeed deal with a country. If there are no powerful people in it, it will be difficult to carry out acquisitions, let alone start production in the future.

"How much do you plan to invest?" Hu Lin took a deep breath and asked.

"I'm thinking about 20 billion US dollars. If there is still need in the future, we can increase the capital investment." Qiao Ge replied.

These words made Hu Lin's heart beat wildly. What a generous move.

The amount of investment in this project is so large, it is definitely not as simple as investing in one or two iron ore companies.

(End of this chapter)

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