Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 508 Full Firepower

"How's it going? How's the thing I asked you to do?" Qiao Ge asked.

Qiao Ge doesn't care too much whether the special effects company can be acquired or merged in the end.

These sizes are really small compared to his current investment.

And it is not the industry that he mainly values, it can only be regarded as some incidental investments.

Of course, Qiao Ge will definitely be more careful about this than other incidental investments.

Because the other party’s boss is Steve Jobs, a man who will return to Apple in the future.

Maybe Evie can be asked to buy more Apple stocks and wait for the appreciation in value after this man returns.

"It's done. These are the information I have collected. They are the movies that are currently being prepared and may be shot. Most of them are in the stage of looking for investment funds." Brown immediately took out a stack of information.

When Qiaogo knew that Brown was coming to visit him, he asked him to collect some information.

In fact, this kind of thing is not a problem for Evie. She only needs to issue an order, and the people in the company will naturally handle it.

After all, there is a small film company, and he is considered a member of the circle. It is not too difficult to find out these things.

But these days, she is almost always with Qiao Ge, so Qiao Ge doesn't worry about such small things for her.

After Qiao Ge received the information, he began to read the contents inside.

Finally he saw the title of one of the movies and his eyes lit up.

"How about we invest in this?" Qiaogo said, pointing to the movie title on a piece of paper.

Of course, there are also some general plot introductions to the film.

"This is not science fiction." Evie took a look and said.

"That's right, it's not science fiction. In this kind of drama movie, mastering the plot is very crucial." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Of course, I think it also requires a lot of special effects technology."

Brown watched this movie called "Forrest Gump" and felt a little unsure.

"Mr. Gupta, are you sure?" Brown said, "This kind of movie is not as exciting as "Terminator", nor is it as eye-catching as "Jurassic Park" with dinosaurs as its selling point."

"Don't always think about showing off your skills. Special effects are not only applicable to science fiction, war and other genres, but other types are also acceptable." Qiao Ge laughed.

There are already a lot of special effects movies in Hollywood. Unless they are done to the extreme, it will not be surprising to everyone.

Of course, in India, special effects technology is still very backward, so with the addition of special effects, the box office is definitely guaranteed.

In the beautiful country, it is not just special effects that make it popular, but the quality of the plot must also be guaranteed.

A lot of special effects technology was also used in "Forrest Gump" back then, but it was just not as conspicuous as science fiction or war.

After the film was released, it ranked second at the box office that year. It won six Oscars the following year, defeating powerful opponents such as "The Shawshank Redemption" and becoming a sure winner.

Qiao Ge values ​​​​this feature film and also wants to pave the way for Siridea to show her face in Hollywood.

This is considered to be the entry into Hollywood. The first work begins with Wang Fang.

This will be very helpful for other women in the future to enter Hollywood and appear on the international stage.

After finalizing the movie, Evie asked the person in charge of her film company to talk to people over there about investment.

It’s okay to invest on my own side, and I don’t have to worry about the director, but the heroine’s right to choose belongs to this side.

It's very simple, Xili Daiyu wants to be the heroine.

Of course, the scenes will definitely need to be revised and revised. As a woman who invests in a big boss, some scenes still cannot be filmed.

"Forrest Gump" was quickly won, and Evie was willing to invest $6000 million to shoot the movie.

After Xili Daiyu received Qiao Ge's notice, she quickly flew to the beautiful country.

Of course, Xili Daiyu and Evie knew each other. After all, they were both Qiao Ge's women, and everyone knew it.

And they are all lovers from outside. Facing Beni, a distinguished lady, they have a tacit understanding of each other.

It's not that you fight against Penny, it's just that you feel safer together.

On the third day after Desire Daiyu came, Penny also came.

She stayed in Hongkong for more than ten days, which is almost as long as she left her husband to a woman outside.

Her arrival made Evie and Siridea a little nervous.

In the past, when they were in India, they and Maduri and other women had met Beni together, which was equivalent to the concubine paying greetings to the queen.

Now they are the only two here, facing the big woman, feeling uneasy.

Penny is much younger than the two of them, but her identity lies here.

Qiao Ge did not interfere with the meeting of the three women.

He knew that Penny was sensible and would not do anything to the two women.

Moreover, Evie and Xili Daiyu have a completely low-key attitude.

Outside, Evie is a domineering and beautiful CEO, but in front of Beni, all of this disappears.

The same goes for Siridea. She is the queen of the Indian film and television industry and the national goddess. These auras are useless in front of big women.

Penny was still satisfied with the two women's deliberate efforts to please them.

Since they are all so sensible and understand their own identities, she will definitely not embarrass them.

She felt uncomfortable in her heart. Her husband had so many women outside, but she still had to accept them with a smile.

Who can an average woman endure this?

The male elders in my family have many lovers outside.

But those lovers are kept outside and will not meet the eldest lady, so everyone can keep out of sight.

It's just that Qiao Ge's situation is different. She knows that Qiao Ge still has feelings for these women. If she really wants to use the power of the eldest lady to suppress them, Qiao Ge will be unhappy. If you really do this, your family will probably scold you for being ignorant.

So she turned a blind eye to all this. As long as these women kept to themselves, she didn't bother to care.

Of course, she also admitted that the women Qiao Ge found were all extraordinary, not the kind who could only sell a good skin.

After Beni came to the beautiful country, Qiao Ge didn't stay long, and they returned to the country together a few days later.

As for Evie, Qiao Ge asked her to arrange things here and then return home.

Evie originally wanted to stay, but Qiaogo told her that he would leave her responsible for important things after returning home.

Qiao Ge highly recognized her management and business capabilities.

The management of the beautiful country proves Evie's ability.

In addition, Penny also acquiesced, so Evie did not refuse anymore.

As a woman, who wants to stay abroad all the time?

Back home, Hu Di came over excitedly to report.

In just a few months, the sales of trucks manufactured by Bego Motor Company were extremely hot in the country.

Total supply exceeds demand.

The factory is already at full capacity, but unfortunately, the production capacity is here, and it cannot be increased much at once. It is already at its limit.

It uses Da Mao's technology and is very powerful, so all kinds of bad roads are not a problem at all.

I'm afraid of comparison no matter what.

In the past, Tata Motors was the dominant player in the field of trucks.

Compared with some other domestic products, their trucks are the best, and everyone basically chooses Tata trucks.

But now you can tell whether it is good or bad by comparing it with Bego trucks.

Tata Motors trucks are simply incomparable.

Coupled with the fact that Qiaogo can offer further discounts, Tata Motors' recent sales have plummeted due to multiple blows.

Qiaogo has limited production capacity, so some people or companies who are eager to use cars can only choose Tata Motors.

Otherwise, Tata Motors' sales would be even worse.

This puts Tata Motors under tremendous pressure.

But they couldn't find a solution for a while.

Even if there is a need to reform Tata Motors, it will not be completed in a short time.

Even if it is completed, it is still doubtful whether it can compete with Qiao Ge.

In fact, Tata Motors has mainly established relationships with some car companies in Europe and the United States, and has introduced several production lines.

After all, the previous hookup was with Goldman Sachs.

So some standards from Europe and the United States are used.

Compared with Da Mao's products, Da Mao's products are more direct and violent.

As far as India's domestic infrastructure, especially roads, goes without saying, everyone knows whose car is more durable and durable.

In response to this situation, Qiaogo stepped up the expansion and construction of automobile manufacturing plants.

As for the equipment, continue to disassemble and assemble it from Da Mao's house. If Da Mao's family doesn't have it, then it's Ermao's house.

In short, it takes who knows how long it will take for these industries to be established from scratch.

There is such a ready-made thing now, how can it be done?

In terms of shipyards, Qiaogo is actually making progress.

In the same way, the entire machinery and equipment will be relocated here, together with the technical experts and some skilled workers there.

Qiao Ge dare not say that we can directly build advanced ships now, such as ships for transporting natural gas. The technology would be too high.

He definitely can't do it.

However, the technology of building some bulk carriers to transport grain, oil, iron ore, and coal is not that high.

Think about the coal mines, iron mines, etc. and agriculture you will invest in in the future, which will require a large number of ships.

Therefore, a fleet definitely needs to be built, and it is not a big problem to find a shipyard and try to build it yourself.

Speaking of which, shipping is also in a sluggish period right now, and if you buy those ships, the price is still relatively low.

Qiao Ge certainly can't wait until his own shipyard can provide ships, so he needs to buy some second-hand ships now to enrich his fleet.

You can buy these like oil tankers.

I now have my own oil and gas company in Damao, and these can be transported back at low cost.

In addition to these, Qiao Ge also focused on electricity.

Like the automobile manufacturing industry, these are large consumers of electricity.

Relying on government power is simply not enough.

Therefore, these must be specially equipped with power plants to supply power to factories. If there is any excess, it will be sold to the government's power grid.

In terms of power plants, it goes without saying that Qiao Ge has also set his sights on Damao and other countries.

Not only did we bring some equipment from there, we also hired a lot of professionals in this area.

At this time, China's power technology is also very backward, but it has begun to reform.

Qiao Ge cannot make the entire country of India carry out power reform, but he can build his own power system. I can’t say how advanced it will be, but at least it must be stable, so as to ensure the normal operation of his factories, ports and other facilities. (End of chapter)

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